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The sensory channels in the olfactory organs of modern sharks and rays (neoselachians) are lined with fields of non‐sensory cilia. Using evidence from 31 species of neoselachian, this review attempts to identify the fluid – water or mucus – propelled by these cilia. The apparently common structure of the olfactory epithelium in these 31 diverse species implies that the cilia perform the same function and that this function is therefore independent of neoselachian phylogeny, lifestyle, gross nasal anatomy and the principal means by which water is circulated through the single major olfactory channel. On balance, the evidence suggests that the cilia propel mucus. This evidence includes short cilia, the presence (or absence) of water currents in the nasal region, mucociliary interactions, poor ciliary alignment, rare or absent interciliary connections, deep ciliary anchorages and the observation of cilia performing effective strokes. The short cilia are particularly telling. Goblet cells within and on the edge of the sensory epithelium are likely to be the source of any mucus layer. If the cilia of the neoselachian olfactory epithelium do propel mucus, there are three crucial implications. First, given that ciliary function is potentially independent of neoselachian phylogeny, it is possible that cilia in all neoselachians propel mucus. Second, a large part of the neoselachian olfactory organ must be actively involved in protecting the sensory epithelium from damage. Third, flow of water through the sensory channels must be driven by flow of water through the major olfactory channel.  相似文献   

The Amazon River prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum is endemic to tropical South America and is being intensively exploited by artisanal fisheries in Brazil. Limited information is available about the nutritional requirements of M. amazonicum, although the production of this species is now technically feasible. The digestive process in this species is still unclear and investigation into the digestive cells of its hepatopancreatic epithelium is required. Thus, the hepatopancreas from 15 specimens were fixed in Karnovsky Solution and processed for Transmission Electron Microscopy. Our results indicate that E cells are located at the distal portion of the hepatopancreatic tubule and are involved in mitotic activity. The cylindrical R cells are sparse and are only found in the proximal portion of the hepatopancreatic tubule. According to its ultrastructural characteristics, this cell is involved in pinocytosis. M cells are generally found near the R cells. The F cells are scattered throughout the length of the hepatopancreatic tubules, and B cells are observed mainly in the proximal and middle regions. F cells and B cells are likely related to, respectively, the synthesis of enzymes and the intracelular digestion. R‐ and M cells are probably related to material storage. Thus, these findings provide basic information on the cell types that perform protein digestion in M. amazonicum, and will be useful in further nutritional research. The identification and characterization of digestive cells is an important step towards understanding the digestive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Histopathological changes of Cichlidogyrus philander Douëllou, 1993 on the gills of Pseudocrenilabrus philander (Weber, 1897) were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. Observations revealed that C. philander attaches to its host by alternating the prohaptor (for temporary attachment or feeding) or haptor (using haptoral parts for firm and secured attachment). The sharp terminal ends of the anchors are inserted basally into the gill lamella, between two adjacent secondary gill lamellae and the marginal hooklets assist by superficially penetrating, holding and lifting epithelial tissue in the proximal region of the secondary gill lamella. The attachment of C. philander resulted in compression, rupturing of the interlamellar epithelium, change in the organization of epithelial cells in both primary and secondary gill lamella, displacement of the extracellular cartilaginous matrix, occasional rupturing of blood vessels and erythrocytes and some cells becoming ill-defined. At the site of attachment, the host response comprises of hyperplasia, increase in the number of mucous cells and infiltration with neutrophils. It was concluded that the effect of C. philander is mild in natural conditions.  相似文献   

Gill diseases cause serious losses in farming of Atlantic salmon and the number of agents involved increases. Salmon gill poxvirus (SGPV) and the gill disease in causes where SGPV apparently was the only disease‐causing agent were initially characterized. Recently, it was further shown that SGPV can be a common denominator in widely different multifactorial gill diseases. Here, we present the challenge of diagnosing gill disease with SGPV in salmon fry of 0,3–5 grams. Apoptosis of gill lamellar epithelial cells and hemophagocytosis was also observed in fry similar to findings in smolts and grow‐out fish. Using our newly developed immunohistochemistry method, we further demonstrate that some of the apoptotic epithelial cells covering the oral cavity were positive for SGPV. Thus, SGPV is not restricted to respiratory epithelium alone and may infect the fish at very early life stages. Furthermore, as the cases examined here are from Norway, Faroe Island and Scotland, we show that SGPV is more widespread than previously reported.  相似文献   

Rodlet cells (RC) are characterized by a distinctive cell cortex and conspicuous inclusions named “rodlets.” These cells are particularly abundant and large in size in intestine of eels. Histochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural investigations were carried out on European eel Anguilla anguilla and Common carp Cyprinus carpio from Northern Italy. Eight biotinylated lectins were used to probe for specific carbohydrate residues in deparaffinized, hydrated intestinal sections of eel and carp. Five antibodies were tested on intestinal sections of both fish species: inducible nitric oxide synthase (i‐NOS), leu‐enkephalin, lysozyme, serotonin and tumour necrosis factor‐α. Lectin histochemistry revealed rodlet cells (RCs) of the eel intestine to react with two of the eight lectins tested, specifically Concanavalin A (ConA) and Sambucus Nigra Agglutinin (SNA). This contrasted to lectin staining of RCs in the intestine of common carp, where four of the eight lectins showed a positive reaction; Dolichos Biflorus Agglutinin (DBA), Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA), SNA and ConA. RCs in eel and carp intestine were immunoreactive with antibodies to lysozyme and i‐NOS. The occurrence of the inflammatory peptides lysozyme and i‐NOS in RCs of the eel and common carp poses in favour that these cells are involved in the mechanism of defence against pathogens.  相似文献   

獭兔睾丸组织形态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
獭兔是一种典型的经济动物,它既是毛皮动物又可食用,普遍应用于人类生产生活。目前已有研究报道了多种哺乳动物生精周期研究,但很少有关于獭兔的报道。本实验对2只完全性成熟的健康獭兔进行睾丸结构,生精周期相对频率,支持细胞效率研究。獭兔睾丸经石蜡包埋,HE染色以便进行组织形态学观察。不同的生殖细胞组合分析显示30%的曲精小管显示两个或两个以上的生精上皮周期阶段。獭兔生精周期阶段频率(%)分别为:阶段1:(15.5±2);阶段2:(14.0±1);阶段3:(11.5±1);阶段4:(8.5±1);阶段5:(10.5±1);阶段6:(18.5±2);阶段7:(13.0±1);阶段8:(8.5±1)。支持细胞效率(圆形精子:支持细胞=7:1)。本研究结果表明獭兔的生精效率较其他哺乳动物高。  相似文献   

The pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida is the causative agent of furunculosis, a lethal disease in salmonids. The mode of lateral transmission has not been conclusively defined, but A. salmonicida is able to translocate across the intestinal epithelium of salmonids, making the intestinal route a probable candidate. This study investigated some of the virulence mechanisms used by the bacteria to promote translocation. Intestinal segments were placed in modified Ussing chambers to investigate epithelial functions during exposure to bacterial factors. The factors were: extracellular products (ECP), lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or live or heat-inactivated A. salmonicida. Fluorescein isothiocynate (FITC)-labelling enabled detection of translocated bacteria by fluorometry. Live A. salmonicida translocated to a greater degree than heat-inactivated bacteria, suggesting that the bacteria utilize a heat sensitive surface-bound virulence factor which promotes translocation. The epithelium was negatively affected by ECP, manifested as decreased net ion transport, indicating a disturbance in ion channels or cell metabolism. LPS did not affect the epithelium in vitro when administered on the luminal side of the intestinal segment, but significantly increased epithelial translocation of fluorescent bacterial-sized microspheres when administered on the serosal side. This is suggested to be caused by increased transcellular transport, as the paracellular permeability was unaffected indicating maintained epithelial integrity.  相似文献   

Formalin bath treatments of rainbow trout are widely used for control of ectoparasitic infections in fish farms and the effects of this chemical on parasite infections have been studied. In addition, tolerance of the host to various concentrations of formalin are also known. However, effects of formaldehyde on the skin epithelium integrity and mucous cell density still need elucidation. The present study revealed that exposure of rainbow trout fry 2 months post-hatching to various concentrations of formalin affected the mucous cell dynamics of the fish. Limited exposure (50 ppm, 1 h) stimulated mucous cell proliferation as indicated by the slight increase in densities of Alcian blue positive cells in tail fin epidermis. In contrast, high concentrations (200-300 ppm, 1 h) or lengthy exposure (24 h) at lower concentrations caused a decrease in mucous cell density. Scanning electron microscopy revealed effects on the epithelial structure of fish fins. Blebbing of epithelial cell membranes was the first sign of injury. The dilated openings of mucous cells indicated increased release of mucus. Highly irregular organization of the cells followed, with regional differences occurring in different parts of fins. The implications of formalin bathing for susceptibility or resistance of fish to subsequent pathogen exposure are discussed.  相似文献   

作者对海蛰卵巢进行了解剖、组织切片与扫描电镜观察,发现卵巢为褶叠型,一端与胶质膜相连,另一端游离。胶质膜由透明状胶质细胞所构成,外有一层纤毛细胞,靠近胶质膜一侧的卵巢为单层上皮组成的生殖上皮,胶质膜与卵巢生殖上皮间由胶质细丝连接,形成与胃腔相通的生殖腔隙。生殖上皮在生殖季节中变化很大,它首先完成发生卵原细胞的功能,随后局部解体出现透明小区,当卵巢成熟时生殖上皮细胞是区域性弥散,卵子裸露,出现分批排卵现象.海蛰排卵方式是以大量卵子成片分批区域性排放为主,但也存在单个卵子排出的现象。  相似文献   

Amoebic gill disease (AGD) caused by the ectoparasite Paramoeba perurans affects several cultured marine fish species worldwide. In this study, the morphology and ultrastructure of P. perurans in vitro and in vivo was investigated using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM, respectively). Amoebae cultures contained several different morphologies ranging from a distinct rounded cell structure and polymorphic cells with pseudopodia of different lengths and shapes. SEM studies of the gills of AGD‐affected Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., revealed the presence of enlarged swellings in affected gill filaments and fusion of adjacent lamellae. Spherical amoebae appeared to embed within the epithelium, and subsequently leave hemispherical indentations with visible fenestrations in the basolateral surface following their departure. These fenestrated structures corresponded to the presence of pseudopodia which could be seen by TEM to penetrate into the epithelium. The membrane–membrane interface contained an amorphous and slightly fibrous matrix. This suggests the existence of cellular glycocalyces and a role for extracellular products in mediating pathological changes in amoebic gill disease.  相似文献   

以透射电镜与组织学方法研究 4 5日龄皱纹盘鲍 (Haliotisdiscushannai,壳长 2 .3 0~ 2 .4 0mm ,壳宽1.80~ 2 .10mm)的消化道。结果表明 :①食道分为前、中、后 3段 ;中段分为食物通道和食道侧囊 ,食道侧囊的分泌细胞含大量的囊泡和分泌颗粒 ,呈强的蛋白酶和非特异性酯酶活性 ;食道前段、食物通道及食道后段粘膜上皮由纤毛细胞和粘液细胞组成。②嗉囔粘膜上皮只有 1种细胞 ,细胞游离缘具有长达 4 .0 μm的密集微绒毛。③胃粘膜上皮由纤毛细胞和微绒毛细胞组成。④肠和直肠粘膜上皮由 5种细胞组成 ,即纤毛细胞、微绒毛细胞、分泌细胞、颗粒状腺细胞和粘液细胞 ,分泌细胞基部有少量的分泌颗粒。⑤存在于消化道各部位的微绒毛细胞游离缘均具密集的微绒毛 ,游离端质膜呈碱性磷酸酶活性 ;食道和肠的粘液细胞分泌粘多糖 ;食道、胃和肠的纤毛细胞游离缘具纤毛。  相似文献   

Streptococcus agalactiae causes a severe systemic disease in fish, and the routes of entry are still ill‐defined. To address this issue, two groups of 33 red tilapia Oreochromis spp. each of 10 g were orally infected with Sagalactiae (n = 30), and by immersion (n = 30), six individuals were control‐uninfected fish. Three tilapias were killed at each time point from 30 min to 96 h post‐inoculation (pi); controls were killed at 96 h. Samples from most tissues were examined by haematoxylin–eosin (H&E), indirect immunoperoxidase (IPI) and periodic acid‐Schiff; only intestine from fish infected by gavage was evaluated by transmission electron microscopy. The results of both experiments suggest that the main entry site of S. agalactiae in tilapia is the gastrointestinal epithelium; mucus seems to play an important defensive role, and environmental conditions may be an important predisposing factor for the infection.  相似文献   

Similar to mammals, in fish the cellular interactions between Sertoli cells (SC) and germ cells (GC) in the seminiferous epithelium have important structural and functional roles. In this review, we give a brief summary of these interactions, in particular those on the cell junctions. Despite the scarcity of detailed empirical data, it appears that both basic types of adhesive junctions (actin- and intermediate filaments-related) are present between SC. However, the actin-related multifunctional junction known as the “ectoplasmic specialization” is seemingly present only in some cartilaginous fish. Conversely, SC in other fish species are joined by actin-related junctions similar to typical zonulae or puncta adherens found in other epithelia. Adhesive junctions are also found between SC and GC and between GC and GC, and due to their particular characteristics these junctions are known as “desmosome-like junctions”. In terms of intercellular communication, connexins and gap junctions have been shown to occur between SC in fish, and they may be involved in the coordination of the synchronous development of GC within the cysts. It is also possible that gap junctions may form an interconnected network between SC and GC within a cyst. Concerning the SC barrier, tight junctions between fish SC apparently form a functional barrier only in cysts containing haploid GC, and different from mammals, meiotic GC in fish are not shielded from the vascular system. In summary, although still not well investigated, cell–cell interactions in the seminiferous epithelium of fish seem to be crucial for GC development, and their disturbance, for example by changing environmental conditions, will probably affect GC survival and fertility.  相似文献   

海洋生物资源的可持续开发和利用已成为全球海洋生物资源管理的重心。预警原则作为一种新颖的环境资源管理手段,其对海洋生物资源养护的有效性已为一些国际协定和一些国家的国内立法所确认。目前我国海洋生物资源管理实践和相关法规并没有明确采用预警原则。因而,针对我国近海生物资源养护不利的现状,我国有必要增订相关立法,将预警原则规定为我国海洋生物资源管理的基本原则,并根据我国各海域的具体情况,有针对性的适用预警原则,以顺应全球海洋生物资源养护的大趋势。  相似文献   

中肋骨条藻的室内筛选室外培养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨条藻生长繁殖速度快、不容易污染。在室内水泥池中,从自然海水里筛选生产性纯种骨条藻藻液,在室外土池里通过对骨条藻生长繁殖所需要的各项理化因子、生物因子的控制,快速培养骨条藻。该技术简单、生产操作容易,适应于大规模的生产使用。  相似文献   

养虾池底播魁蚶技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对养虾池混养魁蚶的底质选择、播苗密度、苗种规格、池水调近和魁蚶在虾池中越冬等进行了试验研究,270亩混养试验池,平均亩产对虾106.3kg,魁蚶124.1kg,混养比单养平均亩增效益1438.4元,总增效益38.84万元。技术鉴定认为:本研究成果属国内领先水平。  相似文献   

辽宁是重要渔业省份之一,海岸线较长,渔船渔港众多,全省沿海25个县(市、区)拥有渔民20余万人,各类渔船3万多艘。长期以来,因海上生产条件差,环境极其恶劣,渔船比较分散,管理难度越来越大,渔业安全生产形势十分严峻,各类渔船海损事故频繁发生,给渔民造成极大损失,  相似文献   

牛蛙爱德华氏菌病病原菌的鉴定和致病因素的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
从患爱德华氏菌病的牛蛙肌肉、肝、肾、血液和腹水中分离到8株细菌,根据其形态和生理生化特性鉴定为野生型迟钝爱德华氏菌。人工感染实验均为该病的病原菌,毒素检测试验表明,致病因素主要是内毒素而不是外毒素。分离菌株的主要特性为杆状、革兰氏阴性、周生鞭毛、兼性厌氧。接触酶、甲基红试验和硝酸盐还原均为阳性。在三糖铁琼脂上产H2S。氧化酶、丙二酸盐利用、V.P试验、明胶液化、尿素酶。苯丙氨酸脱氨酶为阴性。分解葡萄糖、甘露糖、麦芽糖,产酸产气,不利用甘露醇、蔗糖和阿拉伯糖。  相似文献   

The oogenic cycle and biochemical composition of the ovary of raft-cultured great scallop (Pecten maximus) were studied during the period April 1990–July 1991. The ovary condition index (FGI) and stereological studies showed the existence of two principal spawning periods, winter and late spring-early summer. No sexual resting period was found. Oocyte lysis was high throughout the year. Ovarian lipid levels displayed a clear seasonal pattern linked to the gametogenic cycle. Total lipid (TL, 16–21% dry weight), acylglycerol (AG, 20–65% TL) and free sterol (FS, 2.8–6.4% TL) levels were, generally, higher in the ripe ovary and a decrease coincided with spawning. Protein (59–63% dry weight), glycogen (<3% dry weight) and phospholipid (PL, 26–35% TL) levels showed no clear seasonal trend. The TL and AG were a good index of ovarian sexual maturity. The TL % of dry weight) correlated well with the female gonad condition index (r s = 0.779, p < 0.001), and AG (% f TL) correlated well with the mean oocyte diameter (r s = 0.630, p < 0.01) and the female gonad condition index (r s = 0.443, p < 0.05).  相似文献   

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