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使用显微镜连续观察俄罗斯鲤的胚胎发育过程,描述并摄像记录胚胎发育各时期的形态特征和生物学事件。结果显示,俄罗斯鲤的受精卵为粘性卵,呈淡黄色,卵径约1.2mm,吸水后可达2—3mm,卵质分布均匀;胚胎发育过程可分为受精卵、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、器官发生和孵化7个阶段,共29个典型时期;19~20℃水温下,受精卵约64小时孵出仔鱼,初孵仔鱼体长约7mm。  相似文献   

以使用显微镜和数码照相机连续观察真海鞘胚胎发育过程,并照相记录胚胎发育各时期的形态特征和生物学事件。结果显示真海鞘的胚胎发育过程可分为受精卵、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、膜内蝌蚪幼虫、蝌蚪幼虫和蝌蚪幼虫后期共8个主要阶段。在水温10°C条件下,从受精卵到孵出蝌蚪幼虫约50小时,体长1.6mm左右。在之后的6小时内,蝌蚪幼虫尾部迅速缩短,此时要不失时机地投放附着基,以免错过采苗的最佳时机。  相似文献   

赵亚龙  赵守城 《河北渔业》2000,(3):15-15,17
<正> 众所周知,鱼类精子在不同浓度的氯化钠溶液中的活力是有明显差异的。延长鱼类精子寿命,对于鱼类的人工繁殖具有重要意义。为此,我们于2000年4月观察了大口胭脂鱼精于在不同浓度氯化钠溶液中的活力,旨在为人工繁殖提供参考资料。现报道如下: 1 材料和方法 1.1 精子采集 大口胭脂鱼精液采自唐山市华丰水产养殖场,于第二次注射催产激素之后4h采精。首先,擦干生殖孔,轻压腹部将精液  相似文献   

金鱼胚胎发育时期的扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王春元  李延龄 《水产学报》1986,10(3):315-324
本研究以虎头金鱼的胚胎为材料,依常规制样,进行扫描电镜观察。结果发现,金鱼胚胎在16细胞期时开始出现不均等的卵裂。胚胎发育到心跳期时,金鱼的双尾鳍开始分化。胸鳍芽是在循环期后才出现的。在孵化期时,口已开,位于腹面。下颌形成期,口转向端位。  相似文献   

胭脂鱼的早期发育   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文描述了1987~1989年在葛洲坝下游人工授精后的胭脂鱼卵及其胚胎发育的特点和仔幼鱼的习性。  相似文献   

邱郁春  李月琴 《海洋渔业》1987,9(5):217-218
<正> 泥螺Bullacta,exarata(Philippi)为太平洋西岸沿海和咸淡水特产的种类,我国沿海均有分布,产量很多,具有食用价值,是重要的经济软体动物。它栖息于潮间带的中、下带潮区,含沙泥或泥沙质的海滩上,泥螺为雌雄同体,异体受精,5、6月份性成熟,其交尾繁殖时间较长。上海地区泥螺繁殖期为4月底至11月初,产卵盛期为7、8月份。  相似文献   

学名:Myxocyprinus asiaticus,俗称一帆风顺,中国帆鳍吸鱼、燕雀鱼、黄排、粉排、火烧鳊等。  相似文献   

使用显微镜连续观察大鳞副泥鳅的胚胎发育过程,描述并摄像记录胚胎发育各时期的形态特征和生物学事件。结果显示,大鳞副泥鳅的受精卵为粘性卵,呈淡黄色,膜径约1.3 mm,卵质分布均匀;胚胎发育过程可分为受精卵、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、器官发生和孵化7个阶段,共26个典型时期;24℃水温下,受精卵约24小时孵出仔鱼,初孵仔鱼体长约5mm。  相似文献   

花斑副沙鳅的胚胎发育观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨明生 《淡水渔业》2004,34(6):34-36
花斑副沙鳅的繁殖季节在 6~ 8月 ,从府河、环河中采集到Ⅳ末的亲鱼 ,人工催产 ,人工授精 ;卵无粘性 ,为漂流性卵 ;受精卵在水温 2 8℃时胚胎发育速度很快 ,从受精到孵化开始出膜只要 12h ,全部出膜需要 12h 5 0min ,刚出膜的仔鱼身体透明 ,全长 2 7mm。  相似文献   

在水体溶解氧6.98~8.79mg,tL,水N20.0~23.8℃,pH值7.0~7.6的条件下,东北六须鲶的成熟卵近球形、米黄色、沉性,卵膜双层,具粘性,卵径1.96~2.03mm。受精卵50分钟时形成胚盘,1小时20分钟形成第一次卵裂,4小时10分钟形成多细胞的胚体,5d,时30分钟形成高囊胚,10小时34分钟进入原肠早期,18小时36分钟进入器官分化期,27小时2分钟出现围心腔,30小时19分钟可见围心腔内心脏博动,35小时20分钟可见无色血球从心脏出发通过腹腔向体后流动,42小时25分钟胚体开始剧烈摆动,42小时40分钟大多数出膜。刚出膜时仔鱼身体透明,平均体长为4.4mm。  相似文献   

胭脂鱼人工繁殖和鱼苗培育初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胭脂鱼 (Myxocyprinusasiaticus)是我国特有的珍稀鱼类 ,属国家二级保护动物。近二、三十年来 ,人们对胭脂鱼的移养驯化 ,人工繁殖作了许多研究。但与四大家鱼相比 ,由于胭脂鱼种群数量小 ,繁殖习性特殊 ,其人工繁殖技术远没有四大家鱼那样成熟稳定。 2 0 0 1年 3~ 4月 ,作者对一组蓄养了 8年的胭脂鱼亲鱼开展人工繁殖和鱼苗培育试验 ,并获得成功。现将试验情况报告如下。1 材料和方法1 1 材料鱼 亲鱼系由 1993年人工繁殖的鱼苗 ,在 1 8亩的池塘中专池培育而成。池塘中混养少量的叉尾鱼回和鲢、鳙、鲤、鲫 ,平时投…  相似文献   

胭脂鱼听觉阈值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

利用听性脑干反应技术, 研究了胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)的听觉阈值。通过插入皮下的电极记录了10尾胭脂鱼的短纯音听觉诱发电位。结果显示, 在系统最大声强下, 胭脂鱼的听频范围为100~5 000 Hz, 其中对100~2 000 Hz的声音敏感度较高, 最敏感的频率为800 Hz, 听觉阈值约为69.8 dB。随着声强的减小, 胭脂鱼的听性脑干反应波形最大, 振幅减小, 潜伏期延长。将10尾胭脂鱼的阈值平均, 得到了胭脂鱼的听性脑干反应听力图。胭脂鱼的听力图呈“U”形, 属于典型的动物听力曲线。研究胭脂鱼的听觉阈值对胭脂鱼物种保护具有重要意义, 同时可为评估噪声对胭脂鱼的影响提供数据支持。


胭脂鱼早期生活史行为发育   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
以人工繁殖的胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinusasiaticus)脱膜仔鱼为研究对象,对其早期发育阶段在自然环境下的行为生态学及其早期生存的适应性进行分析。胭脂鱼脱膜仔鱼和1~3日龄的早期仔鱼对光照强度栖息地底质颜色没有选择性,栖息于水体底层,有喜好隐匿场所的倾向,但达不到显著性喜好的程度(P=0.654),不进行顺水漂流。4日龄以后的仔鱼开始趋光,选择白色底质,离开水体底层,并顺水漂流。14日龄以后,顺水漂流停止,选择白色底质的比例下降,几乎完全不选择隐匿场所,但仍然趋光。0~8日龄的仔鱼昼夜活动差异不明显(t=-1.48,P=0.142),9~14日龄时,夜间活动明显强于白天(t=-6.95,P=0),14日龄以后,昼夜活动差异不显著(t=0.05,P=0.96)。  相似文献   

中国胭脂鱼的细胞遗传学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用植物血凝素、秋水仙素活体注射和肾细胞直接制片法分析了中国胭脂鱼(Myxiocyprinus asiaticus)的染色体核型和Ag-NORs显带;并以中国胭脂鱼血细胞为样本,鸡血细胞DNA含量为标准(2.50 pg),用流式细胞仪测定了中国胭脂鱼的 DNA 含量.结果表明:(1)中国胭脂鱼染色体数目2n=100,核型公式为10 m+4 sm+12 st+74 t, NF=114,未观察到次缢痕及随体,亦未发现有性染色体.(2)中国胭脂鱼染色体具有1对Ag-NORs,位于第1对染色体短臂上,间期核中Ag-NORs的数目为1~2个,未见Ag-NORs的联合现象.(3)PI和DAPI作为荧光染料,得出中国胭脂鱼DNA含量分别为5.50±0.24 pg和6.16±0.03 pg.(4)中国胭脂鱼为四倍体,在特定的分类阶元中属于较原始的鱼类.  相似文献   

采用人工授精,组织学、超微结构技术等方法对胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)受精卵进行细胞学观察。结果表明:胭脂鱼卵子动物极卵壳仅有一受精孔,属单精受精。精孔器为深凹陷,短孔道型。在17~18℃水温条件下,受精后3 s精子开始穿过精孔管,受精后5 s进入卵子;受精后10 s形成精子星光;受精后15 min,卵子处于第二次减数分裂后期;受精后20 min,第二极体形成;受精后90 min,雌雄原核融合;受精后140 min,受精卵进入第一次有丝分裂中期;受精后180 min,第一次有丝分裂结束,二细胞形成。研究发现:成熟卵子精孔器内无精孔细胞及其他物质,和其他大多数硬骨鱼相似,精孔管内径2.42μm,而精子头部直径与其接近;同时精孔器前庭内壁有许多嵴突,孔洞顺螺旋排列,这些结构特点提示其是造成胭脂鱼单精受精的原因之一。本研究旨在为胭脂鱼人工繁殖技术的研究及其保护管理提供基础资料。  相似文献   

胭脂鱼仔鱼开口饵料的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以全人工繁殖的胭脂鱼仔鱼为试验鱼 ,随机分为蛋黄、轮虫、丰年虫三个饵料组。结果表明 :仔鱼体长增长差异显著 ,体长和体重的增长为轮虫组 >丰年虫组 >蛋黄组。可以认为 :用天然饵料轮虫作为胭脂鱼仔鱼开口饵料能够提高仔鱼成活率和生长速度。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the ontogenetic development of the digestive tract and its accessory structures (liver, pancreas, and gall bladder) in agastric larval Chinese sucker Myxocyprinus asiaticus with the histological and ultrastructural approaches from hatching to 56 days after hatching (DAH). On the basis of its feeding mode, and analyzing the main histological features of the digestive system, larval development in Chinese sucker was divided into three stages from hatching: stage 1 (endotrophic period): 1–6 DAH; stage 2 (endoexotrophic period): 7–14 DAH; stage 3 (exclusively exotrophic period): from 15 DAH onward. At hatching, the digestive tract of the larvae consisted of an undifferentiated straight tube. At 4 DAH, the mouth opened, and the digestive tract was differentiated into buccopharyngeal cavity, esophagus and intestine. At 7 DAH, fish started to feed exogenously. Yolk sac was completely exhausted at 15 DAH. Until 56 DAH, the digestive tract of the larvae displayed regularly arranged microvilli, abundant vacuoles, and protein inclusion bodies. The pancreas, liver, and gall bladder were functional from 6 DAH, which enabled larvae to ingest, digest, and assimilate the first exogenous food. In comparison with teleosts that have a stomach, the development of the digestive tract of the agastric Chinese sucker seemed relatively slow .  相似文献   

A total of 630 juvenile Chinese sucker, with an average initial weight of 1.72 ± 0.05 g, were fed seven diets for 56 days to study the effect of dietary methionine levels on growth, feed utilization, body composition and haematological parameters on juvenile Chinese sucker. Diet 1 using fish meal as the sole protein source and diets 2–7 using fish meal and fermented soybean meal as intact protein sources supplemented with crystalline amino acids contained six levels of l ‐methionine ranging from 6.4 to 18.9 g kg?1 of dry diet at a constant dietary cystine level of 3.7 g kg?1. Each diet was randomly assigned to three aquaria. Results indicated that the highest weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), feed efficiency ratio, protein efficiency ratio and protein productive value occurred at 13.9 g methionine kg?1 diet among the methionine supplemented dietary groups, beyond which they showed declining tendency. The whole body and muscle protein contents of juvenile Chinese sucker were positively correlated with dietary methionine level, while muscle lipid content was negatively correlated with it. The total essential amino acids content of muscle was increased significantly with increasing dietary methionine level from 6.4 to 13.9 g kg?1 (< 0.05). Apparent digestibility coefficients of dietary protein were significantly affected by dietary treatments. Serum protein, cholesterol and triacylglycerol increased with increasing dietary methionine levels, but showed a relatively lower value for fish fed the 18.9 g methionine kg?1 diet. Quadratic regression analysis of SGR against dietary methionine level indicated that optimal dietary methionine requirement for juvenile Chinese sucker was 14.1 g kg?1 of the diet in the presence of 3.7 g kg?1 cystine (corresponding to 32.0 g kg?1 of dietary protein on a dry‐weight basis).  相似文献   

为了有效区分野外采集和人工繁育胭脂鱼( Myxocyprinus asiaticus)群体,对四川省水产研究所( SCC)、宜宾珍稀水陆生动物研究所( YBC )、重庆市万州水产研究所( WZC )的150尾人工繁育胭脂鱼和长江干流泸州( LZW)、木洞( MDW)、万州( WZW)的112尾野外采集胭脂鱼进行了形态学差异分析。主成分分析、判别分析、聚类分析和形态学差异系数分析显示: WZC和YBC形态较相似,而与SCC在背鳍长/体长、尾鳍上叶长/体长、眼径/体长等特征上区别明显; WZW与MDW形态相似,而与LZW在臀鳍基后尾柄高/体长、吻长/体长、头长/体长、眼后头长/体长、头高/体长等特征上有区别; WZW与SCC形态相似度较大,而MDW与WZC、 YBC形态相似度较大。结果表明通过形态学分析无法有效区分野外采集和人工繁育胭脂鱼群体。  相似文献   

A growth trial was conducted to estimate the optimum requirement of dietary available phosphorus (P) for Chinese sucker juveniles. Triplicate groups of juveniles Chinese sucker (initial mean weight: 1.77 ± 0.02 g, mean ± SD) were fed diets containing graded levels (3.1, 5.3, 7.5, 9.6 and 11.8 g kg?1) of available phosphorus. The basal diet (diet 1), containing 3.1 g kg?1 available P, was supplemented with graded levels of monocalcium phosphate to formulate four experimental diets. The fish were fed twice daily (08:00 and 17:00 h) to satiation for 8 weeks. During the experimental period, the water temperature fluctuated from 27.5 to 30.5 °C and dissolved oxygen was more than 6 mg L?1. The specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio were all significantly increased by dietary available phosphorus up to 7.5 g kg?1 (P < 0.05) and then levelled off beyond this level. Feed conversion ratio significantly decreased with dietary available phosphorus level up to 7.5 g kg?1 (P < 0.05). Dietary treatments did not significantly affect feed intake (P > 0.05). Efficiency of phosphorus (P) utilization significantly decreased with dietary available phosphorus level (P < 0.05). Body composition analysis showed that the whole‐body lipid, ash, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) contents were all significantly affected by dietary available P concentration (P < 0.05); however, no significance were found for manganese (Mn) concentration and calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) ratios in whole‐body among all the treatments (P > 0.05). Dietary phosphorus levels also significantly affected the mineralization of vertebrae and scale (P < 0.05), and Ca/P ratios in scale were not influenced by dietary P supplementation, while vertebrae Ca/P ratio decreased with dietary available P levels (P < 0.05) (quadratic effect, P < 0.001). Signs of phosphorus deficiency were characterized by poor growth, slightly reduced mineralization and an increase in body lipid content. The blood chemistry analysis showed that dietary available P had distinct effects on enzyme activities of alkaline phosphatase, as well as contents of triacyglycerol and total cholesterol (P < 0.05). Broken‐line analysis based on weight gain indicated the minimum available phosphorus requirement for the optimal growth of juvenile Chinese sucker was 7.4 g kg?1. Based on the phosphorus content in whole body, vertebrae or scale indicated that the requirements were 8.3, 8.8 and 8.6 g kg?1 respectively.  相似文献   

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