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单殖吸虫是体型较小的寄生虫。其种类很多,除少数种类营腔寄生(口腔、鼻腔、膀胱)以外,绝大多数寄生在鱼类的体表、鳍条和鳃上。单殖吸虫的幼虫发育,不需经过变态和无性繁殖,也没有中间宿主,而直接发育为成虫。由于单殖吸虫寄生在体表和鳃上,用它的附着器官(钩子和铗子等)钩住鳃丝,破坏鳃组织,刺激鳃细胞分泌过多  相似文献   

2005年6月至2006年11月,本文对福建厦门海域野生鱼类单殖吸虫的种类和感染情况进行调查研究,检查鱼类39种,隶属于8目27科35属,共检出单殖吸虫23种,分属于2个亚目、11科、20属。在16种鱼类的鳃或体表上发现有单殖吸虫寄生,占检查鱼种类的41%;检查570尾鱼类样本,117尾鱼检出单殖吸虫,检出率为20.5%;在感染单殖吸虫的鱼种类中,阳性感染率为10.5%~57.1%,平均感染率25.9%。寄生单殖吸虫的鱼类5目12科15属16种,其中鲈形目鱼类最多,有12种,占75%。鲈形目鱼类共寄生9科18种单殖吸虫;鲻形目鲻鱼寄生有3科3种单殖吸虫。有3种单殖吸虫寄生于不同科宿主鱼体上,多数寄生宿主各不相同,表现出较强的宿主专一性。随着海水鱼类养殖的发展,应密切关注由单殖吸虫引起的鱼类疾病。  相似文献   

三代虫病是由三代虫寄生于鱼类体表和鳃而引起的疾病.为我国三类疫病.一、病原学病原为三代虫(Gyrodactylus spp.) ,属单殖吸虫纲(Monogenoidea)三代虫目(Gyrodactylidea)三代虫科(Gyrodactylidae)三代虫属(Gyrodactylus).是一类常见的鱼类体外寄生虫.三代虫现已报道400余种,常见的种类有:大西洋鲑唇齿鳚三代虫(Gyrodactylus salaris)、鲩三代虫(G.ctenopharyngodontis)、鲢三代虫(G.hypopthalmichthysi)、金鱼中型三代虫(G.medius)、金鱼细锚三代虫(G.sprostonae)和金鱼秀丽三代虫(G.elegans).  相似文献   

虾疣虫(bopyrids)隶属于节肢物动门,甲壳纲,软甲亚纲,等足目,寄生亚目,鳃虱科。寄生的等足类,根据其寄主的不同可以分为两大类,一类以鱼为宿主;另一类则寄生在甲壳类,而后者又以鳃虱科的种类最多和最为常见。隶属鳃虱科的虾疣虫又名“鳃虱”,多寄生在虾类或蟹类的鳃腔内,使鳃腔膨胀呈疣状,放名。  相似文献   

主要海水养殖鱼类白点病和盾纤毛虫病防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了主要海水养殖鱼类白点病、盾纤毛虫病的发病症状、病原及理化性质、流行情况和防治方法。白点病病原为刺激隐核虫,为世界性分布的寄生虫种类。盾纤虫病的病原在不同的鱼不尽相同,病原体不尽寄生在体表和鳃,还侵入到体内的组织器官包括脑部。提出了今后研究的重点和方向。  相似文献   

通过对侵袭南美白对虾一种敌害生物及虫体形态结构观察,初步鉴定该虫为中国急游水虱(Tachaea chinensis Thielemann),隶属节肢动物门(Arthropoda)、甲壳纲(Crustacea)、软甲亚纲(Malacostraca)、等足目(Isopoda)、浪飘水虱亚目(Cymothoidea)、珊瑚水虱科(Corallanidae)、急游水虱属(Tachaea)的种类。首次报道了中国急游水虱对池塘养殖南美白对虾虾苗危害情况,对虫体进行了驱杀试验。  相似文献   

刺激隐核虫及其防治措施的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海水鱼类中,致病力最强的寄生虫是被称为"海水鱼白点病"的病原--刺激隐核虫(Cryptocaryon irritus)。它寄生在鱼的体表、鳃,引起鱼的活动异常、上皮增生、呼吸困难以及机械损伤继而带来病原菌的继发感染等病状。 刺激隐核虫是一种寄生于热带、亚热带海水鱼类的遍生性(周身遍布纤毛)纤毛虫。在野生的海洋鱼类,很少引起疾病,  相似文献   

<正>鱼类鳃霉病目前发病较多,本文为了描述方便,把鱼类鳃霉病根据发病时个体大小和孵化的时间分成养成期鳃霉病和苗种期鳃霉病。因为对此病重视度不够、显微诊断不完善、苗种高发、治疗药物效果待提高等因素,此病将对我国鱼苗种产业和成鱼养殖产业带来大的困扰。一、鳃霉病的病原形态和流行病学1.病原形态鳃霉病是一种真菌性疾病,主要病原是鳃霉。鱼类寄生的鳃霉,从菌丝的形态和寄生情况来看,有两种类型。寄生在草鱼鳃上的鳃霉,菌丝较粗直而少弯曲,分支很  相似文献   

按照常规采样及研究方法,对额尔齐斯河(中国段)鱼类寄生性甲壳动物的种类组成及感染情况进行调查。结果表明,额尔齐斯河(中国段)随机抽样调查的24种鱼类中有10种感染甲壳动物,共发现12种寄生性甲壳动物,隶属于2亚纲、3目、4科、6属;额尔齐斯河寄生性甲壳动物的宿主有一定的地域特性,寄生性甲壳动物多发于夏季;感染率大于或等于10%的有鲢中华鳋(Sinergasilus polycolpus)和鳋未定种(Ergasilidae sp.);除个别虫种外,额尔齐斯河鱼类寄生性甲壳动物的感染率及感染强度均不高。  相似文献   

正鱼类鳃霉病目前发病较多,本文为了描述方便,把鱼类鳃霉病根据发病时个体大小和孵化的时间分成养成期鳃霉病和苗种期鳃霉病。此病将对我国鱼苗种产业和成鱼养殖产业带来大的困扰。一、鳃霉病的病原形态和致病机理鳃霉病是一种真菌性疾病,主要病原是鳃霉。鱼类寄生的鳃霉,从菌丝的形态和寄生情况来看,有两种类型。寄生在草鱼鳃上的鳃霉,菌丝较粗直而少弯曲,分  相似文献   

Abstract. Based on a pooled sample of 367 specimens of juvenile Atlanlic salmon, Salmo salar L., from eight geographically distinct home rivers, stocks from Scotland and Newfoundland can be distinguished by meristic and morphometric character sets using discriminant analysis procedures. Reduced character sets require meristic counts of pectoral fin rays, dorsal fin rays, gill rakers and vertebrae, and morphometric measurements of standard length, pectoral and pelvic fin lengths, body depth and gape width. Regional differences based on these morphometric and meristic sets are substantiated by monomorphism at each MDH locus in Scottish fish in contrast to polymorphism at the MDH-1 and MDH-3 loci in Newfoundland fish. Only the morphometric discriminant function is highly accurate (>80%) in identifying home river origins of the fish examined with the discriminating power increasing with increased fish size. These findings for juvenile fish indicate that, while meristic, morphometric and electrophoretic criteria provide a likely means for distinguishing regional fish stocks, morphometric character sets would seem to offer the best possibility for identifying home river origins of adult Atlantic salmon in mixed fisheries.  相似文献   

海南陵水小型金枪鱼驯养基地在小头鲔(Euthynnus affinis)养殖过程中发现有寄生虫附着现象,文章对小头鲔寄生虫进行了分离、形态观察及18S、28S rRNA分子鉴定。结果显示,经18S rRNA分子鉴定,该寄生虫与Branchiomma sp.相似性为99.13%;而28S rRNA显示,该寄生虫与黑斑鳍缨虫B.nigromaculatum相似性为100%,与Branchiomma sp.(EF116223.1)相似性为99.12%。形态观察发现,该寄生虫虫体呈墨绿色、棕黄色或红棕色,具鳃冠,全长30~90 mm,寄生于小头鲔鳃弓后缘的体表及胸鳍中后部。该寄生虫由鳃冠、胸区和腹区组成,无钙质管,其消化道包括口、口腔、咽、肠、肛门等,与黑斑鳍缨虫存在少许生活习性和形态差别。因此,该寄生虫是否为鳍缨虫属(Branchiomma)、黑斑鳍缨虫(B.nigromaculatum),仍需进一步验证。该虫附着于小头鲔体表后,小头鲔摄食量明显下降,游泳速度加快,易受惊吓。采用甲醛浸泡具有良好的去除效果,去除后小头鲔成活率为75.9%。  相似文献   

南极磷虾广泛栖息于环南极水域, 其生物量极为丰富, 为世界上最大的动物蛋白质来源之一。以磷虾(如三刺磷虾 Euphausia. triacantha、瓦氏磷虾 E. vallentini、长额樱磷虾 Thysanoessa macrura 以及南极大磷虾 Euphausia superba)为中间宿主或终末宿主的寄生虫广泛存在于南大洋食物网的不同营养级生物中, 是形成南极生物多样性的重要组成部分。为了充分了解南极磷虾寄生虫的类型、生态特性以及感染机制等, 本文对其种类多样性、生命周期、寄生部位、影响机制、宿主多样性等方面进行系统总结与分析。结果显示, 南极磷虾寄生虫多样性主要集中在同种磷虾感染多种寄生虫以及同种寄生虫感染多种磷虾等; 磷虾体内寄生虫的传播途径基本上为沿食物网传播; 体内寄生虫对宿主的危害大于体外寄生虫; 宿主体长越长, 感染寄生虫越多等。针对今后的研究, 建议重点开展感染机制、发现新寄生虫或宿主等方面的工作, 而利用寄生虫作为生态指示物种开展气候变化对南极的影响将有较好的研究前景。  相似文献   

The sea louse (Caligus rogercresseyi) is the most significant parasitic pathogen in Chilean salmon farms, and it infects farmed salmon and native host fish. Fecundity is one of the most important parameters for understanding the population dynamics of a species; however, this information is scarce for this parasite. The fecundity of C. rogercresseyi females collected from native hosts (Eleginops maclovinus) captured near salmon farms in southern Chile was measured to evaluate the reproductive output of this parasite on this host fish. From June 2008 to May 2009, 212 specimens of E. maclovinus were examined. Each fish was measured, and all its parasites were collected, sorted and counted. Seventy‐nine ovigerous C. rogercresseyi females (OFs) were measured. Total body length, egg string length and total number of eggs per string were recorded for each parasite. Ovigerous females body length varied between 3.9 and 5.0 mm. Fecundity varied between 12 and 56 eggs string?1, and it was correlated with OF body length. Temporal variations in OF fecundity were explained by co‐variation in OF body length, but not by month. Ovigerous females on E. maclovinus were smaller and showed lower fecundity than OFs on farmed salmon. Our results suggest that native hosts play a secondary role in C. rogercresseyi egg production in Codigue bay.  相似文献   

大泷六线鱼的外形特征与消化系统结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
观察并描述了大泷六线鱼的外部形态特征,详细测量了30个个体的大泷六线鱼外部形态参数,进行了相关关系分析;并解剖观察了其消化系统结构特征。外部形态参数全长(LT)与体长(LB)相关关系为LB=0.8489LT+1.0309(R2=0.978),体长与体重的关系为W=0.0211LB2.9927,(R2=0.8337),其余形态参数相关性较低;可数性状背鳍、臀鳍、腹鳍、胸鳍、尾鳍鳍条数分别为38~43、18~22、5~7、17~18、13~15;侧线5条;第3侧线鳞数80~128;第1鳃弓鳃耙数16~19;消化系统结构特征:口咽腔较小,颌齿发达;食道短粗;胃发达,具有27~36个幽门盲囊;胃发达且分化明显,肠在腹腔内呈两个盘曲,肠长/体长为0.801±0.01,表明大泷六线鱼为典型的肉食性鱼类。  相似文献   

江苏省鳑鮍属(Rhodeus)鱼类的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
作者对4000多尾从江苏各地采集的鳑鮍属(Rhodeus)鱼类标本进行了研究,通过内部特征(下咽齿、肠长度、鳃耙数)和外部特征(斑纹、色泽等)的比较,认为(1)中华鳑鮍RhodeussinensisG櫣nther(1868)是有效种,它与高体鳑鮍Rhodeusocellatus(Kner,1866)在鳃耙数、肠长度和鳃孔后上方黑点有无等方面的区别是明显的;(2)过去一直被认为是有效种的彩石鳑鮍Rhodeuslighti(Wu,1931)是中华鳑鮍的同物异名;(3)江苏已知产三种,即方氏鳑鮍Rhodeusfangi(Miao,1934)、中华鳑鮍和高体鳑鮍。  相似文献   

为了解西藏哲古措土著鱼类消化道寄生蠕虫的群落结构及季节动态,于2018年9月(秋季)和12月(冬季)、2019年3月(春季)和6月(夏季)对哲古措进行了4个季节的采样调查。共采集到2种土著鱼类,分别为高原裸鲤(Gymnocypris waddellii)和异尾高原鳅(Triplophysa stewartii),与原来的记录不同。在高原裸鲤的消化道中采集到了5种寄生蠕虫,分别为聂氏拟短结绦虫(Parabreviscolex niepini)、新棘吻虫未定种(Neoechinorhynchus sp.)、异肉吸虫未定种(Allocreadium sp.)、对盲囊线虫未定种线虫(Contracaecum sp.)和束首线虫未定种(Streptocara sp.),并对形态特征进行了描述。本研究发现,哲古措土著鱼类消化道寄生蠕虫的物种组成具有一定地域性,大部分为广布性寄生虫,鸟类在其传播过程中起到了重要作用。经过分析,高原裸鲤消化道寄生蠕虫群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为0.70~1.27,显示了较高的群落多样性,Berger-Parker优势度指数为0.38~0.76,优势群为线虫。线虫表现出一定的季节消长规律:秋季为周年最高,冬季下降,春季上升,夏季降至最低,推测与水温、中间宿主的种群数量、线虫的生命周期和鱼类宿主繁殖期的行为等有关。复殖吸虫、绦虫和棘头虫四季的感染率均在10%以内浮动,平均丰度也较低。异尾高原鳅的消化道中未发现任何寄生蠕虫,推测与宿主肠道空间大小、摄食量和分布空间的差异有关。本研究通过对西藏湖泊土著鱼类寄生蠕虫的调查与分析,旨在为深入了解西藏寄生虫的组成特点、研究青藏高原隆升对寄生虫与鱼类宿主协同进化提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

The starry batfish Halieutaea stellata (Vahl) is a small, benthic fish found in Indo‐West Pacific Oceans. However, our present knowledge of the helminth parasites of this fish is still fragmentary. In this study, a total of 29 fish collected from the East and South China Sea were examined to determine the prevalence, intensity and species composition of helminth parasites in H. stellata. Using morphological and molecular approaches, four species of nematodes were found parasitic in this fish host, including the adults and fourth‐stage larvae of Raphidascaroides nipponensis Yamaguti 1941; adults and third‐stage larvae of Raphidascaris lophii (Wu 1949), third‐ and fourth‐stage larvae of Hysterothylacium larval type IV‐A of Shamsi, Gasser & Beveridge 2013 and third‐stage larvae of Hysterothylacium amoyense (Hsü 1993). Halieutaea stellata represents a new host record for the three last‐named nematodes. Raphidascaroides nipponensis with the highest prevalence (82.5%) and intensity (mean = 13.5) of infection was considered as the dominant parasite species in H. stellata. The detailed morphology of the different developmental stages of the four nematode species was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. All nematode species were also genetically characterized by sequencing and analysing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the ribosomal DNA. This study provides further data on the occurrence of nematode parasites in H. stellata and also contributes to facilitate an accurate and rapid diagnosis of the infection by these little‐known nematodes.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of development and environment on fin growth, we measured fin lengths of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from two hatcheries (August, October and April–May), stream-reared fish (July and October) stocked as fry into two tributaries, and smolts from the main stem of the Connecticut River (May). For stream-reared parr, there was a linear relationship between the dorsal, caudal and anal fins with fork length, while the pectoral, pelvic and adipose fins exhibited a curvilinear relationship with fork length. Parr from a high gradient stream had larger caudal fins than fish from a low gradient stream, but other fins did not differ. Regression lines for the fins of stream-reared smolts were all linear when fin length was regressed against fork length. Stream-reared parr had larger pectoral, pelvic and anal fins than smolts of similar size while dorsal and caudal fin lengths did not differ. Regression equations formulated using the fins of stream-reared parr were used to calculate the percent difference (100×observed fin length/expected) in fin lengths between stream- and hatchery-reared parr. The pelvic, adipose, caudal and anal fins of hatchery-reared parr showed no signs of degeneration by the first sampling period 7 months after hatching, whereas degeneration in the pectoral (13–20%) and dorsal (15–18%) fins was evident at this time. By the end of the study, degeneration was present in every fin except the adipose, with the pectoral (35–65%) and dorsal (32–58%) fins exhibiting the greatest amount of fin loss. All fins of hatchery-reared parr became shorter with time. There were minor differences in fin degeneration among parr from the two hatcheries, but the overall pattern of decreasing fin size was similar, indicating a common cause of fin degeneration. Comparison of stream- and hatchery-reared fish is a valuable means of determining the impact of captive environments on fin growth.  相似文献   

The invasive fish pathogen Edwardsiella tarda is common in aquatic environments and causes the environmentally and economically destructive emphysematous putrefactive disease called edwardsiellosis. In order to understand the organism's infection pathway, medaka larvae (Oryzias latipes) were immersion‐infected with E. tarda labelled with green fluorescence protein (GFP) and then visualized in three dimensions under confocal laser microscopy and light‐sheet fluorescence microscopy. Confocal microscopy revealed GFP‐labelled E. tarda in the mouth, head, gill bridges, gill cover, skin, membrane fin, gastrointestinal tract and air bladder, and in the caudal vein, somite veins, caudal artery and caudal capillaries. Light‐sheet microscopy additionally showed GFP‐labelled E. tarda in the pharyngeal cavity, muscle of the pectoral fin and cardiac atrium and ventricle. These findings suggest that during its infection of fish, E. tarda initially adheres to, and invades, the epithelial cells of the skin, gills and gastrointestinal tract (through the pharyngeal cavity); E. tarda then enters the blood vessels to access organs, including the air bladder and heart.  相似文献   

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