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选用180头杜×长×大28日龄断奶仔猪随机分成3组,每组设3个重复,每个重复20头仔猪,试验期39d。结果表明,对照组不添加新肥素220仔猪日增重为41g,料肉比为1.66,饲料中添加0.5%的新肥素220仔猪日增重为449g,料肉比为1.59,与对照组相比,增重率提高了7.7%(P>0.05),料肉比改善了4.2%;添加1%新肥素220仔猪日增重为457g,料肉比为1.63,与对照组相比,增重率提高了9.6%(P>0.05),料肉比改善了1.8%。0.5%新肥素组和1%新肥素组仔猪腹泻频率分别比对照组降低了1.6%和2.7%。  相似文献   

微生物发酵饲料对仔猪生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用含酵母菌、乳酸菌和芽孢菌等益生菌发酵饲料饲喂仔猪,研究微生物发酵饲料对仔猪生产性能的影响。选择品种为杜×长×大三元断奶仔猪共46头进行试验,随机分成2组,其中试验组23头,对照组23头。试验组采用仔猪基础料+5%微生物发酵饲料,对照组只用仔猪基础料,试验期15d。结果表明,试验组平均日增重为326g,对照组平均日增重为267g,试验组比对照组每日多增重59g,提高22%,差异极显著(P<0.01);试验组日均采食量为554g,对照组日均采食量为555.3g,差异不明显(P>0.05)。试验组料肉比为1.70:1,对照组为2.08:1,试验组比对照组减少0.38,显著提高了饲料利用率(P<0.01);试验组增重成本每公斤为4.00元,对照组为4.78元,试验组每公斤增重少花0.78元。实验结果表明,微生物发酵饲料能提高仔猪生长性能,节约饲料成本,增加养猪的经济效益。  相似文献   

酸化剂在哺乳仔猪日粮中的应用效果   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
欧秀恰 《畜禽业》1999,(6):27-28
用6窝共63头哺乳仔猪,进行了5周的饲料酸化剂添加效果试验。试验设3个组,即乳香酸组(0.2%)、柠檬酸组(1.5%)及对照组。3组基础饲料组成一致,2周龄起试,7周龄结束试验。试验结呆表明,饲料中添加酸化剂能提高哺乳仔猪日增重及改善饲料利用率。酸化剂对哺乳仔猪日增重的影响随着酸化剂的种类及仔猪的日龄而有所不同。复合酸化剂乳香酸比单一酸化剂柠檬酸效果好而稳定;酸化剂在仔猪4同龄前效果不明显,4-5周龄效果最好,乳香酸组日增重比对照组提高31.0个百分点(P<0.05),柠檬酸组日增重比对照组提高24.1个百分点,6周龄以后效果减弱。本试验中,酸化剂对哺乳仔猪降低腹泻率及提高成活率的影响均主要发生在4周龄以后,且复合酸化剂的效果优于单一酸化剂。  相似文献   

马玉胜 《畜禽业》1999,(6):32-33
用6窝共63头哺乳仔猪,进行了5周的饲料酸化剂添加效果试验。试验设3个组,即乳香酸组(0.2%)、柠檬酸组(1.5%)及对照组。3组基础饲料组成一致,2周龄起试,7周龄结束试验。试验结果表明,饲料中添加酸化剂能提高哺乳仔猪日增重及改善饲料利用率。酸化剂对哺乳仔猪日增重的影响随着酸化剂的种类及仔猪的日龄而有所不同。复合酸化剂乳香酸比单一酸化剂柠檬酸效果好而稳定;酸化剂在仔猪4周龄前效果不明显,4—5周龄效果最好,乳香酸组日增重比对照组提高31.0个百分点(P<0.05),柠檬酸组日增重比对照组提高24.1个百分点,6周龄以后效果减弱。本试验中,酸化剂对哺乳仔猪降低腹泻率及提高成活率的影响均主要发生在4周龄以后,且复合酸化剂的效果优于单一酸化剂。  相似文献   

膨化饲料有益于幼龄动物。饲喂膨化饲料能减少仔猪腹泻,增加采食量。对肉鸡而言,膨化饲料的主要优点是清洁卫生,细菌数很少。 1 仔猪膨化饲料   为了在育肥阶段获得满意的日增重、胴体组成肉脂比和饲料转化率,需要为仔猪提供高能量的饲料。高能量饲料是指淀粉、脂肪和蛋白质包括必需氨基酸平衡的饲料。德国饲料法规定体重在35kg以上的仔猪饲料营养指标见表1。  相似文献   

盐霉素和金霉素对仔猪促生长效果的比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择72头平均体重(12.95±0.04)kg健康的杜×长×约杂交仔猪,随机分成2个组,每组3个重复,每个重复12头(公母各半)。试验共设2个组,在基础日粮相同条件下,试I组日粮中添加100mg/kg金霉素,试Ⅱ组添加30mg/kg盐霉素。结果表明,30mg/kg盐霉素组与100mg/kg金霉素组相比,平均日增重提高14.37%(P<0.05),饲料增重比和公斤增重饲料成本分别降低l0.04%(P<0.05)和10.29%(P<0.05)。综合各试验组仔猪平均日增重、饲料增重比和经济效益等指标表明,在仔猪饲料中添加30mg/kg盐霉素能获得较好的饲养效果和经济效益。盐霉素由于其药物残留和抗药性少,是较安全可靠的抗生素,应大力推广使用。  相似文献   

研究选择90只35日龄的加利福利亚健康幼兔为试验材料,随机分为D1、D2和D33个试验组,每组30只,公母各半。在其它营养水平相同的情况下,3个试验组的日粮能量水平分别设计为消化能11MJ/kg、10.5MJ/kg、10MJ/kg,研究不同能量水平日粮对幼兔日增重、料肉比、腹泻率、死亡率等指标的影响。结果表明,D3组的平均日增重最高(29.84g),D1次之(28.67g),D2最低(26.58g);3个试验组的料肉比分别为4.60:1、4.33:1和3.55:1,而生产1kg兔肉需要饲料成本最低的是D3组。D3组无死亡,腹泻率是3.3%。经济效益分析发现,并依据本研究结果,推荐幼兔饲养的日粮适宜能量需求水平为10.0MJ/kg。  相似文献   

选配3组虹鳟鱼种饲料配方。通过网箱养殖进行了对比试验,结果表明:1^#配方饲料与2^#、3^#配方饲料有显著差异。2^#、3^#配方饲料差异不显著;1^#配方饲料含粗蛋白37.0%、粗脂肪22.3%、可消化能1.76MJ/kg,饲养鱼种平均成活率为96.85%。鱼种平均尾重167.2g,总增重931.2kg、增重12.67倍,饲料系数为1.29。建议生产上使用1^#配方饲料。  相似文献   

正1保健催肥在仔猪出生后半个月将500 g生姜捣碎,熬成1500~2 000 m L的姜汁,分3~4次拌料饲喂,不仅能提高仔猪的成活率,而且能使仔猪早期增重快;将烘干的生姜与等量晒干的橘皮混合研粉,用添加0.1%这种粉末的饲料喂猪有明显的催肥效果。2治疗猪腹泻取生姜75 g、熟鸡蛋黄3个,捣碎后一次喂给;取生姜4g或干姜1 g、茶叶2.5 g、红糖7.5 g,三者混合后加水煎汁1 000 m L,拌料喂猪,2次/d;也可取干姜、党参、白术、山药各7克,加水煎汁,候温灌服。治疗仔猪腹泻还可取干姜100 g、茶叶250 g、红糖  相似文献   

L-肉碱对仔猪生长性能影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭祥伟 《畜禽业》1999,(7):26-27
试验选取An头28日龄断奶的长白和约克仔猪,采用单因子试验。为了增强可信性,分别于两个种猪场,分3次进行试验,共3个处理,对照组不供给外源L-肉碱,其余2个处理分别供给50PPM或100PPML-,自碱。3次试验结呆都显示添加L-肉减对仔猪日增重有明显提高(P<0.01),尤以100PPM提高幅度最大达36.7%。饲料转化率也有明显改善,每kg增重的饲料消耗最低的仅是对照组的69.66%。结果认为较好的基础日粮和饲养管理条件是充分发挥L-肉碱作用的先决条件,供给量以100PPM为宜。  相似文献   

A two (dietary energy levels; low energy, LE and high energy, HE) × 4 (feeding frequency; one feeding in 2 days, one feeding daily, two times daily and three times daily) factorial experiment was performed to determine the effects of dietary energy level and/or feeding frequency on the growth and body composition of juvenile flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. The survival rate was not significantly different among treatments. Weight gain of fish fed the LE and HE diets significantly increased as feeding frequency increased. The weight gain of fish fed the LE diet was higher at each level of increasing feeding frequency. The weight gain of fish fed the HE diet was higher than that of fish fed the LE diet once in 2 days and once daily, but weight gain of fish fed the HE diet was lower than the LE diet three times daily. Daily feed intake was significantly influenced by feeding frequency, but not by dietary energy level. Feed efficiency of fish fed the HE diet once daily was significantly higher than that of fish fed the LE diet once in 2 days, but no significant difference in feed efficiency was observed among other groups of fish. The protein efficiency ratio of fish fed the LE diet once in 2 days was the lowest. Feeding frequency and dietary energy level had a significant effect on the body lipid content. A feeding frequency of two times or three times daily would be effective, depending on dietary energy level for maximum growth of juvenile flounder grown from 3.5 to 15 g.  相似文献   

A factorial (2 × 4) feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding frequency and partial replacement of fish meal (FM) with soybean meal (SBM) on the growth performance, feed utilization and body proximate composition of juvenile Chinese sucker. Two feed types including replacement of 30% FM (diet 1) with SBM (diet 2) were used. Triplicate groups of fish (average weight, 11.80 ± 0.19 g) were fed each feed type to visual satiation at four meals per day, three meals per day, two meals per day and one meal per day for 8 weeks. At the end of the feeding trial, the survival of fish was not significantly different among the treatments. Weight gain was affected by the feeding frequency. The highest weight gain was observed in fish fed with diet 1 at three meals per day. There existed a significant difference in daily feed intake (DFI), daily protein intake (DPI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) when the feeding frequency was increased from one or two to three or four meals per day (< 0.001), but not by the feed types. For both two feed types, the highest DFI and DPI were observed at three meals per day. The highest PER was gained at four meals per day, while FCR was the least. The body proximate composition of fish was altered by feeding frequency. The crude lipid content increased with the increase in feeding frequency. Essential amino acids (EAAs) content showed no significant differences among different treatments. The present findings suggest that three feedings per day at visual satiation may be sufficient for the maximal growth performance of Chinese sucker grown from 11 to 45 g. Results also indicate that about 30% of FM protein can be replaced by SBM protein in Chinese sucker diets without adversely affecting growth.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探究不同饲料料型及投喂频率对斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)生长及肌肉品质的影响。研究采用双因素试验设计,以饲料料型(膨化饲料,EF;颗粒饲料,PF)和投喂频率(2次/日,F2;3次/日,F3)为影响因素,共4个组,分别命名为EFF2、PFF2、EFF3和PFF3,每组3个平行,投喂8周,每天定时投喂两次(7:30和16:30)或3次(7:30, 12:00, 16:30)。结果显示,斑点叉尾鮰的末重和增重率受到投喂频率的影响,F2组显著高于F3组(P0.05);而饲料料型则对斑点叉尾鮰的生长无显著影响(P0.05)。颗粒饲料组的肌肉粗脂肪含量和内聚性、回复性显著低于膨化饲料组(P0.05),而硬度显著高于膨化饲料组(P0.05)。F3组的肌肉硬度、胶着性和咀嚼性则显著高于F2组(P0.05)。颗粒饲料组生肌调节因子5 (myogenic factor 5, Myf5)和肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN)基因的相对表达量显著低于膨化饲料组(P0.05)。F3组肌肉中MSTN基因相对表达量显著高于F2组,而肌细胞生成素(myogenin,MyoG)基因相对表达量则呈现相反趋势。综上,投喂同种配方的膨化饲料和颗粒饲料对斑点叉尾鮰的生长效果相似,但是投喂颗粒饲料的斑点叉尾鮰硬度更大,而投喂膨化饲料则肌肉脂肪含量更高;斑点叉尾鮰的最佳投喂频率是每天2次。  相似文献   

A factorial (3 × 4) feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding frequency and feed type on the growth performance, feed utilization and body proximate composition of juvenile olive flounder. Three feed types including a sinking moist pellet (MP), a sinking dry pellet (DP) and a floating extruded pellet (EP) were used. Fish (average weight, 11.1 ± 0.4 g) were randomly distributed in thirty‐six 300 L tanks in a flowthrough system. Triplicate groups (30 fish per tank) of fish were fed each feed type to visual satiation at three meals per day, two meals per day, one meal per day and one meal every 2 days for 7 weeks. At the end of the feeding trial, the survival of fish was not significantly different among the treatments. Weight gain was affected by the feeding frequency. The highest weight gain was observed in fish fed the EP at three meals per day. The daily feed intake of fish fed the MP and DP tended to be higher than that of fish fed the EP at each feeding frequency. The feed efficiency and the protein efficiency ratio of fish fed the EP were higher than those of fish fed the MP and DP. The body proximate composition of fish was altered by the feeding frequency. The crude lipid content increased with the increase in the feeding frequency. The present findings suggest that three feedings per day at visual satiation of the floating EP may be sufficient for the maximal growth performance of olive flounder grown from 11 to 60 g.  相似文献   

本研究在“肉鸭3~7周龄基础日粮优化配方研究”的基础上,将筛选出的肉鸭3~7周龄2套基础日粮优化配方与3套不同类型的预混料配方进行组合,进行饲养试验与屠宰测定,观察肉鸭的生长速度、饲料报酬、成活率、单位增重饲料成本、屠体品质等性状。结果显示:本试验设计的预混料配方Ⅲ是肉鸭3~7周龄预混料优化配方,优化基础配方Ⅰ与预混料配方Ⅲ、Ⅱ的组合均为肉鸭3~7周龄全价饲料优化配方。  相似文献   

Abstract.— A 6‐wk feeding study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding frequency on growth rate of juvenile Norris and NWAC103 channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, reared under laboratory conditions. Four replicate groups of Norris and NWAC103 catfish (average weight of 4.0 ± 0.2 g/fish, SEM) were fed to visual satiety at different feeding frequencies (one, two, or three times daily). The percent of total daily food consumed for Norris catfish fed three times daily (0800, 1200, and 1600 h) was 44.4, 27.7, and 27.9%, respectively, while NWAC103 catfish consumed 42.9, 26.7, and 30.4%, respectively. Specific growth rate and feed intake were higher in fish fed three times daily compared to fish fed once and twice daily for both strains. Feed efficiency was reduced in NWAC103 fed three times daily compared to fish fed once or twice, while feed efficiency was similar among the Norris treatments. Gastrointestinal (GI) tract index ([weight of GI tract/weight of fish] × 100) decreased in NWAC103 catfish as feeding frequency increased, while a similar nonsignificant trend was also observed in Norris catfish. The results of this study demonstrate that aquarium‐reared Norris and NWAC103 catfish fed three times a day consume more feed and gain more weight than catfish fed once or twice a day. The observed decrease in the GI index as a result of feeding more frequently demonstrates that the size of the GI tract increases, relative to body weight, when catfish are fed only once a day. Under laboratory conditions, the number of times a day the fish are fed should be considered when trying to maximize growth of NWAC103 and Norris strains of catfish.  相似文献   

为评价玉米副产物对巴沙鱼(Pangasius bocouit)肌肉颜色的影响进行了验证试验,试验分基础饲料组(对照组)和添加8%的玉米蛋白粉组(试验组),以2种饲料分别饲喂平均体质量为73 9的巴沙鱼90d.结果显示:试验组巴沙鱼肌肉、背部皮肤和腹部皮肤的黄度值、黄体素和玉米黄质的含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05).结...  相似文献   

为考察脆化饲料对罗非鱼(Tilapia)生长和肌肉品质的影响,实验分别以配合饲料(对照组)、脆化饲料(试验组)喂养体质量为(115.30±23.69)g的罗非鱼99 d。结果显示:配合饲料组和脆化饲料组罗非鱼的增重率分别为185.25%、94.96%;饲料系数为1.87、2.94;肥满度为15.23、12.50;肌肉粗蛋白含量为19.40%、18.26%;粗脂肪含量为0.75%、1.32%;胶原蛋白为2.03、2.91;肌原纤维耐折力为33.93μm、64.84μm;滴水损失为2.59%、1.82%。与对照组相比,在生长方面,脆化饲料组罗非鱼增重率、肥满度显著降低,饲料系数显著增加(P<0.05);在肌肉品质方面,肌肉的粗蛋白含量和滴水损失显著降低,而粗脂肪含量、胶原蛋白含量和肌原纤维耐折力显著提高(P<0.05)。结果表明,脆化饲料在一定程度上改善了罗非鱼的肌肉品质。  相似文献   

张耀红  崔青曼 《河北渔业》2000,(5):33-34,37
本试验采用三种不同的饲料投喂河蟹,观察其增重效果,结果表明:投喂1号饲料、2号饲料河蟹增重显著高于3号饲料,投喂1号饲料与2号饲料河蟹增重没有显著性差异。  相似文献   

李斌  唐毅  王志干  张琼 《南方水产》2011,7(2):35-41
试验以患肝胆综合症的草鱼(C tenopharyngodon idellus)种苗为研究对象,选用复方中草药制剂为试验药物,设置3个质量分数分别为0.50%、0.75%和1.00%的复方中草药药饵组,1个不含该复方制剂的常规饲料组,1个青饲料组,饲喂4周;结合组织病理学方法,探讨了草鱼肝胆综合症的病理及复方中草药制剂对该病的治疗效果。结果表明,草鱼病变肝组织出现大片自溶性坏死和弥散性病变,肝细胞核偏移,发生空泡变性和水样变性;0.50%、0.75%和1.00%3个药饵试验组与青饲料和不含药物这2个非药饵对照组中,患病草鱼的成活率分别为60.0%、80.0%、96.7%、36.7%和16.7%。试验组草鱼比对照组草鱼肝胆综合症症状有明显好转,表现为鱼的体色、体表粘液和肝脏形态、色泽、质地恢复正常;背鳍、尾鳍边缘发白以及鳃部淤血、充血现象消失,鳃部粘液明显减少。1.00%试验组草鱼肝脏肝小叶分界清楚,肝细胞之间的界限清晰可见,肝细胞的核膜与核仁容易辨认,肝细胞核位移细胞中部,肝细胞逐渐恢复正常。  相似文献   

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