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加洲鲈鱼养殖技术(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李亦华 《内陆水产》2000,25(1):30-31
加洲鲈鱼又名大口黑鲈,是一种淡水名贵鱼类,原产于北美洲,是美、加两国内陆水域放流增殖和池塘养殖的主要鱼类。1983年引入我国广东省,1985年人工繁殖成功,尔后在全国各地推广养殖。实践证明,加洲鲈鱼具有适温广、生长快、病害少、易起捕、肉嫩味美、营养价值高、养殖效益好等特点,是优化、调整淡水养殖品种结构、发展高效渔业的重要养殖鱼类之一,同时该鱼因其贪食,易上钩,深受广大游钓者的喜爱,是发展游钓渔业的好对象。1生物学特征1.1形态特征加洲鲈鱼在分类学上隶属于鲈形目,太阳鱼科、黑鲈属。加洲鲈鱼体侧扁,…  相似文献   

加洲鲈鱼溃疡病病原的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

加洲鲈鱼又叫大口黑鲈,也称“美国石班”。该鱼原产北美,属凶猛性鱼类。由于它具有适温广、生长快、抗病力强、肉质鲜美、经济价值高等特点,在我国沿海地区已大面积养殖,效果显著。我乡在88年引进该鱼并繁殖成功,为增加池塘新品种,发展名特优水产品,摸索其养殖规律,区科委于1990年给我乡下达了“加洲鲈鱼池塘大面积(300亩)推广养殖试验”项目,经过七个月的养殖试验推广,已获成功。现将情况报告于后。  相似文献   

大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)又称加州鲈、美洲鲈,原产于美洲淡水河、湖中,为肉食性温水鱼类。由于其肉味鲜美,生长迅速,市场价格高,已被广泛引至世界各地饲养,成为极有发展前途的名贵淡水鱼类。1983年最先引入广东,1986年人工繁殖成功,现在已普遍养殖。经过几年的养殖实践,证明其具有适应性广、性较温驯、病害少、抗寒力强、易起捕、当年可上市等优点。  相似文献   

在河道用浮动式金属网箱养殖加州鲈鱼,面积102m^2,养殖利用面积90m^2,投放3cm鱼种20000尾,投喂新鲜野杂鱼,经一年养殖,收获加州鲈鱼8421.6公斤。  相似文献   

<正> 鲈鱼是一种经济价值较高的降河洄游鱼类。在未修潘家口水库之前,滦河就有鲈鱼生存,水库大坝建成以后,截断了鲈鱼的洄游路线,鲈鱼在此绝迹。鲈鱼作为淡水网箱养殖品种,国内报道较少。今年我们在潘家口水库进行了网箱养殖鲈鱼试验,现将试验情况总结如下:1 材料与方法1.1 试验区的环境 本试验区设在潘家口水库东库湾西卜子,背风向阳,水质清新,水深20m,年平均水温14.5℃,最高30℃,最低4℃,透明度0.6~  相似文献   

唐招平 《水产养殖》2009,30(11):12-13
近年来,由于受价格因素影响,鲈鱼养殖的经济效益有所滑坡,为了进一步探讨鲈鱼池塘内套放河蟹养殖技术。2008年在江苏省溧阳市社渚农场特种水产养殖试验场进行的鲈鱼套放河蟹养殖试验,取得了可喜的成绩。  相似文献   

笔者于1996年利用丢荒的虾池进行鲸鱼池塘养殖,取得了较好的效益。现将鲸鱼池塘养殖经验介绍如下。1养殖方法1·1池塘选择选取钦州湾港区养殖场一口面积为1.07公顷(16亩)的长方形虾塘,具进水闸门一口,排水闸门两口。海水比重常年在1.004至1.of7之间,PH值为74至8.2。池塘平均水深可达1.5米,每月可纳潮进水十三天,池塘底质为泥沙质。1.2池塘整治将池水排干,塘底淤泥翻晒数天。在池塘一侧距堤2米处挖一条深0.5米,宽1.5米,长约20米的避暑沟。在池塘的另一侧距堤25米处搭一长方形投饵台,在投饵台旁用筛绢网围一面积约为30~…  相似文献   

一凡 《齐鲁渔业》2002,19(2):30-30

加州鲈鱼又名大口黑鲈,隶属鲈形目太阳鱼科黑鲈属.原产于北美, 属广温肉食性鱼类,自20世纪80年代初引进我国. 因其具有生长快,病害少、耐低温,肉多刺少,味道鲜美,营养丰富的优点,很受市场欢迎.加州鲈鱼能在我国以多种方式养殖,单养、混养都能获得高产高效,是发展优质高产高效渔业的一个重要养殖对象.  相似文献   

Commercial farming of carnivorous fish demands the reduction of environmental impact of feeds; that requires minimal use of dietary animal protein. This study investigated the digestibility of diets formulated exclusively out of plant protein, added feed attractants, by the carnivore largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides . Juvenile largemouth bass (14.0 ± 1.0 cm) conditioned to accept artificial, dry feed were confined in polypropylene cages and fed ad libitum in three daily meals, seven experimental diets containing varying levels of vegetable and animal protein sources, added of different feed stimulants. After last daily meal, cages were transferred to cylindrical–conical-bottomed, 200-L aquaria, where faeces were collected by sedimentation into refrigerated containers, preserved and later analysed for chemical composition. Soybean meal can be used as partial substitute of animal protein in diets for largemouth bass; the poultry by-product meal shows as a good option as animal protein source in these rations. Control treatment – 50PP : 50AP – yielded best performances; the need for the use of fish meal in the formulation for carnivorous diets is, at least, questionable. Results of the digestibility trials demonstrated the importance of determining the diet digestibility, if precision in the formulation of least-cost feeds for carnivorous fish is the ultimate goal.  相似文献   

Catch‐and‐release angling is popular in many parts of the world and plays an increasingly important role in management of recreational fisheries. Although the magnitude of catch‐and‐release mortality is well documented for many species, potential sublethal effects have been little studied. An experiment was conducted to assess directly the effects of catch‐and‐release angling on growth of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides Lacépède. Angling mortality was 0.00 ± 0.092% for largemouth bass caught on plastic grubs. There was no difference (P = 0.57) in weight gain between caught and uncaught fish over a 40‐day angling and recovery period. Although catch‐and‐release angling appears to have no effect on largemouth bass growth, previous studies documented sublethal effects on growth and reproduction in other species, suggesting that the occurrence and magnitude of sublethal effects vary among species.  相似文献   

<正> 1 人工繁殖 加州鲈一般养二周年可达性成熟,也有一周年成熟的,繁殖适宜水温为18~25℃。1.1 亲鱼培育 加州鲈亲鱼平时可与家鱼混养,池塘里需有一定数量的小鱼、小虾作为它的食物,也可投喂人工饲料。至繁殖季节之前,再行强化培育,强化培育在池塘或水泥池均可。  相似文献   

大口黑鲈对饲料中蛋氨酸需求量的评定   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
为了评定大口黑鲈对饲料中蛋氨酸的最适需求量,配制了蛋氨酸含量分别为0.61%,0.82%,0.98%,1.21%,1.42%和1.59%的6水平等氮等能饲料(44.39%粗蛋白质,0.30%胱氨酸,19.81 kJ/g总能),以初始体重为(37.88±0.40)g的大口黑鲈为试验对象,进行了66 d的饲养试验。饲养试验在室内循环水养殖系统中进行,每饲料处理设3个重复,每重复放养试验鱼25尾。饲养试验采取表观饱食投喂,每天投喂两次(8:30和15:30)。试验期间水温(27±1)℃,溶解氧6 mg/L以上。结果表明,试验鱼的特定生长率、饲料效率、蛋白质效率、蛋白沉积率随着饲料中蛋氨酸水平从0.61%到1.21%的升高而显著提高(P<0.05),此后则呈降低的趋势。饲料中蛋氨酸水平对全鱼和肌肉中粗蛋白含量有显著影响(P<0.05);但各组间水分、粗脂肪和粗灰分含量差异不显著(P>0.05)。0.61%蛋氨酸的饲料组的肝体比和脏体比显著大于其他组(P<0.05),其他组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。饲料中蛋氨酸水平显著影响血清溶菌酶活力,头肾白细胞吞噬活性及其呼吸爆发活性(P<0.05)。以特定生长率为评价指标经二次回归分析得出,当饲料中的胱氨酸占饲料蛋白质的0.68%时,大口黑鲈对饲料中蛋氨酸的最适需求量为1.22%,占饲料蛋白质的2.75%。  相似文献   

The influence of environmental variables on largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède) populations in 22 shallow (mean depth 1.0–2.9 m) Nebraska lakes was evaluated. Largemouth bass exhibited density‐dependent size structure and growth, but not condition. Total annual mortality averaged only 30%. Deeper lakes contained low density largemouth bass populations with a high proportion of fish >380 mm, whereas larger lakes with little submerged vegetation had faster growth. The proportion of largemouth bass >380 mm and relative abundance tended to increase with emergent vegetation coverage. More stable recruitment was evident in shallower lakes with increased emergent vegetation coverage. Strong year classes were associated with cooler September air temperatures. Largemouth bass populations exhibited density‐dependent effects in lakes up to 332 ha. Lake depth, emergent vegetation and autumn air temperatures may influence largemouth bass populations more than previously suggested.  相似文献   

A 74‐day experiment was conducted to evaluate the production performance and water quality variation in three types of farming system for largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. The tested aquaculture models included monoculture of largemouth bass (MC), polyculture of largemouth bass, gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (PC), and integrated culture of largemouth bass, gibel carp, silver carp and freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii (IC). The ratio of largemouth bass, gibel carp and silver carp was 30:2:1 in the PC model, and the ratio of largemouth bass, gibel carp, silver carp and mussel was 30:2:1:5 in the IC model. The largemouth bass were fed with formulated feed twice daily. No significant differences were found in weight gain and yield of largemouth bass, total fish yield, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) utilization efficiencies, N and P wastes, pH, nitrite, nitrate, reactive phosphate, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total organic carbon, chemical oxygen demand, 5‐day biochemical oxygen demand, chlorophyll a, primary productivity among the MC, PC and IC models. The ammonia was lower, while the dissolved oxygen was higher in the PC tanks than in the MC tanks. These results suggest that the environment situation was better in the PC tanks relative to that in the MC tanks. The present study reveals that the PC model should be a way to optimize the aquaculture model for commercial largemouth bass farming.  相似文献   

刘好 《河北渔业》2002,(1):16-16
<正> 加州鲈又名大口黑鲈,是一种名贵淡水鱼类,具有适应性广、生长快、病害少、肉味美、营养丰富、商品价值高、养殖效益好等特点。据对沅江市部分加州鲈商品鱼网箱养殖者调查,平均产量为20~28kg/m~2,产值为700~850元/m~2、利润300~360元/m~2,投入产出比1:(1.7~1.8)。现将其主要技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

Abstract– Lake Ashbaugh, located in northeast Arkansas, was constructed in 1981, and initially stocked with Florida largemouth bass followed by supplemental stockings of northern largemouth bass. Allele frequencies of three discriminant allozyme loci (sAAT-B, sIDH-B, sMDH-B) between Florida and northern largemouth bass were determined for 414 largemouth bass collected between 1994 and 1996. Fx bass dominated our sample, with 62.3% possessing Florida largemouth bass alleles. A high incidence of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium was observed, indicative of genetic change within the population. No significant differences were identified for frequency of age classes, relative weight, and length at age between the northern, F1 and Fx phenotypes. Despite being located north of what is generally considered suitable for stocking Florida largemouth bass, it was demonstrated that temperature is not selective at present against bass possessing Florida largemouth bass alleles. However, caution should prevail when introducing non-native stock into native gene complexes, as introduced genes persist through many generations.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding test was conducted to quantify the dietary arginine requirement of juvenile largemouth bass (LMB) (25 ± 0.4 g). Six isonitrogenous and isolipidic (459 g crude protein and 122 g crude lipid kg?1 dry diet) diets were formulated to contain graded levels of arginine (17.0–30.1 g kg?1 dry diet). Zein‐coated crystalline amino acid mixtures were supplemented to simulate, except for arginine, the amino acid profile of the muscle protein of LMB. Each diet was randomly assigned to quadruplicate tanks of 35 fish reared in a flow‐through system. Fish were fed to apparent satiation twice daily. Weight gain (WG) was significantly affected by dietary arginine level. Nitrogen retention was significantly lower in fish fed D17.0. Arginine retention significantly decreased with dietary arginine increased. Threonine, leucine and lysine concentrations in whole body were significantly affected by dietary arginine level. Serum lysozyme activity, serum protein and respiratory burst of head kidney leucocytes were significantly affected, while complement activity (CH50) showed no difference among treatments. Based on broken‐line analysis for WG against dietary digestible arginine level, the arginine requirement of LMB was 19.1 g kg?1 of dry diet (41.6 g kg?1 of crude protein).  相似文献   

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