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一、"蛏贝宝"在海水贝类养殖中的地位硅藻是海洋经济动物的直接饵料或间接饵料。"蛏贝宝"——硅藻活饵料是海水池塘缢蛏、杂色蛤、虾类养殖不可缺少的一种新型生物饵料,它具有以下优点:硅藻的复苏率高,繁殖速度快,营养丰富,蛋白含量高达70%左右,适口性强,易于消化吸收,属于生态饵料,同时也为高密度养殖创造了有利条件,实现了对水生动物投喂饲料的互补作用。池塘内虾、贝产量的高低与硅藻有着密切关系。根据近两年使用对比,此产品在海水养殖中逐步占据主导地位,因为使用"蛏贝宝"能  相似文献   

海水围塘虾蟹贝新型综合养殖技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正三门县是海水养殖大县,拥有海水围塘养殖面积8万多亩,养殖模式以虾蟹贝立体生态混养为主,该种模式充分利用了混养生物学原理,通过将不同食性、不同摄食方式和不同栖息习性的种类放养在同一水体中,达到了充分利用水体空间、饵料资源的目的,在优化池塘生态结构、加强池塘物种多样性、提高抵御外来干扰能力等方面都发挥了重要作用。但是养殖过程中由于清塘消毒不彻底、养殖密度不断升高及不科学的养殖管理方法等原因,导致塘底环境恶化,水质易败  相似文献   

目前,在对虾种苗生产中,主要使用硅藻、小球藻等单细胞浮游植物以及海水丰年虫等浮游动物作为幼体饵料。但是,培养这些饵料,不但需要大量的设备,劳动力和经费,硅藻和小球藻的培育,还受到光照、水温等自然条件的限制,要进行稳定生产比较困难。因此,已开始研究以人工超微粒子饲料代替生物饵料。  相似文献   

正花蛤,又称蛤仔,属于滤食性贝类,是福建省海水滩涂贝类养殖主要品种之一,具有生长快、适应性强、养殖周期短、养殖方法简便等特点。目前其养殖方式主要有滩涂养殖、土池养殖等。在土池养殖中,花蛤主要是通过滤食池水中的底栖硅藻和单细胞藻类及有机碎屑等来满足其生长的需要。因此,池水中保持有质优量足的饵料生物是花蛤土池  相似文献   

我国农业面源污染的核心问题是水体的氮、磷富集,目前尚无有效的工程治理方法,本研究通过有机水产养殖减轻水体的氮、磷污染。结果表明,有机水产养殖可以有效降低养殖水体的COD、无机氮和无机磷的浓度,有机海水养殖控制污染物排放的效果较有机淡水养殖更明显;有机养殖方式下严格而系统的管理措施及饵料质量的控制可能是减少氮、磷富集的主要因素。  相似文献   

海水围塘虾蟹贝分区循环水养殖新模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>本文讲述一种滩涂贝类与虾蟹分区养殖的海水围塘系统,这种系统使虾蟹养殖区域(亦即饵料微藻培养区域)跟贝类养殖区域相对隔离开来,并通过增氧机人工造流等管理给贝类养殖区域连续供给微藻饵料,避免了阴雨天贝类生物量比较大时水体中饵料微藻全被消耗,保证了整个养殖期滩涂贝类都能获得足够饵料,同时保证了虾蟹养殖有一个相对稳定的水域生态环境。  相似文献   

采用基于Illumina测序平台的高通量测序技术,对大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)幼鱼肠道及其养殖水体、生物饵料中细菌种类及丰度进行研究。测序结果显示,养殖水体、生物饵料和大菱鲆幼鱼肠道等19个样品共获得有效序列547621条,可聚类于3771个可分类操作单元(OTUs),归属于养殖水体、生物饵料、健康幼鱼和发病幼鱼的操作分类单元(OTU)个数分别为3038、1090、87和777,其中,健康幼鱼与生物饵料、健康幼鱼与养殖水体特有的OTU个数分别为57和0,发病幼鱼与生物饵料、发病幼鱼与养殖水体特有的OTU个数分别为481和31。表明幼鱼肠道微生物多样性与生物饵料密切相关。根据细菌注释结果,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria)在大菱鲆幼鱼肠道中占优势地位,其中,健康幼鱼肠道微生物共聚类为8个门,发病幼鱼的肠道微生物可聚类为19个门。与健康幼鱼相比,发病幼鱼肠道门水平上的3种主要优势菌群落结构出现失衡。此外,对各样品中丰度最高的100位OTU分析显示,幼鱼肠道优势菌种类与生物饵料中的优势菌种类密切相关,而每个发病幼鱼肠道优势菌种类具有一定的独立性。本研究旨在为大菱鲆健康养殖和微生态调控提供实验依据。  相似文献   

通过开展肥水素在南美白对虾养殖中的应用试验,对水体浮游植物种类组成、生物量、多样性以及浮游动物密度进行分析,明确其对养殖水体浮游生物群落产生的影响。结果表明,本次试验池塘浮游植物共6门56属,其中优势种13种;对照池塘共6门54属藻类,其中优势种15种。试验池浮游植物shannon-wiener多样性指数变化范围为1.74~2.77,均匀度变化范围为0.56~0.79,丰富度变化范围为2.64~3.94。中前期使用肥水素,试验池藻类种类多以绿藻、硅藻为主,且使用9 d以后藻类多样性、均匀度及丰富度呈现平稳上升趋势。后期随着水温升高,池塘有机质增加,试验池和对照池均以绿藻、蓝藻、硅藻为主。总体说来,养殖水体浮游生物的类群结构及变化受多种理化等因素的影响,肥水素对水体良好藻相的形成与保持有一定的调控作用,同时增加对虾养殖单产、降低投入成本。  相似文献   

中国综合水产养殖的发展历史、原理和分类   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
董双林 《中国水产科学》2011,18(5):1202-1209
综合水产养殖是水产养殖的重要类型,它既包括同一水体内水生生物的混养,也包括水产养殖与同一水体或邻近区域进行的其他生产活动的结合。中国的稻田养鱼始于1 800年前,大规模的海水综合养殖始于公元1975年。目前中国开展的综合养殖模式有近百种,其依据的生态学原理主要有3个:通过养殖生物间的营养关系实现养殖废物的资源化利用;利用技术措施、养殖种类、养殖系统间功能互补或偏利作用平衡水质;养殖水体资源(时间、空间和饵料等)的充分利用。综合养殖系统可分为技术措施综合、养殖种类综合和系统综合三大类,其中系统综合类又可再分为水基系统综合和水基与陆基系统综合两个亚类。  相似文献   

为了解黄河三角洲海水梯度产业利用过程中浮游植物群落结构及其影响因子,于2016年5月份、8月份和11月份对水环境和浮游植物状况进行了3次调查。结果显示:调查共获得浮游植物3门23种属,其中硅藻21种属占据绝对优势;硅藻门具槽直链藻(Melosira sulcata)在不同季节均为唯一优势种,且94.29%的水体优势种数未超过2种;浮游植物丰度为1.94×10~5 cells/L;在海水不同利用阶段,LC(卤虫增养殖塘)ZY(晒盐池)YZ(养殖池塘)JS(进水渠)TX(提溴后处理池),但差异均不显著(P0.05);Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H'、均匀度指数J'和Margalef丰富度指数R分别为0.50、0.33和0.52,在不同利用阶段,H'和J'为JSZYYZLCTX,而R为JSZYYZTXLC;水体盐度在不同利用阶段,JSYZLCTXZY,并随海水的逐级利用显著升高(P0.05),pH和溶氧变化趋势则与之相反;浮游植物的物种数与pH、溶氧及丰度与水温、以及Shannon-Wiener指数与溶氧显著正相关(P0.05),物种数与盐度显著负相关(P0.05)。总体而言,梯度利用海水中浮游植物生物多样性和均匀度较低,种群较为单一,并受到水体盐度、水温等因素及人为干扰的影响。研究结果对完善不同产业的工程配置技术(特别是沿海滩涂水产养殖工程技术)及海水不同利用阶段的生产利用技术均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The bacterial diversity of a phototrophic biofilm used as nutrient‐recycler into a shrimp aquaculture system and as direct food‐source for shrimp was studied by next‐generation sequencing, considering the 16S rDNA and metagenomics sequence classification using exact alignments. Biofilm was promoted by the modification of cabon:nitrogen ratio and by the addition of the diatom Navicula sp. as promoter. Results revealed a wide diversity of bacteria thriving into the biofilm; most of the bacteria detected in the biofilm belonged to the Proteobacteria (47%), Chlamydiae/Verrucomicrobia (11%), Bacteriodetes (8%), Planctomycetes (5%) Phylum. Species involved in the decomposition of organic matter, nitrogenous‐ and sulfurous metabolites were detected; moreover, filamentous species known as biomass‐bulking enhancers and producers of adhesin‐like compounds were also detected. Surprising results were also obtained by detecting both, strictly anaerobic and aerobic bacteria involved into the metabolism of nitrogenous compounds. Other species not belonging to the marine environment were also detected, but their role is unclear. Finally, the detection of most of these species may constitute a first case report for a phototrophic biofilm. The results suggest an important role of bacteria in this type of biofilm and a complex microbial‐interaction network.  相似文献   

中国鲷科鱼类分类和系统发育研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
鲷科(Sparidae)隶属于硬骨鱼纲(Osteichthyes),鲈形目(Perciformes),鲈亚目(Percoidei).目前已报道世界有34属133种,广泛分布于大西洋、印度洋和太平洋的温带至热带水域,在世界海洋渔业中占有重要地位.虽然此类群系统学研究已有250多年历史,但是在亚科、属、种(亚种)等不同分类阶元上仍然存在颇多争议和疑问,有必要对其进行深人研究.本文总结了近百年来有关鲷科鱼类的分类和系统发育研究的文献资料,厘定了中国鲷科鱼类的有效物种和种名,修订了过去文献中出现的主要同物异名和错误的命名种,初步确认中国鲷科鱼类现有7属18种(或亚种);在探讨鲷科鱼类分类地位的基础上,指出了当前中国鲷科鱼类系统分类研究中存在的问题,展望了今后研究的方向,旨在为深入研究M科鱼类以合理保护和利用其资源提供参考依据.  相似文献   

While recirculating aquaculture systems for food animals are well defined in the literature, little information is available for the emerging production of high value marine ornamental species. These organisms typically require systems which operate within a narrow range of parameters compared to most food animals, and in addition to growth and survival issues, individual appearance of animals is critical to success. This paper is a general review of the primary design criteria parameters for the production of marine ornamental species in stable, oligotrophic, recirculating aquaculture systems.  相似文献   

The Neotropical freshwater fish fauna is very rich—according to the most recent catalogue 71 families and 4,475 species have been described. However, only a small amount of general information is available on the composition of Neotropical marine fishes. In Brazil, 1,298 marine species have been recorded. General analysis of available cytogenetic and population genetic data clearly indicates research has been mainly concentrated on freshwater fishes. Thus, today, cytogenetic information is available for 475 species of Characiformes, 318 species of Siluriformes, 48 species of Gymnotiformes, 199 freshwater species that do not belong to the superorder Ostariophysi, and only 109 species of marine fishes. For the species studied, only about 6% have sex chromosomes and about 5% have supernumerary or B chromosomes. A review of the cytogenetic studies shows that these data have provided valuable information about the relationships between fish groups, the occurrence of cryptic species and species complexes, the mechanism of sex determination and sex chromosome evolution, the distribution of nucleolus organizer regions, the existence supernumerary chromosomes, and the relationship between polyploidy and evolution. In relation to populations in Neotropical marine waters, the studies have shown the presence of cryptic species, which has important implications for fishery management. Different levels of genetic structuring can be found among Neotropical freshwater migratory fish species. This raises important implications for fish population genetic diversity and consequently its sustainable utilization in inland fisheries and aquaculture, specifically for conservation of ichthyo-diversity and survival.  相似文献   

Since 1989, and in comparison to the global trend, inland aquaculture production of European finfish has declined. To date, the yearly European freshwater aquaculture production is 371,727 tons, valued at over US$1 billion. Indigenous species accounted for less than one-third of the production, whereas alien species (a species that has been moved beyond its natural range of distribution) accounts for the remainder. However, in general, indigenous species command a higher market price. Currently, food quality and food safety are leading concerns of consumers, and European consumers are also becoming alert to environmentally detrimental practices. Therefore, to aim at economic sustainability, the sector needs to satisfy consumer expectations of environmentally friendly practices. It is believed that farming alien finfish species can threaten local biodiversity through escapes, and this represents a current environmental concern relative to aquaculture. In this context, an attempt is made in this paper to understand and quantify the impacts of alien finfish cultivation in European inland waters, and to suggest remedial measures.  相似文献   

This review provides the first historical account of the ecology and biology of common carp Cyprinus carpio in the Danube and Adriatic basins of Croatia, and emphasises the species’ economic relevance and management implications. As a semi-native species that is native to the Danube but translocated across the Adriatic Basin, carp plays an important role for aquaculture, recreational and artisanal fisheries. However, original strains have now disappeared, and because of genetic pollution in inland waters there is an increasing demand for restoring populations of the now rare and threatened wild carp, making conservation measures a priority. Translocations of carp across water bodies of the Adriatic Basin mostly for food supply did not prove successful in the long term, as the resulting ecological impacts may have been higher than the expected economic advantages. Measures for the prevention of further (uncontrolled) carp re-stocking are therefore necessary and this will require closer collaboration between scientists and environmental managers.  相似文献   

近年来,随着海水养殖业的迅猛发展,我国沿海水域生态系统遭受了不同程度的污染。选取我国沿海10个典型养殖水域(大连、唐山、蓬莱、连云港、启东、象山、宁德、东山,湛江、陵水),并以美济礁水域作为对照组(无水产养殖活动),采用宏基因组denovo测序方法系统分析了这些水域微生物的多样性,并进行了对比研究。结果发现,我国典型养殖水域微生物多样性与非养殖水域(美济礁)相比差异较大,美济礁水域微生物多样性明显低于各养殖水域;不同的养殖水域之间,微生物的丰度和多样性亦存在较大的差别;厚壁菌门和变形菌门是这些水域丰度最大的门类,其中厚壁菌门中的芽孢杆菌是其优势菌种。研究结果不仅有助于了解中国沿海典型养殖水域微生物的多样性,并可为评估我国海洋生态系统的污染水平提供基础数据。  相似文献   

鲭科(Scombridae)由15属51种表层洄游性海洋鱼类组成,广泛分布于热带和亚热带海域,是重要的经济鱼类。目前关于鲭科鱼类系统发生学的研究主要基于形态学特征。为了从分子水平上阐明鲭科鱼类的分类与系统进化关系,本研究扩增了鲭科7种鱼类的线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因1个含311个碱基的序列区和转录间隔区1(ITS1)的1个含644~692个碱基的序列区。采用多个生物软件对序列碱基组成进行分析,计算了Kimura-2parameter遗传距离、转换/颠换比等遗传信息指数。Cyt b和ITS1序列4种碱基平均含量分别是:A为22.8%、G为16.4%、C为31.2%、T为29.5%和A为13.5%、G为31.3%、C为38.7%、T为16.5%。基于Cyt b计算的鲭科鱼类种间遗传距离为0.0065~0.3335,平均遗传距离为0.1689;基于ITS1计算的金枪鱼族鱼类种间遗传距离为0.0032~0.2668,平均遗传距离为0.2025。Cyt b和ITS1序列的转换/颠换比分别为1.8和0.9。以竹荚鱼(Trachurus trachurus)和花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)为外群,并结合GenBank上鲭科24种鱼类的同源序列,构建NJ、ML和ME系统树。研究结果确认了金枪鱼属处于系统进化树的顶端,代表着最新演化的种类,是鲭科中最繁盛的一属,也是目前系统发育的高峰。所有分子系统树都表明鲣属、鲔属和舵鲣属显示与金枪鱼属很近的亲缘关系,它们均归入金枪鱼族。然而,研究结果与形态学上将金枪鱼属分为2个亚属的分类结果存在分歧。同时,本研究关于狐鲣属、平鲣属、刺鲅属和双线鲅属进化地位上的结果也不同于形态学的结果。故鲭科鱼类客观、科学的分类地位还需通过形态学、生态学和分子生物学的深入研究加以确认。  相似文献   

The grey mullet, Mugil cephalus, is an important aquaculture species in Taiwan. They were thought to be a single fish species in terms of the morphology‐based taxonomy; however, three cryptic species of grey mullet (mitotype: NWP1, NWP2 and NWP3) have been identified within the Taiwan waters. In general, the NWP2 females are known to have small body sizes with large developed ovaries regardless of the cultivation time, whereas the NWP1 females have large body sizes with small ovaries. In this study, the NWP3 females are found to have significantly larger body and ovary weights than do the NWP2 females under the same aquaculture conditions. Therefore, even though the NWP2 females are good fish for producing large ovaries, this study indicates that the NWP3 females have even more potential to produce huge ovaries than do the NWP2 females.  相似文献   

Offshore net pen fish farming provides a cost‐efficient means for production of marine finfish, and there is great interest in development of net pen operations in domestic waters. However, there are concerns over the possible genetic and ecological impacts that escaped fish may have on wild populations. We used individual‐based simulations, with parameter values informed by life history and genetic data, to investigate the short‐term (50 yr) impacts of net pen failures on the genetic composition of cobia, Rachycentron canadum, stocks in the Gulf of Mexico. Higher net pen failure rates resulted in greater genetic impacts on the wild population. Additionally, the use of more genetically differentiated source populations led to larger influxes of non‐native alleles and greater temporal genetic change in the population as a result of net pen failure. Our results highlight the importance of considering the appropriate source population for broodstock collection in net pen aquaculture systems and help to provide a general set of best management practices for broodstock selection and maintenance in net pen aquaculture operations. A thorough understanding of the genetic diversity, stock structure, and population demography of target species is important to determine the impact escapees can have on wild populations.  相似文献   

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