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东吾洋中国对虾移植放流效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶泉土 《海洋渔业》1999,21(2):61-65
本文根据1986~1995年在东吾洋水域放流的97948万尾中国对虾种苗材料,研究了移植放流虾在放流海区及福宁湾海区的分布和移动规律,阐明了中国对虾已在东海南部福宁湾海区繁衍生息并形成了自然的生殖群体。此外,还分析了不同规格苗种的放流效益比较,得出在东吾洋放流平均体长在10mm的虾苗,其年均回捕率可达5.26%的增殖效果。  相似文献   

中国对虾标志放流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原分布于黄,渤海区的中国对虾,通过在浙江象山港海区的移植和标志放流,阐述了中国对虾在新的海域环境条件下生长,成活情况及移动分布的规律。  相似文献   

刘永昌  高永福 《水产学报》1990,14(2):120-128
本文根据增殖对虾标志放流重捕和生产回捕的渔场统计资料、海洋水文及跟踪监测虾群的资料,对放流增殖对虾洄游分布和中心渔场变动进行了研究。据之分析表明:研究期内,每年6月中旬至7月初放流入海的幼对虾,主要生活在放流的湾内河口浅水区,并逐步向周围扩散索饵;8月上、中旬,主群陆续游出湾内的低盐高温区(盐度为28—30‰,温度为25—29℃),洄游分布在湾外5—15米水域;随时间推移,虾群逐渐趋向20米以深的高盐低温区(盐度为31—32.5‰,温度为20—23℃)索饵;10月下旬(底层水温18—19℃)为交尾盛期,11月上旬交尾结束,虾群分散进入越冬场。  相似文献   

为了评价崂山湾中国对虾的增殖效果,2012年5月在崂山湾分两批次放流中国对虾15673万尾。2012年7–9月开展了中国对虾跟踪与回捕调查,进行了中国对虾放流苗种存活生长状况、洄游分布及回捕情况的研究,并应用“Bhattacharya”法区分了中国对虾的自然群体与放流群体。结果显示,8月中旬中国对虾放流苗种主要生活在崂山湾中部海域,第1、2批放流苗种的平均体长分别达到144.9、130.5 mm,随着水温的降低,作季节性短距离的由浅水向深水区移动,放流种群和自然种群分别占总群体的92%和8%;由于受到竞争生物及栖息地环境因素的影响,中国对虾放流群体的回捕率仅为0.58%。虽然相比其他海域中国对虾的回捕率较低,但是崂山湾中国对虾增殖放流仍然取得了一定的生态、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

中国对虾增殖放流跟踪调查与效果评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对黄骅、丰南中国对虾放流区进行的三次跟踪调查表明,放流对虾与自然对虾的比例为:两个放流区第一次跟踪调查100%为放流对虾,回捕率为2.7%;第二次分别为89.47%和87.5%;第三次分别为78.73%和83.3%,回捕率为0.82%。前期对虾分布特点是,向近岸移动,并沿岸向南北散开,多集中于水深1.0m以内区域,随着对虾的生长,分布区逐渐向深水区移动,到第三次调查时,两个放流区的对虾分布区已经混合成一体。放流虾与自然虾有明显的体长差异,8月中旬放流虾平均体长145.1mm,最大体长为180mm,平均体重50.5g,测算产量为110~120t,其中放流虾为90t。文章还就回捕率偏低的原因进行了分析并提出了相应的管理措施。  相似文献   

自然死亡是影响中国明对虾资源群体数量变动的重要因素之一。大量的研究表明,"传统的"自然死亡与交尾死亡是构成野生群体自然死亡的主要因素,而对放流群体,突然死亡、被捕食死亡、纳潮死亡和非法捕捞死亡作为"特殊的"自然死亡同样影响放流群体的数量。就放流群体而言,迫切需要寻找适合中国明对虾自然死亡系数估算的方法,以及开展放流后至开捕前群体自然死亡规律的研究。  相似文献   

徐君卓 《海洋渔业》1988,10(6):278-279
<正> 浙江省象山港对虾放流增殖自1986年开始转入生产放流,并列为国家“七五”科技攻关项目。1987年放流了3厘米左右的暂养苗2.248亿尾,超额完成了2亿尾的任务。在放流增殖领导小组的统一部署下,依靠各有关部门的积极努力,精心组织实施,放流虾苗的质量和数量是历年来最好的一年.放流后,渔政人员做了大量艰苦的工作,起到了保证作用,科技人员把好各个阶段的技术关,并基本上掌握了生产性放流虾群在港内的移动规律。  相似文献   

黄河口西南侧潮下带是渤海中国明对虾[Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck,1765)]重点增殖放流区。本研究于 2020 年 4—12 月采用定点设站结合生产调研对此海域内小岛河河口中国明对虾放流迁移进行跟踪调查, 研究增殖放流中国明对虾在放流早期迁移和入海后的分布特点及放流效果, 为优化放流技术策略、提高增殖放流效率提供实践参考。结果显示, 小岛河河口放流虾苗开闸后进入河道, 沿河道向外迁徙, 3~7 d 进入海域, 未发现对虾个体溯河上游; 不同大小的幼虾出闸、滞留放流通道时长不同, 小个体虾出池慢、滞留河道时间长, 大个体虾出池快、入海时间短; 潮下带开阔海区内, 仅在进入放流期后的 6—8 月出现中国明对虾, 且其数量逐月减少, 8 月开捕后中国明对虾分布数量和范围急剧减少至基本不出现。上述结果进一步证实黄河口西南侧潮下带区现存中国明对虾应来源于当年增殖放流群体, 建议在类似小岛河河口的开阔河口区, 增殖放流中国明对虾时选用相对大规格的虾苗, 以缩短开闸放流滞留时间, 获得更高放流效率。  相似文献   

<正> 我国在对虾资源增殖的开发研究方面,已经完成了若干技术手段的研究,主要成果是对虾人工繁殖育苗技术、亲虾越冬培育技术,幼虾标志放流技术。利用这些技术成果,已经开发出巨大规模的养虾产业、苗种培育产业,成功地将对虾移植到了东海区,初步形成一支自然种群。还在黄海区的若干水域,用放流幼虾的办法建立了局部海域的对虾增殖事业,取得显著的经济和社会效益。但是用之  相似文献   

本文根据辽东湾中国对虾标志放流实验与重捕资料,对辽东湾中国对虾放流场的选择、种苗的放流规格和放流增殖效果进行了研究。根据上述实验分析表明,在辽河口海区进行对虾放流增殖是较理想的场所,在秋汛生产期洄游分布遍及辽东湾传统的中心渔场;放流种苗的适宜体长规格为5cm以上,回捕率较高,最高达3.31%。这将对辽东湾生产性对虾放流提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

桑沟湾春季营养盐分布特征及赤潮暴发诱因   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据2006年4月和2011年4月两个航次的调查数据,对比分析了桑沟湾水域春季水温、盐度及溶解无机氮(DIN)、活性磷酸盐(PO43-)、活性硅酸盐(Si32 -Si)含量的时空分布特征,探讨了目前大面积赤潮暴发的可能原因。结果显示,2011年的氮、磷、硅浓度都高于2006年同期调查结果,分别是2006年的5.6倍,1.3倍和3.2倍。氮磷比高达(66.33?47.16),硅磷比为(35.12?21.44),硅氮比为(0.82?0.77),严重偏离Redfield比值。块状分布明显,氮、磷、硅的空间分布情况相似,都是在湾口的东南部(褚岛外海)有高值区,向湾内递减;在湾底的西北部赤潮的始发区,有次高值区,与盐度的低值区几乎重叠。从营养盐、水文、大型藻类营养盐竞争与克生作用及水温4个方面,分析了赤潮暴发的可能原因。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The spawning bed selection of herring Clupea pallasii off Minedomari, Atsuta, on the west coast of Hokkaido, Japan, is discussed in relation to the topography of the rocky shore and wave conditions during the spawning season. From 1998 to 2003, herring have spawned their eggs mainly on the leaves of the seagrass Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino in almost the same site on the rocky shore off Minedomari in the Atsuta area. The site is connected to a valley-like feature offshore. Wave conditions were surveyed at Minedomari during the spawning season in 2000 and the wave height was estimated from 1998 to 2003, except for in 2000, using the correlation of wave height between Minedomari and Ishikari Bay New Port, approximately 18 km south-west of Minedomari. Herring spawned under calm conditions, during which the wave height was approximately 0.5 m off Atusta and Aoshima and was 0.18–1.28 m off Minedomari. The distribution of water particle velocity on the sea bottom surface as a result of ocean waves off the Minedomari area, which was estimated based on the wave height and the topography of the coast, suggested herring could swim easily into the shallower area along the valley-like feature off Minedomari. Therefore, topographical features are thought to be one of the reasons why herring have used Minedomari as a spawning bed. Additionally, seepage of freshwater from the bottom, which was observed in this area, could also be the reason why herring spawn in Minedomari repeatedly.  相似文献   

本研究基于 2014 年江苏沿海定置张网渔船的大样本随机抽样调查数据, 对渔船捕捞产量及渔获物结构的时空分布特征进行了初步分析。研究结果显示: 江苏沿海渔船捕捞具有显著的空间特征, 多数在近海生产、少有渔船远赴外海生产, 除个别月份, 少有渔船在长江口航道中生产, 长江口近岸北侧常年有该类渔船生产, 在江苏近岸 20 m 等深线附近水域形成了一条连贯、且相对高产的水道走廊。渔船生产具有季节性, 在水温偏低的冬季, 渔船趋于向外、向南扩展生产, 而在水温偏高的夏季则趋于向北扩展生产。渔获物结构比较分析发现, 主捕对象存在季节变化, 分别出现虾类(1—4 月和 10—11 月)、毛虾(2—3 月、5 月和 11—12 月)、梭子蟹(9—11 月)等渔获比例相对较高的情况, 而杂鱼杂虾除 1—4 月和 11 月比例相对偏小外, 其余月份比例均较高, 虾类资源与其他杂鱼杂虾资源之间呈现显著负向关系。文献比较分析发现, 渔获物中的杂鱼杂虾与经济鱼类幼鱼之间有对应关系。基于研究结果, 建议定置张网伏休时间提前一个月、并加强伏休后渔船捕捞网目尺寸的管理, 以确保足量补充群体维持渔业资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

诱发三都湾海域赤潮的原因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年4月23日三都湾海域爆发赤潮,爆发时间长达16d,主要是由血红哈卡藻(Akashiwo san-guinea)为优势藻种引起的。本文通过对三都湾海域大黄鱼种质资源养殖基地的海水进行分析,来探讨此次赤潮的原因。结果发现,在发生赤潮前期水温急剧上升,从11.80℃升至21.20℃,赤潮发生时的水温维持在16.40~21.20℃之间;盐度呈现下降状态,从25.12‰降至23.30‰;pH呈现明显上升状态,从8.03升至8.25;营养状态指数E值维持在1.6~9.2之间,长期属于富营养化状态。本研究结果表明,本次赤潮发生与水温、盐度、pH以及水体富营养化等密切相关。  相似文献   

对乳山湾东流区表层沉积物中有害物质调查分析表明,表层沉积物中有害物质含量分布具有明显的区域分布,在湾顶部虾池排放口附近,硫化物和有机质含量较高。说明养殖排放水对此有影响。不同沉积物类型,对有害物质的积累能力是不同的,一般随沉积物粒度的变细而增大。与评价标准相比,总的看来,沉积物中有害物质含量没有超标,但在丰水期和养殖高峰期,硫化物、Cd、Pb略有超标。  相似文献   

福建定海湾一次东海原甲藻与夜光藻双相赤潮浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李正华 《福建水产》2016,(2):132-136
通过对2010年6月7—13日发生在福建定海湾的一次东海原甲藻与夜光藻双相赤潮进行跟踪监测,分析并探讨了该次双相赤潮生消过程。本次赤潮暴发时海区表层水温范围为22.8~23.2℃,盐度范围为28.24~28.36;本次赤潮暴发后,监测结果显示该海区表层水体中夜光藻的大量存在对东海原甲藻的快速增长无摄食压力,而且在夜光藻大量存在的表层水体中活性磷酸盐及氨氮含量与正常海区相比均明显偏高,另外海区表层水体中东海原甲藻在赤潮暴发后仍能快速生长。  相似文献   

通过2009年和2010年4—11月对宁德三都湾2个网箱养殖区的无机氮和活性磷酸盐进行监测。结果表明,三都湾网箱养殖区无机氮平均浓度0.324~0.368 mg/L,活性磷酸盐平均浓度0.034~0.035 mg/L。无机氮和活性磷酸盐浓度基本上超出《海水水质标准》GB3097-1997二类标准,超标率在50%~75%。网箱养殖区营养盐浓度有较明显的季节性变化,并且有发生赤潮的潜在性危险。  相似文献   

In this analysis, an atypical northward shift in the distribution of age‐1 ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) recruits off Oregon in 2000 and 2002–2004 was linked to anomolously strong coastal upwelling winds off southern Oregon (42°N latitude) in April–July of the year of larval release (t?1). This is the first clear evidence that strong upwelling winds can depress local recruitment of ocean shrimp. Regression analysis confirmed a long‐term negative correlation between loge of ocean shrimp recruitment and April sea level height (SLH) at Crescent City, California, in the year of larval release, for both northern and southern Oregon waters. The regional pattern of ocean shrimp catches and seasonal upwelling winds showed that, although the timing of the spring transition as reflected in April SLH drives ocean shrimp recruitment success off Oregon generally, the strength and consistency of spring upwelling limits the distribution of large concentrations of ocean shrimp at the southern end of the northern California/Oregon/Washington area. A northward shift in 1999 and 2001–03 in the northern edge of this ‘zone of maximum upwelling’ is the likely cause of the weak southern Oregon recruitment and resulting atypical distribution of ocean shrimp observed off Oregon in 2000 and 2002–04, with a return to a more typical catch distribution as spring upwelling moderated in subsequent years. It is noted that a northward shift in the conditions that produce strong and steady spring upwelling winds is consistent with many predictions of global climate models under conditions of global warming.  相似文献   

Abstract – Among the species in the family Salmonidae, those represented by the genera Salmo, Salvelinus, and Oncorhynchus (subfamily Salmoninae) are the most studied. Here, various aspects of phenotypic and life‐history variation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., brown trout Salmo trutta L., and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) are reviewed. While many strategies and tactics are commonly used by these species, there are also differences in their ecology and population dynamics that result in a variety of interesting and diverse topics that are challenging for future research. Atlantic salmon display considerable phenotypic plasticity and variability in life‐history characters ranging from fully freshwater resident forms, where females can mature at approximately 10 cm in length, to anadromous populations characterised by 3–5 sea‐winter (5SW) salmon. Even within simple 1SW populations, 20 or more spawning life‐history types can be identified. Juveniles in freshwater can use both fluvial and lacustrine habitats for rearing, and while most smolts migrate to sea during the spring, fall migrations occur in some populations. At sea, some salmon undertake extensive oceanic migrations while other populations stay within the geographical confines of areas such as the Baltic Sea. At the other extreme are those that reside in estuaries and return to freshwater to spawn after spending only a few months at sea. The review of information on the diversity of life‐history forms is related to conservation aspects associated with Atlantic salmon populations and current trends in abundance and survival. Brown trout is indigenous to Europe, North Africa and western Asia, but was introduced into at least 24 countries outside Europe and now has a world‐wide distribution. It exploits both fresh and salt waters for feeding and spawning (brackish), and populations are often partially migratory. One part of the population leaves and feeds elsewhere, while another part stays as residents. In large, complex systems, the species is polymorphic with different size morphs in the various parts of the habitat. Brown trout feed close to the surface and near shore, but large individuals may move far offshore. The species exhibits ontogenetic niche shifts partly related to size and partly to developmental rate. They switch when the amount of surplus energy available for growth becomes small with fast growers being younger and smaller fish than slow growers. Brown trout is an opportunistic carnivore, but individuals specialise at least temporarily on particular food items; insect larvae are important for the young in streams, while littoral epibenthos in lakes and fish are most important for large trout. The sexes differ in resource use and size. Females are more inclined than males to become migratory and feed in pelagic waters. Males exploit running water, near‐shore and surface waters more than females. Therefore, females feed more on zooplankton and exhibit a more uniform phenotype than males. The Arctic charr is the northernmost freshwater fish on earth, with a circumpolar distribution in the Holarctic that matches the last glaciation. Recent mtDNA studies indicate that there are five phylogeographic lineages (Atlantic, Arctic, Bering, Siberian and Acadian) that may be of Pleistocene origin. Phenotypic expression and ecology are more variable in charr than in most fish. Weights at maturation range from 3 g to 12 kg. Population differences in morphology and coloration are large and can have some genetic basis. Charr live in streams, at sea and in all habitats of oligotrophic lakes, including very deep areas. Ontogenetic habitat shifts between lacustrine habitats are common. The charr feed on all major prey types of streams, lakes and near‐shore marine habitats, but has high niche flexibility in competition. Cannibalism is expressed in several cases, and can be important for developing and maintaining bimodal size distributions. Anadromy is found in the northern part of its range and involves about 40, but sometimes more days in the sea. All charr overwinter in freshwater. Partial migration is common, but the degree of anadromy varies greatly among populations. The food at sea includes zooplankton and pelagic fish, but also epibenthos. Polymorphism and sympatric morphs are much studied. As a prominent fish of glaciated lakes, charr is an important species for studying ecological speciation by the combination of field studies and experiments, particularly in the fields of morphometric heterochrony and comparative behaviour.  相似文献   

黄、东海近海春季水温特点及其与渔业的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
周诗赉  李昌明 《水产学报》1980,4(3):259-274
本文较详细地叙述了1960年以来黄,东海近海春季表、底层多年平均水温,增温率和水温的历年波动,以及海区的水系分布和变化的特点,并探讨了海区春季水温分布、变化与渔业的关系。 文章指出:黄海区多年平均水温四月中旬至五月初的表、底层均具有槽状分布特点。五月中旬表温变得相对均匀,底层在青岛东南外海形成具有相对独立性的冷水团。东海区的水温整个春季均具脊状分布特点。本文以距平小于-0.5℃,大于 0.5℃和居于±0.5℃之间作标准来划分冷年、暖年和正常年各种类型。 本文还结合渔业生产,分析了由海区水温水系各年的分布变化对鱼类洄游分布和渔期早迟的影响;指出掌握渔场水温的分布和变化对做好渔情预报的重要性,并提供作为指标的某些水温特征值。  相似文献   

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