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油菜生产专家系统知识库构建   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用“浏览器 / Web服务器 /数据库系统”三层网络结构模型 ,遵循 COM/ DCOM/ COM 技术规范 ,利用软构件技术和专家系统技术 ,将我国著名油菜专家官春云院士的理论知识、技术体系、研究成果和经验常知进行智能化集成 ,形成了油菜生产专家系统。该系统在智能决策方面不仅可用于一般油菜知识信息查询 ,而且可提供油菜播前农艺措施优化、发芽出苗期管理、苗期管理、蕾薹期管理、开花期管理、角果期管理、油菜病虫草害诊断与防治、田间诊断和油菜产后加工等决策 ,并可进行可视化模拟分析、油菜产量预测及经济效益分析等。  相似文献   

基于生长发育天数的水稻生产专家系统框架设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
史敏  黄璜  任勃 《作物研究》2003,17(2):94-95
通过对现有专家系统的分析,提出了基于生长发育天数的水稻生产专家系统的设计方案,重点就水稻生产专家系统的框架设计、知识规则的搜集和整理、数据库表结构设计等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

水稻害虫管理专家系统(ESRICE)的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻害虫管理专家系统(ESRICE)系用知识工程语言NEW、编译BASIC和dBASEⅢ等构筑。系统共由13个子系统组成。各子系统可对不同代次的褐飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟的种群动态进行监测,并提供决策方案。系统耦联了外部数学模型以帮助用户回答咨询过程中系统提出的问题,或进一步确认是否需要化防及其用药时间。应用表明,该系统在水稻害虫管理上已达到专家水平。  相似文献   

水稻害虫管理专家系统的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水稻害虫管理专家系统(ESRICE)系用知识工程语言NEW ,编译BASIC 和dBASEⅢ 等构筑。系统共由13个子系统组成。各子系统可对不同代次的褐飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟的种群动态进行监测,并提供决策方案。系统耦联了外部教学模型以帮助用户回答咨询过程中系统提出的问题,或进一步确认是否需要化防及其用药时间。应用表明,该系统在水稻害虫管理上已达到专家水平。  相似文献   

为探究养分专家系统推荐施肥下磷肥用量的减施潜力,进而为不同肥力水平稻田磷肥减施提供理论依据,在高、中、低肥力稻田上,通过在养分专家系统推荐施肥基础上增减15%、30%、45%磷肥用量开展双季稻田间试验,并分析磷肥用量与水稻产量的量化关系.结果表明,在高、中、低肥力稻田上,养分专家系统推荐施肥处理的早、晚稻产量均呈高肥力...  相似文献   

飞速发展的信息技术在水稻生产上得到越来越多的应用,本文着重介绍一些重要的农业信息技术在水稻生产上的应用和有应用前景的信息技术,并对未来的发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

基于GIS棉花生产管理专家系统的设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在分析了地理信息系统(GIS)和专家系统(ES)集成的必要性的基础上,针对棉花生长发育特点,介绍了基于GIS棉花管理专家系统的体系结构、设计思想、以及功能。  相似文献   

袁隆平思路与杂交水稻的产生和发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了30年来袁隆平先生在杂交水稻领域方面的思路,在袁的思路指引下攻克了一个又一个难关,取得了一个又一个胜利。  相似文献   

Meeting the challenges of global rice production   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rice is the second most widely grown cereal crop and the staple food for more than half the world's population. More than 3 billion people consume more than 100 kg of rice per year. Rice is cultivated on 155.5 million ha with an average growth rate of 0.39% a year, in the last 30 years. In the near future, the possibility for expanding areas under rice-based systems will remain very limited because of the scarcity of global water resources for agriculture, the expansion of urban and industrial sectors in Asia where land is already limited and the high costs of developing new lands that are suited for rice production in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. The average growth rate of rice yield was 3.68% per year in the early 1980s, but it has decreased to 0.74% per year in the late 1990s. Several factors may contribute to the decline of the area under cultivation and in yield growth. The most important of these factors are: limited returns as we approach the yield potential of the high yielding varieties, declining productivity in intensive rice production systems, pressures from abiotic and biotic stresses, low returns in developing countries, increasing production costs in industrialized countries, and increasing public concern for the protection of environmental resources. One of the most effective means of addressing the issues in rice cultivation and raising the average yields at the farm level is through research and subsequent dissemination of the resulting data. Rice science has made considerable progress. In the area of rice varietal improvement, recent advances in hybrid rice and the new rice for Africa (NERICA) are just two examples of the successful contributions of science to the development of rice. Research could also help reduce the gap between the potential yield obtained on experimental stations and the actual yield obtained in the fields. This could be possible by developing and promoting rice integrated crop management (RICM) systems for improving productivity and reducing the production cost per unit of output. The need for a sustainable increase in rice production affects everyone. The International Year of Rice provide us with a chance to improve food security, alleviate poverty and preserve the environment for the billions of people for whom Rice is Life. Nguu Van Nguyen About the Author. Nguu Van Nguyen earned his PhD in Agronomy in 1976 from the University of the Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB). He has been serving for 2 years as Post-Doctoral Fellow, at the International Rice Research Institute and for other two as Assistant Professor at UPLB University. He has been working from 1980 to 1993 as agronomist at IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) and at Philippine Rice Research Institute. In 1991, he began his professional career at FAO, initially as rice agronomist, in West Africa, then as agricultural officer at Crop and Grassland Service. Since 2004 he is serving as Executive Secretary, International Rice Commission.
Aldo Ferrero About the Author. Aldo Ferrero is at present Professor of “Weed Science”, “Agronomy” and “Crop Science” and head of the “Department of Agronomy, Forest and Land Management, University of Turin (Italy). He is coordinator of the rice FAO network “Medrice”, for Europe, Mediterranean, and Middle East countries. He possesses a wide experience in the field of the weed eco-biology and weed control in rice systems. He has been co-ordinator of European research projects funded by the European Union. He currently co-ordinates the project “EU-India Rice districts network promotion through agro-economical, cross cultural, and technical actions” (RICE-NET) aimed at studying agro-economical, cultural, and historical traits of the rice cultivation in the European and Indian rice districts, in order to improve socio-economical relationships between the two geographical areas. He is referee and member of the editorial board of several international journals.

玉米栽培管理知识模型系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在广泛搜集整理玉米栽培管理知识、数据和专家经验的基础上,对玉米生育指标和调控技术的地域性和季节性变异规律进行系统分析和量化表示,构建了基于作物-环境关系的、可适用于不同时空环境的玉米栽培管理知识模型系统.系统功能主要包括播前技术方案设计和产中动态调控指标预测两大部分.播前方案设计按照玉米栽培管理流程和生育进程来设计,具体包括:产量目标确定、品种选择和品质目标、播期确定、密度和播种量设计以及水肥管理等;产中动态调控生育指标主要考虑叶龄指数、叶面积指数、干物质积累和粒叶比.该系统克服了传统专家系统区域性、分散  相似文献   

This paper introduces the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council of Japan (AFFRC) model, an integrated model that predicts future rice production in the Mekong River basin by taking into account the effect of global warming on both the water cycle and the rice economy. The model focuses especially on the water balance of paddy fields for different farmland water use systems. We defined six categories of irrigated paddies and three categories of rain-fed paddies on the basis of their systems of water usage. We included a process-based model to predict future rice production, accounting for daily changes in available water resources such as precipitation. Many models of crop production treat rice in the same way as other crops; the particular characteristics of rice farming are considered in more detail in our model. Our results show that it is possible to estimate future rice production in the Mekong River basin by taking into account changes in available water, and to model the resultant effects on the grain market.  相似文献   

Rice paddies constitute a very special agrobiosystem, which for some circumstances, could be considered as a human driven wetland. The complexity of such dynamic systems is a key element for conducting ecological risk assessments, in addition, the proximity of rice paddies to areas of high ecological value must be considered. This paper presents a new conceptual model for conducting ecological risk assessments of pesticides and other agrochemicals in rice, based on a combination of three main elements, the source of the stressor, the exposed environmental compartments and the relevance of the ecological receptors. A tiered testing strategy, starting with the standard requirements for pesticides and moving to specific higher tier studies with three levels of risk refinement is also presented.  相似文献   

Production of bioethanol from rice straw has attracted attention from the point of effective use of agricultural residue. Starch content is an important determinant for bioethanol production from rice straw. The overexpression of CO2-responsive CCT protein (CRCT), which is the positive regulator of starch synthesis in vegetative organs, notably increased the starch content in rice straw. To produce the bioethanol from rice straw, the dilute acid pretreatment is a general pretreatment method. Importantly, the glucose yields in liquid hydrolyzate after dilute acid pretreatment was markedly increased in the CRCT overexpression lines compared with non-transgenic rice. In addition, the overexpression of CRCT enhanced the biomass production. In contrast, CRCT did not affect on the glucose yields from cellulose in acid-insoluble residue obtained after dilute acid pretreatment. With respect to byproduct in liquid hydrolyzate which inhibits the fermentation, the formic acid content was increased, whereas the furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and acetic acid contents were unchanged by the overexpression of CRCT. These results demonstrate that genetic engineering of CRCT is an effective method to increase the bioethanol production from rice straw.  相似文献   

When assessing hypotheses, the possibility and consequences of false-positive conclusions should be considered along with the avoidance of false-negative ones. A recent assessment of the system of rice intensification (SRI) by McDonald et al. [McDonald, A.J., Hobbs, P.R., Riha, S.J., 2006. Does the system of rice intensification outperform conventional best management? A synopsis of the empirical record. Field Crops Res. 96, 31–36] provides a good example where this was not done as it was preoccupied with avoiding false-positives only. It concluded, based on a desk study using secondary data assembled selectively from diverse sources and with a 95% level of confidence, that ‘best management practices’ (BMPs) on average produce 11% higher rice yields than SRI methods, and that, therefore, SRI has little to offer beyond what is already known by scientists.  相似文献   

The earthworm Eukerria saltensis can cause severe crop establishment problems in aerially sown rice grown on heavy clay soils in southern Australia. Damage occurs indirectly through destabilization of the topsoil, increased water turbidity, and mobilization of soil nutrients into the water column which leads to increased algal growth. We investigated the possibilities for chemical control of E. saltensis using laboratory bioassays and a series of field trials involving either the use of enclosures in flooded crops or soil incorporation of pesticides into rice fields during fallow periods or shortly before flooding. The four most toxic compounds in 7 day soil/water laboratory bioassays were carbofuran, acetamiprid, bendiocarb and lambda-cyhalothrin which provided corrected mortalities of 86–100% at 2 mg a.i. L−1. Other compounds that showed some level of efficacy (corrected mortality >20% at one or more rates) were imidacloprid, esfenvalerate, thiacloprid, niclosamide and alpha-cypermethrin. Twenty-six of the 38 pesticides evaluated failed to produce mean corrected mortalities >6% at application rates of up to 2 mg a.i. L−1. Eight trials were conducted in flooded rice crops using small stainless steel enclosures and carbofuran, thiodicarb, niclosamide and bendiocarb at rates of 1 and 2 kg a.i. ha−1. Trials were assessed 8–14 days after chemical application. None of these treatments produced a statistically significant decrease in Eukerria biomass, although consistent downward trends in response to higher treatment rates were evident in 2 trials (one with carbofuran and one with bendiocarb). Three trials with liquid pesticides watered into fallow rice fields were conducted with carbofuran (0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 kg a.i. ha−1) and thiodicarb (0.94 and 1.87 kg a.i. ha−1) however only the 5.0 kg a.i. ha−1 carbofuran treatment provided significant (P < 0.05) levels of control. Preflood soil applications of liquid carbofuran, thiodicarb and niclosamide (2 kg a.i. ha−1), granular carbofuran and granular ethoprophos (0.5–2 kg a.i. ha−1) also did not provide statistically significant levels of control, although the 2 kg a.i. ha−1 liquid and granular carbofuran treatments did provide moderate levels of suppression (49–84%). Although further field trials with compounds such as acetamiprid and lambda-cyhalothrin may prove valuable, our results suggest chemical control of E. saltensis may be difficult to achieve with environmentally acceptable pesticides applied at economically viable rates. Cultural approaches such as appropriate crop rotations and landforming to ensure uniformly shallow water should continue to form the basis of Eukerria management programs.  相似文献   

The prolonged irrigation with marginal quality water can cause secondary salinization of soils, which necessitates for better understanding of water management alternatives. Relative performance of sulfuric acid and gypsum is still controversial to counter sodium hazards in soil/water system. As an alternative, sulfurous acid generators (SAG) are also being marketed. But up-till-now, there is not even a single field study published in scientific journals about their efficiency and economical viability for the treatment of saline-sodic water. Therefore, a field study was carried out to compare the effectiveness of SAG and alternate amendments applied on an equivalent basis to grow rice crop. SAG treatment of saline-sodic tube well water decreased only residual sodium carbonate (RSC) from 5.4 to 3.6 mmolc l−1, and had no beneficial effect on its sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) or electrical conductivity (EC). All the treatments kept soil EC and SAR around their respective threshold levels. For paddy yield, SAG, sulfuric acid, and gypsum treatments depicted nonsignificant differences. SAG and sulfuric acid treatments of water were about six times expensive than that of gypsum. It was concluded that soil-applied gypsum, to counter sodic hazards of irrigation water, is economical to sustain irrigated rice in dry regions.  相似文献   

从本实验室保存的46株纤维素分解菌中筛选出1株可高效降解半纤维素的木聚糖酶高产菌株APS35,其酶活力高达31.801IU.g-1,比APS02(对照)高4.91倍。产酶条件优化结果表明,以水稻秸秆为底物,APS35产木聚糖酶的最适条件:培养温度28℃,培养时间3-4d,稻草粉与麸皮比4∶1,接种量10%,氮源为酵母膏(总氮量0.4%),pH为4.0,吐温80浓度0.4%。在此条件下的木聚糖酶活力为32.024IU.g-1,与优化前无显著差异。  相似文献   

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