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从饲养公猪的日常管理入手,详细介绍了公猪采精所需要的准备工作,人工采精方法、精液品质检测及公猪精液的运输。为现代化公猪场精液采集规范提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

大银鱼Protosalanx hyalocranius Abbott系小型经济鱼,因具有繁殖力强,在水库和湖泊中能自行繁殖,繁殖温度低(2~6℃),富竞争性[1],种群形成快,经济价值高等特点而成为广泛移植的理想鱼.现在我国大部分地区都已移植,移植体主要是人工授精的受精卵.多年来,大银鱼人工授精方法很多,技术上许多关键性问题尚未完全解决.本文对亲鱼死亡时间、精子激活时间、受精时加水量(精子浓度)对受精率的影响及3种人工采精方法的比较进行了研究,以期进一步完善大银鱼人工采卵授精技术.  相似文献   

对虾人工授精有精荚移植和人工体外授精两种途径。本文主要介绍人工获取精荚、精荚移植以及人工体外授精方法、存在问题和国内外的研究现状。  相似文献   

连晋  雷普勋 《科学养鱼》1999,(12):31-32
一、材料与方法1-精液采集选健康成熟雄鱼13尾/次进行采精,采精前擦干鱼体并排除尿液和粪便,分别采精后,将乳白色浓度适中且精子活力旺盛精样混合置于烧杯中密封、枕冰、闭光储存待用。2-人工精浆(保存液)的制备根据虹鳟鱼精液中精浆成分分析结果配制了A、B、C三组人工精浆,备稀释和保存精液之用,具体浓度及成分组成见表1。3-保存方法(1)保存容器:采用底面积为10cm×15cm的塑料保鲜盒,操作前需对其进行洗涤和消毒处理。表1人工精浆成分(mM/L)(pH=8-2)(2)精液的稀释及保存量:以三组人工…  相似文献   

<正> 本研究探讨长期冷冻保存虹鳟鱼精液的可能性。用保存了343天的精液进行授精试验,卵子发眼率接近40%。精细胞内主要阳离子浓度的变化和冷冻解冻过程的关系被作为造成精子受精能力下降的可能因素进行研究。研究发现,在冷冻解冻过程中,精细胞中钠、钙离子增加,钾、镁离子减少。目前,精液长期保存技术为家畜育种工作带来了很多益处。鲑鱼精液保存技术发展也必将促进选育技术的发展。从1960年  相似文献   

董乐  邱文  龚新玲 《水利渔业》2002,22(6):14-14
大银鱼ProtosalanxhyalocraniusAbbott系小型经济鱼 ,因具有繁殖力强 ,在水库和湖泊中能自行繁殖 ,繁殖温度低 (2~ 6℃ ) ,富竞争性[1] ,种群形成快 ,经济价值高等特点而成为广泛移植的理想鱼。现在我国大部分地区都已移植 ,移植体主要是人工授精的受精卵。多年来 ,大银鱼人工授精方法很多 ,技术上许多关键性问题尚未完全解决。本文对亲鱼死亡时间、精子激活时间、受精时加水量 (精子浓度 )对受精率的影响及 3种人工采精方法的比较进行了研究 ,以期进一步完善大银鱼人工采卵授精技术。1 材料和方法1 1 材料…  相似文献   

<正>采用人工授精技术,不仅能使优秀的公驴得到充分利用,而且由于选优淘劣的方法,扩大了优秀公驴的选配,加速了优良驴的品种改良,也降低了种公驴的饲养成本。母驴通过发情鉴定和适时的人工配种,减少了传染病的发生机率,提高了母驴的受精率,随着冷冻精液的推广,等于延长了种公驴的使用年限,母驴与外地优秀公驴的远距离授精也方便得多。1采精前的准备1.1器械的洗涤与消毒人工授精所用的器械在每一次使  相似文献   

<正>偶然发现乌克兰鳞鲤雌雄同体亲鱼2015年4月13日,天津市换新水产良种场在进行鲤鱼苗种生产时,偶然发现一尾鱼龄4年,体长69cm、体重12.75kg的乌克兰鳞鲤雌雄同体亲鱼。注射催产药物12小时后,按常规的人工采精卵进行"干法授精",该乌克兰鳞鲤雌雄同体亲鱼生殖孔中排出大量乳白色精液,约4g成熟的卵子就裹在这些精液中。技术人员立  相似文献   

刘娟娟  舒德斌  郭柏福  高勇 《水产科技情报》2013,40(3):113-115, 121
为研究超低温冻存时间对史氏鲟精子活力的影响,使用史氏鲟冻精与鳇鱼卵子进行了杂交授精试验。结果显示:经超低温冷冻后的精液,与对照组的鲜精(126.7±9.4 s)比较,其寿命显著下降(冻存5 h的为78.7±4.11 s,336 d的为72.0±4.32 s,702 d的为57.3±2.05 s),且授精率和受精卵的孵化率受到显著影响。冻存5 h的精液,其授精率和受精卵孵化率分别为(73.31±15.27)%和(55.68±9.81)%,与鲜精比较差异不显著(P>0.05),而冻存时间为336 d[授精率(59.20±2.39)%,受精卵孵化率(53.08±1.23)%]和702 d[授精率(25.29±8.26)%,受精卵孵化率(21.38±9.91)%]的精液则差异显著。结果表明,超低温冷冻对史氏鲟精子造成了一定程度的损伤,长时间的超低温冻存会显著降低精子的活力,影响授精率和受精卵的孵化率。  相似文献   

正精液冷冻保存(Semen freezing)是利用液氮(-196℃)、干冰(-79℃)或其他冷源,将精液经过适当处理后,保存在超低温下,以达到长期保存精液的目的。1采精及精液品质检查做好采精前的各项准备工作,特别是应尽可能做到精液品质纯净而不受污染,同时要认真熟练进行采精技术操作,力争做到采得的精液质高量多。特别是精子活力要高,密度要大,因为精液品质与冷冻效果密切相关。  相似文献   

The present paper explains the conditions for semen collection in the dog in principal and the technique of semen collection by manual stimulation of the penis in detail. The evaluation of the most important ejaculate parameters is pointed out concerning their dependence of the partially striking variation of the body size of dogs from different breeds. Furthermore some methods of semen preservation and the results of the laboratory examinations are presented. The notes upon artificial insemination contain the time, frequency, interval and technique of semen application. Better conception rates can be obtained by a double than by a single insemination. Using fresh semen an insemination interval of 48 hours has proved favorable whereas with preserved semen the insemination interval should not exceed 24 hours. While freshly ejaculated semen can be applied with good success intravaginally, the intrauterine insemination offers better conditions for conception using liquid or frozen stored semen.  相似文献   

针对大鲵(Andrias davidianus)的性腺发育不同步,为提高受精率,对其精液特性和保存条件进行初步研究。人工辅助采集精液,对精液量、酸碱度、密度、活力等基本特性进行常规测定。分别对保护液、光照、温度等保存条件进行分组研究试验。结果表明:雄性亲鲵的精液量最大可达12 ml/kg,pH值6.7~7.0微酸状态,密度215~1075万/ml,精子活力为0.7~0.9。离体保存条件下,室温暗环境(20LUX)较光环境(400LUX)可延长存活时间0.5h,暗环境低温(0~4℃)较室温(21~22℃)可延长存活时间3d,低温暗环境原精液中添加保护液比对照组精子存活时间延长6~12h。  相似文献   

宋海棠 《水产学报》2006,30(3):367-370
在常规的精荚移植和输精管移植两种中国对虾人工授精方法的基础上,首次建立了精荚切块移植和精液移植两种新的人工授精方法,并对比了4种方法的授精成功率、受精率和幼体的孵化率。4种方法都取得了较好的授精成功率,其中完整精荚移植法最高,为80.8%;输精管移植法最低,为53.3%;其他两种方法依次为:精液移植法为73.9%,精荚切块移植法为66%。对4种人工授精方法的平均受精率进行单因素方差分析,结果表明:4种方法的平均受精率不存在显著差异(P〉0.05),其中完整精荚移植法66.2%,输精管移植法为66.8%,精荚切块移植法65.4%,精液移植法46.8%。4种方法获得的幼体平均孵化率均很高,都在80%以上,单因素方差分析结果表明,4种方法也不存在显著差异(P〉0.05),其中精液移植法最高,为92.7%;精荚切块移植法最低,为84.5%;其他两种方法依次为:输精管移植法为91.3%,完整精荚移植法为88.2%。通过4种人工授精方法,获得了29个半同胞家系,全同胞家系的总量达到了101个,为以后的选择育种工作打下了基础。  相似文献   

赵鑫  黄凯  谢瑞涛  张盛  林岗 《水产养殖》2010,31(1):13-17
对江黄颡鱼人工繁殖和育苗进行了试验。以PG(鲤鱼脑垂体激素)、HCG(绒毛膜促性腺激素)等催产药物进行混合催产,水温24~26℃,效应时间为20~24h,产卵率为90%以上。采用等渗液稀释磨碎的精巢进行人工授精,用塑料网片着卵板粘卵,在孵化池内孵化,平均孵化率为87%。研究结果表明:江黄颡鱼在广西的适宜催产季节为4月中旬至6月底,工厂化育苗的饵料可用丰年虫和适口虾料来解决。  相似文献   

徐革锋  刘洋  谷伟  牟振波 《水产学杂志》2012,25(2):28-30,34
在水和BSS激活剂的激活下,白点鲑(Salvelinus leucomaenis)精子的A、B级快速运动时间分别为34.83±2.15 s和36.70±3.26 s;精子寿命分别为120.26±5.75s和117.45±4.33s,激活比例高于98%,BSS的激活效果更好。在4℃和15℃条件下,白点鲑精子活力、激活比例和精子寿命与保存时间呈负相关性,保存1~2h以内,经保存的精子活力和精液质量较好,不影响人工授精效果。  相似文献   

为筛选出更有效的虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)精液冷冻保存液,在以10% 甲醇和0.3 M葡萄糖作为主要成分的基础上,分别或同时添加0.9 g/L氯化钾和10% 蛋黄形成四种冷冻保存液,用于虹鳟精液冷冻保存试验,分别形成4个处理组:Ⅰ#(不添加氯化钾和蛋黄)、Ⅱ#(添加氯化钾)、Ⅲ#(添加蛋黄)和Ⅳ#(...  相似文献   

Vitrification is a fast freezing method with promising results for penaeids sperm cryopreservation. This study evaluated the efficiency of three cryoprotectant solutions for sperm vitrification and artificial insemination with cryopreserved spermatophores of Litopenaeus vannamei. The cryoprotectant solutions tested were 30% methanol, 2% soy lecithin, and 30% methanol?+?2% soy lecithin. Fully mature females were artificially inseminated with vitrified and fresh spermatophores as a control group. The vitrification method was efficient in maintaining high rates of sperm survival and membrane integrity. Although the egg fertilization was successfully attained by artificial insemination with cryopreserved spermatophores, low hatching rates suggested that possible DNA fragmentation of sperm cells should be further investigated. This is the first report of artificial insemination using vitrified sperm in penaeids.  相似文献   

选取6 ind健康的雄性俄罗斯鲟(Acipenser gueldenstaedti),经人工催产后获得成熟的精子,研究超低温冷冻(-196℃)对俄罗斯鲟精子顶体酶活性及DNA损伤影响。结果显示:俄罗斯鲟鲜精中顶体酶的平均活性为(36.18±2.54)μIU·10-6,经过超低温冷冻后,精子顶体酶活性显著降低,添加抗冻保护液精子中顶体酶活性降至(21.55±0.79)μIU·10-6,未添加抗冻保护液精子中顶体酶活性降至(9.58±1.08)μIU·10-6,且三者间有显著性差异(P0.05)。单细胞凝胶电泳结果表明,俄罗斯鲟鲜精彗星率为(37.33±7.77)%,添加抗冻剂后冻精的彗星率为(63.67±5.13)%,未添加抗冻剂直接冷冻彗星率高达(86.00±3.61)%,三者间有显著差异(P0.05)。用CASP分析软件分析测量彗星拖尾长度(L tail)、彗星尾部DNA的相对含量(Tail DNA)、尾动量(TM)、Olive尾动量(OTM)等各项表征DNA损伤的指标,发现冻精组的各项指标均显著高于鲜精组,未添加抗冻剂直接冷冻组又高于添加抗冻剂组,3组间有显著性差异(P0.05)。本研究结果表明:超低温冷冻能导致精子顶体酶活性下降和DNA损伤,抗冻剂对精子具有保护作用。  相似文献   

With an overarching objective of improving the hatchery production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) all‐female progeny, this study comparatively evaluated the reproductive parameters between normal (genotype XY) and neo‐males (genotype XX). Four normal (XY) and seven neo‐ (XX) males, from the same brood stock, distinguished by their ability to or lack of expressing semen, respectively, were comparatively evaluated. The left testicular lobe was used for histomorphometric analyses, while the right for semen collection and sperm quality analyses. Histomorphometric observations revealed that neo‐male testes are irregularly shaped, and have poorly formed seminiferous ducts, higher proportions of interstitial tissue and lower gonadosomatic index (p < .05). In addition, hypertrophied and cyst forming Sertoli cells were found in these individuals which collectively appear to form a physical barrier, precluding the semen collection by standard stripping techniques and reducing sperm quality. Particularly, semen motility (80.69 ± 2.4% and 57.2 ± 36.5% for XY and XX respectively) and duration of motility (99.31 ± 28.03 s and 66.84 ± 23.83 s for XY and XX respectively) of neo‐males were most compromised (p < .05). Interestingly, the TUNEL assay indicated no signs of apoptotic tissue suggesting that the histological differences may relate to delayed physiological/sexual maturity of neo‐males.  相似文献   

Semen of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), was investigated with respect to its cellular composition, sperm cell density, maturation grade, motility and fertility. Storage conditions were tested, whereby sperm viability was assessed by measurement of the motility after activation and by fertility tests. Testicular semen differed in its composition, i.e. the sperm density and numbers of spermatids, according to the maturity grade of the testis. Two semen types could be distinguished: semen type I was characterized by high sperm densities and low numbers of spermatids and semen type II had lower sperm densities and higher numbers of spermatids. Two semen types did not differ in motility and fertility (when adjusted for differences in sperm density). During storage, the sperm viability was influenced by the sodium concentration of the storage medium, temperature, membrane stabilizers as bovine serum albumen (BSA) or hen egg yolk, antibiotics and oxygen. Semen viability was maintained best when it was diluted at a ratio of 1:5 in storage solution (150 mmol L?1 NaCl, 2.5 mmol L?1 KCl, 1 mmol L?1 CaCl2, 1 mmol L?1 MgSO4, 20 mmol L?1 Tris (pH 8.5) and 0.5% BSA or 0.5% hen egg yolk) and stored at 4 °C. Oxygen gassing and addition of antibiotics (1 mg mL?1 gentamycine sulphate) to the storage solution affected the two semen types in different ways. Antibiotics had no effect on type I semen, but had a positive effect on type II semen. Oxygen gassing had a positive effect on type I semen but a negative effect on type II semen.  相似文献   

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