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玉米抗旱育种的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
干旱已经对粮食安全构成了巨大的威胁。玉米抗旱育种是减少干旱造成产量损失的重要途径。本文介绍了一些抗旱的玉米种质资源和选育抗旱玉米品种的方法。轮回选择法是玉米抗旱育种经济有效的方法,在进行轮回选择的过程中运用数学方法评价产量性状,通过第二性状进行玉米抗旱辅助选择,引入权重法构建合理的抗旱模型。回顾和展望了生物技术在玉米抗旱育种中的应用及前景。  相似文献   

为进一步完善水旱协调选择混合小麦育种方法,以不同生态类型的小麦品种为材料,设置充分灌溉、旱作雨养单株稀播、旱作雨养产量比较和干旱棚抗旱性鉴定3种生态环境4种处理,分别研究了冬小麦主要农艺性状与抗旱性的关系、对应性状相关关系及性状遗传力。结果表明,(1)产量比较试验中,小麦的抗旱性与成穗数呈显著正相关,与经济系数呈较大正相关;在旱作雨养单株稀播条件下,小麦抗旱性与单株次生根数呈显著正相关,与基部不孕小穗数呈显著负相关,与株高呈较大正相关;在充分灌溉条件下抗旱性与农艺性状则无显著相关。(2)按照育种目标,充分灌溉条件下单株选择田选择的重点性状是千粒重、单株成穗数、穗长、株高,旱作雨养条件下,单株选择的重点性状是千粒重、穗长、单株次生根数。(3)不同生态环境下各性状的遗传力有所不同,穗长、株高、千粒重、基部不孕小穗在水旱两种环境下遗传力较高,因而具有双重的选择高效率,易于早代进行双重选择;遗传力高、易于早代选择的其他性状,在旱作雨养环境下为顶部不孕小穗数、单株次生根条数,在充分灌溉环境下为主茎小穗数、主茎穗粒数,而单株成穗数、单株产量不宜进行早代选择。  相似文献   

爆玉米产量性状的遗传参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据37个爆玉米优良杂交种的田间试验结果,较为系统地研究了单株产量性状的遗传力、遗传变异幅度和遗传进度等遗传参数。结果表明,爆玉米产量性状的遗传改良效果既取决于性状的遗传变异幅度,又决定于该性状遗传力的大小。就本试验所涉及的基因型而言,以秃尖度、百粒重、轴重、单穗粒重和单穗重的遗传改良潜力较大,宜直接选择;行粒数次之,其他产量性状相对较低。育种实践中应积极拓宽性状的遗传变异,提高遗传力,以期达到育种目标要求的选择效果。  相似文献   

利用耐旱性不同的玉米自交系,系统地研究了玉米产量抗旱性状在正常条件和水分胁迫下杂种优势的变化,比较了不同杂交模式的杂种优势,分析了玉米产量性状的遗传力。结果表明:单株产量、穗粗、行粒数、百粒重的杂种优势明显;高抗种质×低抗种质的杂种优势最高,其次为中抗种质×低抗种质和高抗种质×中抗种质杂交模式;单株产量的狭义遗传力为59.06%。  相似文献   

我国常用玉米自交系的耐旱性评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
2007年冬季和2008年春季分别在海南三亚和新疆乌鲁木齐对196份玉米自交系采用两种不同干旱胁迫处理,依据形态性状及产量相关性状评价其耐旱性。通过典型相关分析发现,株高、雌雄开花间隔天数(ASI)、单穗粒重和结实株数百分率4个性状可以作为玉米自交系耐旱性评价指标。采用因子分析方法,计算株高、雌雄开花间隔天数、单穗粒重和结实株数百分率4个性状的综合耐旱系数,对196份玉米自交系进行耐旱性评价,将试验材料分为耐旱、中度耐旱、中度干旱敏感和干旱敏感4种类型。两点试验耐旱级别完全一致的材料有58份,其中耐旱自交系有7份(H201、Mo113、英64、H21、早49、丹598、吉842);中度耐旱自交系有14份(丹黄02、8902、中106、郑22、中黄68、K22等),这些材料为耐旱育种提供了种质基础。  相似文献   

李哲  石清琢  王延波  白萍 《杂粮作物》2002,22(6):336-338
鉴定和利用现有优良耐旱玉米种质是进行耐旱育种和种质改良及创新的有效途径。试验选择具有重要黄早四血缘的齐310及来源于旅大红骨系统的丹340组配形成相同母体的杂交种,在开花期人工控水条件下,鉴定试材产量性状间的耐旱性差异,并对有关生理指标进行了定量测量分析,结果表明,齐310及其组配的杂交组合辽42/齐310抗旱性明显强于丹340及其组配的杂交组合辽42/丹340。  相似文献   

玉米抗旱育种   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
吴子恺 《玉米科学》1994,2(1):006-009
干旱是世界、也是我国许多玉米种植区限制产量的主要因素,培育抗旱玉米品种是解决这一问题的根本途径之一.在玉米抗旱育种中,正确选定目标性状是十分重要的.CIMMYT在玉米抗旱育种中以ASI(Anthesis-silking Interval)作为选择性状之一进行群体改良,并已育出一批抗旱玉米群体.描述了抗旱玉米的理想型,并讨论了利用分子生物技术于玉米抗旱育种中的问题.  相似文献   

热带、亚热带玉米种质具有抗病、抗逆、优质等玉米育种目标期望的优良基因,可以增加玉米遗传变异,拓宽种质基础,提高优良等位基因的频率以及选择优良自交系的几率,因而今后对热带、亚热带种质资源的利用是解决种质基础单一,提高品种抗灾、抗逆的有效途径。本研究于2009-2010年连续对热带群体SlayGreen进行了轮回遗传改良,在当地气候条件下调查、记载群体的植株性状、抗病性、抗倒性、果穗性状及光周期反应,为选系和利用提供科学依据,并取得了初步进展。  相似文献   

引进美国玉米自交系在我国的耐旱适应性分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对210份引进美国解密玉米自交系在正常灌溉和干旱胁迫两种水分处理下进行耐旱适应性分析。通过对美国自交系和国内主要自交系耐旱相关农艺性状调查发现,在两种水分处理下,美国自交系产量略高于国内自交系,其中,行粒数是造成产量差异的主要因素。从育种角度来看,虽然美国自交系株高高于国内自交系,但其穗位高明显低于国内自交系,有利于培育品种的抗倒性。利用耐旱选择系数对自交系耐旱性进行评价,从美国自交系选出LH149、PHBA6、S8326等26份极强耐旱性自交系,耐旱性超过国内自交系豫12和齐319等。  相似文献   

玉米地方品种耐旱种质的苗期筛选指标研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以10个玉米地方品种为材料,通过盆栽试验设置干旱胁迫、正常供水2个处理,研究干旱胁迫下玉米地方品种的苗期形态和生理指标。结果表明,干旱胁迫对玉米地方品种幼苗植株形态和生理有不同程度的不利影响,不同玉米地方品种的耐旱性存在明显差异。不同地方品种的同一植株性状和同一地方品种的不同植株性状的耐旱胁迫指数存在差异。侧根数、叶面积、根体积和植株干重可作为玉米地方品种耐旱种质筛选的形态指标,硝酸还原酶活性和丙二醛含量可作为耐旱种质筛选的生理指标。  相似文献   

Genetically improved crops with higher water productivity help maintaining and increasing agricultural production in drought-prone areas. Their development involves, as in the case of maize, selection for high grain yield and improved secondary traits. With the objective of better understanding the role and regulation of the morphology of drought adaptation, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population of tropical maize (Zea mays L.) was evaluated in six field experiments under intermediate (IS) and severe (SS) drought stress at flowering and under well-watered (WW) conditions in Mexico. The analyses per water regime revealed 32 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for the five measurements of relative content of leaf chlorophyll (CL), 25 for the five visual ratings of plant senescence (SEN), and 11 for the three measurements of electric root capacitance (RCT). Impressive clusters of QTLs were observed on chromosomes 2 (bins 2.03-05), 4 (bin 4.09), and 10 (bins 10.04-05), suggesting that a small number of genes control chlorophyll metabolism and plant senescence. The high CL and low SEN of the drought resistant parent are aspects of its high water productivity resulting from improved constitutive traits. Co-locations of QTLs for CL, SEN and RCT with QTLs for plant height (PHT), the anthesis-silking interval (ASI), and grain yield (GY) were observed in bins 1.06-07, 8.06, and 4.09 but not for the large QTL clusters on chromosomes 2 and 10, suggesting independent genetic control of reproductive traits. Still, the phenotypic data showed that high CL and low SEN were favorable for grain yield production under drought, while delayed SEN was associated with higher grain yield under WW conditions. CL and SEN are suitable to complement selection for drought tolerance in order to sustain future breeding progress.  相似文献   

A total of 550 maize inbred lines collected from global breeding programs were evaluated for drought resistance under both well-watered and water-stressed environments. The evaluation was based on multiple measurements of biomass taken before and after the drought stress was applied using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), along with other selection criteria including anthesis-silking interval, leaf senescence, chlorophyll content, root capacitance, final grain yield, and grain yield components. Kernel weight was the most stable trait under drought stress. Correlations between the primary trait (grain yield) and the secondary traits, except the root capacitance and ASI under water-stressed condition, were all significant. Root capacitance had relatively low heritability and low genetic correlation with other drought resistance criteria, and is not recommended as a drought resistance criterion. Significant reduction of NDVI values measured in the afternoon when the leaves became rolling, compared to those measured in the morning when the leaves were open, provides a reliable index for leaf rolling, which however was not significantly correlated with grain yield. NDVIs measured across different developmental stages were highly correlated with each other and with most of the secondary traits as well as, grain yield, indicating that NDVI can be used as a secondary trait for large-scale drought resistance screening. Regression models built based on non-yield drought criteria and yield components explained about 40% and 95% of the variation for the grain yield, respectively. Some maize lines developed in China for temperate regions showed strong drought resistance comparable to tropical maize lines when tested under tropical condition, indicating that temperate lines with a wide adaptability can be used in drought resistance breeding for both temperate and tropical environments.  相似文献   

陕西玉米育种现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了陕西玉米育种的现状和存在的问题。种质创新能力不足、育种技术、育种方法、抗逆性育种重视不够是目前品种的现实产量潜力不大、品种适应性和抗逆性不强的主要原因。提出了组织协同攻关、调整育种目标、提高适应性,加强种质扩增、改良和创新,强化和改进育种选择方式,重视基础理论研究、推进新技术应用,密切玉米育种和栽培的合作等对策。玉米育种思路以增强玉米品种适应农业资源(水分、土壤等)的约束和玉米高产优质为目标,以本土化的种质为基础,构建杂种优势群为核心,强化逆境人工选择、采用密植育种策略,探索"高配合力(杂种优势)+株型(结构、生理)+广适(生态)"的玉米生理生态育种技术。  相似文献   

Drought is the most important constraint reducing rice yield in rainfed areas. Earlier efforts to improve rice yield under drought mainly focused on improving secondary traits because the broad-sense heritability (H) of grain yield under drought stress was assumed to be low, however gains in yield by selecting for secondary traits have not been clearly demonstrated in rice. In present study, the effectiveness of direct selection for grain yield was assessed under lowland reproductive stage stress at Raipur in eastern India and under upland reproductive stage drought stress at IRRI. The selection under severe stress (in both upland and lowland trials) resulted in greater gains under similar stress levels (yield reduction of 65% or greater under stress) in evaluation experiments than did selection under non-stress conditions, with no yield reduction under non-stress conditions. We observed similar H of grain yield under stress and non-stress conditions, indicating direct selection for yield under drought will be effective under both lowland and upland drought stresses. None of the secondary traits (panicle exsertion, harvest index, leaf rolling, leaf drying) included in our study showed a higher estimate for H than grain yield under stress. Secondary traits as well as indirect selection for grain yield under non-stress situation were predicted to be less effective in improving yield under drought in both lowland and upland ecosystem than direct selection for grain yield under the respective stress situations. The low, but positive values observed for genetic correlation (rG) between yield under stress and non-stress indicated that it is possible to combine drought tolerance with high-yield potential but low values also indicated that selection for grain yield needs to be carried under stress environments. The study also indicated that under lowland drought stress, the use of highly drought-tolerant donors, as parents in crosses to high yielding but susceptible varieties resulted in a much higher frequency of genotypes combining high-yield potential with tolerance than did crosses among elite lines with high-yield potential but poor tolerance. Breeding strategies that use drought-tolerant donors and that combine screening for yield under managed drought stress with screening for yield potential are likely to result in the development of improved cultivars for drought-prone rainfed rice producing areas.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):334-337

Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is the staple cereal of the hottest, driest areas of the tropics and subtropics. Drought stress is a regular occurrence in these regions, making stress tolerance an essential attribute of new pearl millet cultivars. Recent breeding research has mapped several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for components of grain and stover yield per se, as well as yield maintenance, under terminal drought stress conditions. We report here the evaluation of these QTLs as possible selection criteria for improving stress tolerance of an elite hybrid cultivar. Initial evaluations, based on hybrids made with topcross pollinators bred from lines selected directly from the mapping population, indicated an advantage to the QTL-based topcross hybrids. This advantage seemed to be related to a particular plant phenotype that was similar to that of the drought tolerant parent of the mapping population. Subsequent evaluations were based on testcross hybrids of drought tolerance QTL introgression lines in the background of the drought-sensitive parent of the mapping population, H 77/833-2. These introgression lines were bred by limited marker-assisted backcrossing of a putative major drought tolerance QTL into H 77/833-2 from the mapping population’s drought tolerant parent. Several of these QTL introgression lines had a significant positive general combining ability for grain yield under terminal stress and significantly out-yielded testcross hybrids made with the original recurrent parent both in unrelieved terminal drought stress and in gradient stress evaluations.  相似文献   

玉米抗旱性指标研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干旱作为玉米生长发育最主要的非生物逆境因子,已成为限制玉米产量形成的关键生态因素,也是我国玉米产量产生波动的重要原因,对粮食生产安全构成严重威胁。玉米抗旱性是水分胁迫条件下表现出的一种复杂综合特性,其适应干旱的形态结构是长期进化的结果,其生理指标变化也是一系列适应性改变后的综合表现。当今水资源短缺日益成为突出问题,且对玉米造成干旱的外部因素较多。本文从鉴定方法、形态指标、生理生化等方面阐述玉米抗旱机制与鉴定方法,综述玉米抗旱性最新研究进展。发展抗旱性玉米研究,为创制选育新的耐旱种质提供支撑,最终提升玉米抵御干旱胁迫的能力,这对于保障玉米可持续生产、解决粮食安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Drought is a major abiotic constraint to rice production in rainfed lowland and insufficiently irrigated areas.The improvement of drought tolerant varieties is one of the strategies to reduce the negative effects of drought.Quantitative trait loci(QTLs) for primary and secondary traits related to drought tolerance(DT) on chromosomes 1,3,4,8 and 9 that determined from double haploid lines derived from a cross between CT9993 and IR62266 were introgressed and dissected into small pieces in the genetic background of Khao Dawk Mali 105(KDML105) to develop chromosome segment substitution line(CSSL) population.The CSSLs were evaluated at the reproductive stage for their agronomic performance and yield components under drought stress,and results were compared with irrigated condition.The flowering of CSSL lines was 6 to 7 d earlier than KDML105.The mean values of grain yields in the CSSLs were higher than KDML105 under drought and irrigated conditions.At irrigated condition,the grain yields of introgression lines carrying DT-QTLs from chromosomes 4 and 8 were higher than that of KDML105,whereas other traits showed little difference with KDML105.Analysis indicated that grain yield has positive correlation with plant height,tiller and panicle number per plant,and total grain weight per plant under drought stress while negatively correlated with days to flowering.As mentioned above,CSSLs showing good adaptation under drought stress can be used as genetic materials to improve drought tolerance in Thai rainfed lowland rice breeding program,and as materials to dissect genes underlying drought tolerance.  相似文献   

玉米新品种陕单609选育研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以增强适应性为主线,以优异种质引进、创新与利用为基础,坚持"大规模、多地点和持续性"的育种思路,实施多地点、高密度、少施肥和少灌水的技术路线,选育出陕单609玉米品种。陕单609具有高产稳产、耐密植、抗旱、品质优良、产量潜力大和适应性广的特点。分析陕单609玉米品种的选育背景和育种过程,总结玉米自交系91227和陕单609玉米杂交种的特征特性。玉米品种改良要重视外来玉米种质的利用,强化育种环境的选择压力,创新玉米品种的推广方式。  相似文献   

Due to long-term trends in global climate change and the expansion of maize production in drought-prone regions, the development of drought-tolerant maize varieties is of high importance, particularly for maize producers in developing nations where plant breeding improvements are more easily adopted than high-input agronomic practices. Prior advances in breeding for drought-tolerant maize have often involved selection for beneficial morpho-physiological traits such as a reduced anthesis-silking interval (ASI) and an improved harvest index (HI). Although maize is an effective host of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) in infertile and drought conditions, few maize breeding and physiological research programs have examined the potential of AM symbiosis to improve maize drought tolerance. The objective of this review is to highlight the morpho-physiological responses and potential mechanisms through which AM colonization might improve maize drought tolerance and, in doing so, to examine the potential of this symbiotic relationship to serve as an effective tool for improving cultivar drought tolerance. In this review, we briefly describe the general effects of AM symbiosis on plant water relations, and then extensively examine the effects of AM colonization on pre-flowering, flowering, and post-flowering maize morpho-physiology under drought-stress conditions in greenhouse and field settings. We then suggest potential areas for future research related to (a) the adoption of cropping practices promoting AM colonization and survival; (b) the further understanding of AM effects on maize morpho-physiology; and (c) the creation of AM-colonized, drought-tolerant maize cultivars through conventional breeding as well as molecular and genomic techniques. We conclude by discussing practical considerations associated with the use of AM for maize drought-stress research and large-scale, commercial maize production.  相似文献   

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