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水稻开花期高温胁迫下的花粉育性QTL定位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 以耐热水稻品系996和热敏感品系4628为亲本构建的重组自交系为材料,采用水稻开花期高温胁迫下的花粉育性为指标,对水稻耐热性进行了QTL分析。采用复合区间作图法检测到2个花粉育性耐热性QTL,暂命名为qPF4和qPF6。qPF4位于第4染色体上的RM5687―RM471区间,LOD值为7.54,对高温胁迫下花粉育性的表型解释率为15.1%,来自耐热亲本996的等位基因使高温下花粉可育率提高7.15%。qPF6位于第6染色体上的RM190―RM225标记区间,LOD值为4.43,对高温胁迫下花粉育性的表型解释率为9.31%,能使高温下花粉可育率提高5.25%,加性效应亦来自耐热亲本996的等位基因。定位到的2个耐热QTL为进一步精细定位以及通过分子标记辅助选择培育耐热水稻新品种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Rice line 1892S is an elite thermo-sensitive genic male sterile(TGMS)line for two-line hybrid rice production.However,1892S is susceptible to rice blast,bacterial blight and submergence.Here we reported the introduction of blast resistance(R)gene Pi9,bacterial blight R gene Xa21 and submergence tolerance gene Sub1A into 1892S genetic background through backcrossing and marker-assisted selection.The improved TGMS line 31892S and its hybrids conferred disease resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight,and showed submergence tolerance for over 14 d without significant loss of viability.The sterility-fertility conversion of 31892S was similar to that of 1892S.31892S and its derived hybrid rice had similar agronomic traits and grain quality with 1892S and the control hybrid rice,respectively.The newly developed 31892S provided an improved TGMS line for two-line hybrid rice production with disease resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight,and submergence tolerance with no yield penalty or change in grain quality.  相似文献   

试验选择18份水稻品种的休眠种子作为材料,其中具有耐冷性的水稻品种13份,不具有耐冷性的常规水稻品种5份。测定了每份种子样品中含水量,并将这项指标分别与水稻品种是否具有耐冷性以及耐冷性强弱进行相关性分析。结果表明:①水稻品种是否具有耐冷性与种子中含水量呈极显著负相关关系,即耐冷性品种含水量明显低于常规品种;②具有耐冷性的水稻品种,其耐冷性程度与种子的含水量没有显著的相关性。因此认为水稻休眠种子的含水量可以作为判断水稻耐冷性有无的参考指标,但不能直接用作判定水稻耐冷性强弱的指标。  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化严重制约水稻生产发展,提高耐盐性已成为水稻育种的重要目标之一。挖掘水稻耐盐新基因,解析其分子作用机制可以为水稻耐盐性遗传改良奠定基础。本文从定位群体、耐盐性鉴定时期和鉴定方法、耐盐性评价指标、鉴定到的耐盐QTL、耐盐QTL的精细定位和图位克隆等方面,总结了近年来水稻耐盐QTL定位研究中所取得的进展;介绍了水稻耐盐/盐敏感突变体筛选和基因克隆以及耐盐性关联分析的研究近况;并对水稻耐盐性分子标记辅助选择改良的现状作了概述。  相似文献   

水稻耐热性研究进展   总被引:70,自引:5,他引:70  
随着工业化的加快和温室效应的加剧,短期异常高温发生频繁,高温已成为作物生长的主要灾害因子之一.综述了高温对水稻生长发育、产量、品质、生理生化特性的影响和水稻耐热性遗传与育种及克服高温危害措施的研究进展,对进一步开展水稻耐热性研究提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

Salt tolerance is an important constrain for rice, which is generally categorized as a typical glycophyte. Soil salinity is one of the major constraints affecting rice production worldwide, especially in the coastal areas. Susceptibility or tolerance of rice plants to high salinity is a coordinated action of multiple stress responsive genes, which also interacts with other components of stress signal transduction pathways. Salt tolerant varieties can be produced by marker-assisted selection or genetic engineering by introducing salt-tolerance genes. In this review, we have updated on mechanisms and genes which can help in transferring of the salt tolerance into high-yielding rice varieties. We have focused on the need for integrating phenotyping, genomics, metabolic profiling and phenomics into transgenic and breeding approaches to develop high-yielding as well as salt tolerant rice varieties.  相似文献   

Drought stress is a serious limiting factor to rice production,which results in huge economic losses.It is becoming a more serious issue with respect to the global climate change.Keeping in view of the current and forecasted global food demand,it has become essential to enhance the crop productivity on the drought-prone rainfed lands with priority.In order to achieve the production target from rainfed areas,there is a requirement of rice varieties with drought tolerance,and genetic improvement for drought tolerant should be a high priority theme of research in the future.Breeding for drought tolerant rice varieties is a thought-provoking task because of the complex nature and multigenic control of drought tolerant traits would be a major bottleneck for the current research.A great progress has been made during last two decades in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in adaptation and tolerance to drought stress in rice.In this review,we highlighted the recent progresses in physiological,biochemical and molecular adaptation of rice to drought tolerance.A brief discussion on the molecular genetics and breeding approaches for drought tolerance in rice will be focused for the future crop improvement program for development of drought tolerant rice varieties.  相似文献   

中国水稻育种百年发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻是中国最重要的口粮作物,新品种的培育与推广对水稻生产作出了重大贡献。中国现代水稻育种起步于20世纪20年代,已有百年历程,期间纯系育种、杂交育种、诱变育种和分子育种等技术成为技术主体,成就了矮化育种、杂交稻育种和超级稻育种三次突破,推进了全国水稻平均单产从20世纪50年代的200 kg/667 m2平台跃上了当前的470 kg/667 m2平台。展望未来百年的水稻产业需求,培育C4水稻、固氮水稻、耐盐碱水稻、耐旱水稻和一系杂交稻是水稻育种面临的重大任务。  相似文献   

早稻育秧期间低温频发,严重影响水稻秧苗质量,抑制水稻在大田期间的生长发育,导致水稻减产.深入研究低温对水稻生长发育的影响及适宜的外源调控途径对保障我国早稻生产具有重要意义.本文综述了低温对早稻秧苗期、营养生长期与生殖生长期的影响,概括了水稻响应低温胁迫的生理、生化和分子机制,包括抗氧化系统、低温应答基因表达等.最终提出...  相似文献   

Flooding is one of the most hazardous natural disasters and a major stress constraint to rice production throughout the world,which results in huge economic loss.Approximately one-fourth of the global rice crops(approximately 40 million hectares)are grown in rainfed lowland plots that are prone to seasonal flooding.A great progress has been made during last two decades in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in adaptation and tolerance to flooding/submergence in rice.In this review,we summarized the physiological and molecular mechanisms that contribute to tolerance of flooding/submergence in rice.We also covered various features of flooding stress with special reference to rice plants,viz.different types of flooding stress,environmental characterisation of flood water,impact of flooding stress on rice plant and their morphological,physiological and metabolic responses under flooding.A brief discussion on the tolerance mechanism in rice exhibited to different types of flooding will be focused for the future crop improvement programme for development of flooding tolerant rice variety.  相似文献   

RNA干涉下调RACK1基因表达增强水稻抗旱能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 RACK1是一种多功能支架蛋白,广泛参与植物生长发育过程的调节。利用RNA干涉技术抑制水稻RACK1基因的表达,分析了RACK1基因在响应干旱胁迫中的功能。实时定量PCR对获得的转基因植株的RACK1基因表达分析结果表明,转基因水稻RACK1基因表达受抑制程度达50%左右。与非转基因水稻(对照)相比,转基因水稻耐干旱能力显著强于对照,其膜的过氧化酶和丙二醛的产生显著低于对照,而超氧化物歧化酶活性极显著高于对照。表明RACK1蛋白质调节水稻对干旱胁迫的耐性,并且这种调节在很大程度上与植株体内的氧化还原系统有关。  相似文献   

嘉优99是优质杂交籼稻品种,2011年在浦城县作中稻生产试验,表现优质高产,抗逆性强,耐肥性好,抗倒伏,而且食味佳,米质好,耐贮藏。适宜大米加工企业生产,是公司+农户推广订单农业模式化经营的优良品种。文章总结了其高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

近年,直播稻面积在我国迅速扩大。本文结合国内外直播稻生产概况,指出了直播稻在抗倒伏、出苗率、耐冷性、防治杂草以及生育期等方面存在的问题,提出了培育“生育期适中、抗倒伏、耐低温、耐低氧萌发”的适合直播的水稻新品种选育策略。  相似文献   

水稻品种的耐低磷性及其农艺生理性状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】 本研究旨在探明水稻耐低磷性的评价指标和耐低磷品种的农艺生理特征。【方法】以11个江苏省近70年来的代表性粳稻品种作为材料,进行水培种植,设置低磷(标准营养液中磷浓度的1/20)处理,以正常磷浓度(国际水稻研究所标准营养液配方)为对照。【结果】 耐低磷指数(低磷产量×耐低磷系数/所有供试品种低磷处理的平均产量)、干物质指数(低磷干物质量/对照干物质量)与耐低磷系数(低磷产量/对照产量)及低磷处理下的产量呈显著或极显著正相关。将耐低磷指数和干物质指数作为评价水稻品种耐低磷性的指标。根据两指标值的大小将供试品种分成3类:强耐低磷品种,耐低磷指数和干物质指数均≥1;中耐低磷品种,耐低磷指数和干物质指数均>0.6, 耐低磷指数或干物质指数<1;弱耐低磷品种或低磷敏感型品种,耐低磷指数或干物质指数≤0.6。与弱耐低磷品种相比,强耐低磷品种在低磷处理下具有根量大、根系活力强,分蘖早期分蘖数多,总叶面积指数(LAI)和高效LAI大、有效LAI比例高,库容量大,抽穗期茎鞘中糖积累量多,抽穗至成熟期物质生产能力强等特征。与对照相比,低磷处理增加了磷素产谷利用率(稻谷产量/磷吸收量)和磷收获指数(籽粒中磷/成熟期植株中总吸收的磷)。在低磷下的磷素产谷利用率,强耐低磷品种高于弱耐低磷品种。【结论】 耐低磷指数和干物质指数可以作为耐低磷品种的筛选指标;在低磷处理下,根量大、分蘖早期分蘖数多、库容量大、抽穗至成熟期物质生产能力强是耐低磷性强和磷利用效率高水稻品种的重要农艺生理特征。  相似文献   

Simultaneous occurrence of drought and heat stress will have significant negative impact on rice yield, especially under upland conditions. The projected increase in global temperatures and reduced precipitation will increase the frequency of occurrence and intensity of these stresses, threatening rice production. Despite recognizing the importance of combined stress in rice, the knowledge generated in this area is very limited. Though complex, understanding combined stress tolerance of rice under water saving cultivation is more critical towards development of climate resilient rice cultivars. Here, we summarized the effects of combined stress on rice physiology with more emphasis on reproductive stage. Omics responses, phenotyping and physiology challenges and potential strategies for improving combined stress tolerance in rice are also discussed.  相似文献   

高效是当前水稻育种的主导目标   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
社会经济发展和水稻生产比较效益降低,促使水稻育种由过去追求高产为主,转向追求整个过程的高效。全过程高效育种主要体现在三个方面。一是水稻育种技术的高效性。分子标记和基因芯片技术能提高优良基因型的选择效率,基因编辑技术能高效创造优良等位变异,转基因技术能跨物种转移优良性状,都是提高育种效率的好方法。二是水稻产出性状的高效性。高产、卫生和有益健康是获得高收益的基础,优质是提高单位产量效益的乘数,多抗是减少单位产量成本的除数,早熟能保证一年两收,这些性状的整体协同才能实现单位面积稻田产出的高效益。三是水稻耕作性状的高效性。一年两熟制下的水稻直播栽培是高效的耕作技术,它需要水稻具备苗期耐低温、穗期耐低温、厌氧发芽、耐淹涝等特征。化学除草需要水稻具有抗除草剂特征。机械化收割要求水稻具有抗倒、不易落粒的特征。只有具备这些特征的水稻,才能实现水稻耕作过程的高效。总之,高效是当前和今后水稻育种的主导目标。  相似文献   

Rice plays a paramount role in food and nutrition security in many West African countries. Despite the doubling of production during the last decade, rice consumption has grown faster, creating a deficit between the demand and supply. Although the West African sub-region remains the main rice-producing centre on the continent, production is severely hampered by biotic and abiotic stresses. Drought is one of the factors that most severely reduce grain yields of rice. Systems of production need to be established in order to mitigate yield loss as a result of drought. This review discusses the effects of drought on rice production in West Africa and its mitigation with an emphasis on the improvement of tolerance to drought stress. Yield stability can be achieved by developing drought-tolerant varieties through several processes encompassing profiling of known QTLs and identification of new ones, marker-assisted selection, genomic selection, and extensive multi-locational yield trials. We suggest a comprehensive strategy for breeding drought-tolerant rice varieties in West Africa.  相似文献   

高效是当前水稻育种的主导目标   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
社会经济发展和水稻生产比较效益降低,促使水稻育种由过去追求高产为主,转向追求整个过程的高效。全过程高效育种主要体现在三个方面。一是水稻育种技术的高效性。分子标记和基因芯片技术能提高优良基因型的选择效率,基因编辑技术能高效创造优良等位变异,转基因技术能跨物种转移优良性状,都是提高育种效率的好方法。二是水稻产出性状的高效性。高产、卫生和有益健康是获得高收益的基础,优质是提高单位产量效益的乘数,多抗是减少单位产量成本的除数,早熟能保证一年两收,这些性状的整体协同才能实现单位面积稻田产出的高效益。三是水稻耕作性状的高效性。一年两熟制下的水稻直播栽培是高效的耕作技术,它需要水稻具备苗期耐低温、穗期耐低温、厌氧发芽、耐淹涝等特征。化学除草需要水稻具有抗除草剂特征。机械化收割要求水稻具有抗倒、不易落粒的特征。只有具备这些特征的水稻,才能实现水稻耕作过程的高效。总之,高效是当前和今后水稻育种的主导目标。  相似文献   

对来自不同地区的多个水稻品种进行芽期耐冷性试验,结果表明:15份优质水稻品种发芽期14℃、7 d处理,耐冷性均表现为极弱;14℃、14 d处理,龙稻18、通禾66耐冷性表现为极强,九稻68、吉粳511耐冷性表现为强。在芽期试验中,所有品种芽期耐冷性为强。  相似文献   

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