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为了解黄条(Seriola aureovittata)早期发育阶段的消化生理特性,测定了黄条胚胎、仔稚幼鱼阶段脂肪酶、淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶和碱性磷酸酶活性变化。结果显示,在黄条仔鱼出膜前胚胎阶段,即能检测到脂肪酶、淀粉酶和碱性磷酸酶活性;初孵仔鱼体内(1 d)初次检测出胰蛋白酶的活性。脂肪酶和碱性磷酸酶比活力在仔鱼孵化后迅速增强(P<0.05),在4 d开口时,2种酶比活力达最高值;淀粉酶比活力在7 d时达最大值;胰蛋白酶比活力在仔鱼阶段缓慢上升,15 d时比活力最大。稚鱼阶段内脏团中脂肪酶、碱性磷酸酶和胰蛋白酶活性基本维持稳定,幼鱼阶段内脏团脂肪酶、碱性磷酸酶和胰蛋白酶活性都呈现上升趋势;稚鱼和幼鱼阶段内脏团中淀粉酶活性下降并基本稳定于较低水平。研究表明,黄条仔稚幼鱼发育过程中,各种消化酶活性变化明显,且与其发育阶段和食性密切相关。在尚未摄食饵料的早期仔鱼体内已存在消化酶,认为其是母源传递而来,不是由外源性饵料所致;幼鱼阶段内脏团脂肪酶、碱性磷酸酶和胰蛋白酶比活力明显提高,这反映出随苗种生长发育,其肠道结构和消化机能逐渐完善,并且对脂肪、蛋白质的需求逐渐增强。  相似文献   

为了解黄条鰤(Seriola aureovittata)早期发育阶段的消化生理特性,测定了黄条鰤胚胎、仔稚幼鱼阶段脂肪酶、淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶和碱性磷酸酶活性变化。结果显示,在黄条鰤仔鱼出膜前胚胎阶段,即能检测到脂肪酶、淀粉酶和碱性磷酸酶活性;初孵仔鱼体内(1 d)初次检测出胰蛋白酶的活性。脂肪酶和碱性磷酸酶比活力在仔鱼孵化后迅速增强(P<0.05),在4 d开口时,2种酶比活力达最高值;淀粉酶比活力在7 d时达最大值;胰蛋白酶比活力在仔鱼阶段缓慢上升,15 d时比活力最大。稚鱼阶段内脏团中脂肪酶、碱性磷酸酶和胰蛋白酶活性基本维持稳定,幼鱼阶段内脏团脂肪酶、碱性磷酸酶和胰蛋白酶活性都呈现上升趋势;稚鱼和幼鱼阶段内脏团中淀粉酶活性下降并基本稳定于较低水平。研究表明,黄条鰤仔稚幼鱼发育过程中,各种消化酶活性变化明显,且与其发育阶段和食性密切相关。在尚未摄食饵料的早期仔鱼体内已存在消化酶,认为其是母源传递而来,不是由外源性饵料所致;幼鱼阶段内脏团脂肪酶、碱性磷酸酶和胰蛋白酶比活力明显提高,这反映出随苗种生长发育,其肠道结构和消化机能逐渐完善,并且对脂肪、蛋白质的需求逐渐增强。  相似文献   

本文研究了温度对大泷六线鱼消化酶活力的影响。结果表明:不同温度条件下酶的活力不同。胃、肠和肝胰脏蛋白酶的最适的温度分别为30、30和40℃;胃、肠和肝胰脏淀粉酶最适温度分别为35、40和30℃;胃、肠和肝胰脏脂肪酶的最适温度分别为30、40和30℃。  相似文献   

为解决六斑刺鲀(Diodon holocanthus)初孵仔鱼高死亡率问题,研究了六斑刺鲀从初孵仔鱼到稚鱼(0~40 d)消化酶活性和非特异性免疫指标的变化。结果显示:六斑刺鲀仔稚鱼全长与日龄呈指数相关。初孵仔鱼体内就可检测到淀粉酶、胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性。在整个实验周期内,淀粉酶和胰蛋白酶活性呈现先上升后下降再上升的变化趋势,淀粉酶活性在20 d时达到最高,胰蛋白酶活性在10 d时达到最高,两者整体酶活随日龄都有所增加且胰蛋白酶增加更为明显;脂肪酶活性呈现先下降后上升再下降的变化趋势,1~5 d时酶活性快速降低,5~10 d时又显著升高,15~20 d时又迅速降低并维持在较低水平;胃蛋白酶在1~15 d时活性逐渐上升并在15 d时达到最高,之后缓慢下降并维持低值。溶菌酶(LZM)和免疫球蛋白M(IgM)活性都呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势;IgM活性在10 d时达到最高,LZM活性在5 d时最高,之后两者都波动地缓慢下降并最终维持在较低值。以上结果表明:尚未摄食的六斑刺鲀初孵仔鱼体内已存在各种消化酶,仔稚鱼消化酶活性变化与其发育阶段和饵料种类密切相关。非特异性免疫指标在六斑刺鲀仔稚鱼由内源性营养向外源性营养转变的混合营养期显著上升,之后缓慢下降到较低水平,说明营养转变过程对仔稚鱼的免疫功能影响较大,非特异性免疫指标的升高增强了仔稚鱼的抗病能力,提高了养殖成活率。  相似文献   

测定了厚颌鲂(Megalobrama pellegrini)仔稚鱼从出膜到30日龄的生长、可溶性蛋白含量及消化酶活性。结果表明:初孵仔鱼即能检测到胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶活性,2日龄检测到碱性磷酸酶活性。投喂组可溶性蛋白含量随日龄的增加显著增加(P<0.05),饥饿组可溶性蛋白含量6日龄前增加不显著,6日龄后开始下降。所测消化酶的全活力与比活力呈现出不同的变化模式。各消化酶的全活力基本是随日龄的增加而增加。投喂组胰蛋白酶比活力在10日龄达最大值,随后显著下降;饥饿组胰蛋白酶比活力在4日龄达最大值,随后显著下降。投喂组淀粉酶在5日龄达到最大值,从6日龄到12日龄维持在一个较低水平,随后增加至15日龄的(0.912±0.090)mU/mg,在试验后期均维持在一个相对较低的水平;饥饿组淀粉酶比活力的最大值出现在1日龄,从2日龄到8日龄变化不显著,8日龄后显著下降。投喂组脂肪酶比活力在18日龄达最大值,随后显著下降;饥饿组脂肪酶比活力1日龄到6日龄变化不显著,6日龄后显著下降。投喂组碱性磷酸酶比活力从2日龄到12日龄显著上升,12日龄达到最大值,随后显著下降;饥饿组碱性磷酸酶比活力从2日龄到8日龄显著上升,8日龄达到最大值,随后显著下降。  相似文献   

中国对虾幼体消化酶活力的实验研究   总被引:56,自引:3,他引:56       下载免费PDF全文
潘鲁青 《水产学报》1997,21(1):26-31
以酶学分析方法测定了中国对虾各期幼体几种消化酶活力,实验结果表明,在中国对虾幼体发育过程中,五种消化酶活力表现出四种变化模式,其中胃蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶活力逐渐增大,淀粉酶活力呈下降趋势,纤维素酶和脂肪酶活力极微,在食性转换过程中,胃蛋白酶、类胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶出现较明显的变化。中国对虾幼体消化酶活力对饵料中的营养物质有着明显的适应性,而且饥饿实验表明消化酶活力受个体发育的影响。作者认为中国对虾幼体消  相似文献   

大黄鱼发育进程中消化酶的活力变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
不同发育阶段大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)样品体重30~500g,取自厦门海区网箱养殖区。以酶学分析方法测定大黄鱼发育进程中胃蛋白酶、类胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶4种消化酶的活力。结果表明,在大黄鱼发育进程中,对蛋白的整体消化能力始终较强;4种消化酶活力表现出2种变化模式,其中胃蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶活力逐渐降低,而淀粉酶和脂肪酶活力呈上升趋势。胃蛋白酶、类胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶的比活力随鱼体重的变化分别遵循回归方程Y=34.89/X 0.050;Y=53.36/X 0.29;Y=-22.38/X 1.13和Y=-1.35/X 0.13。初步认为,在大黄鱼发育过程中,150g体重为其生长发育的转折点,这一阶段各种消化酶的变化可反映其食性的变化情况,本研究旨为大黄鱼配合饲料的研制与开发提供基础依据。  相似文献   

为探讨红螯螯虾幼虾的饲料豆粕替代鱼粉的适宜替代量,配制5种不同替代水平(0、40%、60%、80%和100%)的等氮等能饲料,饲喂初重(0.53±0.06)g的红螯螯虾幼虾8周,测定其生长性能、肌肉组成、肝胰腺消化酶活力及抗氧化活力。结果显示,豆粕替代鱼粉对螯虾存活率没有显著影响;与对照组相比,豆粕替代鱼粉的替代量为40%~80%时,红螯螯虾幼虾的增重率和特定生长率没有显著变化;替代量为100%时,螯虾增重率和特定生长率显著下降,螯虾肌肉的蛋白质含量呈现一定程度的下降;豆粕替代鱼粉对螯虾肌肉的脂肪和灰分含量没有显著影响;随着替代量的增加,螯虾肝胰腺胰蛋白酶活力呈现下降的趋势,当替代量为100%时,胰蛋白酶活力显著下降;豆粕替代鱼粉对螯虾肝胰腺脂肪酶、淀粉酶和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力均没有显著影响;替代量为100%时,螯虾肝胰腺总抗氧化活力(T-AOC)显著下降。结果表明,豆粕替代鱼粉的替代量为40%~80%时,对螯虾的生长性能、肌肉组成、消化酶活力和抗氧化活力均没有显著影响,替代量为100%时,显著抑制螯虾的生长、胰蛋白酶活力和T-AOC。根据本试验结果,建议红螯螯虾幼虾饲料中豆粕替代鱼粉的替代量为80%。  相似文献   

大泷六线鱼胚胎发育及其与水温的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对大泷六线鱼胚胎发育过程中各期特征及发育时间进行了详细的观察记录,并进行显微拍照。大泷六线鱼卵为球形沉性卵,端黄卵,卵径1.62~2.32mm,油球小而多且较分散,卵膜较厚,透明度差。温度实验结果显示,孵化水温对胚胎孵化有显著影响,适温范围内孵化时间随水温的升高逐渐缩短,孵化率随水温的升高呈先升高后降低的趋势,在16℃时达到最大值79%;畸形率随水温的升高呈先降低后升高的趋势,在16℃时达到最小值6%;在水温16℃、盐度为31、pH=8.0的自然海水中,光照条件600~1000lx,大泷六线鱼胚胎发育历时20d,仔鱼破膜而出。  相似文献   

荣成俚岛大泷六线鱼摄食生态研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
纪东平  卞晓东  宋娜  高天翔 《水产学报》2014,38(9):1399-1409
为研究荣成俚岛大泷六线鱼的摄食生态,于2010年3月—2011年2月逐月采集荣成俚岛近海482尾大泷六线鱼,对其进行胃含物分析。结果发现,大泷六线鱼为底栖生物食性鱼类摄食的饵料生物有10个类群,主要摄食鱼类,其次是多毛类、虾类、海藻类、蟹类和口足类等。食物组成随季节和体长而变化:除四季均大量摄食虾类外,春季还摄食蟹类和多毛类,夏季和秋季主要摄食鱼类,冬季摄食多毛类的比例最高;体长80 mm的大泷六线鱼喜食虾类和端足类,体长80~119 mm个体喜食多毛类、口虾蛄幼体和虾类等,而体长119 mm个体主要摄食鱼类、虾蟹类。摄食强度也随季节和体长而变化:夏季摄食强度最高,冬季最低(不停食);体长80 mm个体摄食强度最高,随体长增加摄食强度逐渐下降,体长180 mm以上的个体又随体长、年龄的增大而逐渐升高。通过DNA条形码对大泷六线鱼的6个饵料生物样品进行鉴定,其中,4个饵料生物样品鉴定到种,1个样品鉴定到属,1个样品鉴定到科。  相似文献   

The function of digestive physiology during ontogenetic development is essential to ensure high survival and growth rates. In order to evaluate the digestive physiological capacity of the black Amur bream (Megalobrama terminalis), changes of morphology and digestive enzyme activity (trypsin, lipase, amylase, pepsin, leucine aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase) in larvae were examined from hatching to 40 days after hatching (DAH). Results indicated that fluctuation patterns differed between the total and specific activities of the digestive enzymes. The total activities of these six enzymes gradually increased throughout the fish growth. The specific activity of trypsin peaked at 5 DAH and then decreased dramatically, while it increased remarkably again from 8 to 10 DAH and remained stable level after 20 DAH. Pepsin activity was first examined in M. terminalis at 15 DAH and gradually elevated towards the end of the experiment. The specific activity of lipase displayed obvious peaks at 5 and 20 DAH. For the amylase, its specific activity reached plateau at 4 DAH, underwent sharp decrease, and remained stable after 20 DAH. In addition, we found that the specific activity of alkaline phosphatase raised significantly from hatching to 5 DAH, and tended to keep slight fluctuation after 15 DAH. From the above, we concluded that the specific activities of digestive enzymes in the larvae varied constantly from 3 to 20 DAH and turned relatively stable after 20 DAH. The present study provides effective information that is useful to improve the seedling cultivation and the technology for healthy breeding.  相似文献   

温度对波纹龙虾消化酶活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了波纹龙虾温度对不同消化器官中消化酶活力的影响,为人工饲料科学配制依据。用酶学分析方法,设计6个温度梯度(20℃、25℃、30℃、35℃、40℃和45℃),分别测定波纹龙虾胃、肠和肝胰脏的类胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶的活力。结果显示:在反应温度20℃~45℃范围内,波纹龙虾胃、肠、肝胰脏内的消化酶均随着温度的升高表现为先升后降趋势;不同消化器官中胃蛋白酶活力值出现拐点的温度不一样,胃、肠和肝胰脏的胃蛋白酶活力最大的温度分别是30℃、35℃和40℃;不同消化器官胃蛋白酶的活力有显著差异(P0.05),大小依次为胃肠肝胰脏;波纹龙虾不同消化器官的类胰蛋白酶出现最大酶活力的温度相同,为40℃,但胃的类胰蛋白酶活力明显较肠和肝胰脏的低(P0.05),差值最大可达40 U/mg;波纹龙虾胃、肠和肝胰脏的淀粉酶活力在25℃均出现最大值;在消化器官中,肠道淀粉酶活力最大,与胃和肝胰脏的酶活力有显著性差异(P0.05);波纹龙虾胃、肠和肝胰脏内的脂肪酶活力最大的温度为30℃,活力最高的是肝胰脏,胃内的脂肪酶活力明显的比肠和肝胰脏的要低(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Ontogenetic development of digestive system in crimson snapper (Lutjanus erythopterus Bloch 1790) larvae was histologically and enzymatically (alkaline phosphatase, amylase, lipase, pepsin, trypsin) examined from hatching to 36 days post hatching (DPH). The ontogenetic development of crimson snapper larval fish ontogeny was divided into three distinct phases: phase I starting from hatch to the onset of exogenous feeding, phase II starting from first feeding (2–3 DPH) until the formation of gastric glands (13–14 DPH) and phase III beginning from the appearance of gastric glands and continuing onwards. The specific activities of amylase, lipase, trypsin showed sharp increase and reached to the maximum from hatch to 4 DPH, 10 DPH, 20 DPH, respectively, followed by a declining trend with irregular fluctuation. In contrast to other enzymes, the specific activities of alkaline phosphatase showed a gradual increase from hatch to 29 DPH, followed by a sharp increase towards 36 DPH. The specific activity of pepsin was firstly detected on 17 DPH and gradually increased towards the end of this study. The total activities of these five enzymes showed a gradual increase till 29 DPH, followed by a sharp increase towards 36 DPH except for amylase and lipase reaching maximum at 32 DPH. The present study provides better understanding of the digestive ontogeny of crimson snapper during the larval stage and a guide to feeding and weaning of this economically important fish in hatcheries.  相似文献   

饥饿与再投喂对中华倒刺鲃幼鱼生长和消化酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周兴华  向枭  向桢  欧仁建  陈俊  冉龙虎 《淡水渔业》2012,42(3):50-54,73
在室内水温23~26℃的条件下,将中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)幼鱼分装于6个饲养桶中,试验设计分为两组,每组3个平行,并依次编号为A、B、C、D、E、F,将两组同时饥饿20 d,分别在饥饿0、3、5、10、15、20 d对A、B、C取样。而D、E、F饥饿20 d后进行16 d的恢复投喂,并在再投喂3、7、12、16 d进行取样,分别测定其体质量、肥满度、肝脏指数以及肝胰脏、前后肠消化酶(胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶)活性的变化。结果表明:(1)在饥饿过程中,中华倒刺鲃幼鱼体质量、肥满度、肝脏指数均呈下降趋势;恢复投喂后,三者均有不同程度的恢复。(2)肝胰脏蛋白酶活性在饥饿过程中呈下降趋势,并在20 d降到最低,恢复投喂后其活性逐步回升到正常水平;而肠蛋白酶活性饥饿过程中先升高,并在5 d达到最高值而后呈下降趋势,恢复投喂后达到正常水平。(3)饥饿过程中,肝胰脏和前后肠脂肪酶活性迅速升高,在10 d达到最值,并显著高于饥饿前的水平,而后逐步下降,恢复投喂后脂肪酶活性仍持续维持在较高的水平。(4)肝胰脏和前后肠淀粉酶活性在饥饿过程中逐步下降,恢复投喂后其活性恢复至正常水平。  相似文献   

盐度对条石鲷幼鱼肝脏抗氧化酶活力的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
孙鹏  尹飞  彭士明  施兆鸿 《海洋渔业》2010,32(2):154-159
测定了不同盐度(8、18、28、38、48)处理后条石鲷幼鱼肝脏中SOD、CAT、GPX和GST 4种酶活力,探讨了盐度变化对条石鲷幼鱼肝脏抗氧化酶活力的影响。当用低盐度8和18处理时,幼鱼肝脏SOD活力无显著变化(P0.05);当处理盐度升至38时,SOD活力增加并在24 h时达到最大,其水平显著高于对照组(P0.05),之后逐渐降低并趋于稳定;而经过盐度48处理时,SOD活力则在24 h时达到最低,之后逐渐升高并趋于稳定。CAT活力在盐度为8和18的处理组中均在处理120 h时达到最高值;在经高盐度处理时与SOD活力具有相似的变化趋势。各盐度处理组中的GPX活力均在处理12~24 h左右出现最低值,然后又逐渐上升并趋于稳定。而GST活力在处理盐度为8、18和38时基本呈增高的变化趋势,当盐度增至48时,GST活力迅速增高并在6 h时达到最高,其水平显著高于对照组(P0.05),之后逐渐趋于平衡。结果表明,条石鲷幼鱼对低盐环境有较强耐受力,在盐度变化时能通过改变抗氧化酶活力来消除氧化压力下产生的多余自由基以维持机体的正常功能。  相似文献   

The leopard grouper is an endemic species of the Mexican Pacific with an important commercial fishery and good aquaculture potential. In order to assess the digestive capacity of this species during the larval period and aid in the formulation of adequate weaning diets, this study aimed to characterize the ontogeny of digestive enzymes during development of the digestive system. Digestive enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin, acid protease, leucine–alanine peptidase, alkaline phosphatase, aminopeptidase N, lipase, amylase and maltase were quantified in larvae fed live prey and weaned onto a formulated microdiet at 31 days after hatching (DAH) and compared with fasting larvae. Enzyme activity for trypsin, lipase and amylase were detected before the opening of the mouth and the onset of exogenous feeding, indicating a precocious development of the digestive system that has been described in many fish species. The intracellular enzyme activity of leucine–alanine peptidase was high during the first days of development, with a tendency to decrease as larvae developed, reaching undetectable levels at the end of the experimental period. In contrast, activities of enzymes located in the intestinal brush border (i.e., aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase) were low at the start of exogenous feeding but progressively increased with larval development, indicating the gradual maturation of the digestive system. Based on our results, we conclude that leopard grouper larvae possess a functional digestive system at hatching and before the onset of exogenous feeding. The significant increase in the activity of trypsin, lipase, amylase and acid protease between 30 and 40 DAH suggests that larvae of this species can be successfully weaned onto microdiets during this period.  相似文献   

The development of digestive enzymes was examined in laboratory-reared yellowtail kingfish larvae from hatching to 36 days after hatching (DAH). The specific activities of amylase, lipase, and alkaline phosphatase showed three distinct phases: a sharp increase in enzyme activity from hatching to the onset of exogenous feeding on 3 DAH, followed by a fluctuation and a general decline toward 18 DAH, and then a period of low activity from 18 to 36 DAH. The total activities of these three enzymes showed a gradual increase from hatching to 18 DAH, followed by a sharp increase toward 36 DAH. In contrast to other enzymes, the specific and total activities of trypsin reached the maximum on 15 DAH and 24 DAH, respectively, and then both activities declined to low levels toward 36 DAH. The dynamics of digestive enzymes corresponded to the anatomical development of the digestive system. The enzyme activities tend to be stable after the formation of gastric glands in the stomach on 15 DAH. The composition of digestive enzymes indicates that yellowtail kingfish is able to digest protein, lipid and carbohydrates at an early stage. However, due to the low level of amylase specific activity after 18 DAH, the carbohydrate component should remain at a low level in formulated diets for fish larvae.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of different proportions of dietary protein (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% protein) on the activity of digestive enzymes of normal and albino Apostichopus japonicus. The experimental diets were fed for 60 days, the optimal conditions for digestive enzyme activity in sea cucumbers were studied. The optimal temperature for protease was 29.3°C and the optimal pH was 1.8. The optimal temperature for amylase was 34.3°C and the optimal pH was 6.7. The optimal temperature for cellulase was 56°C and the optimal pH was 5.9. The activity of intestinal protease increased at first and then decreased as the proportion of dietary protein increased, reaching the maximum when the proportion of protein was 19.7%. The activity of protease in the intestine of normal sea cucumber was significantly lower than that of albino sea cucumber, and the activity of amylase was significantly higher than that of albino sea cucumber. This study is expected to provide a basis for further explaining the ecological difference of albino and normal A. japonicus.  相似文献   

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