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In order to clarify mechanisms influencing the reproductive success of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua L.), a modelling exercise was performed to examine the effects of the wind‐driven circulation on the transport of early life stages between the western and eastern Baltic. Because the different stocks spawn in different areas and environments at different times of the year, the occurrence of variable age/length distributions of juveniles within the different potential nursery areas can be explained by the circulation pattern. A three‐dimensional circulation model of the Baltic was utilized to investigate the temporal evolution of egg and larval distributions of the western Baltic cod stock, which spawns preferentially in the Danish Straits, in Kiel Bay as well as in Mecklenburg Bay. For different scenarios (1988 and 1993), within‐ and between‐year variability of egg and larval transport showed large differences, primarily due to variations in wind forcing. In 1988, relatively low and variable wind forcing prevailed, whereas, due to sustained strong, mainly westerly, winds, in January 1993, the recent major Baltic inflow to the Baltic Sea occurred. Differences in contributions of early life stages from the western to the eastern cod stocks, depending on the physical forcing conditions, suggest that this process can be controlled by variations of atmospheric forcing conditions. The potential for early life stages from the western Baltic cod stock to drift into the Arkona Basin and the Bornholm Basin, and to contribute there to the juvenile population, has been recognized as being mainly due to strong westerly winds. During cold winters, retention of eggs, larvae and juveniles within their original spawning grounds may predominate. Transport of cod early life stages from the Øresund, as well as from the Great Belt, can occur only during periods of strong westerly winds, but significant eastwards orientated drift from Kiel Bay and Mecklenburg Bay was also evident during periods of minor westerly wind influence.  相似文献   

Hydroacoustic single fish detection and corresponding hydrographic measurements were used to study seasonal changes in vertical distribution of adult cod (Gadus morhua) in relation to ambient environmental conditions in the Bornholm Basin, central Baltic Sea. Sampling was conducted in April, June and August covering the years 2006–2009. Vertical distribution of individual fish was resolved from hydroacoustic single‐target detection in combination with a fish‐tracking algorithm and related to ambient hydrographic conditions. Based on a generalized linear effect model, both salinity and oxygen concentration were identified as key parameters affecting cod vertical distribution. Results also showed a clear seasonal effect with a more shallow distribution as the spawning season progressed and oxygen concentrations in the deep parts of the basin deteriorated. The upper limit of the distributional range was mostly constituted by the halocline and remained rather constant, whereas increasing oxygen depletion in the deep water layers lifted the lower boundary of the vertical distribution, leading to the observed upward shift in the overall distribution pattern. The results presented in this study highlight a significant shortcoming of the assessment survey design established for this species, as the observed shift in vertical distribution is not taken into account, thus introducing a potential bias into a data series used to tune the ICES standard stock assessment of this species.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea is a stratified, semienclosed sea typified by a low-salinity surface layer and a deep saline layer of varying volume, salinity, temperature and oxygen concentration. The relationships between these oceanographic factors and the distribution of Baltic cod are presented, utilizing results from a survey carried out during the 1995 spawning period in the Bornholm Basin, at present the main spawning area of this stock. Cod distribution, abundance and population structure were estimated from hydroacoustic and trawl data and related to hydrographic parameters as well as to bottom depth. In the central basin, cod were aggregated in an intermediate layer about 15 m thick. This area of peak abundance was defined at its upper limit by the halocline and at the lower limit by oxygen content. The majority of individuals caught in the basin centre were in spawning or pre-spawning condition with a high proportion of males to females. On the basin slopes, aggregations of cod were found near the bottom. These individuals were mainly immature and maturing stages with an increasing proportion of females to males with size. Salinity and oxygen conditions were found to be the major factors influencing the vertical and horizontal distribution of adult cod. Abundance of immature cod was also positively related to decreasing bottom depths. The effect of temperature was minor. The observed size- and sex-dependent spawning aggregation patterns, in association with habitat volume and stock size, may influence cod catchability and thereby the assessment and exploitation patterns of this stock.  相似文献   

Spawning of fishes takes place across a wide area of the North Sea. However, more intense spawning is seen in restricted areas, indicating that such areas present favorable conditions. To update information on fish spawning in the North Sea and analyze potential linkages to hydrographic characteristics, an internationally coordinated survey was conducted in the winter/spring of 2004. Oblique hauls for fish eggs and larvae and vertical profiles of temperature and salinity were carried out at 393 stations across the entire North Sea. The hydrography was strongly influenced by the interfacing of water masses of different salinity, and frontal zones were seen along all coastal areas and off the Dogger and Fisher Banks. Total abundances of eggs and larvae, including fish species such as cod, haddock, plaice, long rough dab and sandeel, peaked in the vicinity of the frontal areas. Hence our findings indicate that the main spawning locations of fish are linked to recurrent hydrographic features such as salinity fronts. Such a linkage may provide survival advantages, as the fronts present favorable feeding conditions, and the related physical processes may confine egg and larval dispersal and transport them towards suitable nursery habitats.  相似文献   

Sprat (Sprattus sprattus (L.)) larval dispersal in the German Bight is predicted with a model system consisting of two three-dimensional circulation models and a three-dimensional transport model. Horizontal distribution data for specific length classes of larvae, obtained from field surveys carried out in the German Bight during summer 1991, are used as initial conditions for the starting points of the tracers in the transport model. Sprat larval distributions are predicted and are compared with distributions of the appropriate length class of larvae observed during a subsequent cruise about 3 weeks later. The predicted larval (tracer) distributions compare favourably to observed larvae distributions in the inner model areas but not in the areas close to the coast. Factors contributing to inaccurate predictions are uncertainties in horizontal and vertical larval distributions as well as the model grid resolution, which is too coarse in coastal areas.  相似文献   

The management of Baltic sprat is challenged by highly variable recruitment success and hence large stock fluctuations. Recent studies have identified the larval and early juvenile life stages to be critical for the survival rate of a sprat year class. Although prey abundance was found to be linked to larval survival success, an analysis identifying the functional relationship and relative importance of other environmental factors is still missing. Sprat larval feeding was investigated in 2002 during three cruises, covering the main spawning time in the Bornholm Basin, Baltic Sea. The aim of the study was to identify the key environmental factors determining the feeding success of larval sprat taking their potential interactions explicitly into account. An extension of generalized additive models (GAMs) was adopted that allows the inclusion of interaction terms in a non‐parametric regression model. The final model of sprat larval feeding success explained ~80% of the variance in the data and was based on the following environmental factors: bottom depth, cubed wind speed as proxy for small‐scale turbulence rates, degree of cloudiness as proxy for light conditions and prey density in combination with a feeding period–cloudiness interaction term. Our study demonstrates that the feeding success of sprat larvae in the Baltic Sea is controlled by a number of simultaneously acting key environmental factors.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity can create boundary conditions for the co-occurrence of marine predators and their prey. If one or both are spatially constrained by their tolerance to environmental variables, then spatial differences in the availability of possible habitats define the volume of distributional overlap. Cod ( Gadus morhua L.) and its prey, herring ( Clupea harengus L.), in the vertically stratified Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea are presented as an example. A non-linear model was used to estimate oxygen avoidance thresholds for both species. Herring avoided oxygen saturation levels below 50%, while cod tolerated oxygen saturation down to 16%. The threshold of 50% oxygen saturation, below which cod could not encounter its prey, herring, was applied to a time series of vertical oxygen profiles from the centre of the Bornholm Basin to estimate the size of the overlap volume during the winter period from 1958 to 1999. Dependent on the oxygenation of the deep-water, the overlap volume varied between 57 km3 and 250 km3.  相似文献   

The survival of fish eggs and larvae, and therefore recruitment success, can be critically affected by transport in ocean currents. Combining a model of early‐life stage dispersal with statistical stock–recruitment models, we investigated the role of larval transport for recruitment variability across spatial scales for the population complex of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua). By using a coupled physical–biological model, we estimated the egg and larval transport over a 44‐year period. The oceanographic component of the model, capable of capturing the interannual variability of temperature and ocean current patterns, was coupled to the biological component, an individual‐based model (IBM) that simulated the cod eggs and larvae development and mortality. This study proposes a novel method to account for larval transport and success in stock–recruitment models: weighting the spawning stock biomass by retention rate and, in the case of multiple populations, their connectivity. Our method provides an estimate of the stock biomass contributing to recruitment and the effect of larval transport on recruitment variability. Our results indicate an effect, albeit small, in some populations at the local level. Including transport anomaly as an environmental covariate in traditional stock–recruitment models in turn captures recruitment variability at larger scales. Our study aims to quantify the role of larval transport for recruitment across spatial scales, and disentangle the roles of temperature and larval transport on effective connectivity between populations, thus informing about the potential impacts of climate change on the cod population structure in the North Sea.  相似文献   

A model system consisting of two three-dimensional circulation models and a three-dimensional transport model is used to simulate the dispersal of sprat larvae (Sprattus sprattus (L.)) in the German Bight. A Northwest European shelf sea model simulates the currents of the North Sea and provides sea surface elevation data for the open boundaries of the German Bight circulation model. The German Bight circulation model has a horizontal grid resolution of 2.75 km and a vertical resolution of 5 m except for the bottom layer. The driving forces of the circulation models are the M2-tide, six-hourly time-dependent wind stress and air pressure fields as well as monthly climatological density fields. The simulated currents serve as input to the transport model. The model area, grid size and the vertical resolution of the transport model are in accordance with the German Bight circulation model. The transport model simulates advection and diffusion using a Monte Carlo method. Furthermore it incorporates a simulation of active vertical movement of the larvae. The vertical migration pattern is dependent on the time of day and size of the larvae and is based on field data from the German Bight. Horizontal larvae distribution data, gained from two out of five field surveys carried out in the German Bight during spring and summer 1991, are used as initial values for the starting points of the tracers in the transport model. Simulated tracer distributions are compared with larval distributions observed during subsequent cruises about 3 weeks later. Discrepancies and similarities between tracer and larval distributions are discussed.  相似文献   

A new methodology is presented to reconstruct migration pathways of individual fish inhabiting ecosystems with moderate‐to‐strong gradients in temperature or salinity. The method uses measurements of ambient pressure, temperature and salinity obtained from electronic data storage tags attached to individual fish and is particularly applicable in areas with negligible tides. We demonstrate the method with Baltic cod. Hydrographic fields obtained from hydrodynamic modelling were used as a geolocation database to identify daily positions of Baltic cod by comparison with the environmental data collected by the tags. Using randomly distributed individual parameter perturbations in the range of the instrument precision of the tag we simulated a cod migrating through the Baltic Sea. The distance between the prescribed and geolocated positions of this artificial cod was on average 2.9 ± 4.7 (SD) km. Subsequently, the method was used to reconstruct migration routes of 10 real cod tagged in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea in early spring 2003. Differences were compared between the tag data and the geolocation database. The uncertainty in geolocation at recapture day was on average 75 ± 23 (SD) km, as shown by comparison between geolocated position and recapture position.  相似文献   

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