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1993年对虾暴发性流行病的患病对虾经光镜组织病理学研究和电镜观察,在对虾的皮下组织(包括前肠上皮、后肠上皮、真皮和鳃等)、结缔组织、造血组织、触角腺及血淋巴细胞等的细胞核均发现核肿大和深的嗜酸性着色。在电镜下,病变组织的细胞核内为一种杆状病毒充满,病毒大小为120nm×360nm,有囊膜,在细胞内不形成核型多角体或颗粒体类包涵体,属于杆状病毒属的无包涵体型杆状病毒亚群,即C型杆状病毒亚群。根据该对虾暴发性流行病的症状、病毒感染的靶组织和病毒的特征,该病毒被认为是一种新的对虾病毒,暂定名为皮下及造血组织坏死杆状病毒。  相似文献   

近年来,我国近海渔业资源状况发生了较大变化,传统的大型海洋鱼虾类资源由于遭到严重破坏而衰竭,小型鱼虾类资源却相对兴起。渤海沿岸以及黄海沿岸小型鱼虾类资源种类多,特别是虾站蕴藏量非常丰富,如果用拖网进行虾始生产,将会损害幼鱼虾。为了充分利用虾蛇资源,并且保护鱼虾幼体,笔者借鉴各类流刺网的优点,结合虾站的生态习性,设计并试验了虾姑刺网,取得了成功。现将虾站刺网捕捞技术介绍如下。一、网具结构主尺度:75.6米×7.18米(一)、网衣1.主网衣:锦纶6单丝,直径0.25毫米,目大用毫米,双死结,纵目使用,每片网衣…  相似文献   

中草药在水产育苗疾病防治中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用中草药代替抗生素来防治疾病,不易产生抗药性和毒副作用,也不会污染水环境。而且,中草药对水产动物具有调节机体平衡与生理功能、提高机体特异性和非特异性免疫力、提高消化吸收、增强体质、促进生长的作用,此外还具有抗菌、抑制病毒等方面的作用。因此,在虾蟹人工育苗过程中,应提倡使用中草药来防治疾病。一、鱼虾类育苗中的致病因素1.育苗池水环境不良鱼虾类育苗是在人工控制的条件下进行的,由于幼体培育密度较高,投饵量较大,其残饵和代谢废物的累积易使池水环境变差(如pH值降低,氨氮及硫化氢含量上升),病原微生物滋生…  相似文献   

卢卫基  林创 《内陆水产》2005,30(9):37-37
每年的6-9月,天气炎热,是水产病害暴发流行季节,其中微生物病(如病毒、细菌病等)对鱼虾危害和影响最大,是水产养殖病防工作中的重点和难点。笔者对多年来从事鱼病诊治服务中所遇到的夏季鱼虾微生物病害发生的各种情况进行分析,总结出预防微生物病害一些比较有效的方法。  相似文献   

防治鱼虾病害的新型药物──“病免”朱选才,金龙(上海市水产研究所,200433)近几年,全国各地养殖的对虾和淡水鱼类相继流行暴发性病害,给水产养殖业带来了惨重损失。目前,鱼虾病害的种类较多,加之基层养殖单位、养殖专业户普遍缺乏科学的诊断手段,选用水产...  相似文献   

济宁市任城区地处鲁西南,南临我国北方最大的淡水湖——南四湖。滨湖、涝洼地、煤矿塌陷水域资源丰富。全区拥有各类宜渔资源1.33万hm^2(20万亩),133.3hm^2(2000亩)以上的水域类型有20处,这些水域均为封闭式水域。但由于各种因素,使这些水域的经济鱼虾类急剧衰竭。为进一步探讨大水面经济鱼虾类的增养殖技术,2005年我们承担了区科技局下达的“666.7hm^2(万亩)青虾增养殖技术研究”项目,经过一个生产周期的养殖试验,达到预期效果,超额完成项目下达的各项经济技术指标。现将试验情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

对虾暴发性白斑病毒病综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
到目前为止,国内虾病工作者 达成了基本的共识,即造成对虾暴 发性流行病的病原体是一种无包 涵体病毒。但由于不同学者研究方 法及侧重点不同,对此病毒的叫法 不一、分别为:“白斑杆状病毒 (White spot baculovitus,WSBV)” “皮下造血组织坏死杆状病毒 (Hypodermal and Hematopoitetic Necrosis Baculovirus, HHNBV)” “对虾白斑综合病(white spot syndrome virus WSSV)”、“对虾 杆状DNA病毒(PRD…  相似文献   

目前对虾暴发性流行病主要是对虾白斑综合症(WSSV),该病传染性强,危害最大,它的病原体是一种无包涵体杆状病毒,在已报道的所有对虾病毒中,该病毒的毒力最强,且其地域分布及宿主范围广泛。严重制约着我国对虾养殖业的发展,因此,在养殖过程中采取积极的预防措施具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在日本东京有一家私营的江嵨水产公司,该公司在日本全国约有500家供应鱼虾类的商店,这些商店供应的鱼虾类都不是通过都、县、市的水  相似文献   

从1974年在佛罗里达的墨西湾北部桃红对虾中首次发现对虾杆状病毒以来,感染这类海洋无脊椎动物的病毒种类已发现近20种。这些病毒作为主要病原体已经在世界各地养虾地区出现。一目前已知有9种病毒在西半球对虾中流行,5种已作为严重的病原出现于一种或多种养殖对虾中。病毒病也严重影响东半球对虾养殖业,在印-太地区及东亚的对虾养殖地区,至少发现12种(群)对虾病毒。12种(群)对虾病毒中的5种已被证实(报导)能引起严重的区域性流行病,其中的两种病毒已造成印-太和东亚地区大面积的虾病流行。尽管有近20种不同的对…  相似文献   

李连祥 《水产学报》1986,10(3):325-332
本文记述了两湖地区饲养的草鱼、鳙鱼和鲢鱼等在鱼种阶段发生的一种黑鳍条、鼓眼睛和大肚子等症状的鱼病。通过调查和实验,初步了解到引起此病的原因是用五氯酚钠(Sodium pentachlorophenate)进行清塘用药量过重,而放养夏花鱼种的时间又过早而产生的一种慢性中毒。对病鱼的组织病理进行了观察和分析,认为鱼种中毒致死的主要原因是由于药物腐蚀皮肤和鳃粘膜,由慢性中毒转为急性发作的结果。同时通过鱼对药物忍受能力的试验,表明鳃和鳍条等部位的黑色病变的出现,与药物浓度太高和浸泡时间的长短有关。根据五氯酚钠的理化性质和鱼池水质情况,采用施放生石灰(30-37.5克/米^2)的办法,能达到中和与解危的目的。  相似文献   

A 2-year study was carried out on amoebic gill disease (AGD) involving monthly samples of 1+ Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts, histological assessment of the gills and analysis of environmental data. Gill pathology was seen before amoebae could be detected microscopically. These changes in gill integrity were associated with marine environmental conditions, particularly elevated ammonium, nitrite and chlorophyll levels. The results suggest that the environmental changes predispose salmon to colonization by amoebae and ciliates. High densities of histophagous scuticociliates were observed in the gills during periods of advanced gill pathology. A number of different amoebae were observed in close association with gill pathology. Neoparamoeba was not seen in high densities, nor was it associated with gill pathology, indicating that Neoparamoeba may not be the primary agent of the AGD in Irish salmonid culture.  相似文献   

泥鳅胚胎和幼鱼发育的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
郑文彪 《水产学报》1985,9(1):37-47
本文研究了用人工授精、孵化方法获得的泥鳅胚胎、幼鱼的形态特征。此项研究于1983年3—5月份在珠海市进行。卵圆球形,具弱粘性,卵径0.72-0.84毫米。在水温19.5—23℃情况下,多数受精卵经26小时40分后孵化出苗。初孵仔鱼全长1.95—2.4毫米,体节26-32对。在水温19—28℃情况下,孵化2天后,幼鱼具长条状外鳃。5天后,幼鱼卵黄囊大部分被吸收。15天后,外鳃消失,内鳃形成。45天后,幼鱼外部形态发育完全,形似成体。  相似文献   

Abstract.– Epitheliocystis, a disease of the gill and skin epithelial cells, is reported in the early developmental stages of Pacific yellowtail Seriola mazatlana , a new marine finfish species for aquaculture in Ecuador. Behavior, appearance of infected larvae and clinical signs of infection are described. Light microscopic and histological examinations confirm the presence of intracellular organisms in the gills, skin, nostril and buccal cavity. Proliferative cell response resulted in the gradual destruction of the functional integrity of the gills, causing massive mortalities.  相似文献   

Abstract. The phagocytosis of colloidal carbon in the adults and fry of Salmo gairdneri Richardson was investigated. Adult fish accumulated trapped carbon in the spleen, kidney and heart. Fry, as early as 4 days post-hatch, had an efficient phagocytic system, the carbon being engulfed by free macrophages which accumulated in the connective tissue, under the skin, in the gut and in the gills. By 18 days post-hatch the situation was similar to that found in the adult. The trapping of carbon in the gills of young fry is discussed, and it is suggested that it acts as a special mechanism to protect the thymus from undesirable, and possible tolerigizing antigen exposure, before immunocompetence is attained.  相似文献   

Abstract The phagocytosis of colloidal carbon in the adults and fry of Salmo gairdneri Richardson was investigated. Adult fish accumulated trapped carbon in the spleen, kidney and heart. Fry, as early as 4 days post-hatch, had an efficient phagocytic system, the carbon being engulfed by free macrophages which accumulated in the connective tissue, under the skin, in the gut and in the gills. By 18 days post-hatch, the situation was similar to that found in the adult. The trapping of carbon in the gills of young fry is discussed, and it is suggested that it acts as a special mechanism to protect the thymus from undesirable, and possible tolerigizing antigen exposure before immunocompetence is attained.  相似文献   

A study of microfauna, associated with pathological changes in the gills of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was conducted over 2001-2002. Monthly samples of 1(+) salmon smolts were taken, protozoan populations were quantified and gill health was assessed histologically. Protozoan densities were correlated with pathological changes, in order to determine their possible role in lesions in the gills. The most severe gill tissue changes were observed in summer/autumn and the least in spring. A diverse polyphyletic protozoan community was observed colonizing the gills, including Neoparamoeba sp., other amoebae, scuticociliates, Ichthyobodo-like flagellates, trichodinid ciliates and prostomatean ciliates. The earlier gill tissue changes in the gill were not always associated with the presence of these microorganisms, whereas amoebae (other than Neoparamoeba sp.), Ichthyobodo-like flagellates and trichodinid ciliates correlated with augmenting gill lesions. Neoparamoeba sp. was present, but its abundance did not correlate with the disease. This study suggests that a diversity of protozoans including Ichthyobodo-like flagellates, trichodinid ciliates and amoebae other than Neoparamoeba sp. are involved in the aetiology of amoebic gill disease in the Irish situation.  相似文献   

Fish in a population of Pagothenia borchgrevinki in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, are affected by a gill disease (X-cell disease) which causes tissue hyperplasia that results in a decreased gill surface area and an increased water/blood diffusion distance. P. borchgrevinki acquires 95% of its oxygen via the gills, but damage to the gills by X-cell disease did not affect this function. There was no compensatory shift to cutaneous respiration. X-cell disease reduced the ability for oxygen uptake at low ambient PO 2 and the decreased uptake was related to the extent of the disease. O 2 max was greatly reduced in X-cell affected fish and substantially reduced their aerobic potential. This effect may impair the ability of diseased fish to catch prey and avoid predators.  相似文献   

It is of crucial importance to study on the biomarkers types to assess the specification of the pollutants and health status of marine ecosystems in environmental evaluation projects. In this respect, total metallothionein biosynthesis and mercury bioaccumulation in the liver and gills under acute mercury exposure were investigated in fish, Scat (Scatophagus argus). Spotted scat was exposed to different mercury concentrations (0, 10, 20, 30) for 24, 48, 72 h. Total MT levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Mercury contents were determined through cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS). Induction of MT during exposure was tissue specific, displaying different response pattern in gills and liver. Mercury accumulated in liver much higher than in gills and the latter also showed lower MT level (P < 0.05). MT biosynthesis in liver showed a significant (P < 0.05) increase after exposure to different mercury concentration with increase in exposure time, whereas total MT content did not significantly (P > 0.05) change in gills except for 72 h exposure at 30 μg l−1. Nonetheless, the relationship between MT biosynthesis and Mercury bioaccumulation in both tissues was significant (P < 0.05). The results suggest that this form of MT in S. argus was Hg inducible and could be extended as a biomarker of mercury pollution in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

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