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大范围、高频率爆发的赤潮已对海洋环境构成了严重威胁,而且有毒、有害的赤潮原因种也在不断增加,寻求科学有效的、对环境无害的赤潮防治措施成为目前迫切需要解决的重大问题。生物防治是赤潮治理的的发展趋势,目前研究的热点是通过赤潮微藻同大型海藻之间的相互作用来处理这类问题。大型海藻能与微藻进行营养盐和光照竞争,抑制微藻的爆发性生长,当光照和营养盐充足时大型海藻能够向环境中释放相生相克类化合物,对赤潮微藻具有明显的生化抑制效应。本文综述了近些年来大型海藻对赤潮微藻之间相互作用的研究。  相似文献   

大型海藻在近海水域中的生态修复作用及其发展策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了我国近海水域环境富营养化和赤潮频发的严峻形势,提出了要强化大规模海藻栽培对海洋富营养化进行生态修复,并建议加强海藻生物质产品开发和综合利用,以促进海藻生态修复产业链良性循环发展,保障我国海洋环境与渔业经济可持续性发展。  相似文献   

大型海藻生境的生态功能及其在海洋牧场应用中的探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
大型海藻是近岸海洋生态系统生态过程的重要驱动者之一,由大型海藻所形成的海藻场栖息地在维持海洋生物摄食、生长和繁殖等生命活动中扮演着极为重要的角色。然而,近年来受环境变化和人类活动等因素的影响,全球范围内许多沿海国家都出现了海藻场快速退化的现象,且对以海藻场为关键栖息地的海洋生物造成了不可忽略的影响,这一状况在我国尤为严重。为保障海洋生物资源可持续利用,海藻场修复已成为我国近岸海域生态环境保护的重要工作之一。但由于对海藻及其构造生境的生态功能认识不足,有关海藻场修复的目标定位、实现路径等存在较大的盲目性。本文从海藻场修复的角度出发,先分别对海藻及其构造生境的生态功能进行了阐述,而后对海藻养殖区是否可替代天然藻场被纳入到海洋牧场的建设中以及海藻生境生态功能的量化测定提出了几点思考,以期为今后海藻场修复工作合理、高效地开展和海藻养殖产业的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

我国赤潮频发现象分析与海藻栽培生物修复作用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
徐姗楠 《水产学报》2006,30(4):554-561
In this paper, the history, main events and present status of red tide (HAB, harmful algal blooms) along China coast in recent years were reviewed and presented. It showed that the HAB's frequency and scale, number of HAB spec ies, percentage of toxic HAB events and the degree of damages to marine environment and economy have sharply increased in China since 1960's. Eutrophication was key factor for high occurrence of red tide. In this paper, main causes of frequent HAB occurrence along China coast was discussed. Many factors might influence the occurrence of red tide, which included weather, climate, coastal current, tidal current, water temperature, salinity, hydrodynamic and nutrient conditions, trace metals and the variation of biological environment. Numerous evidences from all over the world revealed the linkage between the increases in nutrient loading and the occurrences of high biomass blooms. Eutrophication was one of the important causes that involved in high occurrence of HAB. The main sources of nutrients potentially stimulating HABs included terrestrial runoff, aquaculture selfpollution, atmospheric deposition, sea projects and other pollution events in the ocean. Studies showed that the input from land contaminations and the selfpollution of marine aquaculture accelerated eutrophication in coastal waters and were also important impact factors on red tide. Researches suggested that nutrient composition could affect the species composition of phytoplankton as well as the development of some HABs. The changes in nutrient supply ratios, primarily N∶P, often resulted in shifts in red tide species composition. The correlation between cysts and formation of HAB was discussed from the viewpoi nt of transformation of cyst and vegetative cell, the effects of trace elements and other organic substances on the occurrence of HAB were presented also. It indicated that the nutrient control could be an effective way to reduce the risk of red tide occurrence. Seaweed would play an important role for decreasing marine eutrophication. Among the different methods of red tide controlling studied, seaweed biomass has received much attention due to the cost saving, low sensitivity to environmental and impurity factors, the possible contaminant recovery from the biomaterial and its elevated adsorption capacity. Cultivated seaweeds have very high rates of productivity higher than that of seaweed in its natural habits and grow well in water bodies with higher nitrogen and other nutrients. Seaweeds are able to absorb large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon dioxide, produce large quanti ties of oxygen, and have excellent effect on decreasing eutrophication. Large amounts of C, N and P are accumulated into seaweed tissues as they accumulate considerable biomass over a period of months or years depending on the cultivation season. When seaweeds are harvested, nutrients are removed from the sea area. An investigation was carried out for inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus concentration at Lusi Coast, Qidong County, Jiangsu Province in China, where there were about 270 hm2 for Porphyra yezoensis cultivation with eutrophic sea water in recent years. While during Porphyra yezoensis cultivation, from Sep 2003 to May 2004, the concentration of ammonium nitrogen declined form 0.511-0.778 mg·L-1 to 0.006-0.057 mg·L-1, nitrite nitrogen concentration declined from 0.010-0.040 mg·L-1 to 0.001-0.009 mg·L-1, and nitrate nitrogen concentration declined from 0.466-0.549 mg·L-1 to 0.286-0.0568 mg·L-1, the average concentration of inorganic phosphorus declined from 0.024 mg·L-1 to 0.019 mg·L-1. Furthermore, during five hours, the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the seawater declined form 220.88 μmol·L-1 to 8.59 μmol·L-1 by cultivated Gracilaria lemanaiformis, and the concentration of ammonium nitrogen declined form 213.84 μmol·L-1 to zero by cultivated Enteromorpha clathrata. Other bioremediation mechanisms of seaweed inhibiting the red tide microalgae such as nutrients competition and allelopathic effects were also discussed.  相似文献   

本文介绍了日本对大型海藻发酵生产乙醇的技术研究概况。发酵过程为首先使用纤维素分解酶分解大型藻类,使之成为游离单细胞状态,作为发酵的糖原,然后加入3.5%的NaCl,发酵菌种为乳酸菌和酵母菌。东京水产振兴会计划到2013年,利用养殖的马尾藻属藻类,年生产乙醇400万t。  相似文献   

大型海藻碳汇效应研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大型海藻光合作用是海域初级生产力的来源之一,是海洋碳循环中关键的一环。大型海藻可通过光合作用有效地吸收海水中溶解的无机碳以及大气中的CO2,将其转化为有机碳并释放O2,光合作用的产物除支持生态系统外,还以有机物的形式埋藏在沉积物中,进而形成碳的汇。大型海藻的养殖和增殖对CO2的减排、减缓海洋酸化、扩增海洋碳汇效应以及缓解气候变化都有重要意义。本文就大型海藻碳汇机理、潜力以及大型海藻碳汇能力的扩增途径进行了综述,为大型海藻碳汇效应研究的发展提供了依据。  相似文献   

王文磊  徐燕  纪德华  谢潮添 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119104-119104
大型海藻栽培业是全球最活跃的渔业产业之一,近二十年增幅是整体渔业增幅的两倍以上,发展前景十分广阔。其中,中国大型海藻产量占全球总产量的59%,海带、紫菜、裙带菜、龙须菜以及羊栖菜产量均排名世界第一。水产种业是水产养殖业的“芯片”和整个产业链的源头,大型海藻产量99%来自人工栽培,这更体现了新品种对产业的贡献度和重要性。但目前经过审定的大型海藻新品种仅有24个,约占海水养殖新品种的18%,与其产量占比并不匹配。为此,本文介绍了大型海藻产业的特点、近60年育种技术进展和育种成果,并针对大型海藻育种技术发展现状提出了相关建议,以期为大型海藻育种研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   

大型海藻生长速度快、繁殖周期短,不与粮争地,对其他农产品的产量和价格没有影响,已成为新的生物质能源而广为研究。与传统的生物质能量原料相比,利用大型海藻生物质能可以节约能源消耗,减少二氧化碳的排放。世界各国利用大型海藻发酵制取沼气、乙醇等生物燃料的研究取得了较好的成果,为大型海藻生物质能的利用提供了理论依据和实践基础。利用鼠尾藻发酵制取乙醇,目前最高产率可达干重的3%。目前,将组成复杂的生物质高效地降解以及发酵参数的控制,是大型海藻发酵生产生物乙醇过程中的关键技术。我国大型海藻的栽培和养殖技术在某些方面处于国际领先水平,是发展大型海藻生物质能的优势。  相似文献   

研究调查了青岛潮间带大型海藻重金属含量并进行了富集分析。研究表明,青岛潮间带9种大型海藻生物中重金属含量差异较大,Cu、Zn和Cd的最高值出现在海带中,Pb、Cr和As的最高值出现在鼠尾藻中,Hg的最高值出现在珊瑚藻中;不同海藻对不同重金属富集能力有差异,综合富集能力由强到弱的顺序为鼠尾藻石花菜海带珊瑚藻鸡毛藻孔石莼裙带菜肠浒苔亮管藻,海带可以用于Cu、Cd的生态修复,鼠尾藻可以用于Pb、As和Cr的生态修复。  相似文献   

近海及海湾是发展海水增养殖的重要区域。由于各海域地理位置及地形地貌的不同,其环境条件、生物结构和生态系统各有自己的特点,海域生产力也就不尽相同。了解各海域环境条件特点以及生物生产潜力,对合理开展增养殖有着重要意义。本文根据近年来渔业区划调查,对长海县近海生态特点和渔业发展作初步探讨。  相似文献   

我国海岸带生态现状研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸带是海洋与陆地相互作用的交接地区和过渡带,同时也是非常脆弱的生态系统。本文从海岸带生态安全、海岸带生态环境、海岸带生态恢复技术这三个方面,对我国海岸带生态现状研究进展进行综述,以期为今后的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

秦皇岛沿岸浮游植物与赤潮生物的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2004年8月在秦皇岛沿岸设23个站点采样。鉴定表明,共有浮游植物21属55种,优势种类有窄隙角毛藻、旋链角毛藻、佛氏海毛藻等。秦皇岛海域浮游植物密度较高,最高2.14×104L-1,最低24.7L-1,平均为4.10×103L-1。多样性指数在1.89~3.95范围内变化,平面分布呈现由南向北递减趋势。均匀度也以南部、中部为高,北部较低。经单项营养指数和营养状态综合指数分析表明,仅有1个站达到富营养化水平。调查共发现赤潮生物33种,其中主要有旋链角毛藻、洛氏角毛藻、窄隙角毛藻、佛氏海毛藻和夜光藻等,夜光藻曾多次在秦皇岛海域引起赤潮。  相似文献   

沧州沿岸浮游植物与赤潮生物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建乐 《河北渔业》2007,(10):12-16
于2006年5-10月在沧州沿岸设6个站点采样。鉴定表明,沧州海域共有浮游植物31属58种,优势种类有球形棕囊藻、中肋骨条藻、格氏圆筛藻等。浮游植物密度较高,最高1.8×106L-1(cells/L),最低52.7 L-1。多样性指数变化范围为0.0064~3.22,平均1.86。均匀度变化范围为0.0021~0.79,平均0.53。经单项营养指数和营养状态综合指数分析表明,沧州海域富营养化程度较高。调查共发现赤潮生物41种,其中球形棕囊藻在10月末引起赤潮。  相似文献   


We investigated the quality characteristics of cookies prepared using different seaweeds native to the Korean coast. Flour made from four different seaweed species (Sargassum fulvellum, Enteromorpha linza, Codium fragile, and Hizikia fusiforme) was used to replace 5% of the regular flour while preparing the cookies. The seaweeds significantly affected solvent retention capacity, thus interfering with gluten network formation. Consequently, the addition of seaweed changed several variables in the cookies, such as moisture content, spread factor, and breaking stress. In sensory evaluation, cookies with Hizikia fusiforme were the most preferred, confirming the possibility of developing cookie products using this seaweed species.  相似文献   

水产养殖对近海生态环境的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
据预测 ,人类对鱼类的消费量在今后 1 5年内将增加 5 0 % [1] 。作为提高全球水产品供给量的主要方式的水产养殖 ,特别是海水养殖 ,在世界上的大多数地区以其巨大发展潜力迎合了人们对水产品不断增长的需求而获得迅猛发展[2 ] 。但由于水产养殖自身的生态结构和养殖方式的缺陷 ,使得大部分养殖存在着许多环境问题 ,导致了生态环境恶化 ,水域生物多样性减少 ,近海生态系统结构变化。1 养殖的二次污染影响“养殖二次污染”是指由于人类养殖活动和养殖生物自身分泌、排泄和饵料过剩等造成的对生态环境的污染[3] 。1 1 营养物的污染水产养殖…  相似文献   

赤潮对羊栖菜产量构成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
20 0 0年 4~ 6月 ,浙江省洞头海区发生了 2次赤潮。经测定 ,在该区栽培的羊栖菜 (Hizikiafusiforme)的鲜干比增加 ,日平均增长率、平均长度减少 ,营养生长减慢。羊栖菜个体的繁殖部分受影响较小 ,假根次之 ,主茎、次生叶 (气囊 )、分枝部分受影响最大 ,后者在羊栖菜产量中的比重最大。但在赤潮发生区的羊栖菜未出现明显病烂现象 ,生长发育正常 ,表明羊栖菜对赤潮有一定忍耐力  相似文献   

为在水库开展健康生态养殖,2007年5月-2008年4月对于庄水库的理化指标和水生生物学指标进行了调查。结果表明,于庄水库水体已进入富营养化状态。论述了水库富营养化的危害,提出了水环境生态修复措施。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton is very important to aquaculture ecosystem and is vulnerable to ambient conditions. In recent years, Chaetomorpha valida, an invasive filamentous green alga, has been blooming in Apostichopus japonicus culture ponds. Here, we conducted a 5‐month investigation, examining whether that bloom affects the structure and succession of the pond phytoplankton community. Differences in dissolved oxygen, light and nutrient concentrations in both bloom and normal (non‐bloom) areas varied monthly. The species and populations of phytoplankton communities in both the bloom and normal areas showed no significant differences when C. valida biomass was low, but through time, differences became increasingly significant. Species in normal areas remained relatively stable as the numbers and species of the dominant species changed little and the diversity and evenness indexes increased monthly. In bloom areas, species abundance decreased gradually with most of the decrease affecting Bacillariophyta. Here, the number of dominant species remained stable from May to July but decreased significantly in August and September. Diversity and evenness indexes also decreased significantly, and the differences between the 2 areas increased rapidly. Results showed that C. valida bloom in A. japonicus culture ponds influenced both the structure and succession of the phytoplankton community, contributing to comprehensive assessment of the effects of C. valida bloom on aquaculture ecology.  相似文献   

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