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为探讨总溶解气体(total dissolved gas,TDG)过饱和对达氏鲟(Acipenser dabryanus)耐受性的影响,选取达氏鲟幼鱼为研究对象,开展不同浓度的TDG过饱和水体急性暴露室内实验。结果表明:达氏鲟受TDG过饱和水体胁迫后,生理异常现象和气泡病症状较明显,表现出对TDG过饱和水体的低耐受性。在饱和度为125%、130%、135%和140%的TDG过饱和水体浓度下半致死时间分别为4.4、2.54、2.36和2.23 h,达氏鲟死亡率随暴露时间和TDG饱和度的增加而增加。  相似文献   

高坝泄洪后产生的总溶解气体(Total dissolved gas,TDG)过饱和含沙水体威胁着下游河道鱼类的生存。以鲤(Cyprinus carpio)幼鱼为实验对象,中值粒径为7μm的泥沙为实验用沙,开展不同规格鲤幼鱼受TDG过饱和含沙水体胁迫的耐受性实验。结果表明,实验开始后不久,鲤幼鱼出现较明显的异常行为和气泡病症状;在无沙和含沙量为1 500 mg/L的TDG过饱和(饱和度为125%、130%、135%)水体中,无沙水体第一批实验鱼[体长(6.40±0.10) cm、体重(5.80±0.20) g]的中位生存时间为14.3 h、10.3 h、9.1 h,含沙水体(1 500 mg/L)第一批实验鱼的中位生存时间为13.0 h、9.8 h、7.1 h,两者无显著性差异(P0.05);含沙量为1 500 mg/L的TDG过饱和(饱和度为125%、130%、135%)水体中,第二批小规格实验鱼[体长(5.80±0.25) cm、体重(2.00±0.31) g]的中位生存时间为12.6 h、10.2 h、7.4 h,第三批大规格实验鱼[体长(8.50±0.57) cm、体重(9.50±0.48) g]中位生存时间为11.2 h、8.6 h、4.5 h,两者也无显著差异(P0.05),不同规格实验鱼对TDG过饱和含沙水体的耐受性无明显差异(P0.05)。即使含沙量达到1 500 mg/L,泥沙单独作用并未造成实验鱼异常或死亡,但高饱和度(135%)的过饱和TDG与泥沙共同作用对实验鱼影响较大,降低了实验鱼的中位生存时间(最小值为4.5 h)。  相似文献   

为研究不同总溶解气体(简称TDG)饱和度对鱼类早期发育的影响,以鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)为研究对象,对其受精卵与早期仔鱼进行不同TDG饱和度下的暴露试验。结果显示:不同TDG过饱和的情况会导致鲢受精卵在同一温度下的出膜时间、出膜率以及孵化率发生不同程度的改变。其中110%过饱和水中的受精卵出膜所需时间最短,(21±0.5)℃水温下达到出膜高峰期所需时间约为38.5 h,比对照组所需时间提早约3 h,且110%组出膜率(92.3%)与对照组(88.7%)比较有显著升高。胚后孵化表明,110%试验组孵化率显著低于其他组。进一步对日龄为15、25、35、45、120 d的鲢仔幼鱼在不同TDG饱和度水体中的耐受性进行观察,结果发现日龄越小的幼苗,对过饱和水的耐受性相对更高,15 d的幼苗死亡率仅为0.9%~2.5%,而日龄120 d的幼鱼死亡率高达86%~100%。而同一批幼苗对不同的过饱和水体的耐受性基本是随着饱和度升高,其耐受性随之下降。  相似文献   

正长薄鳅属鳅科、薄鳅属,是最大鳅科鱼类,分布于长江中上游及其支流,由于环境的变化,其野生种群的数量日益减少,在《中国物种红色名录》和《中国濒危动物红皮书鱼类》中均被列为保护物种。近年来,长薄鳅已经受到了越来越多的关注,围绕长薄鳅的驯养繁殖、病害、生理及遗传多样性等方面的研究也都相继展开,为长薄鳅的保护和开发奠定了基础。四川省农业科学院水产研究所一直从事于长薄鳅的保护和开发工作,在长薄鳅人工繁殖和驯养方面取得了一定  相似文献   

为解析总溶解气体(TDG)过饱和导致鱼类发病的机理,本研究以长江上游特有土著鱼类中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)为实验对象,通过将其暴露在4个不同浓度TDG过饱和水中,测定其酸碱度(pH)、二氧化碳分压(pCO_2)、碳酸氢根(HCO~-_3)、总二氧化碳(TCO_2)、葡萄糖(Glu)、红细胞压积(Hct)、血红蛋白(Hb)、钠离子(Na~+)和氯离子(Cl~-)等9个血液生理指标,分析其变动规律及变动原因。结果显示:(1)不同浓度TDG过饱和胁迫各组之间,实验鱼耐受时间、外观特征存在较大差异,各组实验鱼分别暴露15、10、4.25、5 h后,身体失去平衡和自主游泳能力,高浓度组(G3、G4)较低浓度组(G1、G2)实验鱼体表更容易出现典型气泡病特征;(2)TDG过饱和胁迫各组鱼类血液pH较对照组均显著降低,pCO_2、HCO~-_3、TCO_2、Glu、K~+较对照组均显著升高,Hct、Hb、Na~+、Cl~-较对照组差异不显著;(3)TDG过饱和胁迫各组之间鱼类的血液pH、pCO_2、HCO~-_3、TCO_2、Glu、Hct、Hb、Na~+和Cl~-等9个指标均差异不显著。结果提示,TDG过饱和胁迫导致中华倒刺鲃发生应激反应,在适应环境变化过程中,血液酸碱平衡失调,机体发生酸中毒。  相似文献   

大坝泄洪可携带大量空气进入水中,导致下游河道出现溶解气体过饱和,给水生生物特别是鱼类的生存造成威胁。通过自行设计的室内试验装置,研究了影响溶解气体过饱和度的因素及不同鱼类对气体溶解过饱和的敏感性。鱼类暴露在溶解气体过饱和环境中易出现突眼、充血和气泡等气泡病症状。鲢、鳙和鳊在溶解气体含量高的水体中容易患气泡病,草鱼和鲫稍次,基本可以忽略溶解气体过饱和对黄颡鱼和鲶的影响。  相似文献   

通过气体过饱和发生装置来模拟高坝泄洪时产生的气体过饱和水体,设置气体饱和度分别为100%、110%、120%、130%、140%的水体,探明其对草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)和鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)不同早期发育时期(受精卵、仔鱼、幼鱼)的影响,揭示了实验鱼在气体过饱和水中暴露时间和死亡率变化的关系,并计算了幼鱼在不同过饱和度的半致死时间。结果显示:各气体饱和度水体对实验鱼受精卵的发育和孵化均无显著影响;气体过饱和会导致实验仔鱼腹部肿胀充气,幼鱼各个组织均产生气泡;实验幼鱼对气体过饱和的耐受力低于仔鱼;气体饱和度越高对实验鱼的致死效应越强;草鱼仔幼鱼对气体过饱和的耐受力低于鲢。  相似文献   

紫薄鳅的人工繁殖初步试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>紫薄鳅Leptobotia taeniaps(Sauvage)属鲤形目鳅科沙鳅亚科薄鳅属。分布于长江中、上游及其附属水体,属底栖性鱼类,喜生活在流水环境中,食物为底栖无脊椎动物。  相似文献   

为了深入揭示城市水体中氨氮胁迫对鱼类生存和栖息地的影响,有必要针对特定鱼类对氨氮胁迫的行为响应进行探究。为此,本文选择对氨氮非常敏感的重要经济鱼类鲢鱼作为目标物种,通过氨氮急性毒性预实验确定氨氮浓度范围,并设计了“静水多室”实验装置, 开展了鲢幼鱼对氨氮胁迫的行为响应实验。结果表明,在本文实验条件(水温25±1℃,pH值7.9±0.1,溶解氧>5.0mg/L)下,鲢幼鱼((体长5±1cm))对氨氮的96小时半致死浓度为19.3mg/L。鲢幼鱼行为响应实验中,氨氮浓度为0.0 mg/L 、0.5mg/L、1.0mg/L、5.0mg/L、10.0mg/L、20.0mg/L单元中的鲢幼鱼平均分布率分别为44.4%,13.9%、4.9%、13.2%、13.2%和10.4%,相应的鲢幼鱼平均回避率分别为-58.0%、-48.1%、68.9%、20.8、33.3%和37.5%。鲢幼鱼对氨氮胁迫的回避阈值小于1.0mg/L(相对应的非离子氨浓度小于0.05mg/L)。当氨氮浓度超过1.0mg/L后,鲢幼鱼回避率呈现先下降再上升的变化趋势。本研究表明,鲢幼鱼能够探测到水体中的氨氮产生回避行为响应,其表现类型为“低浓度吸引、高浓度回避”。回避阈值远远小于与文献中报道的致死浓度,因此可以有效的保护鲢幼鱼免受氨氮毒性侵害。此外,氨氮浓度过高会导致鲢幼鱼的应激反应能力降低。本文研究结果可为进一步探讨氨氮胁迫对鲢幼鱼生存活动的影响提供依据。  相似文献   

分别于2007年4-5月和2008年4-5月对雅砻江下游鱼类资源现状进行了调查,共设置采样点9个,采集鱼类54种,另收集鱼类21种,共隶属于7目19科。调查结果表明,雅砻江下游水域生态环境的变化导致鱼类物种组成、种群结构发生了变化,珍稀鱼类数量急剧减少。与历史资料相比,鱼类种类数量从98种下降到75种。另外,渔获物分析结果表明,雅砻江下游鱼类资源呈现低龄化、小型化的趋势。雅砻江下游珍稀保护鱼类长薄鳅、细鳞裂腹鱼、鲈鲤和四川华吸鳅在调查区域内的分布范围有显著差异。  相似文献   

Total dissolved gas (TDG) supersaturation generated in the river may result in gas bubble disease to Chinese sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus Bleeker) and cause their mortality. To assess the effects of TDG supersaturation on Chinese suckers in laboratory, juvenile fish were exposed to different levels of TDG supersaturated water. All of the fish died when the TDG saturation reached and exceeded 125%, but none died at TDG of 120% saturation in 96 h. To evaluate the effects of intermittent exposure of TDG supersaturation, Chinese suckers were exposed to TDG of 130% for a specific duration and then provided a recovery period at 100% saturation. The results showed that some remission is possible for intermittent exposure. Because of the characteristics of natural rivers, experiments exploring the TDG supersaturation detection and avoidance abilities of Chinese suckers were conducted and demonstrated the fish can avoid TDG supersaturation in both the horizontal and vertical directions when higher TDG levels were available. The results indicate the tolerance threshold of juvenile Chinese suckers is a TDG level of 120% saturation.  相似文献   

Flood discharge containing excessive suspended sediments (SS) can result in total dissolved gas (TDG) supersaturation downstream of dams. It has been confirmed that high TDG levels and excessive SS cause serious threats to fish survival. To explore the effects of TDG supersaturation on the hatchability of Chinese sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus Bleeker) eggs, eggs were exposed to 100%, 125%, 130% and 135% TDG supersaturated water. The results showed that the hatching rates were 78.25%, 75.35%, 71.30% and 67.50% at the 100%, 125%, 130% and 135% TDG respectively. The hatching rate decreased with increasing TDG levels. Furthermore, acute lethality experiments were carried out to investigate the interaction of TDG supersaturation and SS on Chinese sucker. Half‐year‐old juveniles were exposed to TDG supersaturated water with SS concentrations of 0, 200, 600 and 1,000 mg/L, and the TDG levels were 125%, 130%, 135% and 140% respectively. The fish exhibited abnormal behaviours and signs of gas bubble disease. Mortality increased with increasing TDG levels and SS concentrations. The Chinese suckers only survived for 2.5 hr at 140% TDG and 1,000 mg/L SS. Moreover, an increase in SS in TDG supersaturated water could cause a decrease in the median lethal time (LT50). When the TDG level reached 140%, the LT50 declines significantly at 600 and 1,000 mg/L SS. The interaction of TDG supersaturation and SS was significant at LT50 (F = 22.81, df = 9, p < 0.001). The results indicate that the combined effect of TDG and SS could be great on Chinese sucker.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of oxygen supplementation and nitrogen supersaturation on the fecundity and performance of Lewis Lake strain lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, brood stock. Performance of brood fish held in water supersaturated with oxygen was compared to that of controls raised at or below 100% saturation for 334 days. Incoming water averaged 78.4% saturation in the morning; the addition of oxygen increased saturation to 104.6%. As a result, average morning nitrogen saturation was reduced from 105.7% to 100.9%. In oxygen-supplemented water, peak daily oxygen saturation averged 129.0% in the afternoon. At this saturation level, average nitrogen gas was reduced to 98.4% saturation. Total gas pressure never exceeded 109.1% with oxygen supplementation; however, nitrogen supersaturation reached 110% in raceways with no oxygen supplementation. Weight gain, feed conversion, egg survival, egg size, and number of eggs per female were not affected by increasing oxygen saturation.  相似文献   

Abstract. An Aquatector oxygen injection unit was used to supersaturate a hatchery water supply to 200% oxygen saturation (18–20mg/l) and increase the total gas pressure to 120% of saturation. Nitrogen saturation was reduced to near 100%. Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), held in the treated water developed signs of gas bubble disease in 4 days, and 50% died within 20 days. We demonstrated that supersaturated total gas pressure due to excessive oxygen saturation causes gas bubble disease in the absence of supersaturated nitrogen gas. It is recommended that users of oxygen injection systems closely adjust the amount of oxygen added to the water to keep the total gas pressure near saturation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two studies were conducted to determine the effects of rearing Snake River cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarki Richardson, and Eagle Lake rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Richardson, in oxygen supersaturated water. The performance of cutthroat trout held at oxygen saturation as high as 172% was compared with that of control fish held in water at or below saturation. At an oxygen saturation level of 172%, total gas pressure reached 117% in late afternoon, and nitrogen saturation was reduced to 93%. The rainbow trout were held at a maximum of 150% oxygen saturation; total gas pressure did not exceed 112% in late afternoon and nitrogen saturation was reduced to 99%. Fish growth, fin quality and feed conversions were not significantly affected in either species. At the termination of the study gas bubble disease was observed in 94% of the cutthroat trout held in oxygen supersaturated water. Gas bubble disease was not observed in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Embryonic stages of development within the salmonid egg are more resistant to the effects of atmospheric gas supersaturation, compared with later stages following hatching. We show that the hydrostatic pressure maintained under the capsule (zona radiata) of the egg is sufficient to compensate for a substantial portion of the excess total gas pressure to which the egg may be exposed in supersaturated water. That is, total gas pressure thresholds for gas bubble trauma are raised above those applying to later developmental stages, following hatching, as a result of normal infracapsular pressure.  相似文献   

高坝导致的河流气体过饱和及其对鱼类的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高坝泄洪是导致水中气体过饱和的主要因素,不仅能致鱼类气泡病,而且会给水生生物带来严重的危害。本文主要就气体过饱和及气泡病做了具体描述,首先叙述了气体过饱和的研究概况、导致气体过饱和的原因和水温、压强等影响气体过饱和的因素,具体分析了鱼类不同生活阶段、液静压、温度、间歇性的暴露、探知和躲避能力导致其对气体过饱和忍耐大小的状况,并对气泡病的内部损伤如血液中形成的气栓、外部症状如身体各个部位形成的气泡做了具体的描述。  相似文献   

Gas bubble disease and improper inflation of swim bladders in larval striped bass Morone saxatilis have been recently related in laboratory studies to very low levels of gas supersaturation. In other species, kills resulting from gas supersaturation have been reported in natural waters as large as Galveston Bay. We monitored warmwater ponds during spring to determine the extent of naturally occurring gas supersaturation and compared these levels with levels of gas saturation in ponds equipped with airlift pumps. Total gas pressure averaged 110% in the morning at the surface of non-aerated ponds and in the afternoon in ponds with airlift pumps. At other times of the day total gas pressure averaged 106–107% at the surface and bottom, morning and afternoon, in both aerated and non-aerated ponds. No evidence of gas bubble disease was found in 15-day-old striped bass fry cultured for 42 days in either aerated or non-aerated ponds.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, reared in water containing oxygen at 180% or 94% of saturation for 125 days showed no difference in growth or feed conversion. Hematocrits were nominally reduced in fish held in the supersaturated oxygen environment, but increased within 35 days of returning the fish to water at 94% oxygen saturation. Mortality was not affected. Hemoglobin levels did not differ statistically between treatments by the end of the trial. Cutthroat trout, O. clarki, reared in 183%, 127% or 97% oxygen-supersaturated water for 91 days also showed no differences in growth or feed conversion. Hematocrits decreased nominally as dissolved oxygen was increased. There were no differences in mortality during handling or distribution stress tests. Results of these trials indicated that long-term culture in water saturated up to 183% oxygen has no adverse effect on growth or survival of these two species.  相似文献   

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