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深水抗风浪网箱养殖是海水鱼类养殖发展的方向,近年来在各级政府的支持下海水抗风浪网箱养殖发展很快,全国已有深水抗风浪网箱3000多个,广东、海南、福建、浙江省都有一批深水抗风浪网箱养殖基地,自主创新的网箱制作取得了专利,投放的网箱经受了强台风的袭击,黄花鱼、军曹鱼、金鲳鱼、鲱鱼等鱼类在深水网箱中养殖也己成功,并创造了高产记录。  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了我国深水抗风浪网箱养殖发展概况和青岛市深水抗风浪网箱养殖发展历程,介绍了青岛市深水抗风浪网箱养殖现状和存在问题,阐明了今后青岛市深水抗风浪网箱养殖发展对策,供各级领导和同行参考.  相似文献   

大亚湾海域深水抗风浪网箱养殖现状及产业发展模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,广东省深水抗风浪网箱养殖雨后春笋般地蓬勃发展起来.2010年,全省首个深水网箱产业园区落户湛江,这些良好的发展势头也带动着周边临海城市积极发展深水网箱养殖.大亚湾深水抗风浪养殖起步较早,2007年在省海洋部门支持下在三门岛海域投建了第一组深水网箱,并获得成功试养,目前已拥有3组深水网箱,现就大亚湾海域发展深水抗风浪网箱养殖产业拥有的优势和发展瓶颈进行初步分析探讨,为今后大亚湾发展深水抗风浪网箱养殖提供有效参考建议.  相似文献   

大型网箱起网设备及方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国海水网箱养殖始于20世纪70年代,但在开展深水抗风浪网箱方面的研究直到“九五”期末才开始,起步较晚。通过引进消化吸收,我国的多家科研机构成功地研制出深水抗风浪网箱设施,并迅速得到推广。目前各种深水抗风浪网箱在山东、浙江、福建、广东、海南等多个沿海地区建立了十几个深海网箱养殖示范基地,为抗风浪网箱养殖技术的推广积累了宝贵的经验。我国深水抗风浪网箱养殖技术的突破,更新了传统网箱的养殖模式,拓展了养殖空间,为促进我国海水鱼类养殖业的持续、健康、稳定发展做出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   

本文回顾了广东海水网箱养殖和深水抗风浪网箱发展历程,介绍了2002年全国水产技术推广总站"南海区升降式深水抗风浪网箱养殖技术示范"项目的实施情况,筛选出军曹鱼、高体鰤两个适宜养殖品种,制订了<军曹鱼深水网箱养殖技术操作规范>和<高体鰤深水网箱养殖技术操作规范>,并对深水抗风浪网箱在广东的广阔发展前景进行了展望;论述了大面积推广抗风浪深海网箱养殖所必需解决的海域养殖容量与环境管理、苗种繁育、配合饲料与投喂技术、病害防治、从业者素质等问题.  相似文献   

近年来 ,我国深水网箱养殖发展较快 ,大型深水抗风浪网箱以其容积大、养殖鱼类成活率高、回报高的优势逐渐得到广大养殖业者的青睐。深水抗风浪网箱因其放置于离岸较远的深水区域 ,距管理区较远 ,给管理和维护带来不便。为了避免因箱体网衣破损、部件损坏而导致养殖鱼类逃逸等现象的发生 ,使用单位在使用网箱过程中对其进行必要的维护是十分必要的。本文就深水抗风浪网箱的使用和维护提出若干建议 ,供广大养殖者参考。1深水抗风浪网箱的组成和特点深水抗风浪网箱主要由框架系统、网囊、固定系统和配套设施组成。利用固定平台与箱体的相互作…  相似文献   

深水抗风浪网箱代表着海水网箱养殖的发展方向,是国家今后重点支持的先进的海水养殖方式。为此本刊特邀国内著名的深水网箱养殖专家徐君卓教授就我国深水网箱的发展现状、养殖技术、挪威深水网箱发展情况等内容作一介绍,刊出后收到了很好的效果,很多读者纷纷来电、来函询问深水网箱的有关问题,并希望我刊能多刊登这方面的文章。我刊又邀中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所深水网箱课题组负责人郭根喜研究员等专家重点就南海区深水网箱发展概况、深水网箱养殖适宜的养殖水域条件、深水网箱养殖技术及今后的发展前景作一系统介绍。  相似文献   

<正>从浅海走向深海,深水抗风浪网箱养殖让海水养殖产业不断转型升级,带动沿海"失海失地"的渔民致富奔小康。中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所研究员陶启友介绍,深水抗风浪网箱养殖符合我国海洋产业发展的方向,同时代表着先进的海洋水产养殖技术,近年来在我国沿海得到了较快发展。深水抗风浪网箱是一个系统的  相似文献   

福建省大型抗风浪深水网箱养殖发展现状与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、经验与成效1、领导重视,扶持力度加大。从2001年起,我省开始推广发展国际上先进的大型抗风浪深水网箱养殖技术,沿海各地都把发展大型抗风浪深水网箱养殖作为调整优化渔业生产结构,增加渔农民收入,实施生态型渔业战略,促进闽台渔业合作与交流,提高渔业科技含量的一项重要工作,摆上重要议事日程。良好的发展氛围,充分调动了群众的积极性,全省各地发展大型抗风浪深水网箱养殖热潮迭起。2、规范管理,确保产业有序发展。在发展推广深水网箱养殖过程中,省局明确提出要发展湾外、20米等深线外、升降式抗风浪深水网箱养殖。并与省财政厅联合制订…  相似文献   

深水网箱抗风浪能力和耐流特性是深水网箱养殖首要解决的主要问题,也是网箱设计的核心技术问题.深水抗风浪网箱系统水动力特性研究相当关键.文中对深水抗风浪网箱水动力特性研究中物理模型试验和数值模拟方法,包括网衣模型相似准则、网箱整体模型试验、运动特性分析技术、网箱整体模型试验,以及网衣模拟、浮架模拟、整体网箱模拟、网衣周围流...  相似文献   

深水网箱抗风浪核心技术之一是沉于水下一定深度处以躲避台风浪的破坏,应用无线电移动通讯技术所研发的沉浮遥控装置可成功实现远距离遥控网箱系统的沉浮,保证网箱系统在任何紧急状态下都能自动、安全地沉降到预先指定的水下深度。笔者等在晋江围头海域深水网箱基地的多次试验表明,配备沉浮遥控装置的抗风浪网箱在岸上遥控指挥下,其沉浮的性能指标能满足设计要求:能在30分种内实现下沉;下沉过程中网箱框架倾斜角度不超过20°。  相似文献   

A total of 18 Neoparamoeba strains were characterized both morphologically and using the SSU rRNA gene sequences as molecular markers. Nine were isolated from gills of farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., six from sediments sampled in areas of sea-cage farms and three from net material of sea-cages. The newly obtained sequences extended substantially the dataset of Neoparamoeba strains available for phylogenetic analyses, which were used to infer taxonomic relatedness among 32 strains morphologically assigned to this genus. In addition to the N. pemaquidensis and N. aestuarina clades, phylogenetic analyses clearly distinguished a third clade with sequences from six strains. Members of this clade are characterized as representatives of a new species, N. branchiphila n. sp. The diagnostic primers for the identification of this species are introduced.  相似文献   

Abstract. The frequency of escaped farmed salmon in the River Polla, Scotland was estimated at spawning in 1990, the second year after the escape of 184000 fish from a sea-cage site nearby. Fourteen of 73 spawners examined were of farmed origin. In only six of these fish were scale growth patterns consistent with their being part of the documented escape. All of these fish carried the pigment canthaxanthin. Fifty-nine redds were constructed at spawning. Five of 54 redds sampled contained embryos or alevins bearing canthaxanthin. The frequency of fry bearing canthaxanthin was determined in samples obtained from the neighbouring Rivers Hope and Dionard following spawning in both 1989 and 1990. There was no evidence of substantial returns of salmon from the documented escape to these rivers. These findings and those of a previous study suggest that more than 95% of those fish which returned to rivers near the site of the documented loss did so in the first year after escape and that fewer than 0·5% of those fish which escaped returned within the 2 years of study.  相似文献   

One of the critical challenges that the global salmon farming industry will confront when upscaling production is accurate biomass control. Commercial salmon farming requires a significant level of certainty regarding fish count, average weight measurement, live weight distribution, and other production indicators. A reliable control system for assessing the biomass of farmed Atlantic salmon is essential for sustainable and cost-effective precision aquaculture. A study was done in four production sea-cages in a Chilean Atlantic salmon marine grow-out farm to estimate the average weight and frequency distribution utilizing the Vaki Biomassdaily® diode frames as an alternate technology to manual weight measurement. From post-smolt reception to fish harvest, diode frames were put in each sea-cage in a secure position for 15 months. There were no significant changes in length or average weight between manual sampling and frame estimate. The mean degree of accuracy for the average weight estimation was 98.83 % for the frames utilized in the four sea cages. The diode frames also achieved a high degree of precision in predicting the frequency distribution of fish. There were no statistically significant variations between the distribution variances of the diode frame measurements and the distribution variances of the fish received at the fish processing facility (FPF). The maximum difference between the average weight calculated by the frames and the average weight of the fish received in the processing facility was 2.4 %, with 99.66 % being the highest accuracy with only 19 g of difference. We determined that diode frames might replace manual weight assessments with greater reliability for growth monitoring and production management. To assure the optimal performance of the diode frames in terms of accuracy and precision for future commercial-scale validations in the salmon farming business, the development of a standard best practice manual is necessary.  相似文献   

A long-term environmental study was conducted to evaluate the significance of water temperature, pH and salinity on the prevalence of Streptococcus iniae mortalities in barramundi sea-cage facilities. It was determined that there is a strong association between temperature and increased mortality, specifically between 25 and 28 °C. Temperatures outside of that range result in decreased mortalities attributed to S. iniae. There was no statistical significance between pH or salinity and S. iniae induced mortality (p > 0.05), although acidic conditions (< pH 6) occurring due to anthropogenic disturbances did result in acute mortalities and S. iniae was recovered from approximately 70% these fish. Laboratory challenge studies confirmed the temperature dependence of S. iniae infections as well as the increased susceptibility of barramundi to S. iniae during acid water conditions.  相似文献   

基于MCGS的深水网箱自动投饵远程控制系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高深水网箱养殖投饵的自动化和工业化水平,设计并开发出适合深水网箱养殖投饵管理的自动控制系统。该自动投饵控制系统基于MCGS组态软件进行二次开发,采用PLC为控制核心,应用计算机与PLC进行通讯。介绍了深水网箱自动投饵系统的工作原理和系统设计框架,阐述了PLC控制系统的工作流程和程序设计,说明了基于MCGS组态软件的系统组态过程。运行试验的结果表明,系统具有性能稳定、可靠性高、人机界面友好、操作便捷等特点,实现了投饵控制、动画显示、系统状态监控、权限管理、历史数据输出、打印等功能,可以满足深水网箱集约化养殖精确投饵操作和管理等各项要求。  相似文献   

应用两种不同的波浪理论计算方形网箱水平波浪力   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
运用莫里森(Morison)和库兹涅佐夫(Kuznetsov)的计算方法对方形网箱及其构件受到的水平波浪力特性进行分析,分别依据正弦波和司托克斯二阶波理论,导出相应水平波浪力的迭加计算公式,并把计算结果与两种尺寸的网箱水槽试验进行对比验证。结果显示,正弦波理论计算值与试验值平均误差分别为11.19%和13.67%,二阶波计算平均误差分别为11.03%和13.87%,表明两者计算结论的差异性和计算方法的可行性。在波长、周期、波高和水深分别为150m、10.2s、10m、40m情况下模拟计算实物网箱水平波浪力,其二阶波受力峰值范围比正弦波的要窄、波谷值曲线要平坦,两者波浪力计算相差达8.70%,并且相差率与波高、波长成正比例关系,与水深成反比例关系,从而说明不同的波浪水域环境下应用不同波浪理论计算具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来,深远海渔业养殖装备已引起国内外相关领域的广泛关注,其中网衣系统是渔业平台的重要组成部分。网衣属于小尺度柔性构件,在水动力作用下会产生变形,其阻力性能预报归于水弹性问题的范畴。目前,出现了1种较先进的基于非线性有限元的网衣水动力计算方法,该方法将势流理论与有限元方法相结合,用于求解网衣受力和变形。文章采用该方法计算一型重力式网箱的阻力性能,并将计算结果与试验数据进行比较,结果表明,采用该方法可以较好地预报网衣阻力性能,从而为开展大型深远海渔业平台网衣系统的阻力计算夯实基础。  相似文献   

Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) bite at netting materials in sea-cages, which is known to weaken and destroy net materials, contribute to the formation of net holes and lead to escapes. We determined the lateral pulling forces applied to nets through biting by cod in a laboratory set-up. A sensor for automatic logging of the lateral pulling force was used to obtain data for over 1000 undisturbed, objectively collected biting events. Lateral pull force varied between cod of different size (180 and 610 g) and different net types, ranging from 0.9 to 9.4 N. Further, pull forces were on average 1.5–2.5 times stronger during lengthy biting events compared to single, brief bites. Maximum lateral pulling forces exerted by 610 g cod were similar to their body weight in air, while 180 g fish were able to pull with a force equivalent to twice their own weight in air. All recorded lateral pull strengths significantly exceeded the known force needed to break single nylon fibres of the netting material. Our results advance understanding of mechanisms and forces involved when cod interact with sea-cage nets and provide important baseline data for the design and production of more bite-resistant netting.  相似文献   

Culture potential of Orconectes virilis , the northern or fantail crayfish, was evaluated in deep ponds and simulated shallow ponds during the summer and fall. Adult crayfish were stocked in the deep ponds in October and known numbers of juvenile crayfish were stocked in the shallow ponds in May. Triplicate groups of crayfish in each system were either not fed (negative control) or fed corn silage or wheat straw. Production in either system was not significantly different between treatments, but production in the shallow tanks (790 kg/ha) was almost double that observed in the deep ponds (401 kg/ha) and may have been due to different stocking strategies. Juvenile crayfish were generally of minimal marketable size at the end of one growing season. The shallow tanks were restocked in October and drained in March to evaluate overwinter survival in this type of system. Survival averaged 78.9% for both males and females, and most (97.1%) age 1 females were carrying eggs.  相似文献   

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