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<正>家禽产业是重庆市畜牧业发展的重要组成部分,改革开放以来,重庆市家禽产业取得了长足的发展。本文通过对"十一五"期间重庆市禽肉生产与全国平均水平的优势比较,提出了一些旨在提高重庆家禽产业优势、促进家禽产业发展的建议。  相似文献   

盱眙县政府从2000年起开始举办龙虾节,使得盱眙龙虾在全国掀起了一场“红色风暴”,而且呈现愈演愈烈的态势,形成了盱眙龙虾的产业化发展。而盱眙龙虾产业的发展要得益于盱眙龙虾的比较优势,文章主要从气候、水域、饵料及区位优势方面分析了盱眙龙虾的比较优势。  相似文献   

目前.我国水产业的发展已经进入了一个新的时期。本文通过分析我国水产业发展的特点,提出新时期我国水产业的发展应该进一步发挥比较优势的基础性作用。大力提高水产品的国际竞争力.并提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,上海渔业经济的发展取得了巨大成就,但上海也为此付出了巨大代价:一是许多宝贵的水产资源逐渐衰竭;二是水产养殖导致了环境污染。上海如果要实现渔业的可持续发展,就必须注意搞好渔业产业结构的布局,发展自己的比较优势产业。文章针对如何确定上海渔业比较优势的问题详细介绍了用国内资源成本测定水产品比较优势的方法,并运用该方法测算了上海主要水产品的比较优势,旨在为上海市渔业生产结构的调整提供一定的参考和依据。  相似文献   

对十堰市优势产业一网箱养鱼进行优势区域布局,同时注重更新观念,创新思路.以优势区域为基地,以科研开发为先导,发挥区域比较优势,大力发展优良苗、种产业,加速优势水产品的更新换代;要依托优势水产品种苗产业的发展,加快区域性渔业科技创新,改革渔业科研,推广创新体制.  相似文献   

宜春市农业比较优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要是运用综合比较优势指数法对江西宜春地区19个农产品品种进行比较优势差异分析,从而找出其具有综合比较优势和不具有综合比较优势的产品。  相似文献   

福建是全国对虾苗种生产大省,具有悠久的产业发展历史。近年来,随着产业的发展,福建虾苗业出现了一些新的问题,如虾苗企业研发水平落后、盈利能力弱等。同样作为虾苗生产大省的海南,近年来虾苗产业得到迅速发展,在发展模式等方面有不少值得福建省借鉴之处。本文从福建、海南两省对虾苗种产业的产业规模、种虾来源与苗种类型、环境与自然资源、行业组织、成本及市场需求、技术支撑等方面进行比较,并为福建省对虾苗种产业发展提出引导苗企转型升级、加快原良种体系建设等建议。  相似文献   

运用SWOT矩阵分析法对平潭海岛旅游产业发展的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,进行了分析,提出了适合平潭海岛旅游产业发展的四大战略,以期为其旅游产业的可持续发展有所裨益.  相似文献   

海南省罗非鱼产业化发展的SWOT分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用SWOT矩阵分析法对海南省罗非鱼产业发展的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,进行分析,提出适合于海南罗非鱼产业的发展措施,以期为罗非鱼产业的可持续性发展有所裨益.  相似文献   

为了加快发展广西淡水渔业,本文作者在调查研究的基础上,联系广西淡水自然资源和渔业已经进入新的发展阶段的实际,根据国内外市场需求,提出充分发挥区域资源比较优势,搞好优势品种开发区建设,以促进全区淡水渔业的发展。以这一思考作为对今后工作的探讨。  相似文献   


The catfish industry is the most successful aquaculture business in the US. The development and growth of the catfish industry has resulted in complex fish farm businesses that require intensive management. Technological innovations have resulted in increased yields (land use efficiency). However, in more recent years, productivity gains have not kept pace with the rate of increase in input costs. Increasing intensification of catfish production over time has been accompanied by increased use of debt capital that results in higher levels of financial risk. While still a profitable activity, real profit margins have declined as financial risk has increased. New technologies will likely continue to increase productivity over time. Market‐oriented agribusiness approaches to catfish marketing are likely to become the norm. The challenge for the catfish industry is to coordinate adoption of new higher‐cost technologies with demand increasing market development to sustain farm price levels.  相似文献   

The US regulatory environment has been characterized as complex due to the greater than 1300 laws promulgated at local, state, and federal levels. Recent declines in the growth rate of US aquaculture have been attributed, in part, to a complex, overlapping, and inefficient regulatory framework. This study is the first to examine this question by quantifying the farm‐level regulatory burden and its economic effects in an aquaculture industry sector. A survey was conducted of baitfish and sportfish producers in the 13 major production states in the USA to identify the direct and indirect costs of regulation on producers. Survey responses captured 74% of the national volume of baitfish and sportfish production. The data revealed that only 1% of total regulatory costs are direct costs of regulation, such as license and permit fees, while 99% of the costs are due to manpower used for compliance, farm changes to remain in compliance, and sales lost without replacement. Costs due to regulations varied across states and farm sizes. Across all respondents, average total regulatory costs were found to be $148,554/farm, or $7383/ha. The farm‐level cost to the US baitfish and sportfish industry was estimated to be in excess of $12 million. On 38% of the farms, the cost of regulations exceeded the value of profits on baitfish and sportfish farms. Our findings confirm previous reports of the complexity of the regulatory environment. Results show that the total regulatory burden has increased farm‐level costs and restricted access to markets, thereby reducing profitability and contributing to reduced growth of the US baitfish and sportfish industry.  相似文献   

国内种子产业发展迅速并在提高农作物生产力上产生重要影响,但种子产业在发展的同时也面临一系列挑战和问题。本文分析认为,政府研究单位主导商业化育种、种子企业准入门槛过低、现行品种审定制度、监管体系缺失和知识产权保护不力等是种子产业目前存在问题的根源。要做大做强种子企业,种子产业必须开展系统性的改革;对此本文提出我国种子产业的发展目标设想和政策建议。  相似文献   

Ocean net pen production of Atlantic salmon is approaching 2 million metric tons (MT) annually and has proven to be cost- and energy-efficient. Recently, with technology improvements, freshwater aquaculture of Atlantic salmon from eggs to harvestable size of 4–5 kg in land-based closed containment (LBCC) water recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) has been demonstrated as a viable production technology. Land-based, closed containment water recirculating aquaculture systems technology offers the ability to fully control the rearing environment and provides flexibility in locating a production facility close to the market and on sites where cost of land and power are competitive. This flexibility offers distinct advantages over Atlantic salmon produced in open net pen systems, which is dependent on access to suitable coastal waters and a relatively long transport distance to supply the US market. Consequently, in this paper we present an analysis of the investment needed, the production cost, the profitability and the carbon footprint of producing 3300 MT of head-on gutted (HOG) Atlantic salmon from eggs to US market (wholesale) using two different production systems—LBCC-RAS technology and open net pen (ONP) technology using enterprise budget analysis and carbon footprint with the LCA method. In our analysis we compare the traditional open net pen production system in Norway and a model freshwater LBCC-RAS facility in the US. The model ONP is small compared to the most ONP systems in Norway, but the LBCC-RAS is large compared to any existing LBCC-RAS for Atlantic salmon. The results need to be interpreted with this in mind. Results of the financial analysis indicate that the total production costs for two systems are relatively similar, with LBCC-RAS only 10% higher than the ONP system on a head-on gutted basis (5.60 US$/kg versus 5.08 US$/kg, respectively). Without interest and depreciation, the two production systems have an almost equal operating cost (4.30 US$/kg for ONP versus 4.37 US$/kg for LBCC-RAS). Capital costs of the two systems are not similar for the same 3300 MT of head-on gutted salmon. The capital cost of the LBCC-RAS model system is approximately 54,000,000 US$ and the capital cost of the ONP system is approximately 30,000,000 US$, a difference of 80%. However, the LBCC-RAS model system selling salmon at a 30% price premium is comparatively as profitable as the ONP model system (profit margin of 18% versus 24%, respectively), even though its 15-year net present value is negative and its return on investment is lower than ONP system (9% versus 18%, respectively). The results of the carbon footprint analysis confirmed that production of feed is the dominating climate aspect for both production methods, but also showed that energy source and transport methods are important. It was shown that fresh salmon produced in LBCC-RAS systems close to a US market that use an average US electricity mix have a much lower carbon footprint than fresh salmon produced in Norway in ONP systems shipped to the same market by airfreight, 7.41 versus 15.22 kg CO2eq/kg salmon HOG, respectively. When comparing the carbon footprint of production-only, the LBCC-RAS-produced salmon has a carbon footprint that is double that of the ONP-produced salmon, 7.01 versus 3.39 kg CO2eq/kg salmon live-weight, respectively.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the effects of agglomeration externalities on productivity and efficiency by applying a stochastic production frontier model with a technical inefficiency model to the aquaculture industry. Agglomeration externalities refer to the costs and benefits to firms from clustering. Agglomeration studies within aquaculture have focused on the intensive salmon industry, whereas this study focuses on low-technology, extensive pond aquaculture, representing most farmers in the developing world and using Bangladesh as an empirical case. The results show that there is a positive externality effect of regional industry size on the production possibility frontier and a negative effect on technical efficiency. Farm density enhances efficiency and the farm proximity to output markets decreases efficiency. Thus, policies aimed at increasing aquaculture pond production in developing countries should consider farm locations and their access to input and output markets, all of which affect farm productivity and efficiency.  相似文献   

Understanding the economic effects of regulations on US aquaculture farms provides insights into which compliance costs create the greatest compliance burden on farms. This can further guide strategies to improve the efficiency of regulatory frameworks and potentially reduce on-farm compliance costs while maintaining adequate oversight. This study estimated the regulatory compliance burden on US catfish farms as part of a national effort to quantify the cost of regulations on US aquaculture farms. Completed survey interviews of catfish farms in the major catfish-producing states covered 63% of the total US catfish production area. Total regulatory costs of the US catfish industry were estimated at $45 million annually. Lost farm revenues (measured as the value of lost production, the value of markets lost from regulations, and the value of business opportunities lost because of regulations) were estimated to be $35 million per annum. Catfish-producing states outside the Alabama/Arkansas/Mississippi region had the highest ($2856/ha) and Alabama the lowest ($1127/ha) regulatory costs per hectare among the surveyed states. The greatest regulatory cost burden on catfish farms ($18 million) was caused by environmental regulations related mostly to the management of federally protected piscivorous migratory birds, followed by labor regulations ($12 million), and taxes/insurance ($7 million). Regulatory costs ($/kg) were 2.6 times higher on smaller (<80 ha) farms relative to larger (>300 ha) farms. Attention is needed to identify alternative regulatory frameworks that provide the same degree of regulatory oversight but are more cost-efficient.  相似文献   

通过对1991~2010年全国沿海各省海洋渔业产出和结构的变化轨迹研究,发现浙江省海洋渔业产出发展速度较慢,其直接原因是养殖业发展较为落后,同时存在捕捞一养殖产出比远高于其他省份的结构性特征。进而运用DEA—Malmquist指数对浙江省1997~2010年捕捞业和养殖业全要素生产率指数变化进行测算和比较分析。结果显示:养殖业生产率呈现波动下降趋势,捕捞业较为稳定,两类产业生产率差异逐步缩小并趋于一致。据此认为,从生产率角度看,依靠增加养殖业投入以改变捕捞一养殖结构,并不能为海洋渔业带来更高产出。结合海洋环境污染、生态失衡和空间承载力等限制性因素,提出进一步发展浙江海洋渔业的对策建议。  相似文献   

不同稻田综合种养模式的成本效益分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为获知和分析稻田综合种养模式在中国的发展现况及存在问题,根据2013年中国4个省份两种主要稻田种养模式的调查数据,采用Kruskal—Wallis非参数检验等方法分析了不同稻田种养模式在生产投入、经济效益上的差异以及在化肥、农药减量等方面的效应。结果显示,稻田综合种养具有较好的经济和生态效益,稻蟹、稻鱼两种种养模式的平均利润为水稻单作的2.43~3.92倍,化肥成本减少2.8%~49.2%,农药成本减少3.2%~83.6%,但技术成熟度及产业化程度的差异使种养户在最终经济收益及生态效益上的极差较大。研究表明,中国稻田综合种养规模化程度不够、成本投入偏高、综合种养生态、社会效益提升有限是目前面临的主要问题,因此加大政府的扶持力度,加强种养关键技术的研究,因地制宜将规模化的现代农业与传统稻田种养相结合是解决这些问题的关键。  相似文献   

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