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巢湖刀鲚食物组成及渔获量变化的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2007年8~9月采集的164尾巢湖刀鲚(Coilia ectenes)的食物组成进行了初步分析,并结合历年巢湖鱼类渔获量统计情况,对其渔获量的变化规律进行了探讨。结果显示:巢湖刀鲚8月份主要摄食枝角类,个数组成比例为(73.28±10.00)%,其次是桡足类占(10.05±6.32)%;9月份刀鲚也以摄食枝角类为主,组成比例(46.18±13.58)%,其次为桡足类占(34.70±11.21)%。同时刀鲚食物中还发现少量微囊藻。刀鲚渔获量由1990年的3728 t上升至2007年的9540 t,平均占总渔获量的比例为(58.05±4.22)%;刀鲚绝大部分个体在80 mm以下,体重在2 g以下,生长年龄为0+和1+,代表巢湖刀鲚的主要群体。结果表明:刀鲚是巢湖鱼类的绝对优势种,但存在低龄化现象。  相似文献   

三峡库区3种银鱼线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因序列多态性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对三峡库区大银鱼(Protosalanx chinensis)、太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)和短吻间银鱼(Hem isalanxbrachyrostralis)共78尾个体的Cyt b基因全序列(1141bp)进行了分析。结果显示,序列有16个变异位点,总变异率为1.4%,其中13个为简约位点。大银鱼的32尾样本有6个单倍型,太湖新银鱼32尾样本有5个单倍型,短吻间银鱼14尾样本中有3个单倍型。大银鱼、太湖新银鱼和短吻间银鱼的单倍型多样性指数(h)分别为0.804±0.032,0.671±0.061,0.385±0.149;核苷酸多样性指数(π)分别为0.00146±0.00009,0.00228±0.00024,0.00067±0.00026。3种银鱼群体的遗传距离在0.12461~0.23796之间,净遗传距离在0.12274~0.24418之间。基于Cyt b基因序列,利用K imura-2模型构建的NJ树表明:大银鱼与太湖新银鱼种群的亲缘关系最近,两者与短吻间银鱼种群的亲缘关系较远。研究结果表明,三峡库区3种银鱼的遗传多样性低。  相似文献   

太湖新银鱼的食物组成及与主要鱼类间关系的初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了定量分析太湖新银鱼和鲚鱼间的食物关系,用个体数量百分比为指标,对太湖5个采样点的110尾太湖新银鱼样本进行了食物组成初步研究。结果表明:在4月份太湖新银鱼的食物中主要是桡足类,占食物总个数的70.11%±10.57%;其次是枝角类,占29.84%±10.62%;轮虫很少,仅占0.05%±0.11%;其中食物中的哲水蚤数量组成比例最高,平均占食物总个数的48.46%±8.58%,其次是剑水蚤和裸腹蚤,分别为18.97%±3.61%和15.63%±2.64%,轮虫和其它水蚤数量很少,共占14.26%±8.33%;在秋、冬季,根据仅能采集到的少数样本,估计桡足类约占食物总个数的80%。;而鲚鱼的主要食物是枝角类,占4月份食物总个数的79.35%±11.42%,占秋、冬季食物总个数的89.77%±13.69%。初步结论认为:太湖新银鱼和鲚鱼的食物组成差别很大;太湖新银鱼的主要食物是桡足类,而鲚鱼的主要食物是枝角类。  相似文献   

太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)是我国特有的银鱼种类,主要分布在长江和淮河中下游及其附属湖泊,近年来其资源量呈明显下降趋势。为了解太湖新银鱼遗传背景,本研究采用线粒体细胞色素b (Cytochrome b, Cyt b)基因序列,分析了江苏省太湖、高邮湖、洪泽湖和骆马湖4个太湖新银鱼野生群体共144尾样本的遗传多样性及遗传结构。结果显示,太湖新银鱼Cyt b基因序列共发现29个变异位点,定义25个单倍型;平均单倍型多样性(Hd)为0.682±0.037,核苷酸多样性(π)为0.00231±0.00021;4个群体中,高邮湖群体的遗传多样性最高(Hd: 0.609±0.078; π: 0.00094± 0.00027),太湖群体的遗传多样性最低(Hd: 0.343±0.107; π: 0.00075±0.00033)。分子方差分析(AMOVA)显示,太湖新银鱼群体间遗传差异(71.53%)大于群体内遗传差异(28.47%),遗传变异主要来自于群体间。遗传分化指数Fst值统计检验表明,骆马湖群体与太湖、高邮湖和洪泽湖群体之间有显著性差异。分子系统树和单倍型网络进化图分析显示,25个单倍型形成2个明显的地理分支,一支由太湖群体、高邮湖群体和洪泽湖群体组成,另一支由骆马湖群体组成。中性检验和错配分布图分析表明,太湖新银鱼历史上发生过群体扩张。整体来看,太湖新银鱼野生种群遗传多样性较低,应加强种质资源保护。建议将太湖、高邮湖群体和洪泽湖群体作为整体进行管理和保护,骆马湖群体单独管理和保护。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区黄鳝体内鳗鲡独孤吸虫的流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年7~8月份,对洞庭湖区6个采样点鳗鲡独孤吸虫(AzygiaAnguillae)对黄鳝(Monopterusalbus)的感染情况进行了调查。结果显示,6个采样点的鳗鲡独孤吸虫对黄鳝的感染存在较大差异。感染率以华容点的最高(51·7%),津市点次之(46·7%),其余4个采样点的感染率都较低(20%以下);感染强度也一样,华容点的最高,为4·7,津市点次之,为3·1,不同采样点的感染强度之间不存在显著性差异(P>0·05)。2002年6月至2003年5月对常德采样点周年取样调查,发现在6、7、9月和翌年1、4、5月黄鳝感染有鳗鲡独孤吸虫,感染率在1·6%~18·4%间波动(以7月份最高),感染强度在1·0~17·0间变化(以4月份最高),其余月份无感染,全年总感染率为3·5%,平均感染强度为5·41。全部阳性宿主的体长频率呈正态分布,以30~35cm体长段的阳性宿主最多,占37·7%。不同地域环境、不同月份之间的感染差异性,与水域环境的稳定程度和作为中间宿主的食饵动物(多种小型鱼类)数量分布的均一性,以及鳗鲡独孤吸虫的生活史及黄鳝的习性等因素相关。  相似文献   

丹江口水库太湖新银鱼不同繁殖群体的繁殖特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年6月—2011年6月,对丹江口水库太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)不同繁殖群体的繁殖生物学特征进行了比较研究。结果表明:太湖新银鱼在该水库产卵时间为1—5月(春群)和9—10月(秋群);其中春季群体的体长(65.79 mm±6.05 mm)、性腺成熟指数(17.26±6.42)、繁殖力(1851粒±342粒)和成熟卵径(0.62 mm±0.05mm)均显著高于秋季群体(体长(55.04 mm±3.18 mm)、性腺成熟指数(11.72±5.01)、繁殖力(1 067粒±190粒)和成熟卵径(0.53 mm±0.04 mm))(P<0.05);但是两个群体的丰满度指数(101.43±19.71,101.87±11.85)差异并不显著(P>0.05)。春群是丹江口水库太湖新银鱼种群的主要补充者,春群管理与控制应是银鱼种群管理的重点。  相似文献   

淤泥湖两种新银鱼的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了淤泥湖两种新银鱼:近太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx pseudotaihuensis)和寡齿新银鱼(Neosalanx oligodontis)的食物组成、食物出现频率、摄食强度及肠长与全长的关系。结果表明,近太湖新银鱼的食物种类共有12属,其全长(L)与肠长(x)的回归方程为:L=0.4708+2.0001x(r=0.9744);寡齿新银鱼的食物种类有7属,其全长与肠长的回归方程为:L=-0.6446+2.6002x(r=0.9227)。桡足类和枝角类是这两种新银鱼的主要食物,浮游植物仅在某些月份摄食,且生物量很小。  相似文献   

初步研究了2004年5~8月汉江鱼类资源调查中采集的银(鱼句)的繁殖生物学.汉江中游的银(鱼句)5月中旬至8月上旬繁殖,成熟亲鱼个体全长6.5~16cm,平均(9.25±2.34)cm,平均体重(9.51±3.28)g;亲鱼97.5%为2~3龄鱼,2.5%为4龄鱼,均无明显的第二性征;左右两性腺等重,绝对怀卵量平均(4 823±1 023)粒,相对怀卵量平均(365±43)粒/g,成熟卵粒径(0.98±0.11)mm;属一次产卵类型.繁殖亲鱼评估数量为15.26万尾,产卵3.68亿粒,有谷城、茨河等7个产卵场;产卵水温17.5~27℃,多处于两个江水上升峰之间的波谷期产卵;卵粒吸水膨胀后具双层卵膜,外膜具微粘性,是漂流性卵系中唯一具双膜的鱼卵;卵外膜直径(3.6±0.42)mm,内膜直径(1.88±0.12)mm;胚胎发育分为4个阶段、50个发育期.  相似文献   

鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)是滤食性鱼类,具有净化水体的作用。从2007年开始,贵阳市每年向红枫湖投放500万鲢、鳙进行水体富营养化的治理。为了分析红枫湖鲢、鳙对饵料资源的利用情况,在2010年10-11月研究了鲢、鳙的摄食强度,在2011年5-6月研究了鲢、鳙的摄食强度、食物组成及比例等方面。结果表明:鲢、鳙的总摄食率分别为98.00%、96.93%;冬季鲢、鳙的饱满指数范围分别为44.13~99.79%、46.12~127.00%,春季鲢、鳙的饱满指数范围为53.27~245.14%、49.94~234.32%,鲢、鳙春季的饱满指数显著高于冬季。在食物组成上,鲢的肠道有36种藻类,鳙的肠道有31种藻类。从个数比例来看,鲢、鳙食物中浮游植物占个数组成比例的99%以上,浮游动物很少;但从重量比例来看,浮游动物在鲢、鳙体内分别占(50.993±2.214)%、(90.799±2.321)%。选择性指数E表明鲢对蓝藻门的浮游植物有较大的选择性。  相似文献   

为了阐明洪湖碘泡虫(Myxobolus honghuensis)在隐性感染异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio, Bloch)不同组织器官中的分布情况, 本研究采集曾发生过喉孢子虫病养殖池塘的 2 龄健康异育银鲫的鳃(丝)、伪鳃、中肾、头肾、 肌肉、脾脏、肝脏、卵巢、血液等 9 个组织器官, 采用荧光定量 PCR 检测分析了不同组织器官的感染率和相对感染强度。结果显示, 所采集的 30 尾异育银鲫都没有明显临床症状, 但鱼体的洪湖碘泡虫感染率为 100%, 均为隐性感染个体; 各组织器官间的感染率存在较大差异, 除肌肉未检出外, 感染率从高到低依次为: 伪鳃(100.0%)、卵巢 (83.3%)、鳃(73.3%)、脾脏(70.0%)、中肾(36.7%)、头肾(23.3%)、肝脏(10.0%)、血液(6.7%)、肌肉(0)。不同组织器官的相对感染强度由高到低依次为: 伪鳃(14.4349±70.0529)、卵巢(0.9556±1.5627)、脾脏(0.3644±0.7854)、鳃 (0.3339±0.2682)、头肾(0.2722±0.3761)、中肾(0.0379±0.1055)、肝脏(0.0019±0.0022)、血液(0.0012±0.0011)。研究表明, 洪湖碘泡虫可系统感染异育银鲫多个组织器官, 其中, 伪鳃感染率和感染强度最高, 可以作为该病早期检测和疫病监测的首选组织器官。  相似文献   

太湖短吻银鱼Neosalanx tangkahkeii taihuensis Chert是太湖中的重要经济鱼类之一。为了探索这一银鱼秋季能否产卵和孵出仔鱼,作者曾于1975年秋季在太湖进行人工授精和孵化实验研究。结果共孵出仔鱼543尾;此外,还固定了各胚胎时期的发育卵465粒。通过孵化材料,联系到亲鱼在生殖时期需要得到保护,因而建议每年10月8日至24日限制或禁止使用银鱼渔具捕捞,使之能够正常产卵,以达到天然鱼类的增殖和合理利用银鱼资源的目的。  相似文献   

The effects of five dietary protein levels (25%, 30%, 35%, 40% and 45%) on the individual spawning frequency and the egg production of 135 tagged female Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), were studied from 8 May to 19 November 1996 in outdoor concrete tanks. Virtually identical spawning patterns were found in all treatments, but there was a great deal of variation in the frequency of spawning and egg production. Overall, individual spawning frequency varied from one to 14 and individual egg production from 31 to 2828 eggs per spawning. The average number of spawnings and average number of eggs per spawning for fish receiving dietary protein levels of 25%, 30%, 35%, 40% and 45% were 8.0 ±1.6, 8.4 ± 2.2, 8.5 ± 2.7, 8.4 ± 2.5 and 9.4 ± 2.1 spawnings, and 1167 ± 305, 1082 ± 410, 1288 ± 324, 1145 ± 389 and 1328 ± 311 eggs per spawning, respectively. Fish receiving 45% dietary protein spawned more frequently than fish receiving 25% dietary protein. The total number of eggs produced per female was significantly higher for females fed 45% protein feed than females receiving 25% and 30% protein feeds. No definite trend was found in the number of eggs produced per spawning and the number of eggs produced per gram in females fed at different protein levels. Based on weekly checking, the time interval between spawnings varied from 7 to 77 days, and mean spawning intervals ranged from 15.8 to 17.1 days. Sixty per cent of females spawned after an interval 14 days, 15% after 21 days, 13.6% after 7 days, 7.2% after 28 days, 1.8% after 35 days and 1.0% after 42 days, and the time interval was 49-77 days for the rest of the females (1.5%). In all treatments, maximum spawning activity was recorded from May to August, and thereafter, it gradually decreased and no spawning females were found in November.  相似文献   

太湖主要鱼类食物组成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘恩生 《水产学报》2008,32(3):395-401
根据2004年9-12月和2005年4月的调查,研究了太湖8种鱼的食物组成.结果表明:优势种鲚主要摄食枝角类、占食物个数比例89.77%±13.69%;太湖新银鱼主要摄食桡足类、占个数比例70.11%±10.57%;鲢、鳙主要摄食微囊藻、占食物体积比例90%以上;鲤食物中水生植物约占体积比例70%;鲫主要摄食微囊藻、占体积比例93.99%±3.34%;翘嘴红鲌、蒙古红鲌主要摄食鲚和小型鱼类.分析认为,随着太湖富营养化程度不断加重,以蓝藻为主的浮游植物食性鱼产力在快速增加,但实际渔获量以浮游动物食性鱼类为主.如2003年浮游植物食性鱼产力为10234t、占总鱼产力37.0%.而2004年实际渔获量中浮游动物食性鱼类占80%-90%,浮游植物食性鱼类渔获量仅3637.7t、占10.9%.因此,太湖现有鱼类群落组成和实际饵料构成是不吻合的.不仅如此,浮游动物食性鱼类数量的快速增加对浮游动物形成了巨大牧食压力,这更利于藻类繁殖.太湖鲫几乎完全以微囊藻为食物,可能对蓝藻暴发有抑制作用,应重新评价其对环境的影响.  相似文献   

Infection patterns of the invasive Anguillicola crassus nematode were investigated in a population of the European eel Anguilla anguilla where parasite invasion is very recent, Loch Lomond, Scotland. Intensity levels of the parasite were associated with differences in fish ontogeny and trophic ecology. Although eels foraged on both fish and invertebrates, individuals which were smaller and fed on invertebrates (>70% contribution to diet) were found to contain a greater number of swim bladder parasites compared to larger eel with a predominance of fish (>60% contribution) in their diet. Within affected fish, a significant negative relationship was found between fish length and parasite intensity, with smaller individuals having higher parasite intensity than larger individuals. This study indicates that food intake and infection risk are linked in this recently infected host–parasite system. From a management perspective increasing our understanding of how infection intensity and repeated exposure is linked to resource use in an ecosystem is important for the future management of this endangered species in Europe.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), (initial weight ~ 90 g) were fed diets differing in fat content (27.5% versus 12.6%) to examine the effects of dietary fat level on growth and fat deposition. During phase 1, which was run for 11 weeks, the fish were fed either a high- (27.5%) or low-fat (12.6%) diet. The fish were held at 14.5 °C under a 24 h:0 h light:dark photoperiod and were fed for 4 h each day during this phase. Subsequently, in phase 2, both diets were presented simultaneously, and the influence of adiposity on growth and fat deposition was examined in a growth trial which lasted for 8 months. There were no significant differences in body weights at the end of phase 1 (360.7 ± 7.7 g versus 348.2 ± 18.7 g for the fish on the high- and low-fat diets, respectively), but body composition was influenced by the fat content of the diet. The trout fed the high-fat diet had higher viscerosomatic indices (VSI: 11.7 ± 2.0% versus 9.1 ± 0.7%) and higher visceral fat contents (per cent fat: 38.0 ± 6.7% versus 23.3 ± 3.7%) than trout fed the low-fat diet. The percentage fat contents of the carcass (per cent fat: 12.4 ± 1.0% versus 9.3 ± 0.7%) and whole body (per cent fat: 15.4 ± 1.6% versus 10.5 ± 0.7%) were higher amongst the trout fed the high-fat diet, and these fish had a higher energy gain than those fish fed the low-fat diet. Differences in adiposity between the trout fed the high- and low-fat diets did not result in any differences in weight gain when the fish were provided with both diets simultaneously. During phase 2, the fish that had previously been fed the low-fat diet deposited more fat than those fed the high-fat diet during phase 1. The latter maintained whole body fat concentrations at ± 15% (phase 1: 15.4 ± 1.6%; phase 2: 15.2 ± 1.2%), whereas the fish that had been fed the low-fat diet increased their body fat concentration during phase 2 (phase 1: 10.5 ± 0.7%; phase 2: 14.7 ± 1.3%). Thus, there were no significant differences between groups in either body weight or proximate composition by the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract. European grayling, Thymallus thymallus L., larvae, after hatching, were fed solely on a dry food diet and compared to those fed live zooplankton. After 28 days of rearing at temperatures ranging from 15·0°C to 18·3°C (mean, 16·4°C) fish fed the dry diet reached 0·21 g individual wet weight and 31mm in total length; those fed zooplankton reached 0·13g and 27·5 mm respectively. The survival rate of fish fed the dry diet was higher (56·6%) than that of fish fed the live food (40·7%). Results are discussed in the light of the development of the alimentary tract in the early ontogeny of grayling.  相似文献   

太湖湖鲚渔获量及年龄结构变化与环境间的相互关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘恩生  鲍传和  万全 《水产学报》2008,32(2):229-235
在太湖,随着鱼类总渔获量的不断增加和鱼类种类的不断减少,湖鲚(Coilia ectenestaihuensis Yen et Lin),一种小型浮游动物食性鱼类已成为绝对优势种.根据1952-2004年的统计数据和2003-2005年对湖鲚年龄结构和食物组成的调查,研究了湖鲚快速增加的原因以及与环境间的相互关系.结果如下:(1)在1952到2004年期间,湖鲚渔获量从1952年的640.5 t、占总渔获量的15.8%上升到2004年的21 221 t、占63.8%.尤其是1994年后湖鲚渔获量以每年1280.5 t的速度增加;(2)湖鲚种群年龄结构低龄个体呈现不断增加趋势.1979和1980年0 个体仅占33%和34%,而2003和2004年0 个体分别上升到99.04%和99.08%;(3)0 湖鲚主要摄食浮游动物.按照个数组成比例计算,枝角类平均占89.77%±13.69%、桡足类占7.84%±11.53%、轮虫仅占2.39%±4.95%.分析认为:江湖阻隔、过度捕捞、富营养化不断加重等人类活动以及太湖特有的鱼类生态学特点是导致湖鲚渔获量不断增加、年龄结构发生变化的根本原因.随着湖鲚数量的快速增加,在湖鲚生长期间太湖浮游动物现存量呈现相应下降趋势,这可能使太湖浮游植物更易暴发.  相似文献   

渔业增殖工作包括重点保护增殖底栖杂食性鱼类,合理控制利用凶猛鱼类,移植引进鱼类新品种以及投放大规格鲢、鳙鱼种等综合措施.总渔获量由1985年的250吨,增至1990年的881吨.底栖杂食性鱼类由占渔获物总量的29.1%上升为46.1%,肉食性凶猛鱼类由62.5%降至34.8%。移植入库的太湖新银鱼已能在库中自行繁衍。  相似文献   


A new demand for live black sea bass, Centropristis striata L., is emerging in the fish markets of the northeast United States and Canada. Aquaculturists need to know suitable commercial diets and feeding rates for growing black sea bass to increase profitability. In these experiments, four commercial diets and three feeding rates were compared for juvenile black sea bass (0.8-1.3 g). The diet experiment compared growth rates for fish fed four commercial diets, Rangen Trout and Salmon Starter (R), Nelson and Son's Silver Cup Trout Crumbles (SCT), Nelson and Son's Silver Cup Salmon Crumbles (SCS), and Zeigler Salmon Starter (Z). The feeding rate experiment compared growth rates for fish fed Zeigler Salmon Starter, at 2.5%, 5.0%, and 7.5% levels (dry weight of food/wet weight of fish). At the end of the diet experiment (18 weeks), Tukey's studentized range test (? = 0.05) showed that fish fed diet Z (14.5±0.92 g) were significantly larger than fish fed diet R (11.4±0.93 g). Diets Z and R both produced significantly larger fish than diets SCS (7.3±0.85 g) and SCT (4.5±0.29 g). At the end of the feeding rate experiment (10 weeks), Duncan's multiple range test (? = 0.05) showed that fish fed a 7.5% (4.61±0.24 g) rate and a 5.0% (4.49±0.24 g) rate were not significantly different in weight. Both of these treatments produced significantly larger fish than a feeding rate of 2.5% (3.59+0.21 g).  相似文献   

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