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数据仓库技术作为数据库技术应用的新型手段,是海洋渔业数据集成、实现业务化管理的良好的解决方案。根据海洋渔业的特点,本文提出了构建海洋渔业数据仓库的策略、基本框架,探讨了在海洋环境数据仓库建设过程中数据集市模型设计、建立数据准备区、数据规划和数据提取等四个关键问题,用SQL Server初步建成了海洋渔业数据仓库。  相似文献   

东海区海洋渔业资源研究数据库系统的设计和实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在系统收集东海区历年海洋捕捞产量、捕捞努力量统计资料、主要经济鱼类生物学参数以及渔业资源研究文献报告题录等资料基础上,对数据资料进行整理和补充,建成了渔业资源研究数据库。利用Basic语言编程实现渔业资源评估、产量预报、回归分析、判别函数分析等数据处理、分析功能。通过Foxpro编程和API接口,实现对数据库的管理和对数据处理功能的调用,形成了东海区海洋渔业资源研究数据库系统,系统提供数据的输入、  相似文献   

一、实施海洋渔业产业化的必要性我国的《国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标纲要》确定了我国社会经济发展的目标,即到2010年实现 GNP 比2000年翻两番。然而我国人口众多,自然资源人均值低于世界平均水平,45种主要矿产资源进入21世纪将有一半不能保证国民经济发展的需要。随着人口的增长,资源和环境的承载形势将更加严峻。而海洋是解决这一问题的重要出路,目前人类目光移向海洋。作为第一产业的海洋渔业己成为我国海洋的第一产业,如1998年广东省海洋渔业产值就占全省海洋总产值的25.09%。所以,海  相似文献   

袁骐  沈新强 《海洋渔业》2004,26(4):266-270
本文利用Access 2000建立数据的分类输入、统计分析、综合评价和外部数据导入功能,利用VB-AD0数据访问方法实现对数据库的管理和数据处理功能的调用,构成了海洋渔业生态环境监测数据库系统。该数据库系统提供了浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物、鱼卵仔鱼,生物体残毒和水文、水质,底质数据的输入,分区,分时段统计查询,综合评价、输出打印等功能。利用该系统可进行海洋渔业生态环境监测数据的分析评价.为海洋渔业生态环境质量评价和海洋生态环境保护提供相关数据和信息,为管理部门提供技术支持。  相似文献   

如何实现海洋渔业限额捕捞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐启升 《海洋渔业》1983,5(4):150-152
<正> 美国渔业科学工作者 Thomason 和 Bell 最早(1934)提出限额捕捞的理论,并在北美太平洋沿岸拟庯鲽渔业管理实施中取得成效。进入七十年代,北大西洋两个主要渔业区——西北大西洋和东北大西洋——也相继(1972,1976)建立了主要渔捞种类的捕捞限额体系。  相似文献   

《联合国海洋公约》的颁布,标志着人类和平利用海洋和全面管理海洋的新时代的开始。目前国内外专家们均关注国际海洋法与海洋渔业的关系,作者围绕着这个专题进行概述。  相似文献   

北斗系统在海洋渔业信息化建设中的关键技术与实现途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭飚  薛元宏 《现代渔业信息》2004,19(5):13-14,16
根据北斗系统现有技术条件,从海洋渔业信息建设的实际需求出发,充分利用成熟的信息处理手段,探讨北斗应用系统在海洋渔业发展建设中的关键技术及其实现。  相似文献   

敬林 《海洋渔业》1987,9(4):177-177
<正> “厄尔尼诺”这个奇怪的名字,近来常在报刊出现。什么是“厄尔尼诺”?为什么“厄尔尼诺”事件如此引起人们的恐慌,特别是对渔业生产会产生什么影响?这可能也是水产界比较关心的问题。厄尔尼诺,是外文译音,又被翻译成埃尔尼诺、厄尼诺。厄尔尼诺(EL-NINO)是西班牙语,意为“圣婴”。原意是指发生在厄瓜多尔、秘鲁沿岸海水温度升高的现象,由于这种现象产生于圣诞节前后,当地人称之为“厄尔尼诺”,即“耶稣的儿子来啦”。  相似文献   

孙国强 《水产科学》1995,14(3):46-48
关于“辽宁省海洋渔业安全救助通信网”的性能设计与探讨孙国强(辽宁省大连渔政管理站)关键词:海洋渔业,安全救助,通信网我省海洋渔业自50年代开始建立渔业通信网络。由于设备、电源、管理等诸方面的原因,当时仅限于国营海洋渔业公司的大型渔轮。所用设备大部分为...  相似文献   

关于改善我国海洋渔业统计制度的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可靠的渔业统计制度是渔业管理决策最重要的基础支撑,也是渔业监督管理的重要依据和手段。文章扼要地介绍了《联合国海洋法公约》等国际条约和文件对渔业统计的基本要求、有关国家和我国的渔业统计制度,指出了我国层层上报的全面渔业统计方式已不能适应当前渔业经济体制和管理需求、渔业统计指标体系不完整、难以全面反映渔业实际、统计监督和数据核实制度存在不足、渔业统计数据信息化滞后等问题。建议:(1)严格执行《渔业法》明确规定的捕捞日志制度;(2)规定渔获物只能在限定港口卸载,建立渔获物上报与统计监督制度;(3)逐步实行随船观察员制度;(4)完善立法,提供法律支撑和保障。  相似文献   

海洋遥感技术在海洋渔业及相关领域的应用与研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自20世纪70年代始,科研人员将遥感技术应用于海洋渔业及其相关领域的研究,将各类卫星遥感所获得的数据对海洋水温、海流、光、盐度、溶解氧、气象因素、水深、海底地形、饵料生物等进行了由定性到定量的分析,并将所得结果用于指导渔业生产、促进渔业研究、预警海洋灾害等方面,所起作用非传统调查方法能为。因此,遥感技术在海洋渔业及其相关领域正在发挥着越来越大的作用,并预示着广阔的应用前景和巨大的应用潜力。本文综述了遥感技术在海洋生态系统相关要素和渔场变动、大型动植物分布、海况监测、海洋生态污染及灾害监测等方面应用与研究进展,并对海洋遥感信息在我国海洋渔业领域的应用研究前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

Application of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has attracted the attention of researchers, advisors and managers of living marine resources and biodiversity. The apparent simplicity and cost‐effectiveness of eDNA analysis make it highly attractive as species distributions can be revealed from water samples. Further, species‐specific analyses indicate that eDNA concentrations correlate with biomass and abundance, suggesting the possibility for quantitative applications estimating abundance and biomass of specific organisms in marine ecosystems, such as for stock assessment. However, the path from detecting occurrence of an organism to quantitative estimates is long and indirect, not least as eDNA concentration depends on several physical, chemical and biological factors which influence its production, persistence and transport in marine ecosystems. Here, we provide an overview of basic principles in relation to eDNA analysis with potential for marine fisheries application. We describe fundamental processes governing eDNA generation, breakdown and transport and summarize current uncertainties about these processes. We describe five major challenges in relation to application in fisheries assessment, where there is immediate need for knowledge building in marine systems, and point to apparent weaknesses of eDNA compared to established marine fisheries monitoring methods. We provide an overview of emerging applications of interest to fisheries management and point to recent technological advances, which could improve analysis efficiency. We advise precaution against exaggerating the present scope for application of eDNA analysis in fisheries monitoring, but also argue that with informed insights into strengths and limitations, eDNA analysis can become an integrated tool in fisheries assessment and management.  相似文献   

Marine fisheries contribute to the global economy, from the catching of fish through to the provision of support services for the fishing industry. General lack of data and uncertainty about the level of employment in marine fisheries can lead to underestimation of fishing effort and hence over‐exploited fisheries, or result in inaccurate projections of economic and societal costs and benefits. To address this gap, a database of marine fisheries employment for 144 coastal nations was compiled. Gaps in employment data that emerged were filled using a Monte Carlo approach to estimate the number of direct and indirect fisheries jobs. We focused on estimating jobs in the small‐scale fishing sector. We characterized small‐scale fishing as (i) primarily geared towards household consumption or sale at the local level; (ii) conducted at a low level of economic activity; (iii) minimally mechanized; (iv) conducted within inshore areas; (v) minimally managed; and/or (vi) undertaken for cultural or ceremonial purposes. In total, we estimated that 260 ± 6 million people are involved in global marine fisheries, encompassing full‐time and part‐time jobs in the direct and indirect sectors, with 22 ± 0.45 million of those being small‐scale fishers. This is equivalent to 203 ± 34 million full‐time equivalent jobs. Study results can be used to improve management decision making and highlight the need to improve monitoring and reporting of the number of people employed in marine fisheries globally.  相似文献   

The efficiency of Finnish inland fisheries administration has improved during the past 15 years because of changes in fisheries legislation. The establishment of regional management units particularly has improved the practice of co-management, which has allowed the participation of many relevant interest groups in the decision-making process. The long-term private market equilibrium supply for recreational fishing with active types of gear accounted for 50% of the Finnish lake surface area. Presently the public sector has become involved in the supply of recreational fishing licences. The improvement in the system owes much to political initiatives. As regards commercial fishing, state-ownership of fishing grounds is a channel for recruitment into the occupation. Private ownership has led to a suboptimal allocation of fisheries resources, particularly in the commercial branch of the industry. However, by giving priority to social instead of economic goals the statutory fishery associations will help to maintain social and community values, which are locally important.  相似文献   

孙英杰 《河北渔业》2014,(12):50-52
对秦皇岛市发展海洋休闲渔业的优势、劣势、机会与挑战进行分析。秦皇岛应该充分利用现有的资源优势、区位优势和市场优势,借势有利的规划和政策导向,通过深度开发海洋休闲渔业旅游产品,不断完善接待和服务设施,提高从业人员的综合素质来不断提高秦皇岛市海洋休闲渔业的竞争力。  相似文献   

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