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石伟昌 《中国茶叶》2010,(10):25-25
大山深处的湖北英山县方咀乡由国家资助、各界支持、农民白筹折合投入120万元,在24个村“全覆盖”建起农家书屋26个,藏书31000余册。广大农民利用茶余饭后,到书屋自学科学技术。图为9月11日,该乡新桥村支书段长青(右1)发现茶树发病,找到乡农技服务中心主任石佑存(左1),一起在农家书屋查到茶树病症。  相似文献   

接国家新闻出版总署通知,《世界热带农业信息》被总署确定为《农家书屋重点出版物推荐目录》入选期刊。入选推荐目录后,刊物将进入广大农家书屋,有利于进一步促进广大农民对热带农业的认识和了解,有利于提高该刊的影响力,扩大期刊发行量,为社会主义新农村建设贡献力量。据悉,《世界热带农业信息》是农业部主管的入选的推荐目录的5份期刊中的一份,是介绍热带农业知识和发展情况的唯一指定入选期刊。  相似文献   

接国家新闻出版总署通知,《世界热带农业信息》被总署确定为《农家书屋重点出版物推荐目录》入选期刊。入选推荐目录后,刊物将进入广大农家书屋,有利于进一步促进广大农民对热带农业的认识和了解,有利于提高该刊的影响力,扩大期刊发行量,为社会主义新农村建设贡献力量。据悉,《世界热带农业信息》是农业部主管的入选的推荐目录的5份期刊中的一份,是介绍热带农业知识和发展情况的唯一指定入选期刊。  相似文献   

接国家新闻出版总署通知,《世界热带农业信息》被总署确定为《农家书屋重点出版物推荐目录》入选期刊。入选推荐目录后,刊物将进入广大农家书屋,有利于进一步促进广大农民对热带农业的认识和了解,有利于提高该刊的影响力,扩大期刊发行量,为社会主义新农村建设贡献力量。据悉,《世界热带农业信息》是农业部主管的入选的推荐目录的5份期刊中的一份,是介绍热带农业知识和发展情况的唯一指定入选期刊。  相似文献   

接国家新闻出版总署通知,《世界热带农业信息》被总署确定为《农家书屋重点出版物推荐目录》入选期刊。入选推荐目录后,刊物将进入广大农家书屋,有利于进一步促进广大农民对热带农业的认识和了解,有利于提高该刊的影响力,扩大期刊发行量,为社会主义新农村建设贡献力量。据悉,《世界热带农业信息》是农业部主管的入选的推荐目录的5份期刊中的一份,是介绍热带农业知识和发展情况的唯一指定入选期刊。  相似文献   

<正>《长江蔬菜》创刊30年,先后荣获第三届国家期刊奖,2013年中国百强期刊;为全国农家书屋重点期刊。发行量始终全国同类期刊首位;是全国基层农技专家、蔬菜生产者、种子经营商自己的杂志。设有栏目:硕园采风、产业经济、高山蔬菜、设施蔬菜机械化、品种导航、栽培技术、专家坐诊、植保技术、营销一百、土壤与  相似文献   

全国自然科学(中文)核心期刊中国农业核心期刊全国优秀农业期刊中国北方优秀期刊黑龙江省优秀科技期刊美国化学文摘社(CAS)收录期刊黑龙江省农家书屋推荐目录2015年期刊数字影响力100强主管:黑龙江省农业科学院主办:黑龙江省园艺学会、黑龙江省农业科学院刊号:ISSN 1001-0009 CN 23-1247/S邮发代号:14-150半月刊:每月15、30日出版单价:15.00元全年:360.00元全国各地邮局均可订阅,或直接向编辑部汇款订阅。  相似文献   

本文在对武夷山市农家茶厂系统调研的基础上,着重探讨农家业主的生产体系、成本体系、销售体系等相关问题,就茶树品种、茶叶加工、生产管理等相关因子的现状及发展进行比较分析认为,只要正确把握武夷山市农家茶厂的发展轨迹,武夷山茶叶前景光明.  相似文献   

江西省茶区分布广阔,栽培历史悠久,经长期的自然选择和人工选择的结果,品种资源极其丰富多彩,在宁红、饶绿,浮红及婺绿等茶区已产生很多在生产上起一定作用的农家优良茶树品种,这些品种分布在不同栽培环境中具有不同的适应性,不具有同的优良性状。因此,为了发挥农家优良茶种的生产潜在力,是进一步提高茶叶产量关键之一,  相似文献   

农业旅游是把农业与旅游业结合在一起,利用农业景观和农村空间,吸引游客前来观赏、游览、品尝、休闲、体验、购物的一种新型农业经营形式,即以农、林、牧、副、渔等广泛的农业资源为基础,开发旅游产品,并为游客提供特色服务的旅游业的统称,也称观光农业、旅游农业、休闲农业等。越来越多的城市居民已将“吃农家饭、住农家屋、干农家活、赏农家景”作为一种健康时尚的生活方式。  相似文献   

肖凌  邓延岗  朱为新  李辉 《广西蔗糖》2012,(1):36-41,54
GPS又称为全球定位系统(Global Positioning System).GPS技术已广泛应用于农业、林业、交通运输、电力、石油、测量等部门,但在蔗糖业中的应用是一项重大技术创新,具有良好的应用及开发的前景.应用这一技术与糖厂农务砍运系统相结合,可以更有效地对甘蔗砍运榨进行调度和管理,从而提高甘蔗新鲜度,减少糖份损失,提升企业经济效益;有效地对运输甘蔗车辆进行监控和跟踪,防止甘蔗跨蔗区流动,稳定蔗区砍运秩序;对甘蔗产量进行准确评估.  相似文献   

A linear programming model of a dairy farm, in which grass production and grassland use was originally modelled using one growing period and one area of land, is extended. To include seasonal and spatial elements of variation not allowed for in the original model, the model was modified to reflect three growing periods in the season and then to reflect management of two separate areas of land. The resulting three models were used to assess farm physical planning, economic results and nutrient balances for an average Dutch dairy farm in a situation without and with levies on nutrient surpluses. It is concluded that incorporating seasonal and spatial elements provides greater insight into grassland management. Seasonal model specification does not result in significant changes in farm physical planning, income and nutrient surpluses. Spatial specification has a larger impact if one of the two areas cannot be grazed by dairy cattle.  相似文献   


Climate change is an underlying cause of many extreme events such as enormous cyclones and erratic torrential rains. These phenomena threaten farmers in coastal regions of Myanmar. Self-insurance through means such as crop diversification is insufficient for sustainable farm management. Weather index insurance (WII) is receiving much attention because of its low management costs. An optimum WII contract for flood damage using rainfall as the index has been proposed for rice farmers in coastal regions. According to the model, an insurance payment demand function is derived by solving the expected utility maximization problem. The utility function of the contract is specified as constant relative risk aversion type. The production function is specified as Cobb–Douglas type. By substituting real average data of rice production of farmers into this function, the optimum insurance payment and premium are obtained. Changes in insurance compensation by payments according to an increase in the price of rice, rainfall, and degree of risk aversion are investigated. Results suggest that if an average farmer pays around 41.5 US dollars per year, then farm management will be optimally stabilized under the flood risk.


Florida strawberry farmers usually rely on weekly calendar fungicide applications to prevent yield loss from Botrytis fruit rot (BFR). The Strawberry Advisory System (SAS), which helps optimize the timing of fungicide applications, is an additional tool in the farmers' arsenal of disease control options. This study uses data from two-year production trials in Florida combined with historical strawberry prices to measure the economic performance of the Calendar and SAS-based BFR management practices under output price risk and producers' risk preferences. We use Monte Carlo simulation to model the effect of the variability in weekly output prices on farm returns. Results reveal that the traditional calendar-based system is not the least risky BFR management option as growers expected to be. SAS-based options such as SAS-Switch and SAS-Luna would be preferred by both risk-neutral and risk-averse producers and are recommended under high disease pressure conditions.  相似文献   

高立新 《北方水稻》2010,40(4):76-77,80
近几年大洼县农业机械化在机械整地、机械育插秧、机械收获等方面取得长足发展,但也存在历史形成的不利因素、农田基本建设不适应农机化发展的要求、农民收入低、农民对农机具使用技术掌握不好等问题亟待解决,为此必须发挥政府政策导向作用,加快推进技术普及和应用,推动农机服务专业化、社会化、企业化发展。  相似文献   

近年来永定县农产品加工业出现了良好态势,主要表现在产业发展加快,企业规模不断扩大,特色比较鲜明,增长机制灵活,综合效益显著等五个方面。但也存在加工总量不足,知名企业偏少,企业实力不强,原料基地分散,管理服务滞后等问题;分析了农产品加工业的发展潜力,提出永定县农产品加工业的发展方向和建议。  相似文献   

The centuries-old, self-organizing Muang Fai community irrigation institution in northern Thailand has high potential in illustrating exemplary practices in irrigation cost sharing. This paper examines the cost sharing structure of the Pongsak Muang Fai Irrigation System in Mae Hong Son Province and its relationship with the system water management and sustainability. Results show that this primitive and high cost system accepts costs of the weir, the entire length of main ditch, not only the individually related ditch sections, and the management as common costs that should be equally shared so that it can gather sizeable membership to support the system. The capacity of this small scale run-of-the-river irrigation system with no river flow limitation is a simple summation of all determined farm intake capacities. The maintenance cost of the system every year depends on how much water should be diverted and conveyed, hence the use of “relative” scale of each farm intake capacity as the basis for sharing cost in the wet season paddy farming. Such structure is directly related to the water management under which every intake shall be served with continuous supply without permitting mid-canal water check-up and the members prefer to take collective action to keep enough water supply without leaving any room for suspicion of unfair water distribution. The direct relationship makes the members understand the purpose of payment and be willing to share the costs which are transparently estimated in easily understood terms and clearly de-aggregated into categories.  相似文献   

提高水稻家庭农场全要素生产率是贯彻落实“谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全”新粮食安全观的重要举措。本文基于长江流域612户水稻家庭农场的微观调查数据,运用三阶段DEA模型实证研究水稻家庭农场全要素生产率。研究表明,年龄、受教育程度、农地细碎化程度等环境因素对水稻家庭农场全要素生产率具有重要影响;水稻家庭农场的耕种面积和规模报酬呈现倒U型关系,且适度经营规模区间为8.0~9.3 hm2;水稻家庭农场全要素生产率未达到有效的主要原因是规模效率相对较低。基于此,本研究主要从规范农地流转市场、完善家庭农场市场竞争机制、加快建设高标准农田、提升家庭农场主自身能力建设等方面提出相关对策建议,以有效提升水稻家庭农场全要素生产率。  相似文献   

Today in Japan, agricultural productivity of rice cropping farmers is low. In order to get sufficient agricultural productivity, Japanese government is encouraging enlarging core farmers' farm sizes to 10–20 ha by borrowing farm lots from retiring farmers of small farms and carrying out the land consolidation projects to construct large rice paddy lots. In order to realize large rice paddy lots of more than several hectares, it is necessary to consolidate small scattered leased farm lots of core tenant farmers, but it is supposed to be very difficult. In order to clarify how to consolidate those leased lots into large rice paddy lots, I investigated five land consolidation project areas in which large rice paddy lots of more than several hectares were constructed for core tenant farmers. The result shows that (1) large rice paddy lots for core tenant farmers were settled in relatively inferior areas of the project areas, for instance, far from the land owners' residence area. (2) Basically land lenders do not accept their substitute lots settled into large rice paddy lots in such inferior areas, (3) but some land lenders who were eager to lend their farmland to core farmers accepted their substitute lots in such inferior areas. (4) Even in cases that tenant farmers could not consolidate substitute lots of their tenant land into large rice paddy lots, they could consolidate their cultivating lots by adjusting user rights, that is, exchange of user rights of lots between land lenders whose substitute lots were located outside of a large rice paddy lot area and owner farmers whose substitute lots were located in the area. (5) Owner farmers accepted this adjustment on their farmland as they could cultivate superior lots, consolidate their scattered cultivating lots into one place and so on.  相似文献   

We present a participatory modelling framework that integrates information from interviews and discussions with farmers and consultants, with dynamic bio-economic models to answer complex questions on the allocation of limited resources at the farm business level. Interviews and discussions with farmers were used to: describe the farm business; identify relevant research questions; identify potential solutions; and discuss and learn from the whole-farm simulations. The simulations are done using a whole-farm, multi-field configuration of APSIM (APSFarm). APSFarm results were validated against farmers’ experience. Once the model was accepted by the participating farmers as a fair representation of their farm business, the model was used to explore changes in the tactical or strategic management of the farm and results were then discussed to identify feasible options for improvement.Here we describe the modelling framework and present an example of the application of integrative whole farm system tools to answer relevant questions from an irrigated farm business case study near Dalby (151.27E - 27.17S), Queensland, Australia. Results indicated that even though cotton crops generates more farm income per hectare a more diversified rotation with less cotton would be relatively more profitable, with no increase in risk, as a more cotton dominated traditional rotation. Results are discussed in terms of the benefits and constraints from developing and applying more integrative approaches to represent farm businesses and their management in participatory research projects with the aim of designing more profitable and sustainable irrigated farming systems.  相似文献   

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