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The present study evaluated the effects of inclusion of glycerol in the diet of Nile tilapia juveniles on growth performance, biochemical changes in blood, and carcass composition. We used 300 Nile tilapia juveniles with an average initial weight of 29.15 ± 8.40 g and 11.55 ± 0.87 cm in length, distributed in 20 fiberglass tanks with a capacity of 250 L. The experiments followed a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications during 79 days. The animals were fed diets containing four concentrations of glycerol (25 g kg?1, 50 g kg?1, 75 g kg?1 and 100 g kg?1) and a control diet without glycerol. HDL was the only biochemical parameter, that showed statistically different (P < 0.05) results; it was higher in the groups fed with 0 and 75 g kg?1 glycerol compared to the other groups. No significant difference was observed in the results from the carcass composition of tilapia juvenile fed with the different glycerol levels, except for lipids (< 0.05), which showed the highest values in fish fed with 50 g kg?1 glycerol and the lowest in fish fed with 100 g kg?1. Glycerol can be used in fish diets as an energy supplement without causing damage to growth performance or to the biochemical and carcass composition of Nile Tilapia juveniles.  相似文献   

中国水产养殖二氧化碳排放量估算的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晃  车轩 《南方水产》2010,6(4):77-80
依据2008年对中国水产养殖能耗与节能技术调查数据和相关统计数据,利用Oak Ridge National Laboratory(ORNL)提出的二氧化碳(CO2)排放量的计算方法,对中国水产养殖的CO2排放量进行了估算和分析。中国水产养殖的CO2排放总量约为988.6×10^4t,占全国CO2排放总量的0.17%;水产养殖CO2排放强度为0.253kg·美元^-1,是美国国内生产总值(GDP)CO2排放强度的0.4倍。  相似文献   


This article provides econometric estimates of the determinants of collaboration in innovation processes and innovation outcomes in Norwegian aquaculture and other seafood sector firms, using linked innovation survey and register data on individual firms for the years 1990–2010. The seafood sector in Norway has an extensive innovation system and a high research and development (R&D) intensity, where public R&D institutions receive much of the funding. Our econometric estimates imply that firms with internal R&D resources collaborate more with external organizations in general, and research institutions in particular. Internal skills in the form of R&D employees and external collaboration with firms in the value chain have highly significant positive effects on innovation rates. Collaboration with R&D institutions has a smaller direct effect on innovation. Innovation is clustered at the beginning and end of the supply chain. Aquaculture input suppliers are highly innovative, while aquaculture farms mainly incorporate innovations from suppliers.  相似文献   

The farming of sea cucumber is a growing industry that demands feeds that are tailored to the organism's nutritional needs. Therefore, in this study, the effect of diet composition, with and without additives, on the growth, survival, specific growth rate (SGR) and body biochemical composition of the four‐sided sea cucumber Isostichopus badionotus was evaluated over a period of 3 months. Four diets were used: D1 (Macrocystis sp. and Sargassum sp.), D2 (Macrocystis sp. and Spirulina sp.), D3 (Sargassum sp. and Spirulina sp.) and D4 (Macrocystis sp., Sargassum sp. and Spirulina sp.), and the same diets enriched with 0.22% of Algamac 2000® (D1H, D2H, D3H and D4H) were also tested. The organisms fed the diets containing Spirulina sp. demonstrated the highest growth rates and significantly greater SGR (% per day) (p < .05), an effect that was enhanced by the food additive (D2 0.67%; D2H 0.78%; D3H 0.76%). Survival and body composition were not affected by diet type. Based on these results, the use of Spirulina sp. combined with supplements rich in PUFA content is recommended in the formulation of diets to promote the growth of I. badionotus juvenile.  相似文献   

Effective management of fisheries depends on the selectivity of different fishing methods, control of fishing effort and the life history and mating system of the target species. For sex‐changing species, it is unclear how the truncation of age‐structure or selection of specific size or age classes (by fishing for specific markets) affects population dynamics. We specifically address the consequences of plate‐sized selectivity, whereby submature, “plate‐sized” fish are preferred in the live reef food fish trade. We use an age‐structured model to investigate the decline and recovery of populations fished with three different selectivity scenarios (asymptotic, dome‐shaped and plate‐sized) applied to two sexual systems (female‐first hermaphroditism and gonochorism). We parameterized our model with life‐history data from Brown‐marbled grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) and Napoleon fish (Cheilinus undulatus). “Plate‐sized” selectivity had the greatest negative effect on population trajectories, assuming accumulated fishing effort across ages was equal, while the relative effect of fishing on biomass was greatest with low natural mortality. Fishing such sex‐changing species before maturation decreased egg production (and the spawning potential ratio) in two ways: average individual size decreased and, assuming plasticity, females became males at a smaller size. Somatic growth rate affected biomass if selectivity was based on size at age because in slow growers, a smaller proportion of total biomass was vulnerable to fishing. We recommend fisheries avoid taking individuals near their maturation age, regardless of mating system, unless catch is tightly controlled. We also discuss the implications of fishing post‐settlement individuals on population dynamics and offer practical management recommendations.  相似文献   

This study assessed the nutritional and biological value of a noncommercial, transgenic line of the Australian sweet lupin, Lupinus angustifolius, (cv. Warrah), produced to increase the methionine content of the seed. An initial experiment demonstrated that differences in the methionine content of the transgenic and nontransgenic control lupins had no apparent influence on the growth of juvenile red seabream fed practical diets. Re‐evaluation of the nutritional characteristics of the lupin meals with subsequent digestibility studies allowed the determination of the digestible value of the protein and energy content of each of the varieties. The digestible protein content of either variety was similar, however significant differences in the digestible energy value of each variety existed (56.3% cf. 64.0%). This re‐evaluation of the nutritional value of the genetically manipulated (GM) and non‐GM lupin varieties enabled the reformulation of diets on a digestible protein and energy basis. A second growth trial was undertaken using sub‐satietal pair‐feeding regimes, with the experiment also involving protein‐restrictive diets to allow expression of the differences in the methionine content of the transgenic and nontransgenic lupin meals. A significant benefit of the enhanced methionine level in the transgenic lupin was observed. It is argued that in the high‐protein fish diets used, the importance of amino acid composition is relatively limited. Economic modelling of the potential value of the increased methionine in the transgenic lupin suggests that this will have limited benefit for aquaculture industries, and that greater value would be attributable to higher protein and energy levels in ingredients.  相似文献   

The agricultural world today is dominated by a few domesticated mammal species, that is, animals modified from their wild ancestors through selective breeding in captivity for traits beneficial to human usages. As a result, a clear dichotomy exists between wild (from hunting) and domesticated mammals (produced in farms) used for human consumption. Similar to agriculture, aquaculture is often viewed as the only solution that can provide more fish products given that harvesting wild stocks have reached an upper limit. Aquaculture is considerably younger than agriculture relying on natural sources to farm numerous species. To better describe the diverse strategies for fish production, we propose a new classification comprising five levels of ‘domestication’ with 1 being the least to 5 being the most domesticated. Our classification places 70% of the 250 farmed finfish species recorded in the 2009 FAO database into levels 1, 2 and 3 representing a transitory form of fish production dependent on the availability of the wild resource. In contrast, only a few species, or more accurately populations, can be considered truly domesticated, similar to cattle or sheep. Based on this classification, two scenarios for the future of aquaculture are discussed: either the industry focuses on few truly domesticated species, similar to the path taken by agriculture, but avoiding its negative impacts or aquaculture proceeds with inter‐specific diversification by focusing primarily on the domestication of native species.  相似文献   

Abstract Practical models for predicting the impacts of introduced biota are urgently required to assess the benefits and risks of introductions. The simple method described predicts the ecological consequences of an introduction through potential competition between species based on elementary niche classifications. The model's predictions are tested against field data for common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., which escaped from fish farms during a study of the feasibility of fish stock enhancement in a large river basin. Recorded effects of carp are based on pre- and post-carp gillnet catches, observations of local villagers, socio-economic censuses and other sources of data. The predicted ecological interactions of common carp are in broad agreement with those recorded. The method can assist pre-introduction assessments and is particularly useful where limited data exist. In this particular study, common carp have contributed significantly to an improved capture fishery by fortuitous accident; production from aquaculture was negligible. High niche overlap between carp and certain resident fish species is predicted and this may be of more consequence in highland than lowland regions. Organisms introduced/transferred for aquaculture should be assessed within a much wider forum. The intended impacts of an introduction/ transfer, which in the case study were entirely erroneous, is an area in need of considerable attention.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the prebiotic potential of pectin hydrolysates that were extracted from agroindustrial waste (apple pomace—AP and passion fruit peel—PFP) and were added to the diet of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen). A 49‐day biological assay was conducted, and five test diets were evaluated: one diet was a control diet and the other four diets included pectin hydrolysates (2.5 and 5 g/kg). At 49 experimental days, biometric data and biological material were collected to determine the performance, plasma and liver and histological parameters and to evaluate the intestinal contents. The results were analysed by the normality test, which was followed by an analysis of the variance; the treatment means were compared by an orthogonal contrast analysis at a 5% level of significance. The inclusion of 2.5 g/kg apple pomace hydrolysates resulted in a greater production of butyric acid, increased thickness of the muscular layer and higher goblet cell count in the intestine. The inclusion of 5 g/kg apple pomace hydrolysates led to a greater concentration of liver protein. Further studies are needed to increase the knowledge about the use of these additives in the diet of silver catfish and to establish levels that allow greater gains for the species.  相似文献   

Tuna aquaculture is currently dependent on the wild capture of juveniles for production. The development of hatchery technology for bluefin and other tunas would be a major step forward in improving sustainability of their aquaculture. The present study overviews the technology in the life cycle completion of the Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT) Thunnus orientalis (Temminck et Schlegel) under aquaculture conditions in Kinki University, and the problems to be solved for the establishment of tuna hatchery technology. On 23 June 2002, broodstock of PBT that were artificially hatched and reared spontaneously spawned in captivity. The resulting eggs hatched and were subsequently reared to the juvenile stage. The spawning fish were the result of a research project started in 1987 to rear wild‐caught juvenile PBT that were several months old. Fertilized eggs were obtained from these fish in 1995 and 1996. Resulting juveniles (the artificially hatched first generation) were reared to maturity and spawned in 2002. Over the summer of 2002, 1.63 million eggs from these fish were used for a mass rearing experiment, and 17 307 juveniles were produced and transferred to an open sea net cage. Of these artificially hatched second‐generation PBT, 1100 grew to approximately 95 cm total length and 14 kg body weight in 22 months. This procedure means the completion of PBT life cycle under aquaculture conditions, which was first attained among large tuna species. The problems awaiting solution in PBT hatchery production are their unpredictable spawning in captivity, to improve survival during the first 10 days post hatch, to reduce cannibalism in larval and juvenile stages, and to solve collision problem causing high mortality during the juvenile stage.  相似文献   

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