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为探究不同化学离子(Fe2+、Ca2+)对滴灌灌水器堵塞发生过程的影响及堵塞机制,以二级处理再生水和地下水为水源,选取标称流量为1.1~1.8L/h的4种灌水器进行灌水器堵塞试验。试验中每天灌水12h,定期测定灌水器流量,试验结束后测定灌水器生物膜干重及胞外多聚物EPS重量。结果表明:化学离子改变生物膜的形成过程和结构稳定性,增加了堵塞物质的形成和生长速度;向地下水加入Fe2+增大灌水器发生生物化学堵塞的风险,地下水同时加入Fe2+、Ca2+,灌水器以化学堵塞为主;再生水加入Ca2+提高了灌水器化学堵塞风险,加入Fe2+或同时加入Fe2+、Ca2+增加了发生生物化学堵塞的风险。  相似文献   

再生水滴灌条件下灌水器抗堵塞试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着新农村的建设,农村污水处理系统建设逐渐完善,同时节水灌溉技术的推广,农村再生水的利用成为农业灌溉节水的一种新方法。本试验针对农村污水处理系统,进行再生水滴灌试验。结果表明:市场常见的灌水器产品对农村的再生水有一定的适用性,具有抗堵塞的功能,可在农村推广再生水滴灌技术。宽齿形灌水器具有自清洗功能,抗堵塞性能优于其他3中灌水器,且大流量的灌水器的抗堵塞性能优于低流量的灌水器。由微生物与固体颗粒团体等组成的生物膜易沉积于灌水器的格栅和出水口缓冲区,引起灌水器堵塞,其是直接诱发灌水器堵塞的原因。灌水器流道内沉积物质的随机生长与脱落,造成灌水器的堵塞是一种随机的过程。滴灌系统运行大概350h,应对其进行清洗,以提高灌水器的抗堵塞性能。  相似文献   

通过控制不同环境条件,采用不同型号的滴灌带进行灌水器堵塞室内模拟试验,探索了室内引黄滴灌系统灌水器堵塞的过程和堵塞物的微生物组分。结果表明,在试验可控的环境条件变化范围内,浊度越高,温度越高,滴灌带的额定流量越小,则灌水器出流量下降越快,越容易堵塞,而堵塞导致灌水均匀性变差,灌水均匀度变小,灌水质量变差。堵塞物中均含有细菌总数和叶绿素a,随着水体浊度的增加和温度的升高,堵塞物中细菌总数逐渐增多。黄河水泥沙颗粒物和微生物的共同作用是引起灌水器堵塞的主要原因。  相似文献   

移动插入式灌水器的结构研究与抗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对现有滴头、滴箭等产品结构的研究、改进与优化,设计开发出一种抗堵塞功能较强的插入式地下灌水器产品,整体上具有快速装拆、移动灵活、滴流量偏差小、水力性能稳定等特点。为检验其抗堵塞功能的优劣,分别进行了自由出流和插地出流条件的滴水试验。结果表明:移动插入式灌水器出流均匀,具有较强的抗堵塞性能,自由出流时的平均滴水量与多次间歇式插地出流时的平均滴水量相当,其波动范围在5%以内,较适合于在移动式地下滴灌系统中应用。  相似文献   

选用生物泳动床、生物滤池两种污水处理工艺下的再生水进行滴灌试验,研究灌水器内生物膜的生长情况。结果表明:灌水器内的生物膜经历附着期、生长期和成熟期,在成熟期达到动态平衡状态;灌水器进水口处的生物膜附着快、生长速度快,生物膜最厚。脱落的生物膜沉积于流道内或出水口,体现流量的变化。灌水器的平均流量变化落后于生物膜的生长变化;当生物膜到达成熟期时,生物膜反复脱落生长,是灌水器堵塞的高风险期,表现为灌水器的平均流量持续下降。系统运行184 h后,可采用加酸、加氯等措施冲洗滴灌灌水器。  相似文献   

硬水灌溉陶瓷灌水器堵塞特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受水资源短缺的限制,我国仍有较多地区采用硬水进行灌溉。硬水易引发灌水器堵塞,为探明硬水灌溉下水的硬度对陶瓷灌水器堵塞的规律及堵塞机理,选取砂基陶瓷灌水器,使用杨凌自来水和配制的3种不同总硬度的硬水进行灌溉实验,观察其在55 d内流量变化过程,观察灌水器内堵塞物质形态,并借助X射线衍射仪检测堵塞物成分、含量。结果表明:硬水会造成灌水器堵塞,且水质越硬,堵塞越严重;硬水灌溉条件下,陶瓷灌水器流量随时间的变化过程分为"波动阶段"和"下降阶段",且水质越硬,流量下降越明显;堵塞物质分析表明CaCO_3沉淀是灌水器堵塞的主要原因。堵塞物影像表明,运行时间越长,水质越硬,堵塞物沉积越严重。研究结果为陶瓷灌水器在水质较硬地区的推广提供了参考。  相似文献   

为探明引黄滴灌条件下黄河水与微咸水混配对滴灌系统灌水器堵塞物质表面特征的影响,选择黄河水(YR)、微咸水(SW)以及黄河水和微咸水1∶1混配水(MW)3种水源,针对灌水器流道内易形成堵塞物质的位点,进行堵塞物质形成过程的模拟培养,借助三维白光干涉形貌仪观测并分析灌水器内部堵塞物质的表面形貌及变化特征,结果表明:黄河水与微咸水混配后堵塞物质表面凸起少,较为平坦;堵塞物质的厚度、表面均方根偏差、表面展开面积比率显著降低。其中,系统运行结束时(800h),混配水条件下堵塞物质的平均厚度为4.39μm,分别比黄河水、微咸水条件下低65.32%、32.51%,这充分说明黄河水和微咸水混配后可有效缓解灌水器堵塞。  相似文献   

以尿素、磷酸二氢铵、硫酸钾3种化肥为例,详细研究了微孔混凝土灌水器在不同灌溉模式下的流量变化规律。结果表明:单纯灌水时,灌水器流量会小幅下降,灌水器内少量沙粒被水剥离堵塞微孔是导致其流量下降的主要原因,灌水器的孔径较大,自来水中的离子在其微孔中沉积对其流量影响很小。水肥灌溉时,加入不同的化肥对灌水器的流量影响很大;尿素中不含难溶物质,加入水中不影响灌水器的流量变化规律;磷酸二氢铵和硫酸钾中含较多难溶物质,加入水中会堵塞灌水器的微孔,导致灌水器流量快速下降;将磷酸二氢铵和硫酸钾配成溶液进行过滤后再加入水中,可避免灌水器堵塞,保证灌水器流量稳定。该研究为微孔混凝土灌水器的科学使用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

滴灌灌水器流道设计理论研究若干问题的综述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
灌水器是滴灌系统最关键的部件之一,其结构与水力性能的优劣对滴灌系统的灌水均匀性、抗堵塞能力以及寿命影响很大。在简要论述国内外滴灌灌水器流道发展现状的基础上,从灌水器流量压力关系、流道内流体流动机理、流道堵塞与防治三个方面详细阐述了灌水器流道设计理论的研究进展,最后提出了滴灌灌水器流道的发展趋势以及国内在灌水器流道设计理论研究中急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

考虑滴头堵塞位置分布的灌水均匀度计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为合理评价滴灌工程在运行过程中堵塞滴头对灌水均匀度及作物生长的影响,以克里斯琴森均匀系数为基础,建立了堵塞滴头位置分布均匀性的概念和计算方法,提出了以堵塞滴头位置分布均匀系数和滴头流量均匀系数的算术平均值为指标的灌水均匀度计算方法,并分别对比分析了毛管和灌水小区两个尺度的灌水均匀度计算结果。结果表明:与克里斯琴森均匀系数相同,考虑滴头堵塞位置分布的灌水均匀系数可以合理反映堵塞滴头数量和滴头堵塞程度对灌水均匀度的影响;同时,该评价指标还可以反映堵塞滴头的位置分布和集中程度对灌水均匀度的影响,有效地解决了克里斯琴森均匀系数仅考虑流量差异而无法正确评价集中堵塞滴头对作物供水及生长影响的问题。  相似文献   

Drip irrigation is the most effective and reliable method for reclaimed wastewater irrigation. Emitter clogging is the major problem for extending the drip irrigation technology. The existence of suspended particulates in irrigation water is the main reason for the emitter clogging. However, the reclaimed wastewater quality is extremely complex, and there is a series of physical, chemical, and biological reactions between suspended particulates and other materials contained such as microorganisms, which make the characteristics of suspended particulates in reclaimed wastewater complicated. In this paper, two types of widely used wastewaters treated with fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) and biological aerated filter (BAF) processes respectively were selected. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) technology and fractal theory were used to quantitatively describe the characteristics of the surface topography of suspended particulates. The results showed that the suspended particulates in two reclaimed wastewater were flocculent and porous. The pore system mainly consisted of solid suspended particulates, and most areas between the particulates were filled with microbes and extracellular polymers (EPS). The complex structure of biofilms was formed. That the biofilms grew and detached in irrigation system and deposited continuously at the inlet and outlet of labyrinth path was the major reason for the emitter clogging. The surface topography of suspended particulates in both reclaimed wastewaters showed fractal and multifractal characteristics, and the fractal dimension could not characterize the local and microsingularity of particulates but multifractal dimension could. The uniformity of the distribution of sediment pores increased with the size. Comparatively, the uniformity of suspended particulates in reclaimed wastewater treated by FBR was lower. With operation of reclaimed wastewater irrigation system, the average discharge of emitters decreased continuously with obvious fluctuations. The clogging degree of emitters was low during the first 256 h, and the clogging degree of the two types of reclaimed water was similar. But then, the degree of clogging increased greatly, and the FBR treatment on the emitters discharge were more obvious than BAF. It was closely related to the growth, detachments and sediment of biofilms in the irrigation system. Hence, using the reclaimed wastewater treated by BAF for drip irrigation is more suitable.  相似文献   

波动水压滴灌系统设计与实验分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对恒压条件下灌溉系统容易堵塞和在堵塞条件下灌水器均匀度低的弊端,基于可编程控制器PLC和变频器控制技术,提出了一种波动水压灌溉系统。采用正交实验设计方法,取基准水压、波动周期和波幅3个波动参数为因素,设计灌水器在波动水压条件下的水力性能实验。实验结果表明,在正弦波动模式下,基准水压和波幅对灌水器平均流量和抗堵塞性能影响较大,合理的基准水压和波幅组合可以提高灌水器在堵塞条件下的平均流量和抗堵塞性能;而振动周期对灌水器均匀度的影响最为显著;通过对实验数据的线性回归,建立了基于波动参数的平均流量计算表达式,为波动水压滴灌实际应用提供了设计依据。  相似文献   

不同冲洗措施下迷宫流道灌水器泥沙运行分布机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评估了3种冲洗流速(0.25、0.50、0.75m/s)和5种冲洗频率(2d冲洗1次、4d冲洗1次、7d冲洗1次、10d冲洗1次和无冲洗对照组)对内嵌式齿形迷宫流道灌水器抗堵塞性能的影响,利用激光粒度仪对水源泥沙、滴头排出泥沙、滴头内滞留泥沙进行级配对比和粒径分析,并对不同冲洗处理下灌水器的相对流量和灌水均匀度进行拟合。结果表明:冲洗处理对齿形迷宫流道灌水器抗堵塞性能有显著影响,12种冲洗处理提高了内嵌式齿形迷宫流道灌水器的输沙能力,使滴头使用年限平均提高了39.58%;在冲洗作用下,泥沙凝聚沉降的机会降低,流道内小颗粒泥沙及时排出,没有形成体积较大的团聚体,滴头堵塞形成缓慢,灌水均匀度和流量系数下降缓慢;冲洗处理能有效减少毛管内泥沙堆积,降低大颗粒泥沙进入迷宫流道的机率,从而提高了齿形迷宫流道灌水器的抗堵塞性能。  相似文献   

The evolution of drip emitter clogging with labyrinth channel was investigated experimentally to study the fine particle size and concentration effects in the irrigation water. Short-term clogging tests were performed using muddy water containing particles with 8 different sizes (all less than 0.1 mm). The particles used in this study were composed of fine sands, slit and clay. Afterwards, verification tests were conducted to prove the results obtained from short-term clogging tests. The impacts of particle size and particle concentration in muddy water on emitter clogging were analyzed by means of calculating the mean discharge and the Christiansen uniformity coefficient. The results showed that for particles that were smaller than 0.1 mm in diameter, sediment concentration significantly affected clogging. The clogging level of emitters increased with raising the concentration. Especially when the sediment concentration was higher than 1.25 g/L, the impacts became remarkable. On the other hand, the sensitive sediment particle range that could get emitters clogged easily was found. In this study, the sensitive particle range were D6 (0.038–0.034 mm) and D7 (0.034–0.031 mm) The results aim to help in improving drip irrigation methods using water with high sediment concentration and providing experimental data for optimization design of emitter channel.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was carried out to study the emitter performance of three commonly used emitter types with the application of freshwater and treated sewage effluent (TSE). The three emitter types are the inline-labyrinth types of emitters with a turbulent flow (E1) and a laminar flow (E2) and the online pressure-compensation type of emitters (E3). The qualities of freshwater and TSE were measured, and the emitter performance was evaluated, using the relative emitter discharge, the reduction of emitter discharge (qreduction), the coefficient of variation of emitter discharge (CV), the emission uniformity (EU), Christiansen uniformity coefficient (CU), and the percentage of emitter clogging (Pclog). Results showed that all indices were affected by water quality, emitter type and time of operation. The values of qreduction, CV and Pclog for the TSE treatments were greater than those for the freshwater treatments. The values of EU and CU for the TSE treatment were lower than those for the freshwater treatments. The qreduction, CV and Pclog increased and the EU and CU decreased as operational time increasing for the TSE treatment. For both freshwater and TSE treatments, the emitter clogging was more severe, the CV was greater, and the EU and CU were smaller for emitter type E2 than those for emitter types E1 and E3. Thus a more severe clogging was found for emitter type E2 due to its smaller flow-path dimension and higher manufacturing coefficient of variation in addition to the high pH values and relatively high total dissolved solids (TDS) values of the used water. Analyses of water quality and the precipitation components inside and at the outlet of emitters revealed that chemical precipitation was the main reason for emitter clogging due to high pH and ions’ concentration, especially in the TSE. Flushing emitters and drip pipes did not efficiently alleviate emitter clogging caused by chemical precipitation. In a conclusion, emitter type E3 showed a better anti-clogging function than emitter types E1 and E2 and was recommended for irrigation with TSE in the Beijing area of China.  相似文献   

新型微压滴灌灌水器水力性能试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在试验室内,对研制的微压灌水器进行了水力性能试验。试验结果表明:在微压(2~5 m)工作时,新型微压滴灌灌水器在自由出流状态下的出流规律符合设计要求;在工作压力范围内,微压灌水器的流量稳定,变化小;新型微压滴灌灌水器在连续工作1周后流量略有变化,出流更加均匀;微压滴灌灌水器抗堵塞能力强,性能可靠。  相似文献   

额定压力及低压下内镶片式滴头抗堵塞性能试验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
依据ISO短周期滴头堵塞测试方法,测试了12种内镶片式齿型迷宫滴头在额定压力和低压情况下的抗堵塞性能.结果表明:滴头抗堵塞性能随着流道断面最小尺寸增加而提高,当滴头流道断面最小尺寸大于等于0.6 mm时滴头将获得较好的抗堵塞性能,但在0.04 MPa时滴头流道设计形式对滴头抗堵塞性能有更为明显的影响.在过滤器滤网孔径大小选择方面,压力为0.10 MPa时,可选用流道断面最小尺寸的1/5作为有效孔径,而压力为0.04 MPa时,则应按流道最小断面尺寸的1/7来选择.研究还表明,滴灌系统在低压运行时,可通过间歇灌溉的方式来预防和减少滴头的堵塞.  相似文献   

含沙水滴灌条件下灌水器抗堵塞试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对4种不同滴灌管(带)在含沙水滴灌条件下灌水器的出流量变化及淤积堵塞情况进行了田间试验研究。经过多次灌水试验,结果表明,4种滴灌管(带)灌水器出流量均随灌水次数的增加和距离毛管进水口长度的增加呈减小趋势,最后完全堵塞的灌水器均发生在毛管的末端;在相同水质和灌水压力下,大流量灌水器抗堵塞性能较好,即大流道灌水器的抗堵塞性能优于小流道灌水器;随着灌水次数的增加在滴灌管(带)的管腔内有细小泥沙淤积,小流量滴灌管(带)在70~80 m处泥沙淤积量骤然增加,大流量滴灌管(带)在80~90 m处骤然增加,管内泥沙的沉积大大增加了灌水器的堵塞几率,因此定期对滴灌带进行冲洗可以有效减小堵塞。  相似文献   

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