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1996 is the first year for realizing the object of fish culture in 66,600 ha of rice field in Zhejiang Province. The provincial government has appropriated $ 24,000 per ha for starting capital. Starting from this year, counties with the tradition of fish culture in rice fields as Youngjia and Qingtian have put stress on popularizing the new technique of fish culture in ditches and puddles to raise the yield for per unit area. In areas of Central Zhejiang and North Zhejiang with hilly land and plain area with double—season rice, people have changed traditional fish varieties into special and excellent fish varieties.  相似文献   

对超级玉米杂交种的选育与推广的思考   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
Super maize was a science and technology innovation for enhancing maize cultivars yield ability on the basis of maize heterosis utilization at present.This paper discussed the significance of super maize breeding,indicating that the objective of super maize should consider the approved efficiency of cultivar,the character of high yield and stable yield and the determination of yield index in high yield tackling field,except"super high yield,high-quality,multi-resistant,wide-suitable,easy production of seed",also proposed higher requirements for germplasm-innovation,plant type selection and plant characters.Aiming at present status of super maize popularization,suggesting that we should accelerate to establish reginal trial appoved criteria,pay attention to finy varieties with suitable cultivation method,high-yield demonstration and high-yield tackling trial.  相似文献   

Three mutants of rice (Oryza sativa L. ), Mutant 1, Mutant 2and Mutant 3, which were selected by high hydrostatic pressure (75 MPa), and their parent Yuexiangzhan were used to study the changes in chlorophyll fluorescence during different growth stages. In all the three mutants, the function of PSⅡ was improved, Fy/Fm ratio of mutants increased compared to their parent at tillering and heading stage, and φPS Ⅱ also improved except for Mutant 2 at heading stage. Similar to their parent, the mutants exhibited slight photoinhibition at noon and almost complete recovery to initial levels of 6:00 after 18:00 at heading stage. At milking stage, the photoinhibition in the mutants was obvious, and recovered rapidly compared to the parent. Yields of individual plant and grain/straw ratio were also higher in three mutants than the parent. Results indicated that characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence in leaves of mutants and their photoinhibition in the field had changed. It is suggested that high hydrostatic pressure induction could be applied as a new effective approach in high-yield rice breeding in the future.  相似文献   

Three mutants of rice (Oryza sativa L. ), Mutant 1, Mutant 2 and Mutant 3, which were selected by high hydrostatic pressure (75 MPa), and their parent Yuexiangzhan were used to study the changes in chlorophyll fluorescence during different growth stages. In all the three mutants, the function of PS Ⅱ was improved, Fv/ Fm ratio of mutants increased compared to their parent at tillering and heading stage, and ФPS Ⅱ also improved except for Mutant 2 at heading stage. Similar to their parent, the mutants exhibited slight photoinhibition at noon and almost complete recovery to initial levels of 6:00 after 18:00 at heading stage. At milking stage, the photoinhibition in the mutants was obvious, and recovered rapidly compared to the parent. Yields of individual plant and grain/straw ratio were also higher in three mutants than the parent. Results indicated that characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence in leaves of mutants and their photoinhibition in the field had changed. It is suggested that high hydrostatic pressure induction could be applied as a new effective approach in high-yield rice breeding in the future.  相似文献   

A new technology of raising rice seedlings in dry nursery began to be adopted in early 1980's inChina. It expanded in Northeast of the Country and spreaded from North to South in the followingyears. In 1995, it was listed as one of the national popularization project during the 'Ninth Five-Year-Plan' by the Country Government. The total area was up to 9.3 million hm~2 in 1996 (cover-ing 80% paddy field in the northern parts of China). The expected popularized area will be up to15.3 million hm~2 in 2000 according to the Ministry of Agriculture, half of the total rice-growingarea in China.  相似文献   

The experiments were carried out in paddy field of CNRRI in 1985-1989. Seedlings of the indica variety Erjiufeng were raised in a seedbed and transplanted to pots with area of 0.1 m~2 at seedling age of 30 d. Treatments with (CRMS) were conducted at different stages: pistil and stigma primordium formation  相似文献   

密度对不同株型的玉米农艺、根系性状及产量的影响   总被引:30,自引:8,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
Density is the key factor of maize high-yield cultivation.Effects of planting density on agricultural characters,root system characters and yield were studied using different maize plant type semi-compact maize Jinhai 5,compact maize Zhengdan 958.The result showed that with the increasing of density,plant height was increased,stem diameter and ear diameter was decreased,ear was shorten,rare top length,No.of ear nod,ear height was increased,brace root number and total root number was decreased,the rate of root dry weight was increased within farming layers,population dry matter accumulation was increased and plant dry matter accumulation presented the opposite trend,ear linage,kernels per ear,100-kernels weight,double-ear rate,plant yield was decreased,yield was increased and decreased successively.The relation between yield and density of Jinhai 5 was Y=-625.67x2+9 044.5x-18 530,optimal plant density was 7.0×104-7.5×104 plants/ha,the relation between yield and density of Zhengdan 958 was Y=-375.67x2+6 410x-13 043,optimal plant density was 8.5×104-9.0×104 plants/ha.Analysis revealed the number of brace roots and total roots could be used as an indicator for plant dry weight and yield.  相似文献   

A population of rice brown planthopper(BPH) Nilaparvata lugens collected from a paddy field in Hangzhou was successively reared on susceptible rice Taichung Native 1(TN1) in a laboratory free from insecticides for more than 14 generations. The changes in susceptibility to insecticides and ecological fitness on different resistant rice varieties were monitored in each generation. The resistance ratio to imidacloprid sharply declined with the succession of rearing generations without insecticides from 359.94-fold at F1 to 6.50-fold at F14 compared with the susceptible strain, and the resistance ratio to chlorpyrifos was from 9.90-fold at F1 to 5.94-fold at F14. Nymphal duration and weights of newly hatched female adults were significantly affected by rice variety, generation and their interactions, but nymphal survival was significantly affected by the generation only. The ratio of brachypterous adults in males was affected by the generation and generation × variety interaction, whereas no difference was found in females. Nymphal duration extended with increasing generations, and the female nymphal duration was shorter in the susceptible variety TN1 than those in the resistant varieties IR26 and IR36. In addition, the female adult weight in TN1 was higher than those in IR26 and IR36. These results indicated that the resistance of field BPH population to insecticides was reversed after several generations of no-exposure to insecticides, and the ecological fitness in TN1 was higher than those in IR26 and IR36. These findings suggested the rational and reduced use of insecticides in combination with the manipulation of resistant rice varieties would be effective for BPH management.  相似文献   

Egg parasitoids, Anagrus spp. and Oligositaspp. have been found to be important biological agents in suppressing rice planthoppers in Asian countries. However, most of these studies have been confined to conditions within rice fields. In this study, field surveys were made to study the floral and faunal diversity in various habitats surrounding rice fields. The rice and grass (Echinochloa spp.) plants were infested with 2 gravid females of brown planthopper Toya spp. or T. pusanus per tiller respectively for two days. The oviposited plants were:1) Rice plants bearing BPH eggs, 2) grass plants bearing BPH eggs, 3) grass plants bearing Toya spp eggs, and 4) grass plants bearing T. pusanus eggs. Above plants were placed in the rice field, the grassy area adjacent to rice fields and the grassy area away from rice fields, respectively. Potted plants with host  相似文献   

Sixteen widespread elite indica parents including seven CMS lines and nine restorer lines, and their 63 F1 hybrids were chosen to compare the eleven traits of grain quality. Overall results showed that the frequency of negative over-dominance, dominance and partial dominance was much higher than that of positive ones and heterosis, indicating that the values of F1 hybrids were generally lower than the means of their parents in quality characteristics. There existed apparent disparity in grain quality performance among F1 hybrids varied with the traits. The characteristics of chalky area percentage, chalky grain percentage, gel consistency and head rice recovery had a great variation in all kinds of tested heterosis indices including the mid-parent heterosis index, over high-value parent heterosis index and over low-value parent heterosis index, which suggested that special attention should be paid to the selection of F1 hybrids in these traits in breeding. The mean values of F1 hybrids were significantly lower than those of their higher parents in all the traits but close to or significantly lower than those of their mid-parent values except for kernel length and amylose content; and significantly higher than those of their lower parents except for brown rice recovery, milled rice recovery and gel consistency.  相似文献   

大豆经磁化处理后,可使大豆出苗势增强,出苗期提前,降低株高,早熟1-2d。还有提高结荚率、提高产量的效果。其中磁化时间20min,增产可达15.2%。  相似文献   

为探讨“碧护”在香蕉生产上的应用效果,通过碧护0.136%赤·吲乙·芸可湿性粉剂在福建省漳州市香蕉主栽品种天宝高蕉的喷施试验,表明“碧护”能显著提高香蕉的抗叶斑病力和抗寒力,消除或减轻田间肥害或药害,促进香蕉平衡生长发育,还可明显提高香蕉果实的外观质量和商品性能,而对蕉株及其生长发育均无任何不良影响。“碧护”在香蕉生产上的使用是安全的,可大力推广应用。  相似文献   

孟英 《北方水稻》2004,(2):16-18
在30℃、20℃、15℃条件下,进行穞生稻、上育427、松97-98、牡丹江19、东农416的发芽试验,结果在15℃穞生稻的芽率仍高达91%,表现出很强的发芽能力;另外模仿秋翻整地,将穞生稻、上育427和松97-98分别放入地下10、20、30cm越冬,第二年春季正常播种、插秧,结果安全越冬后的穞生稻芽率和长势明显好于上育427和松97-98,两个试验均证明穞生稻具有较强的耐寒性,为黑龙江省培育高抗寒品种提供新的种质资源。  相似文献   

EGCG是茶叶中主要的儿茶素类物质,具有多种生物活性。近年来,EGCG促氧化作用得到了广泛关注。本文对国内外细胞实验中EGCG的促氧化作用进行综述。EGCG在细胞培养基中发生自动氧化可以形成细胞外氧化应激环境,这种自动氧化受到培养基种类、EGCG浓度与处理时间、血清含量及p H值等因素影响。在细胞内,EGCG直接提高细胞内活性氧(Reactive Oxidative Species,ROS)和线粒体ROS,或者通过Fenton反应间接产生OH-。EGCG可以影响细胞内转录因子、信号通路与表面生长因子受体的表达与传递,从而影响细胞的一系列生命活动。  相似文献   

张玉军 《北方水稻》2010,40(4):44-46
通过几年来生产实践,阐述建三江分局水稻旱育秧田的工程化设计、工厂化生产、规范化建设、智能化监控、标准化管理、社会化服务和模式化栽培体系,总结和探索黑龙江寒地水稻旱育秧田生产的成功经验,以便在寒地水稻育秧生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

通过对阿里亚娜、阿高斯、汉姆斯、范妮4个品种丰产性、抗逆性、高产稳产性试验,选出阿里亚娜为大面积推广品种,阿高斯为搭配品种,汉姆斯和范妮为继续试验品种。  相似文献   

在小麦生产中,倒伏对其产量影响较大。为达到控高及稳产的目的,选用3种常用的抗倒剂(25%矮壮丰、3%调环酸钙水乳剂、5%抗倒酯水乳剂)来探究其对小麦生长及产量的影响。结果表明,与常规对照R2(矮壮丰80 m L/667 m2)相比,在灌浆期(5月12日)前,其他抗倒剂处理下小麦的叶绿素含量大都低于对照,而灌浆期后下降缓慢,光合作用时间延长;抗倒剂处理下小麦的株高都低于对照且在R6(抗倒酯水乳剂60 m L/667 m2)处理下降至最低,且小麦的不同节间长度在抗倒酯水乳剂处理下都得到控制,在最高浓度(60 m L/667 m2)处理下都降至最低;调环酸钙水乳剂仅对小麦的第3、第5节间有控长作用,而抗倒酯水乳剂对小麦的大部分节间都起到控长作用。从产量方面来看,有效穗数在R6(抗倒酯水乳剂60 m L/667 m2)处理下达到最高,实粒数在不同处理下相差不大,结实率和千粒质量在抗倒酯水乳剂处理下都处于较高水平,但产量在常规对照R2(矮壮丰80m L/667 m2)处理下最高;其次是R6(抗倒酯水乳剂60 m L/667 m2)处理。因此,综合考虑控高效果、有效穗数和千粒质量提高及稳产等多种因素,推荐在小麦的分蘖末期喷施60 m L/667 m2的5%抗倒酯水乳剂,能达到控高且不会明显降低其产量的目的。  相似文献   

糯玉米对烟嘧磺隆除草剂的抗性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对甜、糯玉米自交系及其组配的杂交种对烟嘧磺隆抗性表现进行比较分析。结果表明,在糯玉米种质中存在抗除草剂基因型,利用抗性材料进行杂交组合的组配可提高杂交种对除草剂的抗性,且糯玉米敏感基因型的药害反应与甜玉米不同,糯玉米中可能存在不同的抗性基因。研究明确糯玉米进行抗烟嘧磺隆种质筛选的药剂浓度与建议浓度一致,对杂交种抗除草剂鉴定采用1.5倍建议浓度,调查除草剂药害的最适时间在药剂处理后10~15 d。  相似文献   

不同栽培条件对花生生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对不同栽培条件下花生干物质的积累、分配与转移规律进行研究。结果表明:干物质分配苗期以营养器官为主。花期营养器官与生殖器官并进。以后叶片中的干物质越来越多地转移到生殖器官.饱果成熟期叶片仍保持一定的绿叶面积,能继续供给生殖器官干物质。地膜覆盖与露地栽培相比.更有利于干物质积累、分配与转移.主要表现在LAI增加.生物产量提高.覆膜能显著提高地温.增加土壤水分与速效养分含量。  相似文献   

在我国大豆单产光合潜力和"农业生态区划"(AEZ)潜力基础上,运用ARIMA(自回归单整移动平均)模型预测了2020年前我国大豆单产。结果表明:我国大豆单产最大潜力为3 400 kg·hm~(-2),而2017、2018、2019和2020年单产将分别为1 899,1 926,1 954和1 982 kg·hm~(-2),分别是最大潜力的55.85%、56.65%、57.47%和58.29%。这意味着:未来提高我国大豆单产尚有较大空间,应保持高产耕地生产力与改良中低产田土并重。研究结果旨在为我国大豆生产提供决策参考信息。  相似文献   

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