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本研究对2个沙棘杂交子代群体、亲本群体及对照实生中国沙棘在不同时间的沙棘叶游离黄酮和部分叶样的水解黄酮甙进行了分析。对内蒙古坝口子和九城宫2个基地7个群体的沙棘叶分析表明:沙棘叶中槲皮素、异鼠李素及桑色素等黄酮组分均处于非游离状态,而只有芦丁以游离态存在。从2个基地研究群体的游离总黄酮变化来看,6月初到7月中旬叶中总黄酮含量保持相对稳定,其中坝口子群体变化在800~1000mg/100g,九城宫各群体叶中游离总黄酮含量变化在900~1380mg/100g之间。对九城宫的杂交子代群体和当地中国沙棘2群体的叶水解黄酮甙进一步分析发现,沙棘叶中主要有3种黄酮甙、槲皮素、异鼠李素和山奈酚。该2群体叶中槲皮素的含量集中在6月1日到8月15日之间,变化在0.3~0.4g/100g,异鼠李素含量变化在0.27~0.38g/100g范围内;山奈酚2群体叶中含量接近,变化范围在0.6g/100g~0.2g/100g,水解总黄酮甙含量则呈现波浪式下降趋势,2群体变化范围在1.3g/100g~0.79g/100g。  相似文献   

为考察一级一项和一级两项动力学模型对黄芩黄酮浸提过程的模拟效果,通过不同浸提温度下的黄芩黄酮浸提过程试验,采用最小二乘法回归分别计算两动力学模型的参数.结果表明:两模型对黄芩黄酮浸提过程的拟合效果都较为理想(R2>0.9800,RSD小于1.00%);但一级两项模型的快速、慢速浸提速率常数等参数随温度变化的趋势未能反映相应的物理意义.因此,一级一项动力学模型更适用于黄芩黄酮浸提过程的模拟.  相似文献   

在我国种植的大麻是四氢大麻酚含量低于0. 3%的大麻,主要有纤维用大麻、籽粒用大麻、纤维籽粒两用大麻及药用(医用)大麻。药用大麻主要是提取CBD(大麻二酚),CBD医疗价值很高,具有抗痉挛、抗焦虑、消炎、镇痛等药理作用,欧美国家已经有相当多数量的CBD药品、保健品、化妆品在市场销售。随着我国放开工业大麻种植和花叶提取的政策实施,种植业结构调整因素,大麻有利于农作物的品种轮作倒茬,具有良好的土壤修复作用,成为中低产田和盐渍土地改良首选作物。汉麻的亩收益较高,尤其是药用大麻的效益远高于纤维用麻,药用大麻主要是收集汉麻叶、汉麻花穗来提取CBD,而收获的方式较多,需要依据种植方式不同和根茎的直径不同,而采用不同的收获方法,给设备的研制带来很多不确定因素。  相似文献   

利用近红外高光谱图像技术研究了总黄酮含量在不同颜色(绿色、黄绿色、黄色)银杏叶片上的二维分布规律。采集120片银杏叶在近红外波段(900~1 700 nm)下的高光谱图像信息,并利用分光光度计法测定银杏叶片的总黄酮含量;计算高光谱图像中不同波段下的平均灰度作为银杏叶对应的光谱信息,利用逐步线性回归方法建立黄酮含量校正模型(R=0.930 7);逐一提取待测银杏叶高光谱图像中每个像素点在不同波段的光谱信息,并将其代入黄酮含量校正模型以计算出各个像素点处对应的黄酮含量,从而绘制总黄酮含量在整个银杏叶片上的二维分布图。研究结果表明,银杏叶总黄酮含量随着绿色、黄绿色、黄色而呈现出递增趋势,且总黄酮含量高的区域主要位于叶片的边缘,总黄酮含量低的区域主要位于叶柄附近。研究为揭示有机组分在农产品、食品中的分布规律提供了技术手段。  相似文献   

黄芩中有效成分含量测定方法有高效液相色谱法、反相高效液相色谱法、近红外光谱法、超高效液相色谱法、超高效液相色谱-串联质谱技术等。综述黄芩有效成分含量测定研究进展,为进一步开展黄芩相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

根据炮制方法对黄芪中有效成分含量影响的相关研究,综述黄芪常用的炮制方法,以及不同炮制方法对黄芪中有效成分(多糖、黄芪甲苷、黄酮、氨基酸、皂苷)含量的影响,旨在为进一步开展黄芪研究提供参考。  相似文献   

王树文  修成  董元  姚煜  李晓峰  李雷  刘珺 《农机化研究》2022,44(4):119-126,268
针对野生刺五加叶片中黄酮含量的测量方法繁琐、时间较长及需破坏叶片等问题,提出了一种基于高光谱技术对不同时段的刺五加叶片中黄酮含量的估算模型。首先,分析提取地域、年龄、长势相近的20株刺五加叶片光谱特征,通过对叶片进行烘干、磨粉及利用紫外分光光度计等化学方法测得叶片中黄酮的真实含量,并选择4种预处理互相结合、比较的方式,判断出最优预处理模型;通过SPA与PCA算法的结合,选择出较明显的特征波段,通过MatLab2018a将特征波段的反射率分别与40组预测集验证相关性后,再分别选取预测值和20组实测值与BP神经网络、支持向量机进行模型建立。实验结果表明:利用BP神经网络建立的模型的校正集决定系数Rc2分别为0.8649、0.7976、0.8485,支持向量机建立的模型的校正集决定系数Rc2分别为0.7526、0.7742、0.7243,证明SNV和1 Der结合的预处理方式与BP神经网络所构建的模型效果最好。研究为高光谱技术对刺五加叶片中黄酮的反演提供了有力的支持,也会提高工业和药用采摘的效率及刺五加的利用价值。  相似文献   

为充分开发油用萝卜籽这一新的油料资源,本文重点分析检测了萝卜籽及油中主要的活性成分。采用高效液相色谱法对萝卜籽中黄酮及萝卜籽油中维生素E、甾醇的含量进行定量分析。结果表明:萝卜籽中黄酮含量为20.64mg/mL、维生素E的含量为1.20mg/g和甾醇的含量为13.94mg/g。萝卜籽及其油中活性成分含量丰富,作为一种新的油料资源具有极大的开发价值。  相似文献   

采用动态高压微射流(Dynamic high pressure microfluidization,DHPM)技术对生物解离大豆膳食纤维进行改性,探讨其对膳食纤维组成、理化及功能特性的影响。结果表明:生物解离和动态高压微射流技术均可有效提高大豆膳食纤维中可溶性膳食纤维的含量,降低不可溶性膳食纤维的含量,使不可溶性膳食纤维与可溶性膳食纤维质量分数的比值达到1.87;通过对比不同处理压力的生物解离大豆膳食纤维中其余成分的含量可知,DHPM对生物解离膳食纤维中含水率影响不显著(P0.05)。生物解离和动态高压微射流技术能明显改善膳食纤维的水化性质和持油力,但对阳离子交换能力的影响不显著;在pH值7条件下,不同压力处理膳食纤维的重金属离子吸附能力差异不显著,且膳食纤维在pH值7条件下对同种重金属离子的吸附效果优于pH值为2的情况。膳食纤维对葡萄糖吸收能力随处理压力的提高而依次增大,达到200 MPa时略有下降,且不同压力处理膳食纤维的葡萄糖吸收能力均随葡萄糖浓度的增加而提高;200 MPa处理压力下的生物解离膳食纤维的α-淀粉酶抑制能力最高,为18.42%,较0~150 MPa处理的膳食纤维样品分别提高了约36%、32%、28%和27%。随动态高压微射流技术处理压力的增加,膳食纤维结合胆汁酸的能力有所升高。因此,动态高压微射流技术可以作为提高膳食纤维生理功能的有效途径。  相似文献   

针对鲜食梨枣成熟后贮藏期短,商品性会随贮藏期延长而降低等问题,试验以太谷梨枣为试材,采用低聚壳聚糖-电生功能水溶液、电生功能水溶液、低聚壳聚糖水溶液三种处理方式进行涂膜保鲜。通过对梨枣的呼吸强度、硬度、咀嚼性、失重率、细胞膜透性和可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量、维生素C含量、黄酮含量、丙二醛含量和过氧化氢酶活性的测试,以期探究三种处理对梨枣品质及相关酶活性的影响结果表明:在贮藏50天后,与对照组相比,低聚壳聚糖-电生功能水溶液失重率降低40.5%,可溶性固形物含量高出7%、过氧化氢酶峰值高出87.95%。三种处理均可不同程度地降低果实失重率,保持较高的果实硬度和可溶性固形物含量,明显推迟呼吸高峰的到来并抑制丙二醛积累,活性细胞膜透性更低;同时抑制可滴定酸含量、维生素C含量、黄酮含量和过氧化氢酶活性的下降,差异显著(p<0.05),其中低聚壳聚糖-电生功能水溶液处理对保持果实贮藏品质、延缓果实衰老、延长货架期最有利。  相似文献   

通过测定洋葱中黄酮类化合物对Fe2+的螯合能力,对DPPH自由基、亚硝酸盐的清除能力,对卵黄脂蛋白脂质过氧化及油脂过氧化的抑制作用,研究了其体外抗氧化活性.结果表明:洋葱中黄酮类化合物对Fe2+具有很强的螯合能力,对DPPH自由基、亚硝酸盐具有良好的清除能力,对卵黄脂蛋白脂质过氧化及油脂过氧化具有明显的抑制作用,即洋葱中黄酮类化合物具有良好的体外抗氧化活性.  相似文献   

The effects of deficit irrigation (DI) and partial rootzone drying (PRD) on apple (Malus domestica Borkh. Cv. ‘Fuji’) yield, fruit size, and quality were evaluated from 2001 to 2003 in the semi-arid climate of Washington State. PRD and DI were applied from about 40 days after full bloom until just before (2001, 2002) or after (2003) harvest and compared to a control irrigation (CI). Irrigation was applied once a week using two micro-sprinklers per tree. Soil-water content in CI was maintained above 80% of field capacity using micro-sprinklers on both sides of a tree. The DI and PRD were irrigated at about 50% (2001–2002) and 60% (2003) of the CI, but differed in placement of irrigation. For DI both micro-sprinklers were operated whereas PRD was irrigated using only one micro-sprinkler wetting half the rootzone compared to CI and DI. Wetting/drying sides of PRD trees were alternated every 2–4 weeks (2001, 2002) or when soil-water content on the drying side had reached a threshold value (2003). Seasonal (1 May–31 October) potential evapotranspiration (ET0) was 967, 1002, and 1005 mm for 2001, 2002, and 2003, and rainfall totaled 58, 39, and 21 mm, respectively. Irrigation amounts applied were 596, 839, and 685 mm in the CI; 374, 763, and 575 mm in the DI; and 337, 684, and 513 mm in the PRD for the 2001, 2002, and 2003 seasons. Higher irrigation volumes in 2002 were due to excessive (177–324 mm) irrigations after harvest. No significant differences were found in yield and fruit size among treatments in 2001 and 2003. In 2002, DI had significantly lower yield than CI, while the yield of PRD did not differ from CI and DI. Fruit from DI and PRD were firmer and had higher concentrations of soluble solids than fruit from CI, both at harvest and following short-term storage at 20°C, but differences to CI were significant in 2002 only. Treatment effects on fruit titratable acidity were inconsistent. Additional water was preserved in the soil profile under PRD compared to DI in 2001 and 2003, but no statistical differences were found between PRD and DI in 2002. Approximately 45–50% of irrigation water was saved by implementing newly developed DI and PRD irrigation strategies without any significant impact on fruit yield and size with PRD. However, apple yield was reduced by DI compared to CI in the second year.  相似文献   

糜子叶片解剖结构与其抗旱性关联研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对3个抗旱性不同的糜子品种的叶片解剖结构进行观察分析,并运用方差分析、聚类分析、相关分析和隶属函数法对其进行抗旱性评价.结果表明,糜子叶片具有旱生结构特征,叶肉细胞呈长方形,且长轴方向垂直与叶片表面,上下表面都有气孔分布,下表皮气孔下陷,气孔密度大于上表皮,上下表皮被有蜡质和表皮毛;参试材料18个旱生结构指标中的10个差异显著或极显著,并聚为4类;通过相关分析筛选出叶肉细胞表面积、上表皮长细胞长度、下表皮气孑孔长度、泡状细胞长度是各类的典型指标,应用隶属函数法综合评价参试糜子品种抗旱能力,由强到弱依次为:陇糜8号、内糜5号、榆糜3号.  相似文献   

Runoff, soil loss, sediment concentration, and particle size distribution of sediment eroded by runoff events were measured between 1976 and 2000 from 5 small agricultural watersheds on Vertisols at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India. The effects of storm size and land management system on total soil loss and size distribution of sediment during runoff are discussed. At the beginning of runoff events, the clay content of the eroded material was greater than that of the top soil but as the process of runoff continued, the clay content of the sediment tended to decrease. Generally smaller storms produced eroded material with higher clay content than did the bigger storms. Large differences in particle size distribution between the land management treatments were observed for small and medium runoff events, however, these differences were small during big runoff events. The particle size distributions of sediments eroded by big storms were comparable to the size distribution of cultivated top soil of the watersheds. The peak sediment concentration for most of the storms, generally preceded or occurred simultaneously with peak runoff rates. At about the peak runoff rate of most runoff events, the texture of the eroded soil was similar to the cultivated top soil of the watershed. Land management systems not only had significant effect on runoff and soil loss but also on the particle size distribution of eroded materials.  相似文献   

A better understanding of soil carbon( C) distribution within aggregate fractions is essential to evaluating the potential of no-till for sustaining productivity and protecting the environment. A metaanalysis on 744 comparisons from 34 studies was conducted to determine the effects of three different tillage treatments( conventional mouldbould ploughing tillage( CT),reduced tillage( RT) and no tillage( NT)) on water-stable aggregate size distribution,soil C concentration in aggregate fractions.The meta-analysis indicates that compared with CT treatment, NT/RT significantly( P 0. 05)increases macro-aggregate above 20 cm by 20. 9%-82. 2%( 2. 00 mm) and 5. 9%-19. 1%( 0. 25-2.00 mm),whereas NT/RT significantly reduces micro-aggregate and silt clay fractions above 20 cm.NT/RT significantly( P 0. 05) increases the SOC in macro-aggregate( 0. 25 mm) and microaggregate( 0. 25 mm) size classes above 20 cm soil depth compared with CT. The results suggest that soil sampling depth should be considered to evaluate the influence of tillage systems on the distribution of soil aggregate,and the content of aggregate-associated C content.  相似文献   

An alfalfa experiment was conducted in the Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District of Southwest Arizona to determine the potential for minimizing the salt load in irrigation return flow by decreased leaching. Three leaching treatments of 5, 10, and 20%, replicated five times, were imposed on a 2-ha field. The crop was irrigated with Colorado River water (electrical conductivity of 1.3 dS m?1) through a lateral-move, spray-type irrigation system. Results were compared with those of an adjacent area irrigated with level basin flooding.The average annual evapotranspiration during the 4-year study was 1930 mm. Several indirect measures of the leaching fractions attained gave average values of 6.4, 9.3, and 13.1% for the three leaching treatments. Mean annual yields were 21.5 and 22.9 Mg ha?1 for 1977 and 1978 in the experimental plots, with no significant differences among leaching treatments, and 25.7 and 20.8 Mg ha?1 in the adjacent flooded check. The results suggest that full yields could be attained with as little as 5% leaching.Estimates based on average on-farm irrigation efficiency for alfalfa in the District in 1979, indicate that 5% leaching, if attainable, would reduce the salt load in the irrigation return flow by 39 000 Mg year?1 on 8 000 ha of alfalfa.  相似文献   

青钱柳叶总黄酮大孔树脂纯化工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提高青钱柳叶总黄酮的纯度,筛选适宜青钱柳叶总黄酮纯化的大孔树脂,确定青钱柳叶总黄酮纯化工艺参数,选用大孔树脂材料,采用静态与动态吸附-解吸方法对青钱柳叶总黄酮进行纯化,以吸附量与洗脱率为考察指标对树脂进行选择与工艺研究,并利用紫外可见分光光度计测量青钱柳叶总黄酮的含量.结果表明:AB-8型大孔树脂纯化效果最好,其最佳工艺为进样速度2 BV/h、进样质量浓度1.0 mg/mL,洗脱剂最适宜体积分数与洗脱速度分别为70%和2 BV/h.表明AB-8型大孔树脂适合青钱柳叶总黄酮的纯化.  相似文献   

Deficit irrigation is increasingly being practiced in water-limited areas to overcome water scarcities. Although, this practice reduces yield losses, there is limited information currently available on how this practice can affect crops when the irrigation water contains elevated levels of salts. An experiment was set up to investigate salt uptake and distribution and salt tolerance of potted Soultanina vines grafted on different rootstocks (41B, 1103P, 110R) and irrigated with effluent containing relatively high concentrations of salts and fresh water at different fractions of evapotranspiration (0.50, 0.75 and 1.00ET). Irrigation with recycled water induced the development of leaf burns, which were more intense in 1998 despite the lower leaf-Na and -Cl content. This may have been due to the more severe water deficit and/or to the more adverse climatic conditions which prevailed during that season. Decreasing the irrigation level induced the development of leaf burns causing only minor changes to leaf-Na or -Cl content. Differences in salt uptake, accumulation and distribution were observed among the rootstocks investigated in this work, suggesting that differences exist in the mechanisms regulating salt uptake and distribution in the shoot. Despite these differences, a distinct superiority in terms of salinity tolerance among rootstocks was only observed at the 0.50ET irrigation level, where vines grafted on 41B developed earlier and more acute leaf burns than the other rootstocks. These findings suggest that leaf salt content alone it is not to classify genotypes according to their tolerance to salinity and that salinity-induced damage is linked with prevailing environmental conditions. Furthermore, it can be inferred that grapevines have additional mechanisms to cope with salt stress which may counteract differences in salt uptake and accumulation in the shoot.  相似文献   

为探究添加不同质量分数(1%、3%、5%和7%)菊粉(Inulin,INU)对豌豆分离蛋白(Pea protein isolate,PPI)乳化性及乳液稳定性的影响,以PPI作为乳化剂,采用高压均质法制备了PPI/INU乳液,通过zeta电位测定、粒径测定、激光共聚焦显微镜(CLSM)、酶标法和内源荧光光谱等技术对乳液进行表征。结果表明:添加1%INU后,乳液具有最大zeta电位绝对值(为34.03 m V)和最小平均粒径(d4,3为395.50 nm); CLSM显示,低浓度(质量分数1%和3%)的INU使乳液液滴分布更均匀; INU质量分数为1%时,分别使PPI的乳化活性指数、乳化稳定性指数和乳液界面蛋白吸附率增加了7.8%、22%和11%;荧光光谱显示,随着INU浓度的增加,连续相中PPI-INU复合物的生成量增多,对乳液的稳定性产生了负面影响。由此说明低浓度(质量分数为1%和3%)的INU可改善PPI的乳化性、提高PPI乳液的稳定性,其中添加1%INU效果最显著。  相似文献   

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