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为了研究渔业数据失真对两种非平衡剩余产量模型评估结果的影响,以南大西洋长鳍金枪鱼渔业产量和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)数据作为基础数据,加入5种不同程度[变异系数(CV)=1%、5%、10%、20%和30%]的随机误差,模拟了(1)无数据失真,(2)仅产量数据失真,(3)仅CPUE数据失真,(4)产量和CPUE数据均失真等4种情况。利用基于ASPIC的非平衡剩余产量模型(ASM)和基于贝叶斯状态空间建模方法的非平衡剩余产量模型(BSM)分别评估了最大可持续产量(MSY)、B_(MSY)、F_(MSY)、B_(2011)/B_(MSY)、F2011/F_(MSY)等5种生物学参考点和管理指标。结果显示,在无数据失真情况下,ASM和BSM评估的MSY分别为2.866×10~4 t和2.836×10~4 t,B_(2011)/B_(MSY)分别为1.366和1.324,F2011/F_(MSY)分别为0.627和0.667,均相差不大,表明该渔业目前状态良好,ASM得到了较大的B_(MSY)(31.48×10~4 t)和较小的F_(MSY)(0.091);数据失真对ASM评估的B_(MSY)和F_(MSY)分别产生了严重的过低估计和过高估计,且CPUE数据失真产生的影响要比产量数据失真大;随着随机误差的增大,BSM评估的生物学参考点和管理指标的绝对百分比偏差有增大趋势;与ASM相比,BSM能够更好地处理渔业数据中存在的随机误差,除了MSY以外,BSM评估的生物学参考点和管理指标绝对百分比偏差均要比ASM的评估结果低,尤其是B_(MSY)和F_(MSY)。因此,在使用存在较大随机误差的渔业数据进行资源评估时,BSM具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

利用贝叶斯生物量动态模型对印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)资源进行了评估,并分析了不同标准化单位捕捞努力渔获量(catch per unit effort,CPUE)、内禀增长率(r)先验分布对评估结果的影响。结果表明:(1)模型能较好拟合日本延绳钓渔业的标准化CPUE,但对中国台湾延绳钓渔业的标准化CPUE拟合较差;当模型单独使用日本标准化CPUE时,评估结果显示印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼被过度捕捞;若模型单独使用中国台湾标准化CPUE,则结果相反,显示印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼未被过度捕捞;而当同时使用两个标准化CPUE时,日本标准化CPUE数据获得更大估计权重,因此,评估结果与单独使用日本标准化CPUE的结果类似。(2)当r采用无信息先验时,r估计偏小,而环境容纳量(K)估计则偏大,参数估计不合理;当r采用信息先验时,r与K的后验分布估计相对合理;由于r与K存在显著的负相关关系,生物量动态模型难于同时有效估计这两个参数,特别是在数据质量较差情况下,因而采用信息先验能提高生物量动态模型参数估计的质量。(3)本研究利用偏差信息准则(Deviance Information Criterion,DIC)与均方误差(Mean Square Error,MSE)统计量对模型进行了比较,并选择模型S8用于评价印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼的资源状态。评估结果认为印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼被过度捕捞,既存在捕捞型过度捕捞,也存在资源型过度捕捞,这与资源合成(Stock synthesis version 3,SS3)等模型的评价结果一致。  相似文献   

李鹏程  张崇良  任一平  徐宾铎  薛莹 《水产学报》2021,45(11):1843-1853
BP神经网络模型作为一种常用的机器学习方法,被广泛应用于物种分布模型,以解析生物分布与环境因子的关系。与传统回归模型相比,该模型可以灵活处理变量间的非线性关系,但其结构复杂,在参数设置方面存在不确定性,从而影响模型的预测与应用。根据2016—2017年山东近海口虾蛄渔业资源调查与环境数据,利用BP神经网络模型构建口虾蛄资源分布模型,同时利用数据分组处理算法(group method of data handling, GMDH)、遗传算法(genetic algorithm, GA)和自适应算法(adaptive algorithm)分别对模型输入变量、初始权值和隐节点数目3方面进行优化,构建7种不同组合优化模型。结果显示,7种模型的优化效果存在明显差异,单方面和两方面组合优化模型预测性能基本保持一致;而三方面共同优化其均方根误差与残差平方和分别为0.35和1.94,较初始模型的0.52和2.40更小,且相关系数最大为0.45,表明模型优化效果最好。对比优化前后发现,口虾蛄资源密度随纬度和底层盐度变化趋势基本保持一致,而随底层温度的升高,口虾蛄资源密度存在较大差异。此外,最优模型较初始模型增加水深为关键环境因子,对口虾蛄的资源密度具有重要影响。本研究进一步开发了BP神经网络模型参数优化的方法,证明了参数优化对BP模型的预测性能具有重要影响,模型优化对于分析口虾蛄资源密度与环境因子的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据1998—2013年中西太平洋鲣(Katsuwonus pelamis)生产数据,选取时空因子(年、月、经纬度)和环境因子[海表面温度(SST)、海表面高度(SSH)、尼诺指数(ONI)和叶绿素a浓度]Chl-a)],通过两种不同的模型(广义加性模型GAM和提升回归树模型BRT)研究各因子对鲣资源丰度(以CPUE表示)的影响。研究结果认为,GAM模型中,经度对CPUE的影响最大,累计解释偏差超过50%,其次为纬度、年和月;在环境因子中,SSH最为重要,其次为ONI,而SST和Chl-a的影响相对较低。BRT模型分析结果与GAM分析结果类似,时空因子相对占据了重要的地位,其中经度的影响最大,其次为年、纬度和月;而在环境因子中,ONI的重要性相对更高,其次为SSH,SST和Chl-a同样影响较低。研究认为,两种模型均能较好地反映出因子对CPUE的影响。由于厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜现象引起的海洋环境变化会使鲣资源分布产生差异,因此在后续的渔情预报研究中,应该更多地考虑将ONI因子纳入渔情预报模型中,以提高预测精度。  相似文献   

本研究通过采集不同环境和不同饲料养殖的岱衢洋大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)形态数据,利用聚类分析、主成分分析以及判别分析对3组大黄鱼形态差异进行分析。结果显示,不同环境对大黄鱼体高、尾长存在显著影响,而不同饲料对大黄鱼体高、尾高、尾长、体厚存在显著影响,同时对D3–4、D3–6、D4–6、D5–6框架形态存在显著影响,差异主要集中于躯干前部。表明不同环境下大黄鱼形态变化可能与流速适应相关,而饵料对体型的影响可能是因为营养组成及物质积累的不同。聚类分析显示,配合饲料组与深水网箱组形态更接近,而与冰鲜饲料相距较远。通过主成分分析提取3个主成分,其中配合饲料组与深水网箱组在主成分1上相近,但在主成分3上存在差异,而冰鲜饲料组在各主成分上均离散,表明小网箱冰鲜饲料养殖大黄鱼形态分离较大,体型一致性低。利用判别分析,构建3种条件下大黄鱼体型判别函数,经交互验证,判别函数与预期无显著差异,可用于不同养殖模式大黄鱼的形态判别。本研究初步表明,通过改变养殖环境水流、养殖空间大小、饲料可在一定程度实现养殖大黄鱼形态改良。  相似文献   

本研究通过采集不同环境和不同饲料养殖的岱衢洋大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)形态数据,利用聚类分析、主成分分析以及判别分析对3组大黄鱼形态差异进行分析。结果显示,不同环境对大黄鱼体高、尾长存在显著影响,而不同饲料对大黄鱼体高、尾高、尾长、体厚存在显著影响,同时对D3–4、D3–6、D4–6、D5–6框架形态存在显著影响,差异主要集中于躯干前部。表明不同环境下大黄鱼形态变化可能与流速适应相关,而饵料对体型的影响可能是因为营养组成及物质积累的不同。聚类分析显示,配合饲料组与深水网箱组形态更接近,而与冰鲜饲料相距较远。通过主成分分析提取3个主成分,其中配合饲料组与深水网箱组在主成分1上相近,但在主成分3上存在差异,而冰鲜饲料组在各主成分上均离散,表明小网箱冰鲜饲料养殖大黄鱼形态分离较大,体型一致性低。利用判别分析,构建3种条件下大黄鱼体型判别函数,经交互验证,判别函数与预期无显著差异,可用于不同养殖模式大黄鱼的形态判别。本研究初步表明,通过改变养殖环境水流、养殖空间大小、饲料可在一定程度实现养殖大黄鱼形态改良。  相似文献   

近年来口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)为代表的甲壳类生物在海洋生态系统中的数量和经济地位有着显著的增长,但其空间分布规律及与环境因子的关系尚不明确。为了解山东近海海域口虾蛄的栖息分布规律及其主要环境因子的影响,本研究根据2016-2017年在山东近海进行的4个航次渔业资源和环境调查,采用广义线性模型、广义可加模型以及多层前馈神经网络模型等方法,比较分析了口虾蛄的空间分布特征及环境因子的关系。结果表明,口虾蛄的资源密度在季节间存在明显差异,夏季密度最高,春、秋季次之,冬季最低;近岸资源密度高于远岸,且由南到北呈逐渐增加的趋势。模型分析表明,纬度、海水底层温度和底层盐度对口虾蛄的资源密度分布有显著影响。3种模型中,广义可加模型的拟合效果最好,多层前馈神经网络模型预测准确性最好。本研究通过不同模型结果的比较,揭示了影响山东近海口虾蛄的空间分布特征与关键环境因子的关系,旨在为口虾蛄的合理开发和利用提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

印度洋长鳍金枪鱼资源评估的影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
多个模型被用于印度洋长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)的资源评估,但这些模型的评估结果均存在较大的不确定性,为此,本文对影响印度洋长鳍金枪鱼资源评估的因素进行了分析。分析结果认为:(1)由于渔业数据存在不报、漏报或混报及采样样本数过低、采样协议出现变化等问题,造成印度洋长鳍金枪鱼渔业的渔获量、体长组成或年龄组成数据存在质量问题;(2)尽管对单位捕捞努力渔获量(catch per unit effort,CPUE)进行了标准化,但目标鱼种变化及捕捞努力量空间分布变化仍严重影响了标准化CPUE数据的质量;(3)印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的种群生态学及繁殖生物学研究仍比较薄弱,种群结构、繁殖、生长、自然死亡信息比较缺乏,在资源评估中,相关参数设置需借用其他洋区的研究结果;(4)海洋环境对印度洋长鳍金枪鱼的资源变动与空间分布具有显著影响,但评估模型较少考虑海洋环境的影响。由于上述问题的存在,导致当前评估结果存在较大不确定性。未来,应继续探索提高资源评估质量的方法,同时研究建立管理策略评价框架,以避免渔业资源评估结果的不确定性对该渔业可持续开发的影响。  相似文献   

为查明采样强度对多种类渔业调查中资源量指数估计的影响,实验根据2013年8月、10月和2014年2月、5月黄河口渔业资源底拖网调查数据,选取短吻红舌鳎、方氏云鳚、矛尾虾虎鱼、枪乌贼、口虾蛄、日本蟳和小型鳀鲱鱼类为调查目标,利用计算机模拟方法,以相对估计误差(REE)、相对偏差(RB)、变异系数(CV)和准确度变化率(ACR)等为评价指标,研究了调查样本量对不同种类资源量指数估计的影响。结果显示,各种类资源量指数估计的REE、CV和ACR随断面数增加均逐渐降低并趋于稳定;除在断面数3减到1时,日本蟳、口虾蛄和方氏云鳚等个别种类RB绝对值增大外,其他RB不存在一致性的增大或减小趋势。研究表明,由于不同种类的分布存在时空差异,不同种类需要的调查断面数不同;当目标种类数量空间分布变异较小时,减少调查断面数对采样精确度影响较小,反之则需要更多调查断面数。对于多种类渔业资源调查,需要综合权衡各目标种类来确定最适调查断面数。  相似文献   

高小迪  方舟  陈新军  李云凯 《水产学报》2023,47(5):059108-059108
海洋生物的表型与其栖息环境密切相关,了解其与资源利用相关的表型特征有助于理解其资源利用方式及生态位特征。茎柔鱼广泛分布于东太平洋,是该海域生态系统的关键种,其个体形态受环境影响变化明显。为探究不同环境条件是否会对茎柔鱼的重要摄食器官角质颚的形态产生影响,本研究对东太平洋赤道海域加拉帕戈斯群岛东、西部两个群体共244尾茎柔鱼的角质颚进行了形态学分析。采用传统形态方法测量了角质颚的12项外部形态参数,并利用几何形态测量方法对其上、下角质颚图像分别设置20个地标点并进行数字化分析。结果显示,不同群体的茎柔鱼角质颚的11项外部形态参数均存在显著差异,但差异系数均小于1.28。几何形态分析显示,不同群体茎柔鱼角质颚的整体大小及形状均差异显著,并具有不同的异速生长模式,形状差异主要体现在上颚的喙部与侧壁、下颚的喙部与翼部。不同群体的上、下角质颚均具有较高的判别成功率,平均判别正确率分别为89.61%和85.88%。加拉帕戈斯群岛以东海域的茎柔鱼具有较小的角质颚、较弯曲和尖锐的喙部、较大的侧壁及较短较宽的翼部,可能与该栖息地的环境及食物类型有关。这些与资源利用相关的表型可塑性反映了茎柔鱼对于不同栖息...  相似文献   

Species distribution models are commonly used to determine a species’ probability of occurrence but have not been used to examine the effect of environmental habitat suitability on fish condition, which is considered to be an integrated measure of physiological status. Here, we test for a relationship between oceanographic habitat suitability and the body condition of kingfish (Seriola lalandi) from eastern Australia. We (a) test whether individuals sampled from areas of high‐quality habitat were in better condition than individuals sampled from areas of low‐quality habitat, and (b) assess whether the condition of kingfish responded to oceanographic habitat suitability predicted at varying time‐before‐capture periods. Kingfish habitat was modelled as a function of sea surface temperature, sea‐level anomaly and eddy kinetic energy in a generalized additive modelling framework. Model predictions were made over one‐ to six‐week time‐before‐capture periods and compared to field‐derived kingfish condition data measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Oceanographic habitat suitability was significantly correlated with kingfish condition at time‐before‐capture periods ranging from one to four weeks and became increasingly correlated at shorter lead‐times. Our results highlight that (a) fish condition can respond sensitively to environmental variability and this response can be detected using oceanographic habitat suitability models, and (b) climate change may drive extensions in species range limits through spatial shifts in oceanographic habitat quality that allow individuals to persist beyond historical range boundaries without their body condition being compromised.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,83(1-3):140-149
Habitat suitability index (HSI) models were used to map habitat quality for the sympatric soles Solea solea and Solea senegalensis in the Tagus estuary, Portugal. The selection of input variables to be used in these models is crucial since the recollection of such data involves important human and time resources. Various combinations of variables were developed and compared. Habitat maps were constructed for the months of peak abundance of S. solea and S. senegalensis consisting of grid maps for depth, temperature, salinity, substrate type, presence of intertidal mudflats, density of amphipods, density of polychaetes and density of bivalves. The HSI models were run in a Geographic Information System by reclassifying the habitat maps to a 0–1 suitability index scale. Following reclassification, the geometric mean of the suitability index values for each variable was calculated by grid cell, using different combinations of variables, and the results were mapped. Models performance was evaluated by comparing model outputs to data on species’ densities in the field surveys at the time. Further model testing was performed using independent data. Results show that there are two areas that provide the highest habitat quality. The model that combined density of amphipods and the abiotic variables had the highest correlation with the distribution of S. solea while the combination of density of polychaetes and the abiotic variables had the highest correlation with S. senegalensis distribution. These variables should be taken into account in future management plans, since they indicate the main nursery grounds for these species.  相似文献   

利用栖息地指数模型预测秘鲁外海茎柔鱼热点区   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用栖息地指数模型准确地预测了秘鲁外海茎柔鱼的热点区。根据2008-2010年1-12月期间我国鱿钓渔船在秘鲁外海的生产数据,结合实时的海表温及海表面高度数据,分别建立以作业次数、单位捕捞努力量渔获量为基础的适应性指数。利用算术平均数模型建立基于海表温和海表面高度的栖息地指数模型,并利用2011年生产及环境数据对栖息地指数模型进行验证。结果显示,以作业次数为基础的适应性指数符合正态分布,而以单位捕捞努力量渔获量为基础的适应性指数显著性检验不显著,因此,只建立以作业次数为基础的模型。结果表明,以作业次数为基础的栖息地指数模型都高估了茎柔鱼热点区的范围,但大体范围基本一致,这说明其能较好地预测茎柔鱼的热点区。  相似文献   

Habitat–hydraulic models simulating habitat productive capacity for fish have met with limited success. Limitations of hydraulic modelling, particularly related to spatial scale relevant for hydraulic field data collection and model simulations, have attracted little attention. The hypothesis that hydraulic field sampling procedures and modelling scale per se affect results was tested using three habitat–hydraulic models that employed the same fish habitat data and similar hydraulic models.The PHABSIM, EVHA and HABITAT habitat–hydraulic models were compared on a 5.56 km long, 12–35 m wide, river segment in Newfoundland, Canada. Approaches to hydraulic data collection allowed higher spatial resolution in the EVHA and HABITAT models on selected subsegments representing habitat types (with from 12 to 14 transects per subsegment), while the PHABSIM models covered the entire segment but at lower resolution (a total of 14 transects representing four habitat types placed along the entire segment).Habitat–hydraulic modelling results were similar between the PHABSIM and EVHA with respect to flow vs. suitable habitat curves, but there were important differences between HABITAT and PHABSIM/EVHA. These differences were attributed mainly to different biological models because the hydraulic models performed similarly. Weighted usable area (WUA) curves gave less information than separate suitability curves for habitat variables. It is important that habitat–hydraulic data be collected, and model simulations conducted, at scales that are relevant to habitat selection by species and age classes of interest.  相似文献   

为了提高秋刀鱼(Cololabis saira)渔情预报模型的时空分辨率, 提升生产经济效益, 本研究基于 2013─2016 年 7—11 月中国在西北太平洋公海的秋刀鱼生产数据及海洋环境数据, 利用广义可加模型(generalized additive models, GAM)分别拟合单位捕捞努力量渔获量(catch per unit effort, CPUE)的适宜性指数(suitability index, SI)与各海洋环境变量之间的 SI 模型, 结合提升回归树模型(boosting regression tree, BRT)进行权重分析, 建立以月份为周期的秋刀鱼栖息地适宜性指数(habitat suitability index, HSI)模型。结果表明, (1) GAM 能较好地拟合适宜性指数与环境变量的关系, 获得最优环境变量参数值;(2) 环境变量对 CPUE 影响权重的前 3 位分别为海表温度梯度、海表温度和混合层深度, 其中, 在秋季 9—11 月海表温度梯度的权重值均为最高;(3) HSI 模型的检验和评价总体准确率分别为 82.0%和 73.2%, 秋季可达 87.7%和 77.9%, 在盛渔期 10 月, 预测准确率达 89.4%;(4) HSI 高值区与秋刀鱼实际渔场在空间分布基本一致。研究表明该模型适用于秋刀鱼的渔情预报, 并在每天的速报中具有明显优势。  相似文献   

宋利明  武亚苹 《水产学报》2013,37(8):1250-1261
为了可持续利用黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)资源,本文利用2009年10月~12月吉尔伯特群岛海域海上实测的34个站点海洋环境垂直剖面数据,黄鳍金枪鱼渔获率数据,应用广义加性模型(generalized additive model,GAM) 进行建模,预测渔获率,并通过wilcoxon检验来判断预测渔获率与名义渔获率是否存在显著相关性。根据预测渔获率估算黄鳍金枪鱼的栖息地综合指数(IHI),通过对各水层IHI均值分析和Pearson相关系数,判断该方法的预测能力。使用2010年11月~2011年1月在吉尔伯特群岛海域实测的16个站点40~80m水层和0~240m水体的环境数据,验证模型。结果表明:(1)拟合的各水层的IHI值分布各不相同,各水层中影响黄鳍金枪鱼分布的因子各不相同,黄鳍金枪鱼主要栖息在40~120m水层;(2)2010年数据验证结果表明,GAM模型的预测能力较好;(3)GAM在筛选影响黄鳍金枪鱼分布的因子时比较有效,能反应黄鳍金枪鱼渔获率与环境因子之间的非线性关系;(4)可通过GAM建立IHI指数模型来分析大洋性鱼类栖息地的空间分布。  相似文献   

Abstract –  The suitability of using regional Habitat Quality Index (HQI) models for predicting distributions of juvenile salmon ( Salmo salar L.) was examined using data acquired from selected rivers within Québec, Canada. Regional HQI models were derived by identifying preferences of salmon fry and parr for the habitat properties of flow velocity, water column depth and granulometric index (an index of substrate size) for groups of rivers. These were compared with local HQI models, derived from preferences for habitat properties within individual rivers. Relationships between HQI values and densities of juvenile salmon were established through the use of nonlinear regression. In all cases, the regional HQI models were less effective for explaining distributions of juvenile salmon than local HQI models based on individual rivers. Regional HQI models were relatively ineffective when the habitat characteristics of the river to which they were applied differed greatly from the characteristics of the other rivers within the region. It is inferred that the relationship between the effectiveness of the regional HQI model and the difference in characteristics between individual rivers and those of the region may be used in an a priori determination of whether a regional HQI may be applied effectively to any given river.  相似文献   

Statistical methods are often used to analyse commercial catch and effort data to provide standardised fishing effort and/or a relative index of fish abundance for input into stock assessment models. Achieving reliable results has proved difficult in Australia's Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF), due to a combination of such factors as the biological characteristics of the animals, some aspects of the fleet dynamics, and the changes in fishing technology. For this set of data, we compared four modelling approaches (linear models, mixed models, generalised estimating equations, and generalised linear models) with respect to the outcomes of the standardised fishing effort or the relative index of abundance. We also varied the number and form of vessel covariates in the models. Within a subset of data from this fishery, modelling correlation structures did not alter the conclusions from simpler statistical models. The random-effects models also yielded similar results. This is because the estimators are all consistent even if the correlation structure is mis-specified, and the data set is very large. However, the standard errors from different models differed, suggesting that different methods have different statistical efficiency. We suggest that there is value in modelling the variance function and the correlation structure, to make valid and efficient statistical inferences and gain insight into the data. We found that fishing power was separable from the indices of prawn abundance only when we offset the impact of vessel characteristics at assumed values from external sources. This may be due to the large degree of confounding within the data, and the extreme temporal changes in certain aspects of individual vessels, the fleet and the fleet dynamics.  相似文献   

Habitat models were developed from dedicated sighting survey data collected during summers between 1983 and 2006 in the North Pacific Ocean. Our aim was to examine the distribution pattern of the southern form of the short‐finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) in relation to the physical environment. We tested two different types of analytical procedures for habitat estimation: generalized linear models (GLMs) and ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and the Boyce index suggested that GLM defined the core habitat well, whereas ENFA estimated the suitable habitat more correctly. These models indicated the core habitat within the subtropical gyre. Among the environmental variables used to construct the habitat models, the temperature at a depth of 200 m contributed most to both GLM and ENFA. This corresponds to the fact that the species mainly feeds on mesopelagic prey and that the axis of the Kuroshio Current, in the northwestern part of the subtropical gyre, is characterized by its temperature at 200 m. Habitat suitability in the coastal waters off southern Japan also correlated with the Kuroshio meander patterns. Thus, the southern form of the short‐finned pilot whale appears to be particularly well adapted to the ecosystem of the North Pacific subtropical gyre.  相似文献   

秋冬季智利竹(竹夹)鱼栖息地指数模型比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
蒋瑞  陈新军  雷林  汪金涛 《水产学报》2017,41(2):240-249
秋冬季是智利竹筴鱼的主要渔汛,准确建立其渔场预报模型具有现实的意义。为了找出适宜的秋冬季智利竹筴鱼栖息地指数模型,论文根据2003-2009年5-9月智利竹筴鱼的商业捕捞数据, 结合海表面温度(SST)和海表面高度(SSH)的海洋环境因子,以作业次数为基础,采用外包络法分别建立SST、SSH 的适应性指数(SI),采用算术平均法(AMM)、几何平均法(GMM)建立栖息地指数(HSI)模型计算其栖息地指数,并以2010-2011年度的捕捞数据进行验证。研究结果表明:以作业次数为基础,采用外包络法建立SST、SSH 的适应性指数为最适,5-9月SST权值分别为0.4、0.7、0.5、0.7、0.1的算术平均法适合秋冬季智利竹筴鱼栖息地指数模型。研究也以为,不同月份的SST和SSH对秋冬季智利竹筴鱼渔场分布有着不同的影响。  相似文献   

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