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In order to create novel germplasm resources for breeding heat tolerant variety,we transferred a dominant allele OsHTAS,previously characterized and cloned from a high-temperature tolerant local variety HT54,which was collected from the rice production area of southern China,into a high-temperature sensitive intermediate breeding line HT13 through six rounds of successive backcross by using marker-assisted selection.The molecular analysis showed that the recovery of genetic background of a resultant near isogenic line(NIL),MHT13,was around 99.8%.The OsHTAS gene introduced in the MHT13 expressed normally in the HT13 genetic background,mediating heat tolerance and phenotype similar to those of the donor parent HT54.The major agronomic traits of MHT13 resembled those of the recurrent parent HT13.Moreover,MHT13 had high general combining ability and its rice quality reached the grade 3 standard of edible high-quality rice issued by Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China,which greatly improved its application value in rice production.  相似文献   

安化山区稻象甲为害猖獗原因与防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫德仪 《作物研究》2008,22(1):60-61
多年的调查表明,稻田周围植被覆盖率高,越冬及栖息场所复杂,一季稻面积大,抗药性强,虫口密度高等是稻象甲为害猖獗的主要原因。铲除田边、沟边杂草,多犁多耙,单季改双季,糖醋液毒杀,点灯诱杀成虫,艾美乐防治成虫,克百威防治幼虫,是较为有效的防控措施。  相似文献   

全国烤烟良种区域试验的现状与问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述并探讨了全国烤烟良种区域试验的现状,对全国烤烟良种从区试组织管理、方法、试验设计和试验布局等方面作了综述,指出了区试中存在的如对照品种、统一密码编号等方面的问题,并对今后工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

四川:受2008年1月份的大雪影响,四川各地虽然受到不同程度的影响,但是3月初开始不少地区已经开始生产新茶。3月3日,四川雅安的春茶已经开始进行交易,大概为150元/斤左右,一位茶商说,去年的茶价每  相似文献   

湄潭,没有地下矿产资源,一度是个农业穷县。但,她也受到上天另一种恩赐:得天独厚的气候和地理位置,土壤等自然条件极宜于绿茶的生长。近日,记者走访湄潭的乡村发现,青青茶叶,换来了山乡巨变;青青茶叶,成为当地百姓脱贫致富的重要资本,成为万千农民最大的骄傲。  相似文献   

中旱209是中国水稻研究所选育的旱稻新品种,其生育期适中,抗旱性中等,米质优,产量较高,适应性较广,适合在长江中下游以及华南、西南等缺水或干旱、易旱的地区种植。  相似文献   

FUNAABOR-2 is a popular Ofada rice variety grown in a large area under rainfed upland condition across western states of Nigeria. We used the combination of phenotypic and marker-assisted selection(MAS) to improve grain yield of FUNAABOR-2 under drought stress(DS) at the reproductive stage via introgression of two drought quantitative trait loci(QTLs), qDTY12.1 and qDTY2.3. Foreground selection was carried out using peak markers RM511 and RM250, associated with qDTY12.1 and qDTY2.3, respectively, followed by recombinant selection with RM28099 and RM1261 distally flanking qDTY12.1. Furthermore, BC1 F2-derived introgressed lines and their parents were evaluated under DS and non-stress(NS) conditions during the 2015–2016 dry season. Overall reduction of grain yield under DS compared to NS was recorded. Introgressed lines with qDTY12.1 and qDTY2.3 combinations showed higher yield potential compared to lines with single or no QTL under DS, indicating significant positive interactions between the two QTLs under the FUNAABOR-2 genetic background. Pyramiding of qDTY12.1 and qDTY2.3 in the FUNAABOR-2 genetic background led to higher grain yield production under DS and NS.  相似文献   

棉黄红叶枯病(红叶茎枯病)是一种生理性病害,豫西南棉区每年都有不同程度发生[1],但大面积种植抗虫棉后,该病害呈逐年上升、危害加重趋势.该种病害发生在棉花生长中后期,常与枯黄萎病混生,其症状与黄萎病相似,主要区别是剖视茎秆或叶柄,导管变褐色为黄萎病,导管不变色为黄(红)叶枯病[2].  相似文献   

先杂棉1号种植的气象条件与栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
笔者于2006年在植棉老农曹灯元的高产示范田据实地观测,该农户试种先杂棉1号表现十分突出,子棉产量达7 626 kg/hm2。综合其田间长势和考种结果表明,该品种长势强、后劲足、易早发、不早衰、棉铃大、衣分高、品质优。且前期营养生长势比较旺盛,上桃相对较分散,盛结伏桃,猛结早秋桃。深受农民群众欢迎,值得推广。1试验概况试种地点定在都昌县蔡岭镇东风村曹炎自然村,棉田灌溉条件较好,土地肥沃的红壤地,在油菜收获后及时移栽棉花。试验于4月4日播种,4月24日移栽,6月15日现蕾,6月20日进入盛蕾期,6月30日始花,8月7日打顶,8月26日吐絮,全生育期13…  相似文献   

甘肃省的茶树规模化栽培历史可追溯到上世纪50年代.为发展茶叶生产,就近解决西北地区,特别是少数民族地区的饮茶需求,1958年国家民族事务委员会和农业部委派中国农业科学院茶叶研究所的专家,专程来到与陕南茶区和川北茶区毗邻的甘肃省陇南市考察.  相似文献   

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