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  1. To understand the ecological factors behind the decline of functionally important threatened species with complex life cycles, many different life‐cycle stages need to be investigated. The highly threatened unionoid freshwater mussels, with their complex life cycle, including a parasitic stage on host fish, often have a large influence on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
  2. The overall aim of the present article is to summarize and discuss the impact of two articles published in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (AQC) on biotic interactions and adaptation of a threatened unionoid mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) to its host fish (Salmo trutta).
  3. The two AQC publications described research on the influence of population size and density of mussels and host fish, and host–parasite interactions between mussels and their host fish, on the recruitment of juvenile mussels.
  4. The results from these publications filled gaps in knowledge and resulted in recommendations and incentives for conservation. The results and method development have been used in practical conservation work with threatened mussel species and have been implemented and cited in management handbooks. The outcome of the publications has been implemented in large conservation and restoration projects, and in several recent scientific publications.
  5. Specifically, the results from one publication showed that ecological parameters such as mussel and host fish density and population size influenced recruitment of the threatened freshwater pearl mussel. The results from the second publication showed that understanding host–parasite interactions is important for comparing the suitability of host fish strains, and that host fish strains differ in their suitability for mussel infestations. In combination, the articles show that integrating ecological parameters of threatened mussels and their host fish with host–parasite interaction experiments can be an important influence on conservation recommendations, adaptive management and national management programmes for threatened species.

  1. The noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) is an endangered freshwater species in Europe. The main threat is from lethal crayfish plague, caused by the oomycete Aphanomyces astaci that has been spread over Europe by introduced North American crayfish species, acting as chronic carriers of the disease.
  2. Most of the remaining noble crayfish populations are found in the Baltic Sea area, and there is an urgent need to implement conservation actions to slow down or halt the extinction rate in this region. However, limited knowledge about the genetic structure of populations in this area has so far precluded the development of conservation strategies that take genetic aspects into consideration.
  3. Key objectives of this large-scale genetic study, covering 77 locations mainly from northern Europe, were to describe the contemporary population genetic structure of the noble crayfish in the Fennoscandian peninsula (Sweden, Norway, and Finland), taking postglacial colonization history into account, and to evaluate how human activities such as stocking have affected the genetic structure of the populations.
  4. Analyses of 15 microsatellite markers revealed three main genetic clusters corresponding to populations in northern, middle, and southern Fennoscandia, with measures of genetic diversity being markedly higher within populations in the southern cluster. The observed genetic structure probably mirrors two main colonizations of the Baltic Sea basin after the last glaciation period. At the same time, several deviations from this pattern were observed, reflecting past human translocations of noble crayfish.
  5. The results are discussed in relation to the conservation and management of this critically endangered species. In particular, we recommend increased efforts to protect the few remaining noble crayfish populations in southern Fennoscandia and the use of genetic information when planning stocking activities, such as reintroductions following local extinctions.

  1. Motivated by recent global initiatives for biodiversity conservation and restoration, this article reviews the gaps in our understanding of, and the challenges facing, freshwater macroinvertebrate biodiversity and conservation in tropical regions.
  2. This study revealed a lack of adequate taxonomic, phylogenetic, and ecological information for most macroinvertebrate groups, and consequently there are large‐scale knowledge gaps regarding the response of macroinvertebrate diversity to potential climate change and other human impacts in tropical regions.
  3. We propose ideas to reduce the impact of key drivers of declines in macroinvertebrate biodiversity, including habitat degradation and loss, hydrological alteration, overexploitation, invasive species, pollution, and the multiple impacts of climate change.
  4. The review also provides recommendations to enhance conservation planning in these systems (as well as providing clear management plans at local, regional, and national levels), integrated catchment management, the formulation of regulatory measures, the understanding of the determinants of macroinvertebrate diversity across multiple scales and taxonomic groups, and the collaboration between researchers and conservation professionals.
  5. It is suggested that the integrated use of macroinvertebrate biodiversity information in biomonitoring can improve ecosystem management. This goal can be facilitated in part by conservation psychology, marketing, and the use of the media and the Internet.

  1. Freshwater ecosystems are essential to human well-being and most have high biodiversity. However, this biodiversity has been suffering severe declines owing to the expansion of human activities. Protected areas (PAs) are essential for biodiversity conservation and have proved to be successful in stopping species extirpation if managed properly. Unfortunately, they are usually focused on terrestrial biodiversity, leaving freshwater ecosystems aside.
  2. The main goal of this study was to determine the influence of a PA (Montesinho Natural Park (MNP), Portugal) on freshwater biodiversity. Aquatic macroinvertebrates and fishes were surveyed, and biodiversity (richness, abundance, Shannon-Wiener diversity, and Pielou's evenness) and water quality (IASPT) indices were calculated inside, at the periphery and outside the MNP.
  3. Results showed that the PA does not affect positively either water quality or the two faunal groups monitored. Macroinvertebrate communities were not influenced by the PA; however, the abundance of pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera was significantly higher and size was significantly lower inside the MNP. The richness and abundance of fish communities were significantly higher outside the MNP, except for trout Salmo trutta abundance which was higher inside the MNP.
  4. Given these results, the MNP does not guarantee the safeguard of overall aquatic biodiversity and habitats and we propose an extension of MNP to downstream areas in order to increase the number of species (mostly cyprinids) under legal protection. This work demonstrates that terrestrial PA planning and management should also consider aquatic biodiversity to achieve successful conservation.

A market survey and review of government statistics were carried out to establish imports and exports of marine ornamental fishes into and out of Hong Kong, and to examine the local trade in terms of volume, value and species composition. Official government import figures for marine aquarium fishes were available from 1984 to 1991 and from 1997 and 1998. When compared with net imports, export and re-export volumes over the 15-year period were small, indicating that most imports entered the local market, or were exported unrecorded. The market survey of marine aquarium shops in Hong Kong was carried out between August 1996 and January 1997. From this survey, an annual estimate of 957,563 coral reef fish was calculated for the local trade, valued at HK$57,453,780, with a mean retail price of HK$60 per fish. These figures account for an estimated 2–3% of the global value and volume of marine aquarium fish trade, according to 1992 figures and, compared with government figures, indicate that official declarations of imports are underreported by at least 2–3 fold. A total of 342 marine aquarium fish species, from 49 families, were recorded with about 60% belonging to the families Labridae, Chaetodontidae, Pomacanthidae and Pomacentridae. It was estimated that a large proportion of the trade was in juvenile fishes and almost all fish were less than 10cm in standard length. It was common to see fishes in poor condition, species hard to maintain in captivity, or those listed for conservation concern, on sale. There are no regulations for local traders of live marine fishes other than those relating to either protected species or animal welfare. Licensing of traders in marine fishes could be introduced under existing Hong Kong legislation if fishes were to be re-classified as animals. This is strongly recommended as a step towards regulating and managing the trade in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

  • 1. In 1995, the IUCN implemented new definitions to be used when drawing up red lists. However, in addition to being imprecise for fish species, these remain difficult to apply.
  • 2. This paper describes a more exhaustive method under the IUCN (1995) definitions based on six quantitative and qualitative criteria where scientific data are given the greatest possible weight, as compared with ‘expert opinion’. This dual system makes it possible both to allocate an IUCN category to each species, and to rank each species within a particular category according to given scores, so that priorities can be determined.
  • 3. The new Red List for French Freshwater Fish drawn up with this method contains 27 species, or 54% of the French native fauna. Three species are extinct (EX), four are critically endangered (CR), two are endangered (EN), 14 are vulnerable (VU), and four are at lower risk (LR).
  • 4. Based on sounder scientific grounds, this list modifies and replaces the one drawn up in 1992. In effect, it makes it easier to argue for the presence of one species in one category rather than in another.
Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Although neutral molecular markers have long been important tools for describing genetic variation in threatened fish species, many of the most critical questions in conservation relate more to quantitative genetic variation than to neutral markers. Quantitative genetic studies are typically expensive and time-consuming to conduct, especially in some of the long-lived vertebrates of conservation concern. The present review of recent literature in fish conservation genetics examines the traditional role of molecular studies in describing conservation units and providing indirect inference about local adaptation and adaptive potential. Of special interest are approaches that use a combination of molecular and quantitative genetic methods. Such studies are likely to provide important new insights into many conservation-related problems. The review also explores how increasing interest in non-neutral molecular markers is contributing to our understanding of the geographic scale and evolutionary importance of local adaptation in threatened populations. It is increasingly clear that advanced genetic technologies for the exploration of neutral and non-neutral molecular variation are leading to a fundamental shift in the way complex phenotypic traits are studied. This new synthesis of methods will have dramatic implications for fish conservation genetics and biology in general.  相似文献   

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