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乌龙茶多糖调节血脂作用及其机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了乌龙茶多糖(OTPS)对高脂模型小鼠血脂的调节作用及机制。采用高脂饲料饲喂法建立高脂血症小鼠模型,通过不同剂量OTPS灌胃6周后,测定了小鼠的体重、胸腺重量、脾脏重量、肝脏重量、血脂水平、血清和肝脏中丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的含量,以及观察了肝脏的病理变化。结果表明,与高脂模型对照组比较,OTPS剂量组血清总胆固醇(TC)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)、血清和肝脏MDA、肝脏指数显示不同程度的降低,胸腺指数、脾指数、血清和肝脏SOD活力则有所上升,肝脏病变有一定程度的减轻,说明乌龙茶多糖具有一定的调节血脂、提高机体免疫力及抗氧化的作用。  相似文献   

用含钙离子水冲泡速溶茶粉,研究了不同浓度钙离子对绿茶茶汤沉淀形成的影响,以及钙离子对不同发酵程度茶类茶汤沉淀形成的影响。结果表明,随着钙离子质量浓度(5~40 mg·L-1)的增加,绿茶茶汤的沉淀量呈逐渐增加趋势,钙离子质量浓度与绿茶沉淀量之间具有显著正相关(r=0.98,P<0.01),而沉淀中的茶多酚(r=0.95,P<0.01)、总糖(r=0.99,P<0.01)和咖啡碱(r=0.82,P<0.05)含量也与沉淀量呈显著正相关。相同钙离子浓度下,绿茶、铁观音、武夷岩茶、红茶、普洱茶茶汤沉淀形成量差异较大。随着茶叶发酵程度的加重,茶汤沉淀量呈增加的趋势,而钙离子对茶汤沉淀形成的促进作用逐步降低。通过分析发现,钙离子促进沉淀形成的增长率与茶汤中茶多酚所占的比率有显著相关性(r=0.78,P<0.05),说明钙离子可能是主要通过影响茶多酚的络合作用来促进茶汤沉淀的形成。  相似文献   

为研究茯砖茶对葡聚糖硫酸钠(Dextran sulfate sodium,DSS)诱导的溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative colitis,UC)小鼠的抗炎作用及肠道微生物多样性的影响,将60只C57BL/6雌性小鼠随机分成正常对照组、10 mg·kg-1 EGCG对照组、高剂量茯砖茶(300 mg·kg-1)对照组、DSS模型组、DSS+10 mg·kg-1 EGCG处理组、DSS+低剂量茯砖茶(100 mg·kg-1)处理组、DSS+中剂量茯砖茶(150 mg·kg-1)处理组、DSS+高剂量茯砖茶(300 mg·kg-1)处理组,对照组n=5,处理组n=9。DSS造模1周后,灌喂处理4周,试验5周后处死小鼠,观察小鼠结肠组织病理学变化,评估小鼠结肠炎疾病指数(Disease activity index,DAI),检测小鼠血清中IL-6、IL-8、IL-1β、TNF-α、IFN-γ等炎性因子水平及小鼠结肠组织中JAK2STAT3基因表达水平,利用PCR-DGGE、克隆测序等技术分析小鼠肠道微生物菌群多样性。结果表明,与DSS模型组相比,灌喂EGCG和不同剂量茯砖茶后,小鼠生存质量、结肠组织形态明显改善,显著降低了小鼠血清中IL-6、IL-8、IL-1β、TNF-α、IFN-γ水平(P<0.05);显著降低JAK2STAT3基因表达(P<0.05),抑制了JAK2/STAT3炎性信号通路;肠道微生物多样性增加、丰富度提高,不同处理组优势菌群发生变化。综上所述,茯砖茶可通过抑制JAK2/STAT3炎性信号通路以及调节小鼠肠道微生物多样性来改善DSS诱导的小鼠溃疡性结肠炎。  相似文献   

尹爱武  田润  李探芳 《茶叶科学》2012,32(6):535-538
研究了一种茶叶复合物的解酒作用。通过观察小鼠灌胃白酒后翻正反射消失与恢复时间,急性乙醇中毒的死亡率,自发活动的变化以及小鼠血液中乙醇浓度,以评价茶叶复合物缓解醉酒症状的作用。结果显示:低、中、高剂量茶叶复合物均能延长翻正反射消失时间,缩短小鼠翻正反射恢复时间(P<0.01);降低急性乙醇中毒小鼠的死亡率;抑制乙醇致中枢兴奋引起的小鼠自主活动次数增多(P<0.01);高剂量茶叶复合物能显著降低灌胃乙醇后30、60、90、120、150min小鼠血液中的乙醇浓度(P<0.05或P<0.01),各时间点小鼠血浆乙醇质量浓度分别为(523±129)、(671±175)、(954±203)、(1012±326)、(634±139)mg/L。本研究为茶叶解酒产品的开发提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

以相同鲜叶加工而成的红茶及其发花红砖茶为原料,在应用链脲佐菌素腹腔注射并成功建立高血糖模型小鼠方法的基础上,将90只KM雄性小鼠按每组10只,随机分为正常组、模型组、红茶及发花红砖茶高、中、低剂量组和盐酸二甲双胍片组,连续灌喂28天,探讨了红茶及其发花红砖茶对高血糖模型小鼠的降血糖作用。结果表明,与正常组相比,模型组小鼠体重、饮水、饮食、血糖水平均有极显著差异(P<0.01),且血糖水平达到高血糖标准,说明造模成功;与模型组相比,红茶及发花红砖茶高剂量组的肝脏指数显著下降(P<0.05)、胰腺指数显著上升(P<0.05);中、高剂量组的总胆固醇显著下降(P<0.05),过氧化氢酶、超氧化物岐化酶显著上升(P<0.05);各剂量组的血糖、甘油三酯、丙二醛含量水平显著下降(P<0.05),口服耐糖量、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性及胰岛素含量水平则显著上升(P<0.05),除红茶低剂量组外各剂量组肝糖原含量水平均显著上升(P<0.05),同时可修复受损胰岛;与红茶组相比,发花红砖茶高剂量组在改善胰岛素水平、血糖水平、口服耐糖量、丙二醛水平及肝糖原水平上显著优于红茶高剂量组(P<0.05),中、高剂量组在提高过氧化氢酶、超氧化物岐化酶及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的酶活性上显著优于红茶中、高剂量组(P<0.05)。由此表明,红茶及其发花红砖茶均具有降低高血糖模型小鼠血糖的作用,且在作用效果上发花红砖茶优于红茶,但其机制有待进一步探究。  相似文献   

为探究儿茶素对高脂饮食小鼠减肥作用及肠道菌群的影响,将小鼠随机分为对照组、模型组、儿茶素组(0.06%儿茶素+高脂饲料),各组连续喂养28周,记录小鼠体质量和摄食量,计算肝脏系数、体脂比和Lee’s指数,检测血脂指标,并采用HE染色观察小鼠肝脏病理变化,实时荧光定量PCR检测小鼠肠道菌群的相对表达量。研究结果显示,与对照组相比,模型组小鼠体质量、肝脏系数、体脂比和Lee’s指数明显增加,血脂指标总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)及低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)水平明显高于对照组,高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)水平明显降低(P<0.05);与模型组相比,儿茶素组小鼠体质量、肝脏系数及Lee’s指数明显降低,血脂指标TG和LDL-C水平明显降低、HDL-C水平显著增加(P<0.05)。肝组织病理结果显示,儿茶素组小鼠与模型组相比能明显改善肝组织病变程度,减少肝损伤;肠道菌群结果显示,儿茶素组小鼠拟杆菌相对表达量明显高于模型组(P<0.05)。研究结果表明,儿茶素可显著减少小鼠摄食量、降低体质量、调节血脂水平、改善肝组织病变和肠道菌群紊乱,对于高脂饮食小鼠具有较好的减肥作用。  相似文献   

以KM雄性小鼠为研究对象,酵母膏(7.5 g·kg-1)和氧嗪酸钾(250 mg·kg-1)联合给药建立高尿酸血症小鼠模型,探究表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)和维生素C(Vc)联用对高尿酸血症小鼠血尿酸水平的影响。将小鼠随机分为6组(n=6):空白组、模型组、别嘌呤醇组(阳性药组)、EGCG组、EGCG联合Vc组和Vc组,连续给药7 d后测定生化指标。结果表明,与模型组相比,EGCG联合Vc组小鼠的血尿酸值(UA),血尿素氮(BUN)和肌酐(Cr)水平均明显降低(P<0.001);EGCG与Vc联用明显抑制了肝脏中腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)和黄嘌呤氧化酶(XOD)的活性(P<0.05或P<0.01),并显著下调了肾脏中葡萄糖转运蛋白9(GLUT9)mRNA的表达(P<0.001);肾脏切片显示EGCG和Vc联用显著改善高尿酸血症小鼠的肾脏损伤。此外,EGCG与Vc联用对高尿酸血症小鼠的作用效果优于EGCG。  相似文献   

以相同品种的鲜叶加工而成的红茶及其发花红砖茶为原料,在应用氧嗪酸钾成功建立高尿酸血症模型小鼠方法的基础上,将90只KM雄性小鼠按每组10只随机分为正常组、模型组、红茶及发花红砖茶高、中、低剂量组和别嘌呤醇组,连续灌喂14 d,探讨红茶及其发花红砖茶对高尿酸血症模型小鼠的降尿酸作用。结果表明,与模型组相比,给茶各剂量组的体质量、肾脏指数、血尿酸均显著降低(P<0.05),其中发花红砖茶中、高剂量组在降低血尿酸上达到极显著水平(P<0.01);两种茶各剂量组的血尿素氮、血肌酐也均极显著降低(P<0.01),且中、高剂量组的尿尿素氮极显著升高(P<0.01),高剂量组的尿尿酸极显著升高(P<0.01);除红茶低剂量组尿肌酐水平显著升高(P<0.05)之外,其他给茶组的尿肌酐均达到极显著升高(P<0.01);除发花红砖茶中剂量组显著降低黄嘌呤氧化酶和腺苷脱氨酶活性(P<0.05)之外,红茶中剂量组及两种茶高剂量组均能极显著降低这两种酶的活性(P<0.01)。结果表明,红茶及发花红砖茶均可减少尿酸的产生,且发花红砖茶高剂量组在降低血尿酸与升高尿尿酸、尿尿素氮、尿肌酐方面优于红茶,其机制有待进一步探究。  相似文献   

安吉白茶多糖对实验性糖尿病小鼠的降血糖作用研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
于淑池  苏涛  杨建民  彭忠  林静 《茶叶科学》2010,30(3):223-228
通过制备去甲肾上腺素致糖尿病小鼠模型及四氧嘧啶致高血糖小鼠模型,给正常小鼠、去甲肾上腺素致高血糖小鼠及四氧嘧啶致糖尿病小鼠连续灌胃安吉白茶多糖14 d后,取血测定血糖水平,以探讨安吉白茶多糖对正常小鼠、去甲肾上腺素致高血糖小鼠及四氧嘧啶致高血糖小鼠血糖水平及糖耐量(GT)的影响。结果显示,灌胃2周后,安吉白茶多糖对正常小鼠血糖水平影响较小,低、中、高剂量组与正常对照组相比均无显著意义(P>0.05);安吉白茶多糖能明显降低去甲肾上腺素所致糖尿病小鼠的血糖水平,低、中、高剂量组的血糖值与肾上腺素模型组比较,差异极显著(P<0.01)。且高剂量组降血糖效果优于低剂量组;安吉白茶多糖明显降低四氧嘧啶所致高血糖小鼠的血糖水平,三剂量组的血糖值与四氧嘧啶模型组比较,差异极显著(P<0.01)。三剂量均能降低实验性高血糖小鼠血糖,且随剂量增大,降血糖作用增强,以高剂量降糖作用最强。安吉白茶多糖在缓解糖尿病小鼠糖耐量降低方面作用显著,达到了药物组的治疗水平,但并不影响正常小鼠的血糖和糖耐量。  相似文献   

探讨一款用黑茶工艺、经冠突散囊菌发花的乌龙茶——金花香橼茶饮用3个月对小样本高脂血症人群糖脂代谢的临床改善效果。招募38名志愿者,试饮金花香橼茶3个月,通过检测和对比试饮前后的体成分(体重、体脂百分比等)、血液生化指标(空腹血糖、血尿酸、血脂四项)、肝脏超声、肠道菌群等,探讨金花香橼茶的健康功效。结果表明,试饮金花香橼茶3个月后,志愿者体重、体质指数、体脂百分比、内脏脂肪等级、血清总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、空腹血糖显著降低(P<0.05),脂肪肝严重程度减轻,肠道菌群均匀性和多样性增加,考拉杆菌属(Phascolarctobacterium)、瘤胃球菌属(Ruminococcus)、嗜血杆菌属(Haemophilus)、韦荣球菌属(Veillonella)等丰度升高,戴阿利斯特杆菌属(Dialister)、丁酸蓖麻单胞菌属(Butyricimonas)丰度降低。提示金花香橼茶具有辅助降血糖、降血脂、改善非酒精性脂肪肝的作用,可能通过增加产短链脂肪酸菌属的丰度,增加短链脂肪酸,改善胰岛素抵抗,进而改善糖脂代谢。本研究所得结果仍需更加严谨的长期试验进一步加以确证。  相似文献   

Wheat bran supplementation (11 gm per day) was carried out for a period of two months in 30 maturity onset diebetics. The efficacy of bran supplementation was monitored by measuring the fasting and 2 h post prandial blood sugar levels, glycosylated serum protein levels, glycosylated albumin levels and serum lipid and lipoprotein cholesterol levels. The results indicated a transient reduction in fasting and 2 h post prandial blood sugar levels after one month's bran therapy. No appreciable changes in the serum glycosylated protein levels, glycosylated albumin levels, serum lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol levels were observed during the period of supplementation.Abbreviations TC total cholesterol - HDL-C high density lipoprotein cholesterol - LDL-C low density lipoprotein cholesterol - VLDL-C Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol - TG triglycerides - PL phospholipids - FFA free fatty acids - G-Alb glycosylated albumin - GSP glycosylated serum proteins - NIDDM Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Melitus  相似文献   

Three groups with 12 weanling male albino rats were group fed for 90 days on a standard laboratory rat diet plus 20% coconut oil either without a supplement or with the addition of 10% curry leaf or 10% mustard seeds. Feed was offered at a level of 10% body weight. At the end of the trial, measurements were made on the total serum cholesterol, high density lipoproteins, low density lipoproteins, and very low density lipoproteins fractions, release of lipoproteins into the circulation, lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase activity and lipoprotein lipase activity. Feed intake and mean body weight of the rats on each treatment was not significantly different. Both spices resulted in a reduction in total serum cholesterol and LDL+VLDL, an increase in the HDL, lower release of lipoproteins into the circulation and an increase in the LCAT activity.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effect of natural diosgenin extracted from fenugreek seeds, in comparison with the pure standard diosgenin, plus chromium chloride (CrCl3) supplementation on high-cholesterol fed Japanese quails. Quails were randomly divided into four groups. Group one (n = 25) fed experimental diet only (control; contained basal diet supplemented with 1% cholesterol), group 2 (n = 20) fed experimental diet supplemented with CrCl3 only (400 microg kg(-1) of body weight), groups 3 and 4 (n = 30 per group) were fed experimental diet supplemented with either 0.5% (w/w) of extracted diosgenin plus CrCl3 or pure standard diosgenin (0.5%) plus CrCl3 respectively, for 12 days. Blood samples were collected at days 0 and 12 for measuring levels of lipid profile. The work was carried out at Applied Science University and Amman University, Amman, Jordan during the period from October 2009 through October 2010. The mean levels of total cholesterol (TC) in control quails at d12 was significantly (p < 0.01) increased compare to those at d0. Supplementation of diet with CrCl3 alone or CrCl3 with diosgenin either extracted or pure standard for 12 days showed a significant (p < 0.01) decrease in TC and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels as compared to those in the control quails. While, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) increased significantly (p < 0.01) in quails supplemented with diosgenin and CrCl3. At d12, the mean Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activities in erythrocytes of quails in all supplemented groups was significantly (p < 0.01) increased as compared to those in control group and was more pronounced in erythrocytes of quails supplemented with pure standard diosgenin plus CrCl3. These results indicated that the combined diosgenin and CrCl3 supplementation to high-cholesterol fed quails might induce a protective effect by both regulating lipid and antioxidative damage.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the effect of blended oils, i.e., polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) rich vegetable oils like safflower oil (SFO) and sunflower oil (SNO) with the unconventional and hypocholesterolemic rice bran oil (RBO) on the serum lipid profile of rats. Rats fed RBO + SNO/SFO at 70:30 ratio for a period of 28 days showed significantly (p < 0.05) lower levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increased high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in animals fed a high cholesterol diet (HCD) and cholesterol free diet (CFD). Liver total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG) were also reduced. Fecal excretion of neutral sterols and bile acids was increased with use of RBO blends. RBO, which is rich in tocopherols and tocotrienols, may improve the oxidative stability of the blends. Tocotrienols are known to inhibit 3-hydroxy, 3-methyl, glutaryl CoA (HMG-COA) reductase (rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis), resulting in hypocholesterolemia. In addition to improving the lipid profile by lowering TC, TG and LDL-C and increasing HDL-C, blending of RBO with other oils can result in an economic advantage of lower prices.  相似文献   

茶多糖对小鼠血糖、血脂和免疫功能的影响   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:36  
周杰  丁建平 《茶叶科学》1997,17(1):75-79
研究了从粗老茶中提取的茶多糖对小鼠血糖、血脂和免疫功能的影响。结果表明:腹腔注射50mg/kg·bw茶多糖有明显降低血糖的作用(P<0.01);对血清胆固醇和血清甘油三酯影响不大,但有提高高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的效果;每天连续口服25mg/kg·bw茶多糖,有增强免疫功能的作用。急性毒性试验表明,24h内腹腔注射总量1.0g/kg·bw,未发现小鼠对茶多糖有中毒反应  相似文献   

This study investigated the nutritional effect of sunflower seed proteinfraction (SSPF) extracted with isopropanol on growth, plasma and tissuelipid profile, protein content and erythrocyte membrane lipid profile ofrats. Dehulled sunflower seeds were extracted with isopropanol at 50±1 °C resulting in a protein fraction (71.5%) with low residualchlorogenic acid (0.07%) and fiber (3.3%) contents. Rats fed thesunflower seed protein fraction had a similar body weight gain and foodefficiency ratios in comparison to those fed casein. Rats fed SSPF incontrast had a significantly higher growth and food efficiency ratio thanthe rats fed sunflower meal (SM), extracted with hexane. However,dietary proteins exerted a separate effect on plasma total cholesterol,low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, low density lipoprotein to highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C/HDL-C) ratio and triglyceridecontent. Sunflower seed protein fraction resulted in a significantdecrease in plasma cholesterol (p < 0.05) and LDL-cholesterol (p <0.02) levels compared to the casein fed rats. Membrane phospholipidprofile also showed a marked variation with the type of dietary protein.Rats fed SSPF and SM did not show much variation in plasma lipids, plasmaproteins, liver and brain lipids and membrane phospholipid concentrations.Protein content, liver and brain lipid profile of the groups fed SSPF andcasein were comparable, suggesting that the nutritional value of SSPF isbetter than SM and equivalent to that of casein.  相似文献   

Curry leaves powder supplementation (12 g providing 2.5 g fibre) was carried out for a period of 1 month in 30 non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients. The parameters monitored at 1, 15 and 30 days were fasting and 2 h post-prandial blood sugar levels, serum total cholesterol and its lipoprotein fractions, triglycerides, total amino acids, uronic acid, glycosylated serum proteins and glysocylated low density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction. The results indicated a transient reduction in fasting and post-prandial blood sugar levels at 15-day period with no appreciable changes in serum glycosylated protein levels, glycosylated low density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction, serum lipids, lipoprotein cholesterol levels, uronic acid and total amino acids were observed during the supplementation period, i.e. either at 15 days or 30 days.  相似文献   

非酒精性脂肪肝是以肝实质细胞发生脂肪堆积和脂肪变性为主要特征,并伴随机体脂质代谢紊乱的一种获得性代谢疾病。以高脂饲料喂养大鼠,建立非酒精性脂肪肝大鼠模型;以低、中、高剂量(10、50、100 mg·kg-1)表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)分别灌胃模型大鼠,探讨茶叶中EGCG对非酒精性脂肪肝大鼠的调脂保肝作用。结果表明,与模型组相比,EGCG能显著降低血清中甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)和低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(LDL-C)含量,降低丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)和天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)活性水平,提高高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(HDL-C)的含量,改善大鼠肝脏氧化应激状态。此外,肝脏病理切片显示,EGCG能减少肝细胞中脂滴的形成,同时脂质代谢相关基因表达量分析显示,EGCG能调理肝脏的脂质代谢。综合以上实验结果表明,EGCG能显著改善非酒精性脂肪肝大鼠的脂质代谢紊乱和脂肪性肝损伤。  相似文献   

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