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网箱养鲤鱼病综合防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者根据1998-1999年在绥中县龙屯水库进行网箱养鲤鱼病防治技术研究结果,介绍了网箱养鲤鱼种入箱前后的处理方法及在养殖期间的鱼病防治措施。同时,对网箱养鲤的主要疾病(鲤春病毒病、细菌性烂鳃病、鲤白云病、水霉病、单极虫病、三代虫病等)的原因、症状、流行情况及防治方法作了概述。  相似文献   

鲤鱼肠道寄生鲮单极虫病初报钱续,娄忠玉(甘肃省榆中县渔业工作站730100)(甘肃省水产科学研究所730030)鲮单极虫最常见的是寄生在鲤鱼鳞片下面。近年来发现,鲤鱼肠道患鲮单极虫病在北方较为流行,特别是网箱养殖的鲤鱼(15—750克/尾)易得此病。...  相似文献   

近年来,我区及周边地区池塘、网箱均不同程度地发生由粘孢子虫、碘孢虫、尾孢虫、单极虫、和肤孢虫引起的鱼病。特别是由碘孢虫、尾孢虫在鲤鱼上引起的鱼病,死亡速度快,死亡量大,1999年5月29日-6月3日,我区致韩镇新阳四社一口池塘首次发生碘孢虫病,  相似文献   

<正>单极虫是鲤鱼常见的一种寄生粘孢子虫。鲤鱼肠道单极虫病,已经严重危害鲤鱼养殖业的迅速发展。笔者于2010年4月对吉林省农安县太平池水库的病鱼调查中发现病鲤鱼肠壁上寄生了大量白色胞囊,取胞囊压片显微镜观察,经光学显微镜镜检后,鉴定为单极虫。并对该病进行了治疗,取得了较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

1997年对3座水库网箱鲤鱼病发生情况进行了防治与监测。鱼病防治重在预防,外用药物剂量比池塘增大5—10倍。网箱鱼严重缺氧浮头时可用氧气瓶充氧,费用较低。  相似文献   

1995年9月下旬,四川三台和盐亭县的两个水库渔场的网箱鲤鱼同时暴发指环虫病,该病来势猛、发病急,几天之内就引起鲤  相似文献   

网箱鲤鱼白云病的防治白云病是一种细菌和寄生虫综合症,常常与小瓜虫、口丝虫、车轮虫、斜管虫、三代虫病、竖鳞病、水霉病、赤皮病。等并发,特别是对集约化养鱼传染迅速,感染率高,治疗困难,死亡率可达10~60%。若不及时治疗,造成严重的经济损失,影响生产者的...  相似文献   

作者以岗南和安各庄水库为重点,进行了网箱养鲤鱼病的观察、预防和治疗。文章报道了水库自然条件及鱼病概况,网箱鱼病发生的主要原因。主要鱼病的症状及防治方法;认为操作不当,鱼种携带病原体,水温及水质变化,饵料质量问题,是诱发鱼病的主要因素。  相似文献   

根据网箱养鲤鱼病发生特点及规律,提出鱼病综合防治技术。经1990年度于桥水库8.76亩网箱试验应用,鱼种分箱成活率达98%,养殖期总成活率达95%以上,免除直接经济损失10万余元。  相似文献   

鲤指环虫病的暴发与诊治鲤鱼指环虫病的病原为坏鳃指环虫,主要寄生在鲤鱼的鳃上,大量寄生时引起鳃组织的损害,造成鱼体呼吸困难而死亡。1995年9月下旬,四川三台和盐亭县两个湖的渔场网箱鲤鱼同时暴发指环虫病,该病来势猛、发病急,几天之内就引起鲤鱼大批死亡,...  相似文献   

As aquaculture continues to supply an increasing share of the worldwide seafood demand, it will become critical for farmers to maximize their efficiency. Presently, the majority of marine finfish are produced in gravity type net pens which can deform when they are subjected to currents. The water velocity loading affects the overall net shape which results in net cage volume loss and consequently, increases fish stress and decreases growth rates.In this study, an acoustic method is utilized to monitor the deformation of a small-scale fish cage deployed in currents. Twelve acoustic sources and four hydrophones were deployed on and around a small scale net pen for 60 days to monitor the net cage movement and volume. Local current velocities were recorded using two current meters, one inside and one outside the net pen. Three volume approximation techniques were examined, using the positions of the acoustic sources to predict net chamber volume as it responded to the currents. A numerical model of the system was then configured, set with loads under similar water velocities and results between field measurements and the model were compared.The use of acoustic sources and hydrophones to monitor cage deformation was shown to accurately monitor net deformation. Field measurements compared well to numerical model predictions, with errors ranging from −3.8% to 32%, depending upon the number of acoustic sources employed in the volume calculations. At low water velocities, six acoustic sources were found to accurate predict the net pen volume. In higher currents, a minimum of nine acoustic sources was recommended.  相似文献   

网箱养鱼对潘家口水库水质的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过调查监测对比分析了网箱养鱼对潘家口水库水质产生的影响,对网箱养鱼增加的总氮和总磷的负荷进行了估算,最后,提出了降低网箱养鱼污染的途径和对策。  相似文献   

海水网箱养殖中,网衣污损附着物会影响网箱设施安全及其养殖鱼类的健康生长,因此,网衣防污是网箱养殖业备受关注的问题。本文在简述海水网箱网衣分类与特点的基础上,重点介绍了人工清除法、防污涂料法、机械清除法、金属合金网衣防污法、箱体转动防污法、生物防污法、网衣本征防污法等网衣防污技术最新研究进展;结合本课题组在网衣防污方面的研究成果,分析上述防污技术的特点,为网衣防污技术的深入研究以及水产养殖业的绿色发展提供参考。我国海水网箱养殖业大有可为,但网衣防污工作仍任重道远。  相似文献   

根据鲍的生活习性,总结国内外养鲍设施特点,自行研发新型竖排式网箱。通过在港湾海域进行新型竖排式网箱的养鲍试验,对养鲍过程中网箱内饵料分布、附着生物情况进行研究,并与传统挂笼养殖模式对比分析。结果表明:新型网箱养殖过程中采用平潮点倾倒法投喂龙须菜或海带,鲍匍匐基内的饵料占比分别为:龙须菜约30.4%,海带约36.7%,均高于其它投喂方式。经过9个月的养殖,网目为1 cm的竖排网箱中的鲍最终体重为(29.1±6.17)g,存活率为60.5%,传统挂笼中鲍体重为(22.8±7.93)g,存活率为33.5%,新型网箱养殖效果显著优于传统挂笼(P0.05);不同网衣规格的网箱表面附着生物附着量无显著性差异(P0.05),但均显著大于传统挂笼组(P0.05),进入夏季后,网箱中附着生物的生物量和丰富度都有显著增加。与传统挂笼相比,新型竖排式网箱具有水体交换好、操作简单、节省劳力、存活率高等优点。  相似文献   

大亚湾鱼类深水网箱养殖对环境的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2016年5月(养殖开始前)和2016年8月(养殖投饵高峰期)对大亚湾大碓鱼类深水网箱区、外围区(网箱外0.1 km)和非养殖区(网箱外10~15 km)的海水和沉积环境进行了调查,采用有机污染指数(A)法、营养状态质量指数(NQI)法对水环境进行评价,用潜在生态危害指数(RI)法对表层沉积物重金属潜在生态危害进行评价。结果显示,与传统网箱养殖化学需氧量(COD)由网箱区中心向四周递减的趋势不同,深水网箱养殖CODMn浓度在3个区域间无显著性差异。深水网箱养殖海域水质较好(A1),水质处于贫营养水平(NQI2)。深水网箱养殖海域表层沉积物重金属铅(Pb)和锌(Zn)含量均符合第一类海洋沉积物质量标准,但铜(Cu)和镉(Cd)含量轻微超标。沉积环境处于轻微生态危害状态(Eir30,RI100),与中国同类型海区相比,污染危害程度相对并不严重。深水网箱养鱼对周围海域环境的影响较小。  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for primary data that can be used to quantify the value of marine aquaculture facilities that also describe influences on the surrounding natural ecosystem and its wild fish communities. Divers completed 360 transect replicates below a net‐cage and at nearby and distant rocky reefs off Catalina Island, California, estimating the species abundance and size class of all conspicuous fishes in the water column. We observed 10,234 fishes aggregating below the net‐cage with a mean annual density of 142 (SE ± 30) per 100 m2 and diversity H′ 2.29. At the adjacent reference reef, we counted 8452 fishes with a mean annual density of 117 (SE ± 20) and H′ 1.45 and at Reference Reef 2, located 500 m away, there were 8958 fishes with a density of 124 (SE ± 20) and H′ 1.13. The total density of fishes was the same between the study sites (ANOVA; P = 0.24); however, the spatial density of fishes in the water column was different between the net‐cage and reference reefs. Additionally, the density of juvenile fish was significantly lower at the net‐cage (ANOVA; P = 0.02), while the density of subadult and adult fishes was higher (ANOVA; P = 0.03). Feeding guild analysis ranked the net‐cage highest (3507), while Reference Reef 1 (2149), and Reference Reef 2 (2241), had lower values, a relationship often found between artificial and natural reefs. This suggests the importance of available trophic resources to the adult population of wild fishes, and has implications in the artificial reef attraction–production debate. The results of this study not only reproduce a pattern of fish attraction to net‐cages in the marine environment reported in previous studies but also demonstrate a relative habitat value compared in both time and space, of the fish community at a net‐cage compared with vibrant kelp bed communities.  相似文献   

深海网箱养殖受极端环境影响较大,自升式深海网箱凭借其结构特点在极端天气下可将养殖箱体下潜入水,为更好地应对极端环境、增加养殖效益提供了可能。本文针对某自升式深海网箱,基于大型通用有限元软件ANSYS的Mechanical模块,建立其有限元分析模型,而后考虑正常作业及风暴自存2种作业状态,通过编制不同相位角下桩腿支反力搜索程序确定计算工况,最终求解得到网箱各部件结构变形情况及应力分布,从而完成网箱结构安全性评估。研究表明,自升式深海网箱通过箱体下潜入水可以很好应对极端环境条件;经校核,本研究的自升式深海网箱结构安全性满足要求;桩腿及附近撑杆是自升式网箱的结构薄弱区域,在网箱设计中应予重点考虑。本研究可为自升式深海网箱结构安全分析提供方法参考。  相似文献   

海水网箱养殖长鳍篮子鱼的摄食与生长特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
于2005年10月至2006年5月对海水网箱养殖长鳍篮子鱼(Siganus canaliculatus)的摄食与生长特性进行了研究。结果表明,长鳍篮子鱼主要栖息于水体中下层,喜结群,易受惊,活动能力较强,具有争抢食物的习性,喜摄食网衣上附着的藻类。初始体重17.8±3.2 g的长鳍篮子鱼经187 d养殖,平均体重达68.4 g,日均增重0.27 g,平均瞬时增重率为0.72%。长鳍篮子鱼的生长速度受水温影响明显,采样阶段平均水温23.0℃时瞬时增重率达到最高值2.10%,当水温降到16.0℃以下时,瞬时增重率出现最低值0.22%。长鳍篮子鱼的全长与体长呈线性关系,相关方程式为:LT=0.7228LB+5.6424;体长与体重呈幂函数关系,相关方程式为:W=0.00002L3.0559,其生长属于等速生长类型。  相似文献   

The effects of water flow, fish feed and cage position on net biofouling was examined in a floating cage fish farm. Fouling of 16 mm mesh net panels suspended inside and outside net cages and exposed to different treatments were monitored weekly until net apertures were completely occluded by the fouling organisms (8 weeks). Results indicate a dramatic reduction in water flow velocity throughout the fish farm due to the cage units themselves and net biofouling. The reduced water flow (<10 cm s?1) inside net cages promoted rapid net biofouling, while rapid water flow outside the net cages (>25 cm s?1) kept the net fouling organisms at bay. Although fish rearing in net cages with inputs of commercial pellet feed increased sessile biofouling (222% higher than outside the net cages) and non‐sessile biofouling (570% higher), the type of fish feed used did not significantly affect biofouling development. The study recommends that the geometry of serially arranged net cages, as commonly deployed in tropical tidal estuaries, be reconfigured to improve flow through in order to minimize the impact of fouling.  相似文献   

2008年4月~10月,在福建尤溪水东水库开展奥尼罗非鱼水库网箱集约化养殖试验,结果表明:投放平均体重为27g的奥尼雄性罗非鱼,经过190d的饲养,鱼体平均体重1062g,产品符合水产品质量安全要求,平均成活率达98.0%,饲料系数为1.7,平均盈利244元/m^2,创造了良好的经济效益。本文从水源条件、养殖设施、养殖密度、饲料和饲养管理等方面,总结了福建尤溪水东水库罗非鱼网箱健康养殖的技术要点,为福建溪流型水库开展罗非鱼网箱健康养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

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