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巴西是世界第一大产糖国,甘蔗种植面积14250万亩,甘蔗主要用来生产食糖和酒精。巴西甘蔗制糖业处于国际领先水平,甘蔗制糖及燃料酒精代表世界先进水平,其先进性主要表现在以下六个方面:①种植工艺和病虫害防治;②甘蔗收割全程机械化;③制糖设备及工艺;④甘蔗综合开发利用;⑤燃料酒精生产利用;⑥国际食糖市场。  相似文献   

结合甘蔗联合收割机的特点,分别从减少节流损失、溢流损失、合理选择元件等几个方面,探讨了甘蔗联合收割机液压系统节能降耗的途径。  相似文献   

通过集成糖厂高效设备,引进甘蔗糖厂节水及节能降耗、提高产品质量的技术,可以达到提高生产效率、稳定产品质量、生产实现零取水及节能减排增效的目的。文章介绍了甘蔗制糖废水闭合循环使用及零排放的情况及实现的效益。  相似文献   

浅述甘蔗收购按质论价系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘楚强 《广西蔗糖》2002,(2):26-28,37
本文介绍一种糖厂收购甘蔗按质论价系统设备组成及生产流程,实践证明,该系统检测甘蔗糖分快速、准确和简便,适用于大规模的制糖生产,有显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

国内甘蔗糖厂大部分是人工收割,夹杂物较少,对甘蔗的压榨影响不大,因此,对甘蔗压榨前的清洁清洗研究较少。但是国外甘蔗糖厂大部分火烧后采用人工或者机械化收割甘蔗,甘蔗夹杂物泥沙量较大,对糖厂后续预处理切丝设备、生产清净工艺、蒸发和结晶提取糖分危害较大。因此需要设计一套科学的甘蔗预处理清洁技术,将甘蔗中的杂质大部分清除掉。  相似文献   

一种甘蔗种苗温水脱毒的处理方法及设备.将甘蔗种苗浸入水温51-52℃的处理设备内2小时.保持处理温度在50%-0.2~50℃+0.2之间进行处理,使其去除宿根矮化病菌。可控制或去除99%以上的宿根矮化病病菌,处理设备内水体的酸碱度在pH7,  相似文献   

李苹 《广西蔗糖》2005,(4):32-35
甘蔗梢和甘蔗渣,经生物发酵生产生物饲料,可适用于猪、鸡、鸭、肉牛、奶牛、羊畜禽,而饲料干燥是个瓶颈。本文对脉冲气流干燥设备进行了应用设计计算,经生产证明,该设备对甘蔗饲料及饲料添加剂原料的干燥是较理想的设备之一。  相似文献   

全球甘蔗收获趋势以机械收割为主,而机械化收割甘蔗的较高含杂率严重影响了糖厂的生产.广东省湛江农垦第一机械厂根据中国糖协的要求,研制出中国第一套甘蔗预处理除杂设备,并于2013/2014年榨季在广东湛江华丰糖厂投入试用,取得良好效果,具有安全性高、处理量大、生产成本低、除杂效果好等特点.甘蔗预处理除杂设备的运用是我国糖业发展的必然趋势.  相似文献   

基于滴灌条件下的甘蔗施肥减量技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间试验,研究滴灌条件下甘蔗减量施肥对甘蔗养分吸收特性、产量及品质的影响,旨在为科学地指导甘蔗灌溉栽培和施肥提供技术支撑.结果表明:与常规灌溉施肥相比,滴灌减量施肥处理对甘蔗不同生长阶段(苗期、分蘖期、伸长期和成熟期)氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)的吸收量和吸收强度均有显著的促进作用,甘蔗产量和品质也得到显著提高;滴灌技术在甘蔗生产中的应用虽然显著地提高了肥料利用率和降低了生产用肥成本,但较高的滴灌设备投入导致纯收益低于无灌溉的常规施肥处理;滴灌区减量施肥(土层施肥)+滴灌施肥方式虽然同样需要投入较高的设备成本,但由于极大地提高了肥料利用率和甘蔗产量,从而使该处理的纯收益显著高于无灌溉的常规施肥处理.  相似文献   

本文简述了甘蔗糖分测定分析方法,甘蔗糖分测定分析制样设备的用途、特性、操作方法。与使用小型压榨机的比较,该设备特别适用于制糖企业化验室安装使用。  相似文献   

Records of grassland productivity have been used for 93 farms in 1975–76 (a dry year) and 117 farms in 1977–78 (a wetter year). The samples were selected to contrast well-drained and poorly/ badly drained farms and were further subdivided into dairy and beef. The number of farms in each of the four subsamples for each year was between 19 and 32. In addition the number of days on which the soil was at meteorological field capacity (field capacity days) on each farm was calculated.
The mean utilized metabolizable energy (UME) output within the dairy sample was 45 GJ ha−1 on both well-drained and poorly/badly drained farms. Within the beef sample the output was 41 GJ ha−1 on well-drained farms and 37 GJ ha−1 on the poorly/badly drained farms.
The correlation between fertilizer N and UME output was stronger on well-drained farms than on the poorly/badly drained farms in the wetter year (r = 0.69 v. 0.16 on dairy farms; r = 0.56 v. − 0.12 on beef farms). In the drier year the converse was found (r=0.15 v . 0.49 on dairy farms; 0.13 v. 0.44 on beef farms). The effect of field capacity days on output was inconsistent; only within the dairy sample in the wetter year did increased wetness appear to reduce output.
It is suggested that soil wetness may have only a small effect on utilized output from grassland on a whole-farm basis because (i) most farms have at least some well-drained land, (ii) much of the utilization damage occurs in relatively short periods in spring and autumn and (iii) despite having utilization problems, badly drained land is capable of growing large quantities of grass.  相似文献   

衡量国营农场经济效益的诸项指标之间并非是相互独立、同步变化的,而是相互联系和相互制约着的。这给评估国营农场的经济效益带来困难。本文给出了一个评判国营农场经济效益的综合评估模式,并将此模式制成计算机软件。  相似文献   

Management of the olive fly using environmentally friendly methods includes strategies based on lure and kill and/or mass-trapping. Despite a wealth of studies related to the efficacy of different lure and kill and mass-trapping systems in several olive producing areas, there are few known regarding the performance of such systems in low input olive farms of the desert-like areas of the Middle East. The present study reports on the control of the olive fly using both lure and kill and mass-trapping devices in low-input farms in the region of Tubas, Palestine, between 2010 and 2012. The effect of environmental factors, such as elevation, on general patterns of olive fly infestation and the lure and kill system's performance was also studied. Our final goal included the development of a general strategy to produce organic olive oil using alternative olive fly control methods. Initially we used a commercially available lure and kill device, the Eco-Trap®. The Eco-Trap performed relatively well during the three years of study, significantly reducing olive fly damage levels. Eco-Trap effectiveness was more evident at elevation above 400 m, where damage in the region of Tubas was more intense than at lower elevations. In a subsequent trial we tested a low-cost mass-trapping device. This device demonstrated similar levels of protection to the one seen with the Eco-Trap. Results showed that lure and kill and mass-trapping tactics can be effectively applied in the region of Tubas, and that accessible devices can be adopted to reduce control costs. The results also showed differential levels of damage throughout the region, which were related to elevation above sea level. The possibility of applying a regional management concept throughout the area by a centralized organization, such as a farmer's union based on mass-trapping systems seems feasible and is discussed.  相似文献   

Different designs of electrostatic sprayer (based on hydraulic, rotary atomizer or electrodynamic principles) were compared with uncharged hydraulic sprayers for application of aphicides to sugar beet and swedes. On small plants, the underleaf cover given by low-volume electrostatic systems, ‘APE 80’ and ‘Electrodyn’, enabled effective use of contact-active pyrethroid insecticides. On large plants, electrostatic systems gave no advantage over hydraulic systems and all the systems required the use of aphicides with systemic or fumigant properties to give effective control.  相似文献   

In a survey in the West of Scotland, utilized-starch-equivalent (U. S.E.) outputs from the grassland of 67 farms, mainly dairy farms, and 9 hill-grazing units associated with them, were assessed by the farm-recording method. The limitations and possibilities of the method are discussed. The results obtained were above average, but the farms were a selected group. The wide range of U. S.E. outputs from farms of similar type indicates the scope for improvement on farms with low levels of output. The need for more surveys to clarify existing production levels on commercial farms is emphasized.  相似文献   

A comparison of Aberystwyth-bred and commercial grass varieties on two small farms of approximately 17 acres was started in April 1958. The 10 plots comprising each unit are scattered in pairs over a total area of 35·5 acres [used from 1951 for a grazing management experiment (1, 2)]. The management and results for the first three years are given in this paper.
Varieties for both long- and short-term leys were compared; the re-seeding plan and seeds mixtures used are detailed. The stock numbers, grazing management and fertilizer treatments were kept as nearly similar as possible for the farms and for the individual mixtures. Figures for utilized herbage production from individual plots, assessed from grazing data and from sample cuts taken during silage and hay making, are discussed in relation to botanical composition. The levels of production are given in terms of utilized starch equivalent, live-weight gain, wool from the ewes and cattle grazing days. All show consistent differences in favour of the Aberystwyth-bred varieties, but mask a difference in favour of Danish compared with S37 cocksfoot.  相似文献   

Records of grassland productivity were kept for 2 years on 136 lowland dairy farms and 131 lowland beef farms. The grassland on each farm was classified according to the proportion of sown (preferred) species. The farms were then ranked on this basis and divided into quarters:
On dairy farms the lowest quarter had 31% sown species and utilized metabolizable energy (UME) output from grass of 40.8 GJ ha−1, whereas the highest quarter had 70% sown species and UME output of 45.6 GJ ha−1. Dairy farmers in the lowest quarter used least fertilizer N and differences in output were no greater than would be expected from differences in N input. On beef farms the lowest quarter had 28% sown species and UME output of 32.3 GJ ha−1, and the highest quarter had 63% sown species and UME output of 45.9 GJ ha−1On these farms differences in fertilizer N could not completely account for differences in output.
It is concluded that on beef farms botanical composition of grassland is a good indicator of its productivity but is not necessarily a prime cause of differences in output. On dairy farms there is little evidence of a direct benefit resulting from a high proportion of sown species. On such farms the need for deliberate manipulation of the botanical composition of grassland by reseeding or chemical means is questioned.  相似文献   

Utilised grass production on ten small farms in North County Dublin has been estimated using (A) the method adopted by the British Grassland Society Sub-Committee on the assessment and recording of the utilised output of grassland, and (B) a live-weight increase method using Woodman's figures.
At the beginning of the grazing season all the grazing animals on each farm were weighed. At the same time the records for method A were begun. Altogether 169 animals and 12 sheep were weighed during March-April. Animals sold during the period of investigation were weighed, where possible.
The results obtained using the two methods have been compared. Average percentage difference on ten observations was 11.3%, with a variation of ± 3.7%. On farms 1–5, where only mature stock were kept, the percentage difference was 9.9%± 2.2%. On farms 6–10, where animals of all categories were grazed, the percentage difference averaged 12.8%± 2.2%. In all cases the live-weight-increase method gave the higher estimated yield.
The techniques used in the estimation of utilised grassland production are discussed. Total output varied between 26.5 cwt. and 9.0 cwt. of utilised S.E. per acre. The significance of the findings is discussed and the value of the methods used is considered.  相似文献   

郑植 《甘蔗(福建)》2013,(4):285-288
近年来,随着我国农村土地流转步伐的加快,家庭农场在我国部分地区迅速成长,成为现代农业发展的新趋势。本文分析了当前我国家庭农场的发展现状及面临的主要问题,提出了进一步发展与创新的对策和建议,以期为我国家庭农场的快速、健康发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   


It is well known that C4 crops have a lower water requirement than C3 crops. Reasons for the difference are not well understood. Therefore, hydraulic resistance of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] (C4) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (C3) was determined to see if it might be one explanation for the lower water use of crops with the C4 photosynthetic pathway. Plants were grown under greenhouse conditions in pots with soil, which was well watered (soil matric potential of ~0 MPa) or allowed to dry (soil matric potential of ?0.038 MPa and ?0.065 MPa for sorghum and sunflower, respectively). Hydraulic resistance was calculated in two ways: (1) using the classic Ohm's law analogue, which assumes that the relation between flux (transpiration) and difference in water potentials of the soil and plant is linear and (2) using an equation that considers diurnal changes in leaf water content along with transpiration and difference in water potentials. Because change in leaf-water content during a day was small, hydraulic resistances calculated by the two methods resulted in similar values. Sorghum had a linear relationship between flux and difference in potentials (constant hydraulic resistance), but sunflower had a nonlinear one (variable hydraulic resistance). The hydraulic resistance of watered sunflower increased only slightly during a day and averaged about 40 MPa m2 s mol?1, which was 3.5 times less than that of watered or water-stressed sorghum (-140 MPa m2 s mol?1). The hydraulic resistance of water-stressed sunflower increased steeply during a day and by the end of the day it had a hydraulic resistance that approached that of sorghum.  相似文献   

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