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为筛选适宜榆林市种植的机械粒收玉米新品种,2019年在榆林市农业科学研究院试验示范基地选用49个玉米新品种,开展玉米机械粒收品种的比较试验。结果表明,子粒含水率分布范围为15.9%~29.1%,平均为20.2%;破碎率在0.2%~2.73%,均值为1.21%(低于≤5%的国标要求)。子粒破碎率与含水率之间呈极显著正相关,可用二次多项式y=0.006 4x2-0.129 7x+1.159 1(R2=0.703 4,n=55)进行拟合。按双向平均作图法筛选出单产水平高、子粒含水率低的品种7个,分别为五谷563、德单203、华西1804、陕单650、豫龙618、敦玉282、陕单660,其子粒含水率分布范围为16.6%~20.1%,产量为15 489.0~18 387.0 kg/hm2,适合密植栽培和机械粒收。与对照品种先玉335对比,产量高于对照、子粒含水率低于对照的品种为华西1804。此外,JSH3705、五谷416、甘玉251、金穗183等18个品种脱水速率快、单产水平低于平均值,这些品种较适宜机械粒收。  相似文献   

玉米自交系苗期氮敏感基因型差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SPAD-502型叶绿素仪进行大量、快速、无损伤测定玉米苗期叶绿素含量提供了线性相关方程,建立了玉米苗期叶片SPAD值与叶绿素含量之间的一元线性回归方程为y=0.077 6x+0.175 6(r=0.92),呈极显著线性正相关。在低氮与正常供氮条件下,对192份玉米自交系分别进行了苗期(3叶期、6叶期、大喇叭口期)叶绿素含量测定。方差分析显著性检验结果表明,低氮与正常供氮条件下,苗期叶绿素含量均存在极显著的基因型与环境差异,大喇叭口期对氮肥最敏感。192份玉米自交系氮敏感指数变幅为7.55%~39.87%,为玉米育种提供了苗期氮敏感基因型差异数据。  相似文献   

为探究比重、孔隙度与饱满度之间的关系,测定了131份小麦籽粒的容重和比重,并对容重与比重和孔隙度之间的关系进行回归分析,以实现用比重、孔隙度定量描述籽粒饱满度。结果表明,籽粒容重和比重呈线性正相关,与孔隙度呈线性负相关;回归方程式分别为y容重=829.84x比重-286.25和y容重= -16.212x孔隙度+1 414.2,对应的R值分别为0.599 5和0.720 2。“饱满”、“较饱满”、“一般”、“较瘪”、“瘪”的籽粒对应的比重范围分别为≥1.297、1.273~1.296、1.249~1.272、1.225~1.248、1.201~1.224 g·cm-3,对应的孔隙度范围分别为≤38.50%、38.51%~39.74%、39.75%~40.97%、40.98%~42.20%、42.21%~43.44%。  相似文献   

施氮量对利民33光合特性及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在大田试验条件下设氮肥用量分别为N0(不施氮肥)、施氮120(N120)、200(N200)、280(N280)和360 kg/hm2(N360)5个处理,测定叶面积和叶绿素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和产量,探讨不同施氮量对利民33光合特性及产量的影响。研究结果表明,随施氮量的增加,利民33叶面积指数、叶绿素含量、净光合速率、光能利用率提高,进而提高产量;产量与净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和光能利用率呈正相关,与胞间二氧化碳浓度呈负相关;产量与施氮量的回归方程为Y=-0.05x2+32.38x+6 351(R2=0.98),最高产量施氮量为335.9 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

2017~2018年在内蒙古开鲁、辽宁铁岭试点,对8个共用品种生理成熟期子粒含水率进行观测,分析受子粒脱水成熟阶段(生理成熟前的15 d)积温变化的影响。结果表明,同一品种在不同地点、不同年份生理成熟期子粒含水率存在显著差异,其中,8个品种在不同地点间的差异平均达到2.31个百分点(变幅0.8~4.3),在不同年份间的差异平均达到2.91个百分点(变幅0.7~5.4),环境因素对子粒达到生理成熟的日期和含水率有显著影响,且环境和品种之间具有显著的互作效应。不同熟期玉米品种生理成熟期子粒含水率与生育期无显著相关,生育期(x)越长的品种,生理成熟期子粒含水率在不同地点、不同年份之间的差值(y)越大,两者符合y=0.161 9x-21.454,R2=0.736**(n=16)。子粒脱水成熟阶段积温对该阶段的脱水速率及生理成熟期子粒含水率具有显著影响,温度低、脱水慢的地区和年份玉米生理成熟期子粒含水率偏高,晚熟品种受影响程度明显大于早熟品种。  相似文献   

施氮对高淀粉玉米子粒产量形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用田间试验、植株生理生化分析方法,研究了不同施氮量对高淀粉玉米吉单535和普通玉米军单8号子粒产量形成的影响。结果表明,高淀粉玉米粒重的增长符合Logistic方程;营养体干重随时间的变化符合回归方程Y=axebx;生物产量依子粒产量和营养体干重变化符合回归方程Y=exp(a+b1x1+b2x2)。与普通玉米军单8号比较,高淀粉玉米吉单535营养体干重增长期较长,干重下降速率低,即由营养体干物质向子粒转运量较低。适宜的施氮量可有效地促进高淀粉玉米植株生育前期总生物量的积累以及生育后期干物质从营养体向子粒的转移,从而获得较高产量。高淀粉玉米吉单535的适宜施氮量为200 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

以农华101为材料,在5个播期条件下研究各生育时期玉米养分含量的变化以及不同养分含量的变化与气象条件之间的关系。结果表明,不同播期处理下各生育阶段植株氮、磷、钾养分含量的变化与该阶段相对积温以及相对日照时数之间呈显著负相关,其拟合曲线表达式为y=1/(a+bxc)。不同气象条件下,玉米整个生育进程中植株干物质积累的差异是造成养分含量显著差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

关中麦田产壳玉米秸秆密度与小麦赤霉病穗率的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了准确预测关中地区小麦赤霉病的病穗率,采用田间模拟试验和田间调查相结合的方法,建立了麦田产壳玉米秸秆密度与穗表赤霉菌孢子数的关系模型y=1.115+2.506x,并在实验室前期关中小麦赤霉病病穗率预测模型的基础上,建立了基于麦田产壳玉米秸秆密度的小麦赤霉病预测模型。预测模型中产壳玉米秸秆密度参数的灵敏度变化范围为0.09~0.13,为中等灵敏参数。利用2014年关中15个代表县以及杨凌1986-1992年的实测数据对预测模型进行了评价,该模型的预测准确度在75%以上。综合来看,此预测模型使用简单,预测准确度高。  相似文献   

为了解新麦草的种子产量及繁殖性状间的关系,对27份新麦草种质资源的单株种子产量与7个产量性状的关联性进行了分析。结果表明,新麦草的单株生殖枝数、穗轴节数、单穗小花数和千粒重与单株种子产量关联最密切,其相关性表现为单株生殖枝数>千粒重>穗轴节数>单穗小花数。经通径分析,单株生殖枝数(X1)对单株种子产量(Y)直接效应最大,其余依次是单穗小花数(X4)、单穗小穗数(X3)、千粒重(X7)、穗轴节数(X2)和单穗结实种子数(X5),其中单穗结实种子数和结实率对种子产量均表现为负效应,且未达到显著水平。经逐步回归分析得到回归方程Y= -9.880 2+0.27X1+0.012X4+2.011 1X7R=0.805 8,P<0.001),说明提高单株生殖枝数、千粒重、单穗小花数对新麦草增产的贡献最大,增加结实率也可间接提高新麦草的单株种子产量。  相似文献   

以33个不同玉米基因型为材料,在低磷和高磷两个供磷水平下,分析玉米基因型磷效率与多个相对根系性状的关系,建立最优回归方程。结果表明,相对总根重和相对须根数对磷效率的回归系数显著,建立磷效率与相对总根重和相对须根数二者的最优回归模型为Y=-0.224-0.576X2+1.780X3,R2=0.880(p<0.05);相对表层根重对磷效率的回归系数显著,建立磷效率与相对表层根重的最优回归模型为Y=-0.235+1.136X1,R2=0.653(p<0.05);相对须根数和相对表层根重可以作为培育高磷效率玉米基因型的改良目标性状。  相似文献   

Pasture legumes are important components of both mixed farming rotations and permanent pastures in temperate climates. Breeding of two widely sown pasture legumes, subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) and French serradella (Ornithopus sativus Brot.), is constrained by the long generation cycle, typically enabling only one generation per year. We hypothesized manipulation of culture medium and conditions would enable the development of a laboratory‐based protocol for in vitro reproduction in subterranean clover and French serradella. In vitro flowering and viable seed set was induced from both species. For subterranean clover, the most effective treatment was culturing on modified MS medium with 1 μm kinetin and 0·1 m sucrose under a 100 μmol m?2 s?1 light intensity and continuous photoperiod. For French serradella, culture on a hormone‐free B5 medium with 5 mm NH4Cl and 0·1 m sucrose under a 100 μmol m?2 s?1 light intensity and 20 h photoperiod was optimum. It is expected this technique will have application in accelerating generation turnover within breeding programs, for the study of factors influencing flowering in pasture legumes, and for the propagation of valuable yet enfeebled plants such as embryo‐rescued hybrids.  相似文献   

Evaluation of crop and forage yield stability is of increasing relevance in the context of current and recent environmental changes but, in contrast to other field crops, there are no published systematic analyses among forage crops in Europe. A study of stability performance was conducted with 13 Czech cultivars of lucerne at four locations over a 2‐year period with the following aims: (a) to evaluate yield stability of varieties across different environments and (b) to calculate measurable benefits of variety selection in relation to the specific environment. The cultivar Vlasta was identified as the highest yielding cultivar (annual yield 16.0 t DM/ha), whereas the lowest yielding cv. Magda, Tereza and Oslava averaged around 14.9 t DM/ha. Effect of genotype × environment interaction (G × E) was two times higher than for genotype alone. Additive main effects and the multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model showed that the highest yielding cultivars may not be stable across environments. This study demonstrated further that significant yield improvement could be detected, even among a relatively homogenous group of domestic cultivars, and this was driven mainly by site productivity: the improvement was +10% in low‐yielding sites, compared with +3% in high‐yielding sites. Results highlight that advanced agronomy should also consider stability parameters such as AMMI stability value or superiority measures for forage crops in response to the challenges associated with climate change.  相似文献   

东南亚、南亚地区是世界上重要的稻米产区,稻米在民众饮食生活和国家社会政治中占有重要地位,民众生活中也保存了非常悠久和丰富的稻作文化习俗及稻谷起源神话传说。本文分析了水稻在东南亚、南亚主要国家印度、印度尼西亚、泰国、越南、菲律宾、孟加拉国、缅甸的作用、地位、生产、消费、文化等情况,并指出了印度、印度尼西亚稻文化的主要标志。  相似文献   

A general model of crop yield response to herbicide application is proposed. The model includes three components: the effect of herbicide dosage on weed density, the effect of surviving weed density on crop yield and the effect of herbicide directly on the crop. The model is used to estimate the response of wheat yield to application of diclofop-methyl to control ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) in Australia. It is found that the competitiveness of ryegrass plants surviving treatment is reduced by the treatment and that the proportion of yield loss at a given ryegrass density is not independent of the absolute weed-free yield. The response function is used to calculate economic thresholds and optimal herbicide dosages.  相似文献   

程素贞  罗孝荣 《大豆科学》1990,9(3):241-246
大豆植株中其叶片的钼、氮、磷含量均高于茎杆、叶柄、繁殖器官高于营养器官。钾在整个生育期中都保持较高的水平,只是叶片中的含量低于其它器官。种子中的钼、氮、磷、钾含量都较高。大豆吸收钼及氮、磷、钾的数量因品种及各生育阶段而有差异,吸收量以结荚至鼓粒期为最多,鼓粒期以后,安农75—59的植株中氮、磷、钾吸收量明显下降,唯有钼还在继续吸收,而安激一号对钼及氮、磷、钾仍在吸收。大豆对钼与氮、磷、钾的吸收呈极显著的直线相关,尤其是钼与氮相关最明显。安农75—59亩产189.5kg,需要N素16.05kg,P_2O_54.25kg,K_2O8.43kg,微量元素Mo357.32mg。安激一号亩产214.5kg.需要N素18.00kg、P_2O_55.01kg、K_2O8.85kg、微量元素Mo449.57mg。安激一号的种子除糖、脂肪含量较低外,而氮、磷、钾、钼、维生素C的含量均高于安农75 59。  相似文献   

Blackgram fiber (Phaseolus mungo): Mechanism of hypoglycemic action   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of the administration of blackgram fiber (Phaseolusmungo) on the metabolism of carbohydrates was studied in rats fed 30%NDF (neutral detergent fiber) diet. The experimental group showed a significant increase in liverglycogen level and a significant decrease in blood glucose. Significantincreases in the activities of glycogen phosphorylase, hexokinase, fructose-1,6-diphosphatase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and isocitratedehydrogenase were observed in the experimental group. The activities ofphosphoglucomutase and glucose-6-phosphatase were significantly lower inrats fed the fiber diet. The study showed that blackgram fiber exhibitssignificant hypoglycemic action in experimental animals.  相似文献   

Saccharophagus degradans 2-40 is a γ-subgroup proteobacterium capable of using many of the complex polysaccharides found in the marine environment for growth. To utilize these complex polysaccharides, this bacterium produces a plethora of carbohydrases dedicated to the processing of a carbohydrate class. Aiding in the identification of the contributing genes and enzymes is the known genome sequence for this bacterium. This review catalogs the genes and enzymes of the S. degradans genome that are likely to function in the systems for the utilization of agar, alginate, α- and β-glucans, chitin, mannans, pectins, and xylans and discusses the cell biology and genetics of each system as it functions to transfer carbon back to the bacterium.  相似文献   

基于颜色和形状的茶叶计算机识别研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
综合利用计算机视觉、图像处理技术,增加茶叶的形状参数,改进神经网络算法,实现了茶叶品质识别的自动化。研究中通过数码相机等直接得到茶叶图像,经过对图像格式进行转换和预处理,然后基于HSI模型提取的茶叶颜色特征参数和二值化后图像提取的茶叶形状特征参数,通过遗传神经网络,最后完成对茶叶的自动识别。实验结果表明此方法能取得更好的识别效果,计算机的检测结果与人工检测结果高度吻合。  相似文献   

Multi-location data collected over 30 years in Finland on major cereal crops (spring barley, oat and wheat, and winter wheat and rye) provide an opportunity to characterise variation, interrelation and relative importance of the grain yield determining components, grain number per square meter (GNO) and single grain weight (SGW). In addition to evaluating differences among cereal crops in yield determination, changes among different age groups (AG) were compared. Field experiments were carried out in 1970–2001 at 25 locations in Finland. Grain yield was recorded (at 15% moisture) and SGW (mg) and GNO (number m−2) determined. Frequencies of different GNO and SGW combinations were analysed for all crops and component means in different yield groups as well as among four AGs. In most cases GNO dominated SGW, representing the major yield component determining grain yield. GNO was highly responsive to favourable growth conditions. The change in GNO was especially high when recurrent, relatively low yield groups were compared, while at higher yields the role of SGW became increasingly important, but did not exceed that of GNO. The degree of GNO domination varied according to crop. Increased grain yield in spring oat and winter rye was associated with higher numbers of set grain, while spring barley and winter wheat responded to yield favouring conditions also through higher SGW. Despite GNO dominated SGW due to its responsiveness to growing conditions, its role in yield improvement was not obvious when the entries (n ≥ 30) were classified into four AGs. Improvements in grain yield derived from AG were associated with crop-specific GNO and/or SGW changes.  相似文献   

In this review, we aim to explore the potential of microalgal biodiversity and ecology for biotechnological use. A deeper exploration of the biodiversity richness and ecophysiological properties of microalgae is crucial for enhancing their use for applicative purposes. After describing the actual biotechnological use of microalgae, we consider the multiple faces of taxonomical, morphological, functional and ecophysiological biodiversity of these organisms, and investigate how these properties could better serve the biotechnological field. Lastly, we propose new approaches to enhancing microalgal growth, photosynthesis, and synthesis of valuable products used in biotechnological fields, mainly focusing on culture conditions, especially light manipulations and genetic modifications.  相似文献   

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