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牛至油的研究进展及其在畜牧业上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈立华  袁缨  陈建华 《畜禽业》2006,(10):24-26
牛至油在畜禽饲料中能抑制细菌的生长、繁殖;提高动物的生产性能;在动物产品中无残留、无抗药性,是一种绿色的饲料添加剂。文章就牛至油的理化特性、作用机理以及在畜牧业中的应用研究进展进行综述,为饲料和养殖企业更好的应用牛至油、加快畜牧业健康有续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

牛至油与安来霉素对仔猪生产性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗生素应用于畜牧业,对动物疾病防治、促进畜禽生长、提高饲料利用率等,均发挥了重要作用,但抗生素的残留及耐药性等问题所带来的弊端和危害已成为人类所面临的重大挑战.天然中草药植物添加剂由于能较好的解决抗生素长期使用带来的一些普遍弊端而引起人们的关注.牛至油是从植物牛至中提取的一种挥发油,牛至含有300多种抗菌化合物,因而牛至可能是一种潜在的非药物生长促进剂.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲料中添加牛至油对慢性氨氮胁迫下幼鲤(Cyprinus carpio)鳃、肝、肾、肠道组织结构的影响。挑选450尾初始体重为(17.02 ± 0.40)g的幼鲤,随机分为6组:L(对照组,养于正常水体中并饲喂基础饲料);L0、L300、L600、L900、L1200(试验组,养于4.87 ± 0.21 mg/L氨氮水体中并分别饲喂添加0、300、600、900、1200 mg/kg牛至油的试验饲料),每组设3个重复,每个重复25尾鱼,养殖试验为期56 d。结果表明:添加量为900 mg/kg时,牛至油对鳃、肝、肾组织发挥的缓解作用最大;当牛至油添加量达到1200 mg/kg 时,其缓解氨氮胁迫的作用降低。日粮中牛至油添加量为300、600、900 mg/kg可以显著增加肠绒毛高度,促进幼鲤肠道的生长发育;当牛至油添加量达到1200 mg/kg时,牛至油对于肠绒毛的促生长作用有所减弱。结论:日粮中添加900mg/kg的牛至油有助于缓解由氨氮胁迫造成的幼鲤鳃、肝、肾、肠道组织的损伤,并且对于幼鲤肠绒毛的生长,肠道消化吸收能力具有促进作用。  相似文献   

牛至油与安来霉素对仔猪生产性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪莉  李军 《畜禽业》2006,(3):14-15
抗生素应用于畜牧业,对动物疾病防治、促进畜禽生长、提商饲料利用率等,均发挥了重要作用,但抗生素的残留及耐药性等问题所带来的弊端和危害已成为人类所面临的重大挑战。天然中草药植物添加剂由于能较好的解决抗生素长期使用带来的一些普遍弊端而引起人们的关注。牛至油是从植物牛至中提取的一种挥发油,牛至含有300多种抗菌化合物,因而牛至可能是一种潜在的非药物生长促进剂。  相似文献   

正目前,许多国家已经禁止在动物生产中使用抗生素。一方面消费者需要更高质量的安全食品;另一方面生产者则希望生产具有高性能的产品,人们迫切希望找到天然产品,因此能够支持动物生产性能和健康,控制病原性微生物、寄生虫或原生动物的替代产品和方法成为人们关注和研究的焦点。最近的10年来,植物提取物及其精油在畜牧业生产的应用研究日渐深入。目前已经有充分的试验数据对比证明:如黑胡椒、绿茶叶子、止痢草,丁香油、牛至油、百里香醇、茶树油等,具有较好的杀菌、抗球虫效果。植  相似文献   

正目前,植物提取物类饲料添加剂被认定为"安全、高效、稳定、可控"的饲料添加剂。牛至油是抗菌活性很强的一类植物提取物,主要包括香芹酚和百里香酚等30多种活性成分。1985-1999年,英国美瑞康公司对牛至进行的大量研究,培育出的活性物质含量丰富的牛至新亚种。该新亚种植物提取物的活性成分及产品可以用于动物和人类,具有抗菌、杀菌功能,可以保证动物肠道健康,防治痢疾,提高动物生产性能和养殖效益,并被美国FDA认定为"公认安全  相似文献   

本研究采用人工感染(口服)球虫的方法,研究在不同日龄添加不同水平的牛至油对球虫的预防或治疗效果。实验分别在1、7、13和17日龄进行给药,14日龄攻虫,于24日龄剖解,测定增重率、存活率、病变值、卵囊值、抗球虫指数(ACI)。结果表明牛至油作为一种安全、高效的饲料添加剂,具有预防球虫病的作用,同时促进机体生长,提高生长速度,推荐在1日龄开始使用。牛至油在治疗球虫病方面,作用不显著。  相似文献   

陈小银 《畜禽业》2008,(2):19-20
<正>随着我国畜牧业的快速发展,国民生活水平的日益提高,人们的保健意识日趋加强,安全优质的动物产品需求也愈来愈高。特别在加入WTO之后,国际社会对畜产品的限制条件更为严格,要想占领和扩大动物及其产品的国际市场,只有生产出"绿色、安全、高效、稳定、可控"的中药饲料添加剂,成为绿色饲料工业充满活力的新  相似文献   

饲料是畜禽养殖的物质基础,但由于种种原因饲料被霉菌感染导致霉变,霉变的饲料既危害动物健康也造成极大的饲料浪费,越来越成为畜牧业生产中不可忽视的重大难题,综述了饲料霉变的原因、危害及预防措施。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着畜牧业经济的快速发展,兽药在畜牧业中的应用日益广泛,其在降低发病率与死亡率、促生长、提高饲料利用率和改善产品品质方面的作用是十分明显的,已成为现代畜牧业中不可缺少的物质基础。但是在生产实践中,滥用、误  相似文献   

由于具有较高的生物活性,卟啉铁在动物机体内的吸收率比一般补铁剂高很多,作为一种优质高效铁源,卟啉铁已逐步被发展成为一种新型绿色饲料添加剂。在养猪生产中,卟啉铁可作为高效铁源补充猪对铁的需求,并能有效改善猪的生长性能和外观。随着有毒副作用的促生长剂慢慢退出猪饲料添加剂行列,卟啉铁在畜牧养殖中必将发挥出重要的作用。  相似文献   

对虾配饵中动、植物蛋白比接近1:1为宜,如果动物蛋白不足,对虾生长发育不良,易感染各种疾病。配饵中添加鱼油试验经生物统计表明,鱼油是对虾增重的第一限制因子。配饵中缺乏鱼油,对虾食欲不振,会引起消化生理代谢障碍。对虾配饵原料质量如油脂氧化酸败与原料霉变及霉变产生的毒素,对对虾生长极其不利。不仅使虾体瘦弱,抗病力减弱,而且死亡率比对照组明显增高。因此,对虾配饵精选原料是保证配饵质量、减少发病率、提高成活率的关键因素。  相似文献   

This study was performed to evaluate the effect of replacing fish meal with local by‐products on Clarias gariepinus growth performance, feed utilization and body composition. A control diet contained 50% of fish meal. In four other diets, fish meal was partially replaced by vegetable and animal protein blend composed of sunflower oil cake, soybean oil cake, groundnut oil cake, bean meal, chicken viscera and blood meal. The study was conducted in a recirculating water system at a mean temperature of 23.6°C. The five test diets were compared with a commercial diet developed for African catfish. All diets were balanced to be equal in gross energy (19 kJ g−1) and crude protein (40%). The experimental groups were fed in triplicate for 8 weeks, increasing fish weight from about 6.2 g at start to 52.3 g in the end. Best specific growth rate (SGR=3.4), feed efficiency (FE=1.3) and protein efficiency ratio (PER=3) were obtained with the control diet (diet 50% fish meal), although there were no significant differences between the group of fish fed the control diet and those fed diets based on groundnut oil cake or bean meal, whereas SGR (2.17), FE (0.85) and PER (1.95) were significantly (P<0.01) lower in fish fed diet containing sunflower oil cake. No significant differences (P<0.05) were found in fish fed commercial diet and diets containing bean meal or groundnut oil cake. Groundnut oil cake or bean meal can thus replace at least 50% of fish meal in the diet of Clarias fingerlings without amino acid supplementation. Because of its economic importance and its potential in animal nutrition sunflower oil cake is still an interesting feed ingredient, but its efficiency should be improved by various processing techniques. African catfish can utilize efficiently a diet with low percentage of animal protein without growth reduction.  相似文献   

The use of prebiotics and probiotics as feed supplements that improve efficiency of intestinal bacteria is becoming de rigueur in animal husbandry in many regions worldwide. We tested the effects of a commercial probiotic (Biogen®) containing allicin, high unit hydrolytic enzyme, Bacillus subtilis spores and ginseng extracts on survival, growth, carcass composition and feed cost/benefit in rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus. Fifteen net cages (100 × 100 × 40 cm; L × W × H) were stocked with 10 juvenile rabbitfish (10.3 g per fish) each and placed in a large rectangular tank and offered feed at 4% body weight daily. Cages were offered one of five isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets containing 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 g kg−1 probiotic at three replicates per treatment for 98 days. Fish in all cages were weighed at 2‐week intervals and feed regimen was adjusted accordingly. Rabbitfish offered the control diet exhibited lower growth and feed utilization than all experimental treatments. There was no effect of probiotic inclusion level on survival but growth was better at all inclusion levels than in the control. No significant differences (P > 0.05) in growth were observed among fish groups fed various levels of the probiotic. Carcass composition was not affected by dietary probiotic inclusion. Ultimately, when all variables are considered, Biogen® inclusion to diets appears to reduce feed cost per unit growth of rabbitfish.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nile tilapia, Tilapia nilotica (L.), were fed eight isonitrogenous diets in two laboratory experiments at the Faculty of Agriculture (Saba Basha), Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. The diets were: (A) mixture containing 28% protein from both animal protein (fish meal) and plant protein (soybean meal and cotton seed meal) as a source of protein; (B) mixture free of animal protein; (C) mixture B supplemented with essential amino acids (EAA) (methionine and lysine); (D and E) composed of diet C supplemented with 5% and 3·5% oil respectively; (F and G) composed of diet C supplemented with emulsified or saponified 3·5% oil respectively and (H) mixture composed of diet C plus non-extracted rice bran instead of wheat flour as a source of energy without adding oil.
Growth performance (energy and protein retention and protein efficiency ratio) decreased with the animal protein free diet B. Supplementation of methionine and lysine to diet C improved growth performance and feed utilization as well as addition of oil and treated oil but 5% oil and 3·5% saponified oil increased mortality of the tingeriings by 46·27% and 20% respectively. Diet F gave the lowest mortality and the highest growth, energy and protein retention and protein efficiency ratio.  相似文献   

The suitability of land animal by‐products (ABPs) in feed for Atlantic salmon postsmolts (initial weight 372 g) in sea water was studied in a feeding experiment, using poultry by‐product meal (PBM) and porcine blood meal (BM) as protein sources and poultry oil as fat source. Four extruded feeds were tested in a 2 * 2 factorial model, with or without ABP protein sources and with or without poultry oil. The control feed contained a mix of marine and plant ingredients. Initial feed intake was highest in the ABP protein‐based diets, whereas poultry oil had a weak opposite effect. No differences were seen in growth rate or body weight. Addition of PBM and BM led to increased FCR, and lower retention of crude protein and energy. This could be explained by lower digestibility of amino acids and crude protein, and a slightly lower energy level in these diets. Reduced igf1 mRNA levels in liver and muscle were seen in fish fed dietary ABP protein and oil. Despite lower protein digestibility of ABP protein, this study confirms the suitability of ABP protein and lipid in combination with plant ingredients in feed for Atlantic salmon growers.  相似文献   

Peneid shrimp are commonly reared in clear‐water aquaria or tanks for short‐term studies of 4–6 weeks during controlled experiments, such as nutrition studies to estimate dietary nutrient requirements. Recently, in line with the genetic program at Centre Océanologique du Pacifique (COP), experimental clear‐water facilities were tested for the first time over a longer rearing period. Environmental conditions used to maintain animal growth in clear‐water system using a well‐balanced diet were defined. After 100 days, shrimp growth rates tended to decrease and only by adjusting the diet could shrimp complete their life cycle and reach maturation size of around 40 g. This paper presents information on stocking density, diet quality and husbandry linked to reproduction that must be considered to successfully rear animals from PL's to breeder size in clear water. By following these protocols a minimum amount of breeders can be used to meet production goals. Moreover, by isolating a small group of individuals, genetic diversity can be preserved, thereby allowing specific crosses for selective breeding purposes. Length of trials, amount of feed, composition of feed, growth performances and maturation success are reported and should encourage further studies to optimize rearing conditions in clear‐water rearing.  相似文献   

畜牧业作为农业的重要组成部分,是优化农业结构、振兴农村经济和增加农民收入的重要支柱产业。通过分析总结丹麦、瑞典等发达国家在畜牧业发展上取得的成功经验,明确黑龙江省畜牧业发展的目标,提出了发挥区住优势、加快畜牧业“三化”建设、加大农业生态环境的保护、解决食品安全问题、加强与北欧国家经贸合作的建议,对加快黑龙江省畜牧业发展具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

黑龙江省畜牧业产业化的发展现状及其问题对策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给黑龙江省畜牧产业化进程提供相应支持,本文在对黑龙江省畜牧业产业化发展状况进行分析的基础上,并客观地阐述了黑龙江省畜牧业产业化存在的一些问题,并在此基础上提出把建立、发展与完善畜牧专业生产合作社作为发展黑龙江省畜牧业产业化的首要任务的对策和建议,为进一步在黑龙江省发展畜牧业产业化提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

The effects of weekly anaesthetization with clove oil and tricaine methanesulphonate (MS‐222) on feed intake and growth were examined in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), held individually. Repeated handling without anaesthetics significantly reduced feed intake and weight gain compared with an unhandled control group during an 8‐week experiment. When anaesthetics were used during handling the feed consumption and weight gain were significantly (MS‐222) or not significantly (clove oil) higher than in fish handled without anaesthesia. When compared with the unhandled control group, neither of these two anaesthetics had significant effects on feed intake but, in contrast to MS‐222, repeated anaesthesia with clove oil had a significant negative effect on growth. However, the effects of MS‐222 and clove oil on the growth were not significantly different from each other. Feed conversion ratio (feed/gain) of MS‐222‐anaesthetized fish was significantly higher compared with unhandled control and handled control fish but was not significantly different from fish anaesthetized with clove oil. These results suggest that both MS‐222 and clove oil alleviate handling stress in juvenile rainbow trout, and that these two anaesthetics are rather similar with respect to their effects during repeated exposures.  相似文献   

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