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东北半干旱区是我国北方旱农地区的重要组成部分,多数地区没有灌溉水源。降水量少,时空分布不均,春风大,蒸发强,春旱已成为制约本区农业生产的主要因素。为了探索适合于东北半干旱区的农业抗旱节水技术集成模式,针对本区的资源环境和灾害特点等,选取了坐水播种和苗期补灌技术,结合盆栽试验,在坐水播种和苗期补水条件下研究了不同的供水处理对大豆的生长发育及其水分利用效率的影响,提出了水分利用效率的最佳供水模式。  相似文献   

根据黑龙江省西部半干旱区的资源、环境及灾害特点,选取了坐水播种和苗期补灌2种抗旱节水技术和垄向区田保水技术,在甘南县国家863试验基地研究了该3项技术集成的增产效应,从增产角度提出了适合于黑龙江省西部半干旱区坡耕地的抗旱保水技术集成模式。  相似文献   

黑龙江省西部半干旱区属典型的东北黑土区,为我国重要的商品粮生产基地。然而,由于地形地貌、气候条件的复杂多变,降水的时空分布不均,以及人类的长期干预造成的生态环境的改变,致使该区连年干旱。干旱及水土流失已成为制约该区经济发展的主要因素。根据黑龙江省西部半干旱区的自然特点,选取了坐水播种和苗期补灌2种抗旱节水技术和垄向区田保水技术,在甘南县国家863试验基地研究了该3项技术的集成对WUE的影响。结果表明,该项技术可以显著的提高大豆的WUE值。  相似文献   

黄土高原半干旱区雨水高效利用模   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了在黄土高原半干旱区充分利用天然降雨,根据甘肃省雨水利用工程建设及发展旱作雨养农业的经验,总结提出了黄土高原半旱区雨水高效利用管理模式,并对雨水集蓄工程技术模式、雨水集蓄灌溉技术模式、集雨工程建设投资模式和运行管理模式进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

新疆干旱区节水灌溉工程技术发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆干旱区农业节水灌溉工程技术应用实际为基点,采用收集资料与实地调查研究相结合、现场试验与理论分析相结合的技术路线,主要针对新疆内陆干旱地区特殊的自然条件和节水农业生产实际,重点对新疆节水灌溉分区和各分区适宜的节水灌溉工程技术进行了分析研究,并提出了适宜各分区的节水灌溉工程技术发展模式。为推动新疆干旱区节水灌溉工程技术的发展和水资源的优化配置提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

在我国东北的半干旱地区,由于春旱造成的土壤墒情不足,严重影响着大田作物的发芽和出苗。进而严重地影响着作物的生长发育和产量。坐水种是一种较好的抗旱播种方法,苗期补灌技术也是一种旱地农业生产措施,垄作区田不仅是一项水土保持措施,而且也能改善土壤的水分环境,促使作物增产。在田间试验基础上,对有限的坐水、补水和垄作区田的技术集成对东北半干旱地区玉米产量的影响进行了研究,并予以了定量的描述,以求为东北半干旱地区玉米的节水栽培提供出一套可调控的定量化组合方案。  相似文献   

内蒙古准格尔旗属于黄土高原半干旱区,该区水资源严重缺乏,年内降雨时空分配极不平衡,造成降雨与作物需水期的严重错位,修建集雨蓄水工程进行集雨补灌有效缓解了水分供需错位的矛盾且为保证作物稳产高产提供了必要条件。采用工程集水、覆膜坐水、滴灌等措施,均能在一定程度上增加土壤有效水分,减少田间土壤水分损失,增加产量,达到防旱抗旱的目的。为此探讨了集雨补灌条件下所采用的灌溉技术以及灌溉制度的拟定,为集雨补灌旱作区节水农业的发展提供基本依据。  相似文献   

旱灾是制约辽西地区农业发展的重要因素。针对辽西干旱地区农业生产实际,介绍深松和坐水播种技术及其作用,并通过应用试验以验证其对土壤的保墒增墒效果。试验结果表明,在干旱条件下采用这两种技术可有效改善土壤情况,为种子发芽出苗创造适宜的环境条件。  相似文献   

旱灾是制约辽西地区农业发展的重要因素。针对辽西干旱地区农业生产实际,介绍深松和坐水播种技术及其作用,并通过应用试验以验证其对土壤的保墒增墒效果。试验结果表明,在干旱条件下采用这两种技术可有效改善土壤情况,为种子发芽出苗创造适宜的环境条件。  相似文献   

我国旱作地区坐水播种机械的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坐水播种机械是我国典型的行走式节水灌溉机具,适用于我国北方干旱、半干旱地区抗旱播种,抗旱增产效果明显。为此,介绍了机械化坐水播种技术的原理、产生及发展,分析了我国坐水播种机械的研究与应用现状,探讨了我国穴灌坐水播种的主要机型及技术特点。同时,针对目前穴灌坐水播种机存在的问题,提出了我国坐水播种机械的发展研究方向。  相似文献   

戚颖  付强  孙楠 《节水灌溉》2007,(4):7-9,12
半干旱地区水资源利用程度及节水模式评价分析,对促进半干旱地区高效合理利用水资源与提高农业生产能力有着重要的意义.以黑龙江省西部半干旱地区甘南县为例,利用集对分析(SPA)模型分析现有水资源的开发利用状态以及适合该地区的节水灌溉模式,模型在水资源开发利用评价及多方案优选中得到较好的运用,计算结果显示,甘南地区水资源利用程度仍属于初级阶段,开发潜力大,结合优化的节水灌溉集成技术,为半干旱地区农业可持续发展提供有利条件.  相似文献   

The greatest water consumption takes place during irrigation of arid and semiarid areas, therefore, water resource management is fundamental for sustainability. For correct management, several tools and decision-making systems are necessary while paying close attention to aspects such as profitability, water cost, etc. Water resources are scarce and some of them are of low quality. This extremely delicate situation occurs in some regions of the world and it explains increasing water cost. In Europe, the policies relating to water use (2000/60/EC) pay particular attention to the need of its protection and conservation. To ensure this, a large number of measures, including the establishment of prices which really correspond to their usage costs, have been set forth. Water subsidies are relatively important in all European countries. In this study, a specific methodology is applied to a Spanish semi-arid region. It is useful and easy to apply, not only by farmers, but also by water managers and politicians in charge of policy. The methodology also helps in the decision-making process about water cost in agriculture. In this area (Hydrogeological System 08.29, Spain), the resources are mainly underground water with a high variable cost and without any direct subsidies. This model allows us to analyse the effect of different water costs and to find the optimum strategy giving the maximum gross margin in line with water cost and its main determining factors (irrigation system, climatic variability, etc.).The methodology is based on the effect of irrigation on crop yield with its production function, integrating the effect of application efficiency. In this way, a relationship between gross margin and gross irrigation depth is obtained. Working with permanent irrigation systems and four crops (barley, garlic, maize and onion), the main conclusion is that the optimum gross irrigation depths are always fewer than those necessary for maximum crop yield and when irrigation depths are fewer water cost increases. Irrigation depths, which maximise the economic efficiency in the use of water (€ m−3), are fewer than those which maximise the gross margin; therefore, this aspect must be considered in irrigation scheduling. The results also show important differences among crops, depending on their water requirements and their economic profitability.  相似文献   

东北半干旱抗旱灌溉区节水农业综合效益等级评价模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
建立了节水农业综合效益评价的投影寻踪模型,其利用基于实数编码的加速遗传算法(RAGA)优化其投影方向,将多维数据指标(样本评价指标)转换到低维子空间,根据投影函数值的大小做出评价,最大限度避免了权重矩阵取值的人为干扰。以东北干旱半干旱抗旱灌溉区为例,利用所建模型进行技术集成和单一技术(喷灌)综合效益等级评价,取得了满意的效果,为节水农业评价及其它评判问题提供一条新的方法与思路。  相似文献   

It is important to promote efficient use of water through better management of water resources, for social and economical sustainability in arid and semi-arid areas, under the conditions of severe water shortage. Based on the developments in deficit irrigation research, a recurrence control model for regional optimal allocation of irrigation water resources, aiming at overall maximum efficiency, is presented, with decomposition-harmonization principles of large systems. The model consists of three levels (layers). The first level involves dynamic programming (DP) for optimization of crop irrigation scheduling. The second level deals with optimal allocation of water resources among various crops. The last level concerns optimal allocation of water resources among different sub-regions. As a test, this model was applied to the combined optimal allocation of multiple water resources (surface, ground and in-take from the Weihe river) of Yangling, a semi-arid region on the Loess Plateau, China. Exemplary computation showed that not only are the results rational, but the method can also effectively overcome possible “dimensional obstacles” in dynamic programming of multiple dimensions. Furthermore, each sub-model is relatively independent by using various optimization methods. The model represents a new approach for improving irrigation efficiency, implementing water-saving irrigation, and solving the problem of water shortage in the region studied. The model can be extended in arid and semi-arid areas for better water management.  相似文献   

以2010年冬至2011年春的区域干旱为背景,基于面上调查和典型调查,通过分析认为,开春以来数月干旱少雨,使油菜、小麦和棉花以及露地蔬菜等旱作物受到不同程度影响,平原湖区小麦普遍增产、个别地方略有减产,油菜则普遍减产,受干旱影响最大的是早稻和水产养殖。根据2011年3月以来旱情发展对农业的影响,提出了抗旱应急的水利措施...  相似文献   

为提高半干旱区农灌区水土资源利用效益,以通辽市为例,从经济、社会与生态3方面选取评价指标,应用基于灰色关联分析法与熵值法改进的TOPSIS法,分别对2000年、2005年、2010年和2013年各旗县的水土资源利用效益进行评价。结果表明,通辽市各旗县水土资源利用效益整体较优,其中节灌率、灌溉水利用系数、有效灌溉率、人均农业产值、单位灌溉面积产值以及林草覆盖率等6项指标是影响水土资源利用效益的主要因素,且改进的TOPSIS法对于水土资源利用效益评价方面具有一定的可信度,值得在同类研究中推广应用。  相似文献   

Water shortage is the major bottleneck that limits sustainable development of agriculture in north China. Crop physiological water-saving irrigation methods such as temporal (regulated deficit irrigation) and spatial (partial root zone irrigation) deficit irrigation have been tested with much improved crop water use efficiency (WUE) without significant yield reduction. Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of (1) spatial deficit irrigation on spring maize in arid Inland River Basin of northwest China during 1997–2000; (2) temporal deficit irrigation on winter wheat in semi-arid Haihe River Basin during 2003–2007 and (3) temporal deficit irrigation on winter wheat and summer maize in Yellow River Basin during 2006–2007. Results showed that alternate furrow irrigation (AFI) maintained similar photosynthetic rate (Pn) but reduced transpiration rate (Tr), and thus increased leaf WUE of maize. It also showed that the improved WUE might only be gained for AFI under less water amount per irrigation. The feasible irrigation cycle is 7d in the extremely arid condition in Inner River Basin of northwest China and less water amount with more irrigation frequency is better for both grain yield and WUE in semi-arid Haihe River Basin of north China. Field experiment in Yellow River Basin of north China also suggests that mild water deficit at early seedling stage is beneficial for grain yield and WUE of summer maize, and the deficit timing and severity should be modulated according to the drought tolerance of different crop varieties. The economical evapotranspiration for winter wheat in Haihe River Basin, summer maize in Yellow River Basin of north China and spring maize in Inland River Basin of northwest China are 420.0 mm, 432.5 mm and 450.0 mm respectively. Our study in the three regions in recent decade also showed that AFI should be a useful water-saving irrigation method for wide-spaced cereals in arid region, but mild water deficit in earlier stage might be a practical irrigation strategy for close-planting cereals. Application of such temporal and spatial deficit irrigation in field-grown crops has greater potential in saving water, maintaining economic yield and improving WUE.  相似文献   

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