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The assemblage composition, biomass and dynamics of zooplankton and epibenthos were examined in a commercial shrimp (penaeid prawn) pond in subtropical Australia. Physicochemical characteristics of the pond water were measured concurrently. Numbers and biomass of zooplankton in the surface tows (140 μm mesh) varied from 111.7 ind. L?1 (324 μg L?1) to 8.3 ind. L?1 (44.2 μg L?1). Immediately after the ponds were stocked with shrimp postlarvae there was a rapid decline in zooplankton numbers, particularly the dominant larger copepods. We attributed this to predation by the shrimp postlarvae. Subsequent peaks in zooplankton numbers were principally due to barnacle nauplii. Changes in abundance and biomass of the zooplankton assemblage were not correlated with physicochemical characteristics. Epibenthic faunal abundance in the beam trawls (1 mm mesh) peaked at 14 ind. m?2 and the biomass at 0.8 g m?2. Unlike zooplankton, the peaks in abundance of epibenthos did not correspond to the peaks in biomass. This was due to the large differences in the size of the dominant taxa across the season. Sergestids (Acetes sibogae) and amphipods were the most abundant taxa in beam trawl samples, with amphipods abundance increasing towards the end of the growout. Negative correlations were found between epibenthos abundance and pH and temperature. These relationships were strongly influenced by the high abundances of amphipods and may reflect an effect on the growth of macroalgae in the pond rather than a direct effect on the epibenthos. No correlations were found between epibenthic fauna biomass and physicochemical parameters. Abundances of epibenthic fauna were not related to zooplankton densities, indicating that this source of food was not likely to be a limiting factor. Neither the pond water exchange regime nor moon phase could explain changes in abundances of zooplankton or epibenthos assemblages. Zooplankton clearly contribute to the nutrition of shrimp postlarvae immediately after stocking. The establishment of an abundant assemblage of zooplankton before stocking shrimp postlarvae would appear to be beneficial, if not essential. Later in the season, zooplankton and epibenthos apparently contribute little to shrimp biomass. Owing to their relatively low biomass, the consumption of shrimp feeds by epibenthos is likely to be insignificant compared with that of the shrimp.  相似文献   

Shrimp pond zooplankton dynamics and the efficiency of sampling effort   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The abundance and species composition of zooplankton assemblages were examined in a commercial Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) aquaculture pond in subtropical Australia. Numbers and biomass of zooplankton in the surface tows (142 µm mesh) varied from 2080 L?1 (2466 µg L?1) to < 1 L?1 (15 µg L?1). Peak zooplankton abundance and biomass occurred at the beginning of the shrimp farm season. The small copepod Oithona australis Nishida was dominant during these peaks in abundance although other species were common, including small, low‐salinity copepods in the first year and larger marine copepods in the second year. Irrespective of taxa or size, zooplankton abundance declined rapidly after the stocking of P. monodon postlarvae, indicating high levels of non‐selective predation. For the remainder of the grow‐out season, mean zooplankton abundance was below 1 L?1 in the first season and below 3 L?1 in the second season. The factors that maintain the abundance of these zooplankton assemblages at these relatively low levels are poorly understood but may include a deterioration pond water quality. At these lower levels of abundance, the copepods Acartia pacifica Steuer and Acartia sinjiensis Mori were relatively common during the middle phase of the production season, with barnacle nauplii increasing in abundance during the later stages of the grow‐out season. Analysis of fixed effects showed that there were significant differences in total zooplankton abundance between farm production seasons and occasion within season, and time (day or night). Analysis of random effects demonstrated that the dominant source of variation, in total zooplankton abundance, was day‐to‐day changes within sampling occasions. The complexity of temporal and spatial patterns in the abundance, distribution and composition of zooplankton assemblages in shrimp ponds presents significant challenges in designing sampling programmes that accurately quantify temporal or spatial trends. Our results have shown that sampling for more than four consecutive days, at more than one site, is necessary to accurately assess such trends.  相似文献   

Plankton community establishment and shrimp production in a prototype biosecure pond were compared to three control ponds. The biosecure pond was enclosed and intake water was disinfected, while control ponds were neither enclosed nor disinfected. All ponds were managed with no water exchange and stocked with 100 postlarvae/m2, Litopenaeus vannamei . Residual oxidant concentrations in the biosecure pond dropped rapidly after cessation of chlorinated water addition. This was followed by a sharp increase in water column bacterial abundance, after which the pond was fertilized and inoculated with cultured Chaetocerous gracilis . After crash of the initial C. gracilis bloom in the biosecure pond, this species was not observed again. Following initial large fluctuations in biosecure pond bacterial abundance, phytoplankton biomass, oxygen consumption and nitrification rates, these parameters appeared to stabilize at levels similar to the control ponds. Early season compositional differences in phytoplankton, zooplankton, and bacterial communities were observed. No differences were seen in late-season phytoplankton and bacteria; however, zooplankton biomass tended to be lower in the biosecure pond than in the control ponds throughout the season. Shrimp production in all ponds was greater than 9,000 kg/ha. Production in the single biosecure pond was not a significant outlier compared to production in the triplicate control ponds.  相似文献   

Experiments on the intensive cultivation of Pacific white shrimp, Penueus vunnumei, in ponds in South Carolina were begun in 1985 at the Waddell Mariculture Center. A preliminary study involved two 0.1 ha ponds stocked at an average of 43 postlarvae/m2, with management practices based on those used in Taiwan for intensive pond culture of Penueus monodon. Harvest yields averaged 6,757 kg/ha for one crop, demonstrating the technical feasibility of such intensive culture of P. vannumei. In 1986, 2.5 ha of ponds at the Waddell Center (six ponds totaling 2.0 ha at 40 postlarvae/m2 and two totaling 0.5 ha at 60/m2) yielded a total of 13,606 kg (5,442 ke/hn). These results were obtained even though aeration and water exchange rates were substanthlly reduced and South Carolina experienced its worst heat wave and drought. This served as a pilot-sde, proof-ofconcept test. Tank studies in 1985 and 1986 showed little effect of stocking density on shrimp growth rate at densities of 20–100 animals/m2. This was confirmed in ponds in 1987 when no differences in growth rates were observed at densities of 20–100 postlarvae/m2. Harvest biomass increased directly with stocking density in all trials, reaching a maximum of 12,680 kg/ha/crop at 100 shrimp/m2 in 1987. Initial attempts to intensify production in the nascent South Carolina shrimp farming industry occurred in 1986, when approximately 32 ha of private ponds were stocked at densities of 10–32 postlarvae/m2. Farm harvests increased with stocking density, with maximum yield of 3,656 kg/ ha/crop. This trend toward intensification in the private sector is continuing, and in 1987 maximum harvests from private ponds were 5,050 kg/ha from a 0.3 ha pond and 4,625 kg/ha from a 1.5 ha pond. Prospects for further implementation of intensive culture in the private sector appear excellent, with yields of ≥ 10,000 kg/ha/crop expected from private farms within the next few years.  相似文献   

Copepod nauplii are a nutritious food item for first-feeding marine fish larvae. Unfortunately, mass culture techniques for producing copepod nauplii are not well established. Copepod nauplii can be collected from wild zooplankton populations or specially prepared ponds and transferred to larval fish tanks for feeding. This study evaluated the use of two trapping methods for harvesting zooplankton, particularly copepod nauplii, from fertilized ponds and the impact on the zooplankton population. Nine, 0.11 ha brackish-water (~2-7 ppt salinity) ponds were filled and fertilized with organic and inorganic fertilizers. The change in zooplankton abundance, mainly rotifers, nauplii and adult copepods, was monitored in the ponds for 22 d following initial pond filling. Beginning on day 8, three ponds were trapped with a large plankton net (Trap I), three with a pump and bag trap method (Trap II), and three ponds were not trapped. The ponds were trapped with the corresponding method for 1 h per day, for 15 d. The two trapping methods were similar in their efficiency to harvest nauplii, averaging 8,383,400 ± 2,508,378/h and 6,695,822 ± 433,533/h for Traps I and II, respectively. The zooplankton harvested by Trap I was not correlated to the densities in the ponds. However, the number of rotifers and nauplii harvested by Trap II was correlated to the rotifer and nauplii densities in the ponds. Both trapping methods were similar in terms of labor requirements and ease of use. Both methods were effective in collecting zooplankton without negatively impacting pond abundance.  相似文献   

The response of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos to four aeration rates was evaluated in ponds farming white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei Boone, with less than 5% water exchange. Phytoplankton biomass (measured as chlorophyll-fl) was higher in ponds with aeration rates of 0 and 6 h day?1 than in those with rates of 24 hday?1. The abundance of zooplankton and benthos (organisms m?2) were higher in ponds with aeration rates of 0 and 6 h day?1, and lower in ponds with rates of 12 and 24 h day?1. The nauplii of different crustaceans, copepods and larval polychaetes were the most abundant organisms of the zooplankton community. Differences in zooplankton composition were observed among treatments. Polychaetes were the most abundant benthic organisms during the culture period. These organisms were more abundant in ponds with lower aeration rates. The guts of shrimp from ponds with aeration rates of 0 and 6 h day?1 had a higher abundance of zooplankton and benthic organisms than those from the other treatments. That abundance decreased over time in all treatments. Shrimp had better growth in ponds with an aeration of 6 hday?1. Survival and yield were similar in ponds with aeration rates of 6, 12 and 24 h day?1, and lower in ponds with rates of 0 h day?1.  相似文献   

Techniques for head starting or nursing postlarvae (PL) has received considerable attention with regards to nursery protocols, yet there is little data pertaining to the effects of nursery period on the final growout of shrimp to marketable size. This study was performed to investigate the influence of nursery duration on survival and growth of Litopenaeus vannamei during subsequent pond culture. For this research, a single population of high health PL were received from a commercial hatchery and held in a tank for acclimation, quantification, and distribution to nursery tanks or ponds. Treatments included direct stocking of 10-d-old postlarvae (PL10) into production ponds as well as the nursing of PL in a covered greenhouse nursery system for an additional 10 or 20 d. After nursing, the PL were harvested, quantified, and transferred to growout ponds. All ponds were stocked at a density of 35 PL/m2 and maintained under standardized conditions. Shrimp were fed with a 35% protein shrimp feed, twice daily during the 112-d growth trial. Ponds were aerated as needed using a maximum of 19 hp/ha to maintain adequate dissolved oxygen (DO > 3.0). No statistical differences (P >0.05) were found in survival, yield, or growth between treatments. At harvest, survivals during growout were generally higher in ponds with nursed shrimp (77% for PL20 and 79% for PL30) than in ponds receiving PL10 shrimp (67%). Yields were similar between treatments, ranging from 3,525 for direct stocked shrimp to 3,747 kg/ha for those that were nursed for 10 d. Although growth rates of PL under pond conditions will be faster than that of a nursery system, results suggest that a nursery period of at least 10 d helps improve survival during pond production and promotes better size uniformity. Shrimp nursed for 20 d showed little improvement in survival over shrimp nursed for 10 d but did result in a more uniform size of shrimp at harvest.  相似文献   

Zooplankton communities were studied in shrimp ponds using different strategies to enhance natural productivity. The traditional treatment consisted of performing the strategy of simple fertilization (TT); for the alternative treatment (AT), fertilization was combined with the use of organic substrates enriched with nutrients; both treatments were stocked with shrimp post-larvae (Litopenaeus vannamei). Additionally, ponds with substrates but without shrimp were also studied (C). Total zooplankton concentration was greater in C ponds (1,002 org L?1) followed by AT (309 org L?1) and TT (124 org L?1), respectively. Copepods were the most abundant organisms in all treatments (≥65 %), but their concentration decreased when shrimp were present in ponds. Such decline of copepods enhanced the proliferation of other zooplankton organisms such as polychaetes, protozoans, barnacles, ciliatea and others. Contents of shrimp stomachs exhibited a shrimp preference for copepods, polychaetes and protozoans; in addition, stomach contents of shrimp revealed their higher consumption of zooplankton when these organisms are abundant in the culture. Finally, shrimp reared in AT had a better growth performance than those from TT. It is concluded that enriched substrates are useful to improve and maintain high concentrations of zooplankton; copepods seem to suppress the proliferation of other zooplankton populations; however, they are preferred preys by shrimp.  相似文献   

Three intensive growout trials using Penaeus vunnumei were conducted in round ponds in Hawaii in 1987. A 337 m2 experimental pond was stocked at 100 shrimp/m2 for two trials; a 2,000 m2 commercial prototype pond was stocked at 75/m2 for one trial. In the experimental pond trials, shrimp survival averaged 88 ± 10% (SE) and feed conversion averaged 2.2 ± 0.2. Growth averaged 1.5 ± 0.3 g/week, yielding 18.2 ± 1.7 gram shrimp in 80 ± 5.5 days. Combined production in the experimental trials was 32,272 kg/ha in 174 days (from stocking of trial 1 to harvest of trial 2). Comparing these results to 1986 results (Wyban and Sweeney 1988), it was concluded that shrimp growth is not affected and production is doubled by increasing stocking density from 45/m2 to 100/m2. Pooling data from 1986 and 1987, a significant linear regression was obtained when weekly growth of shrimp above four grams individual size was regressed on mean weekly pond temperature: growth = 0.37 * temperature - 8.44, (r2= 0.41; P < 0.01). Multiple regression to examine effects of shrimp size, pond biomass, and shrimp age on the temperature-growth relationship was not significant. In the commercial prototype pond trial, survival was 67% and feed conversion was 2.0. Growth averaged 1.4 g/week, yielding 18.1 gram shrimp in 88 days. Production was 9,120 kg/ha. Individual shrimp size distribution at harvest in the commercial pond was similar to experimental pond results, indicating that shrimp growth in the two systems was comparable. Financial characteristics of a hypothetical 24 pond shrimp farm using these results were determined using an electronic spreadsheet model (hung and Rowland 1987). Feed costs were 40% of total operating costs while postlarvae and labor were 14% and 16% of total operating costs, respectively. Breakeven price (BEP) was far more sensitive to changes in revenuedetermining inputs such as survival and growth than to comparable changes in costdetermining inputs such as feed and postlarvae costs. Together these results suggest that commercial scale round pond production mimics experimental scale production and that round pond technology has commercial potential.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of live and frozen copepods collected from shrimp ponds for rearing juveniles of the spotted seahorse Hippocampus kuda. Protein and HUFA contents in frozen copepods were all higher than in Artemia nauplii, the conventional live food for seahorse juveniles. The results of this study showed that copepods can be used as feed for rearing seahorse fry and juvenile. The spotted seahorse showed obvious preference for live copepods and rarely fed on dead copepods on the tank bottom. Furthermore, the combination of frozen copepods and live Artemia nauplii resulted in highest growth and highest survival of the experimental seahorses. Further research on possible effects of DHA:EPA ratio on survival and growth of young H. kuda is recommended.  相似文献   

Capelin, herring, and red salmon diets were examined in relation to zooplankton abundance and biomass in the water column and surface layer of Auke Bay, Alaska, during the spring bloom period, 1987 and 1988 (April through mid-June). Euphausiid eggs were the dominant prey of capelin in mid-May 1987. Pseu-docalanus spp. and barnacle nauplii dominated during the rest of the season. Capelin consumed Calanus spp. and Metridia spp. in April and Pseudocaknus and Cen-tropages abdominalis in May and June 1988. During May and June 1987, herring were eating primarily barnacle larvae and Oikopleura spp. During April 1988, herring consumed primarily Calanus spp. and barnacle nauplii. In late April and early May they shifted to Pseudocalanus and Thysanoessa raschii, and in late May and June they consumed Centropages abdominalis and barnacle cyprids. Outmigrating red salmon fry consumed primarily Oikopleura during both years, along with substantial quantities of barnacle larvae. These dietary changes roughly correspond with variations in the abundance of prey taxa in the plankton samples. Likelihood measures of niche breadth indicated that capelin sometimes consume prey in approximately equal proportions to its abundance. Niche overlap between the herring and capelin was greatest in April and early May. Niche overlap was also high between herring and red salmon during June, when herring were in shallow water to breed.  相似文献   

As a function of the water quality provided by square, circular and oval experimental ponds, the growth, survival and oxygen requirements in epibenthic postlarvae of Farfantepenaeus aztecus were analysed in relation to their routine metabolism and apparent heat increment. Temperature, oxygen concentration, pH and salinity were measured daily in two experimental ponds of each shape. The postlarvae oxygen consumption during two 24‐h cycles, their growth, physiological condition and survival and the productivity in the ponds were estimated. Low values of pH, oxygen concentration and phytobenthos productivity, and reduced postlarvae relative growth and survival were observed in the square ponds. We suggest that the latter results from a deficient water circulation related to the effect of the pond's shape on dissolved oxygen levels and, consequently, on growth and survival. The postlarvae routine metabolism, including feeding, varied between 1.91 and 2.25 mg O2 h?1 g?1 wet weight, whereas the minimum oxygen concentration needed in the ponds is approximately 4.25 mg O2 L?1. These conditions were achieved in the oval ponds concurrent with higher survival and growth values, in which individuals distributed randomly, for which we suggest that oval‐shaped ponds could be the most adequate for the culture of this and other penaeid species.  相似文献   

The impact of shrimp larvae development, as well as water and food inputs upon the increase of bacterial populations within the bacterial community of hatchery tank biofilms, was studied. For this study, a total of 68 biofilm samples were collected from concrete tanks at three larvae production times in a commercial shrimp hatchery. Seventeen samples were taken at each larval development stage (Zoea I, Mysis I, postlarvae 1 and postlarvae 16), as well as 37 samples from water, shrimp nauplii and food, introduced into the shrimp hatchery tanks. Culturable and direct bacterial counts were performed and 16S‐rRNA‐targeted oligonucleotide probes were used to quantify the presence of specific bacterial groups. An average of 27–70% of DAPI total cell counts were detected with the EUB338 probe, while the GAM42a probe signal ranged from 1% to 11%. Vibrio‐like bacteria (VLB) counts in TCBS agar ranged from <10 to 101 VLB/cm−2, with a tendency to increase at the last postlarvae stage. The most significant external source of bacteria registered with GAM42a probe and TCBS agar were found in live Artemia nauplii, used as food; nevertheless, biofilms remain with low counts of these groups.  相似文献   

We used 12 land-based experimental enclosures (6 m × 5 m) in a saline–alkaline pond of shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) to determine the impact of net-isolated polyculture of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on plankton communities for 40 days. Tilapias were stocked in net cages suspended in enclosures, in polyculture ponds including tilapia and shrimp. Four tilapia biomass were tested: 0, 39, 115 and 227 g m−2. Shrimp stocking biomass were 0.7 g m−2 in all treatments. There were three replicates in each treatment. Our results showed that the presence of tilapia significantly reduced phytoplankton biomass directly through predation and indirectly through top-down effect. The stocking of tilapia reduced zooplankton biomass, particularly rotifer biomass. However, copepod biomass was not been significantly affected. So, net-isolated polyculture of tilapia can thus have a strong impact on phytoplankton allowing the co-existence of large numbers of copepods with planktivorous fish and improving the water quality of shrimp ponds.  相似文献   

The effects of stocking density [range: 2.0-5.5 postlarvae (PL) m?2] and water quality on the production of a traditional tambak tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon Fabricius, culture system on one farm in Probolinggo, East Java, were studied during one culture period of 126 days using eight ponds. Production characteristics were recorded and water quality parameters monitored. Production was quadratically influenced by stocking density. The optimum density was 4.8 PL m?2, which corresponds with a production per crop of around 300 kg ha?1. Production was also quadratically related to mean shrimp body weight at harvest, while there was an inverse relationship between production and bottom organic matter, indicating that shrimp biomass diminishes the amount of organic matter accumulating at bottom of the tambak.  相似文献   

Intensive Culture Potential of Penaeus vannamei   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tank and pond rearing studies were conducted to assess the potential for intensive culture of Penaeus vannamei in South Carolina. Postlarvae were stocked in intensive nursery tanks at 500/ m2. Growth and survival were compared for shrimp reared in control fiberglass tanks and in tanks with artificial substrates (fiberglass screen). Addition of substrate improved survival (82% versus 58%), but not growth. Juvenile shrimp (mean weight, 1.3 g) from the nursery trial were stocked into 6 m diameter tanks at densities of 10, 20 and 40/m2. Growth rate was inversely related to stocking density, with mean sizes of 33.9, 32.5, and 26.7 g attained at the low, medium, and high densities respectively after 168 days. At harvest, standing crop biomass averaged 225.6, 442.0, and 685.4 g/m2 for the three densities. To further test the intensive culture potential, two 0.1 ha ponds were stocked with hatchery-reared postlarvae at densities of approximately 40 and 45/m2. The ponds were managed intensively using paddlewheel aerators and water exchange averaging 16–17%/day. The ponds were harvested after 138 and 169 days and yielded 6,010 kg/ha of 16.7 g (mean weight) shrimp and 7,503 kg/ha of 17.9 g shrimp, respectively. Average production was 6,757 kg/ha with a food conversion of 2.51. These data suggest good potential for intensive pond culture of P. vannamei in South Carolina and other areas of the continental United States.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the culture of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in inland low‐salinity water in Alabama and other states in the Sunbelt region of the US. However, the growing season is truncated as compared with tropical or subtropical areas where this species is typically cultured, and temperature is thought to be a major factor influencing shrimp production in the US. This study, conducted at Greene Prairie Aquafarm located in west‐central Alabama, considered water temperature patterns on a shrimp farm in different ponds and different years; and sought possible effects of bottom water temperature in ponds on variation in shrimp survival, growth and production. Water temperature at 1.2 m depth in 22 ponds and air temperature were monitored at 1‐hr intervals during the 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 growing seasons. Records of stocking rates, survival rates and production were provided by the farm owner. Correlation analysis and linear mixed model analysis of variance were used. Results showed that hourly water temperatures differed among ponds. The range of water temperature in each pond explained 41% of the variance in average final weight of shrimp harvested from each pond. In conclusion, the results suggest that variation in water temperature patterns has considerable influence on shrimp growth and survival in ponds.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of varying dietary protein level on pond water quality and production parameters of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone). Experimental units consisted of nine 400‐m2 earthen ponds with a low water exchange. Two treatments were tested: treatment HP consisted of shrimp fed a high‐protein diet (40%) during the whole grow‐out, and treatment LP consisted of the use of a low‐protein diet for the complete farming period. No differences on any of the water quality parameters were observed among treatments. Excellent survival (over 85%) and feed conversion ratios (around 1.6), and acceptable growth (over 12 g) and biomass (from 1721 to 1793 kg ha?1) were recorded in all experimental ponds. No significant differences in any of the production parameters were found among treatment groups.  相似文献   

Water exchange is routinely used in shrimp culture. However, there are few, if any, systematic investigations upon which to base exchange rates. Furthermore, environmental impacts of pond effluent threaten to hinder further development of shrimp farming in the U.S. The present study was designed to determine effects of normal (25.0%/d), reduced (2.5%/d) and no (0%/d) water exchange on water quality and production in intensive shrimp ponds stocked with Penaeus setiferus at 44 postlarvae/m2. Additional no-exchange ponds were stocked with 22 and 66 postlarvae/m2 to explore density effects. Water exchange rates and stocking density influenced most water quality parameters measured, including dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, Kjeldahl nitrogen, soluble orthophosphate, biochemical oxygen demand, phytoplankton and salinity. Reduced-exchange and no-exchange treatments resulted in reduced potential for environmental impact. Mass balance of nitrogen for the system indicates that 13–46% of nitrogen input via feed is lost through nitrification and atmospheric diffusion. Growth and survival were excellent in ponds with normal exchange, reduced exchange, and a combination of low density with no water exchange. A combination of higher stocking density and no water exchange resulted in mass mortalities. Mortalities could not be attributed to a toxic effect of any one water quality parameter. Production was 6,400 kg/ha/crop with moderate stocking density (44/m2) and reduced (2.5%/d) water exchange and 3,200 kg/ha/crop with lower stocking density (22/m2) and no water exchange. Results indicate that typical water exchange rates used in intensive shrimp farms may be drastically reduced resulting in a cost savings to farms and reduced potential for environmental impact from effluent.  相似文献   

Two pond experiments were conducted at the Waddell Mariculture Center to compare production characteristics of the native Penaeus setiferus and Pacific P. vannamei white shrimp in South Carolina. In 1985, 7–9 day old postlarval P. setiferus were stocked in one 0.1 and one 0.25 ha ponds, while P. vannamei of the same age were stocked in one 0.1 and one 0.25 ha ponds, while P. vannamei of the same age were stocked in one 0.1, one 0.25, and one 0.5 ha ponds. Both species were stocked at 12 shrimp/m2. The shrimp were fed a 25% protein commercial food and harvested by draining after 147 d. Sarvival in all ponds was > go%, but growth and production of the P. setiferus were considerably lower than values obtained for P. vannamei: 12.8 g and 1,555 kg/ha/crop for P. satiferus versus 19.7 g and 2,477 kg/ha/crop for P. vannamei. In 1989, duplicate 0.1 ha ponds were stocked with P. setiferus and P. vannamei at 60 shrimp/m2, and two additional 0.1 ha ponds were stocked with P. setiferus at 40/m2. The P. setiferus postlarvae were produced at the Waddell Center from captive-reared and wild South Carolina brood stock. Rearing procedures involved paddlewheel aeration (10 hp/ha), regular water exchange (averaging 16–21%/d in all ponds), and use of a 40% protein feed. Due to the availability of postlarvae, the various treatments were stocked at different times. Both P. setiferus treatments were reared for 145 d, while the P. vannamei were reared for 165 d. P. setiferus at the 40/m2 density attained mean size, survival, and standing crop biomass at harvest of 13.5 g, 97.5% and 5,259 kg/ha/crop, respectively. The 60/m2P. setiferus treatment was stocked 2 wk earlier and yielded 15.2 g mean weight, 87.5% survival, and 7,995 kg/ha/crop at harvest. The P. vannamei 60/m2 treatment, which was stocked 3 wk earlier than any of the P. setiferus, produced mean size, survival and standing crop biomass at harvest of 17.1 g, 69.5% and 7,187 kg/ha/crop. Both survival and production levels would have been higher had not one replicate experienced a partial mortality due to a feeding accident. The 1989 study yielded what is thought to be the highest production levels yet achieved with P. setiferus in pond culture. These results suggest that P. setiferus may be a viable alternative to P. vannamei for intensive cultivation in the continental U.S. when P. vannamei are unavailable. Further evaluation of this potential is needed.  相似文献   

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