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SUMMARY: The relationship between mean weights of hatchery-reared masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou smolts at release and the subsequent recovery rates by coastal commercial fisheries in Hokkaido, northern Japan, was investigated using the maximum likelihood method. A strongly positive correlation was observed, showing smolts with a mean of 32.6 g obtained an approximately 20-fold recovery rate of those with a mean of 14.8 g. The model with log-transformed independent variable ( Yi = –11.237 + 4.239 ln Xi ) was selected as the most parsimonious model to represent the release size ( Xi ) and recovery rate ( Yi ) relationship.  相似文献   

Densities of wild masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou Brevoort, were investigated before (late-September) and after (mid-November) autumnal habitat shifts in a small river in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Abundance of instream cover habitat formed by coarse woody debris, submerged vegetation and undercut banks was quantified. Density of 1+ and older masu salmon was significantly correlated with cover abundance in autumn, although cover was not significant for density of 0+ fish, indicating that clear-cut reaches were utilized by 0+ masu salmon in autumn. In early winter, densities of 0+ and 1+ and older masu salmon were both correlated with cover availability. These results suggest that the amount of cover habitat is an important regulator for densities of juvenile masu salmon during winter.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Dominance, aggression and predator avoidance were compared among farmed, sea-ranched and wild juvenile masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou in laboratory experiments. Domesticated fish (farmed and sea-ranched), which had been exposed to artificial selection, were not dominant against wild fish in pairwise contests, nor did they show greater aggressiveness. Farmed fish did show greater feeding than wild fish. Under chemically simulated predation risk, farmed fish were more willing to leave cover and feed than wild fish, indicating reduced predator avoidance in the farmed fish. Our results indicate that selection for fast growth (domestication) in masu salmon favors fish that respond to food quickly and ignore predation risk.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Color vision, spectral sensitivity, accommodation, and visual acuity were examined in juvenile masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou masou to obtain fundamental information about the visual system. Two types of S-potentials were recorded from 415 horizontal cells in isolated retinas from 34 cultured freshwater masu salmon (114–219 mm standard length, SL). Although horizontal cells recording S-potentials were not identified, the horizontal cells were confirmed because their responses were maintained while the stimulus remained. The variety of chromaticity (C)-type S-potentials indicated well-developed color vision. The analysis of the luminosity (L)-type S-potentials indicated that the peak spectral sensitivity was at 522 nm. S-potentials were also recorded in response to ultraviolet light. The direction and extent of lens movement induced by electrical stimulation was measured in 12 cultured masu salmon (99.0–142.5 mm SL). The results indicated that the visual axis was upward and forward, and that the range of accommodation was from 0.79 × SL in front of the eye to infinity. In histological analysis of the retinas of five wild smolts (100–118 mm SL), the maximum cone densities (276–345 cones/0.01 mm2) were detected in the ventral to temporal regions. The visual acuities assessed by histological methods were 0.069–0.075.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined whether mortality and growth during the migration phase (the lacustrine phase after smolting) differ between sexes in migratory (lake-run) masu salmon ( Oncorhynchus masou ) in a lacustrine population, northern Hokkaido, Japan. The sex ratio of 1+ smolts was more skewed to females than that of the returning adults in three annual cohorts examined, indicating that females have a higher mortality rate during the migration phase. Although there was no difference in smolt length between sexes, female adults were larger in body length than males of the same age: female-biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) occurs. We suppose that breeding selection favouring a larger body size for females than for males in this population probably requires that females undertake more intensive foraging behaviour with its greater inherent risks but faster growth rates during the migration phase. It therefore seems to be likely that the selection is the ultimate cause of the female-biased mortality rate and SSD.  相似文献   

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