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基于个体生态模型(IBM)于20世纪70年代提出,数十年间在渔业科学领域得到广泛应用,现已成为渔业科学研究的重要手段之一。本文主要介绍了IBM的基本概念和研究方法,概述了国内外研究现状以及在渔业科学中的应用,分析了模型在应用中存在的问题、未来发展方向及趋势。研究认为,IBM在渔业科学研究和应用过程中需充分考虑以下问题:(1)了解模拟对象的生活史过程生物学特性,以及其栖息地环境特征;(2)针对不同的对象选用合适的环境因子和参数;(3)参考经典的生态学理论框架和方法来建立和分析个体模型;(4)综合统计分析、海洋遥感、地理信息系统等方法;(5)利用野外和敏感性试验获得实测数据,以校正IBM模型并提高精度。  相似文献   

捕捞诱导鱼类生物学特征进化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着捕捞强度加大,渔业生物为了应对捕捞压力、维持种族繁衍,逐渐产生适应性进化,这一过程称为捕捞诱导进化(Fishing-induced evolution,FIE),通常表现为渔业生物个体变小、性成熟提前,个体对捕捞的敏感性增强,进一步导致渔业种群结构简单、生态系统稳定性下降和渔业经济效益降低。认知捕捞诱导的渔业生物适应性进化,掌握捕捞对渔业种群的作用机制,有利于制定科学合理的渔业资源养护与管理策略。虽然FIE方面已进行了大量研究,但FIE在生理、生态及基因层面上对渔业生物的具体影响过程尚未明确,尤其是在气候变化、多物种相互作用等的动态环境中,FIE的作用方式更为复杂。作者综述了鱼类FIE的主要研究方法,总结了捕捞对大个体的选择性在鱼类生长、性成熟和行为方面的影响,并分析了这种影响对渔业种群恢复与管理产生的效应,以及今后需要解决的关键科学问题,旨在为FIE的进一步深入研究和渔业资源的科学管理提供帮助。  相似文献   

海洋食物网拓扑学方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于生态系统的渔业管理(EBFM)对海洋食物网研究提出了新的理论和方法需求.作者针对食物网动态这一生态系统的核心问题,对其近期发展起来的研究领域——食物网拓扑学理论和方法进行综述.食物网拓扑学通过建立一系列拓扑学指标,定量描述食物网各个成员之间的联系紧密程度,以及各个成员对整个食物网的作用.评价渔业对食物网的影响或食物网对外界的响应,开发可持续的捕捞方案,需要建立并运用食物网的动态模型.鱼类生物的重要特点是其捕食关系在很大程度上由个体大小(体长、体重)决定.而体长结构的渔业种群动力学模型发展已经成熟.因此,建议将食物网拓扑学的动态建模、体长结构的渔业种群生物量模型、鱼类个体大小相关的捕捞过程研究结合起来,作为基于生态系统渔业管理的一个重要的、潜在解决方案.对此,下一步的研究重点是,选择食物网资料采集较为容易、渔业统计资料较为全面的海洋食物网,开展试点研究,从而逐步构建起完整的、具有实际应用能力的EBFM方法体系.  相似文献   

海洋鱼类摄食生态与食物网研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
首先总结归纳了海洋鱼类摄食生态与食物网研究中的实验方法,主要包括胃含物分析法、碳氮稳定同位素法、特定化合物同位素法等实验方法的发展历史和应用现状;随后介绍了海洋鱼类摄食生态与食物网最新研究进展和取得的成绩,主要包括海洋鱼类摄食生态中食物组成、摄食方式、摄食量和食物用于机体各种生命活动分配方式,以及海洋食物网研究中以传统胃含物分析法为基础、以简化食物网为核心,碳氮稳定同位素技术和生态系统模型的应用发展;最后,着重分析了我国海洋鱼类摄食生态和食物网研究中有待解决的问题,并对该领域今后的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

北极阿拉斯加水域鱼类生态特征及其重要性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
林倩倩  朱国平 《水产学报》2019,43(7):1581-1592
为了对北极鱼类的生态特征进行研究,从而科学合理地开发和管理北极鱼类资源,以现有北极阿拉斯加水域鱼类生态科学信息为基础,针对北极阿拉斯加水域104种主要鱼类,从栖息深度、营养级、昼夜垂直移动及季节性洄游、生态重要性、传统文化重要性及商业重要性等多个方面进行了分析。结果显示,大多数北极阿拉斯加海洋鱼类为中上层鱼类或中层鱼类,栖息水域多在1 000 m以浅的陆架或陆坡水域;营养级范围为3.0~4.5,处于较高和较低营养级的鱼种较少;大部分鱼类的重要性知之甚少,目前仅少量鱼种在北极海域生态系统、传统文化以及商业性渔业中起到关键作用;具昼夜垂直移动及季节性洄游特性的鱼种各占一半左右;基于聚类分析,以栖息深度、垂直移动、季节性洄游及营养级4个指标作为变量,该水域属于5个生态类群,而以生态、传统文化以及商业重要性3个指标为变量,则该水域鱼类可划分为3个类群。本研究结果可为进一步开展北极鱼类生态学研究及北极渔业资源的开发潜力评价提供数据支持,并为我国参与北极鱼类资源潜力的开发及国家权益的争取提供参考信息。  相似文献   

地理信息系统在海洋渔业的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了地理信息系统的基本概念、功能和组成部分。基于地理信息系统的基本功能分析了渔业地理信息系统在数据库、可视化和制图、空间渔业管理、渔业海洋学和生态系统等方面的应用。详细论述国内外渔业地理信息系统应用的发展现状,引述东海区鱼类资源变化地理信息系统时空分析事例,展望海洋渔业地理信息的发展趋势以及提出建设我国渔业地理信息的看法。  相似文献   

本文分析了国内外采用鱼类完整性评价河流生态系统的方法,提出确定河流生态评价的系统完整性与生物多样性的保护目标;按自然河流受人为因素胁迫产生的问题与结果,将河流分为原始生态河流、次生生态河流、演替生态河流、片断生态河流、人工生态河流、衰竭生态河道等生态类型。研究提出以鱼类为指示生物,综合鱼类物种濒危程度、优势种群残存状况以及关键生境和生境要素情况,确定河流生态评价标准。研究基于2003年呼玛河自然保护区综合考察报告和2014年鱼类与水生态保护调查资料,确定呼玛河为次生生态河流类型,主要特征为指示鱼类种群比较齐全,但处于衰退或濒危状态,优势鱼类种群发生变化,生物多样性已处于普遍性受到胁迫状态,干支流水系和产卵场等关键生境保持完整,污染、非法捕捞、挖沙等零星工程是呼玛河生态胁迫的主要因素。为保护呼玛河生态系统完整性、生物与生态类型多样性,划定了呼玛河保护生态红线,提出了抢救性的保护对策。  相似文献   

作为一种重要的时空分析方法,空间信息技术在渔业资源及生态环境监测与评价中极富优势,并能在未来加强渔业的可持续管理水平。本文总结了目前空间信息技术(包括地理信息系统、遥感、空间模型、空间统计学)在渔业资源及生态环境监测与评价中的应用及研究进展,主要集中在四个方面:(1)在渔业生态环境数据采集和监测中的应用;(2)在渔业数据库建立中的应用;(3)在渔业资源生态评价中的应用:包括渔业资源的时空分布模拟、环境变化对渔业资源的影响研究、生态热点区的确定(产卵场、迁移通道等)、鱼类关键生境评估、渔业资源量大小估算;(4)在渔业管理及决策中的应用:包括建立海洋保护区(Marine Protected Areas,MPAs)和进行基于生态系统的渔业管理(Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management,EBFM)。相较传统的方法而言,尽管空间信息技术具有诸多优势,但目前其在渔业生态监测和评价中也面临不少挑战:如数据的有效采集、海量多源数据库需要大量的调整和重构等。今后,渔业资源保护趋向运用整体生态系统方法进行监测和评价,而这需要通过利用多种空间信息技术才能更好地得以实现。  相似文献   

生态足迹是一种用来衡量人类对自然资源需求与消耗的有效工具,渔业生态足迹是用于分析评价渔业资源可持续利用性的方法。文章介绍了生态足迹和渔业生态足迹的概念和内涵,分析了渔业生态足迹模型产生的背景、理论基础及其在渔业资源研究领域的应用;概括了渔业生态足迹指数的计算方法,评述了渔业生态足迹指数计算应注意的事项以及在渔业资源可持续利用分析中渔业生态足迹指数计算结果的具体应用。同时简要分析了我国渔业生态足迹的研究状况及近期研究的重点内容,并就渔业生态足迹今后的研究方向进行了简要展望。  相似文献   

EwE模型在评价渔业水域生态系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
渔业影响了水域生态环境,如过度捕捞、鱼类生存环境变迁等都使得原有渔业水域生态系统越来越脆弱。科学开发有限得渔业资源需要正确的理论指导。构建生态系统模型可以更完整地认识水域生态系统得结构和功能。Ecopath with Ecosim(EwE)模型是以生态系统中的能量流动和物质平衡为理论基础,融合了生态学的相关基础理论知识,主要用于探讨生态学的基本问题、评估渔业对生态系统的影响、提出渔业管理政策、评估海洋保护区域的效果和位置确定、评估环境变化对渔业的影响。该模型为海洋渔业和淡水渔业提供了分析和管理工具.  相似文献   

Developing socioeconomic indicators for ecosystem-based fisheries management is particularly important. This is because socioeconomic factors have direct effects on ecosystems, and ecosystems have direct effects on socioeconomic factors. Therefore, it is imperative that socioeconomic indicators are developed and evaluated in order to predict changes in ecosystems and to provide advice for effective fisheries management. In this study, socioeconomic indicators have been developed to be combined with biological and ecological indicators, in order to conduct the ecosystem-based fisheries assessment. In terms of socioeconomic indicators, five socioeconomic criteria were considered as important attributes of socioeconomic changes. These were economic production, business conditions, levels of income, the state of the market, and levels of employment. In order to establish reference points for the evaluation of indicators, target reference points and limit reference points were set through a comparison with other industries or other fisheries rather than by using the Traffic Light System (TLS) method, which has been used in many previous studies. In addition, on the basis of the application of developed indicators and reference points to the Korean large purse seine fishery, the socioeconomic conditions of the fishery and the usefulness of the indicators were evaluated and management implications were discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we show how substantial gains towards the goals of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) can be achieved by different single-species management. We show that fishing has much less impact on stocks if fish are caught after they have reached the size (Lopt) where growth rate and cohort biomass are maximum. To demonstrate our point we compare the impact of three fishing scenarios on 9 stocks from the North Sea and the Baltic. Scenario (1) is the current fishing regime, scenario (2) is a new management regime proposed by the European Commission, aiming for maximum sustainable yield obtained from all stocks, and scenario (3) is set so that it achieves the same yield as scenario (2), albeit with fishing on sizes beyond Lopt. Results show that scenarios (2) and (3) are significant improvements compared to current fishing practice. However, scenario (3) consistently shows least impact on the stocks, with seven-fold higher biomass of demersal fishes and an age structure similar to an unfished stock. This allows juveniles and adults to better fulfil their ecological roles, a major step towards the goals of ecosystem-based fisheries management. We give examples where scenario (3) is practiced in successful fisheries. We present a new interpretation of the relative yield per recruit isopleth diagram with indication of a new target area for fisheries operating within the context of EBFM. We present a new expression of the relative biomass per recruit isopleth diagram, which supports our analysis. We conclude that size matters for precautionary and ecosystem-based fisheries management and present a list of additional advantages associated with fishing at Lopt.  相似文献   

渔获物平均营养级在渔业可持续性评价中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高强度的捕捞努力量和渔业管理不力等因素导致全球范围内传统渔业资源的衰退,近年来渔获物平均营养级(MTL,mean trophic level)作为以生态系统为基础的渔业管理评价指标被普遍应用。本文在广泛收集国内外相关文献资料基础上,系统地介绍了MTL在渔业资源评价中的研究进展。已有研究显示,MTL能够利用已知渔获数据来分析,且参数化较为简便,在评价渔业可持续性中优势明显。受以渔获量作为生态系统指标、营养级(TL,trophic level)随体长的变化、渔获统计数据质量、低TL种类的过多捕捞和海域环境富营养化等因素的影响,在评估渔业资源利用状况时,需将MTL与剔除TL小于3.25物种下的3.25MTL、渔业均衡指数(FIB)等营养指标综合分析。此外,综合运用多指标,将营养指标与渔获组成、中上层鱼类与底层鱼类产量的比值、市场价格等指标结合分析,有助于掌握引起MTL变动的因素,更加全面地掌握捕捞活动下鱼类群落结构的实际变化状况。  相似文献   

By-catch and (or) discards in fisheries have been considered a serious problem and have been unanimously criticized by politicians, environmental groups, the public and scientists. However, it is possible to determine biologically acceptable amounts of discards that fulfil the objectives of ecosystem-based fishery management (EBFM). For instance, while discards have been shown to impact some systems negatively, they can be a potential benefit in other systems. Using a prawn trawl fishery as an example, this paper discusses some of the potentially positive effects of discards. As in many facets of EBFM, the key for the management of discards is sustainability and precaution. In particular, it is important to give full consideration to the implications of reducing discards to the lowest extent possible.  相似文献   

Implementing ecosystem-based fisheries management requires indicators and models that address the impacts of fishing across entire ecological communities. However, the complexity of many ecosystems presents a challenge to analysis, especially if reliant on quantification because of the onerous task of precisely measuring or estimating numerous parameters. We present qualitative modelling as a complementary approach to quantitative methods. Qualitative modelling clarifies how community structure alone affects dynamics, here of exploited populations. We build an array of models that describe different ecosystems with different harvesting practices, and analyse them to predict responses to various perturbations. This approach demonstrates the utility of qualitative modelling as a means to identify and interpret community-level indicators for systems that are at or near equilibrium, and for those that are frequently perturbed away from equilibrium. Examining the interaction of ecological and socio-economic variables associated with commercial fisheries provides an understanding of the main feedbacks that drive and regulate exploited ecosystems. The method is particularly useful for systems where the basic relationships between variables are understood but where precise or detailed data are lacking.  相似文献   

苏萌 《水产学报》2015,39(8):1264-1272
考虑到生态系统状态对渔业的重要影响,渔业生态系统方法(Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries,EAF)把对生态的关注加入渔业管理框架中,并以生态系统管理和渔业管理2个理论为基础,扩展了传统渔业管理的框架:以生态系统健康与人类福利的依存关系为基础,关注多物种管理,均衡生态、人文和制度3个维度的目标,实现渔业的可持续发展。本研究介绍了EAF的由来、定义、基本原则以及功能要素,概述了EAF的实践基础和模型构建的技术路径,对比了EAF与EBFM的异同。虽然EAF的理论和实践仍处于完善和发展阶段,但确为渔业管理的发展方向,介绍EAF对促进我国渔业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Despite improved knowledge and stricter regulations, numerous fish stocks remain overharvested. Previous research has shown that fisheries management may fail when the models and assessments used to inform management are based on unrealistic assumptions regarding fishers' decision‐making and responses to policies. Improving the understanding of fisher behaviour requires addressing its diversity and complexity through the integration of social science knowledge into modelling. In our paper, we review and synthesize state‐of‐the‐art research on both social science's understanding of fisher behaviour and the representation of fisher decision‐making in scientific models. We then develop and experiment with an agent‐based social–ecological fisheries model that formalizes three different fishing styles. Thereby we reflect on the implications of our incorporation of behavioural diversity and contrast it with the predominant assumption in fishery models: fishing practices being driven by rational profit maximizing. We envision a next generation of fisheries models and management that account for social scientific knowledge on individual and collective human behaviours. Through our agent‐based model, we demonstrate how such an integration is possible and propose a scientific approach for reducing uncertainty based on human behavioural diversity in fisheries. This study serves to lay the foundations for a next generation of social–ecological fishery models that account for human behavioural diversity and social and ecological complexity that are relevant for a realistic assessment and management of fishery sustainability problems.  相似文献   

水产科技档案是水产科研活动的结晶与记录,是我国渔业现代化的信息资源之一,具有重要的价值功能。本文分析了水产科技档案在现代渔业中的价值功能;针对我国当前渔业现代化建设,探讨提高我国渔业科技档案的价值开发途径;结合水产科研的特点,提出实行水产科技档案规范化管理、加强知识产权保护、加强信息化建设和提高水产档案管理人员的综合素质等建议,为水产科技档案的价值拓展和推动现代渔业科技进步提供参数资料。  相似文献   

The behavioural dynamics of fishers: management implications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In pursuing their livelihood, fishers develop strategies when faced with changes in regulations and other fishery conditions. Changes involve each individual in a decision‐making process governed by his/her own goals or constraints. Despite this reality, the complex dynamics of fishing has usually been ignored in designing management initiatives, which has contributed to management failures in many parts of the world. Fishers have generally been treated as fixed elements, with no consideration of individual attitudes based on their operating scales (geographical, ecological, social and economic) and personal goals. We review existing research on the social, economic and behavioural dynamics of fishing to provide insight into fisher behaviour and its implications for fisheries management. Emphasis is placed on fisher perception, and how fishers develop dynamic fishing tactics and strategies as an adaptive response to changes in resource abundance, environmental conditions and market or regulatory constraints. We conclude that knowledge of these dynamics is essential for effective management, and we discuss how such information can be collected, analysed and integrated into fisheries assessment and management. Particular emphasis is placed on small‐scale fisheries, but some examples from industrial fleets are provided to highlight similar issues in different types of fisheries.  相似文献   

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