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我国城市化进程加快,对城市园林建设越来越重视,城市的美观离不开园林的发展。但园林建设受季节因素的影响较大,为了四季都可以进行园林建设,美化城市,对苗木反季节栽植技术进行运用,主要从园林施工中苗木反季节栽植技术进行分析,以期可以促进园林建设发展。  相似文献   

崔振爱 《花卉》2022,(2):55-56
园林树木是城市绿化的骨架,在城市园林绿化中有举足轻重的作用。园林苗木的栽植和养护工作直接关系到绿地景观的效果,是园林绿化工程中最重要的组成部分。本文分析了当下园林苗木的栽植及养护措施,对园林绿化施工有一定参考意义。对园林苗木进行合理的栽植,展现园林树木的价值,从而美化城市环境,建设低碳环保的城市园林景观。  相似文献   

苗木出圃关系到苗木的质量和经济效益。本文从园林苗木出圃贮藏、苗木质量标准以及苗木的出圃规格三方面分别作了详细的讨论、阐述。生产中,园林技术人员只要能认真做到苗木出圃的相关的技术要求,即可提高出圃苗木的栽植成活率,从而进一步提升城市园林绿化的质量和水平。  相似文献   

随着城市园林绿化建设的不断发展,园林绿化的质量要求也在提高,而园林种植土作为园林绿化种植的基础,对园林工程苗木生长成活是至关重要的。种植土壤物理、化学和生物特性的变化对园林植物生长产生不同的影响,通过分析园林工程种植土在物理、化学和生物特性的变化,提出相关的园林种植土的改良措施,以达到提高园林苗木成活率,促进园林苗木生长的目的。  相似文献   

韩旭莉 《花卉》2020,(8):105-106
本文以城市园林绿地土壤为对象,简述了现阶段城市园林植物栽植土的质量现状,以及栽植土质量对园林植物的影响,分析了不同土壤性状对植物造成的不同症状表现,同时详细介绍了针对不同土壤性状所需要进行的各种技术措施,此外,展望了未来城市土壤的发展方向,以期为城市园林绿化的可持续发展提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   

刘瑞 《花卉》2017,(14)
在经济迅速发展的背景下,人们生活质量及生活水平明显提升,精神方面的追求也发生较大变化,对生活环境提出了更多的要求。城市园林工程项目的建设施工起到了美化及改善环境有较大的作用,因此城市园林工程项目也逐渐增多,而设计工作是建设施工的关键环节,设计的合理与否对其工程质量有较大影响,合理应用现代艺术使设计合理性及园林美观性有所提升,本文将以现代艺术在城市园林设计中的应用进行分析。  相似文献   

当前我国城市园林建设不断增多,在园林建设中苗木种植是其中非常重要的一部分。由于园林施工时间不固定,经常会出现反季节情况,为了提高苗木栽植的成活率,反季节栽植技术在其中发挥了重要作用。本文主要对园林施工中苗木反季节栽植进行分析,并提出具体的实施策略。希望能够进一步促进我国园林事业的不断发展。  相似文献   

桂花集绿化、美化、香化于一身。文章对桂花在城市园林中的应用原则、栽植形式、配植方式等进行系统地阐述,以便更好的为现代园林服务。  相似文献   

基于宜居城市的建设背景,对常州具有代表性的城市园林进行景观质量调查,主要从园林植物配置、园林水体和园林建筑3个方面进行分析研究,并对改善城市园林景观质量提出相关对策与建议。  相似文献   

当前我国在城市建设方面越来越重视园林绿化工作。在园林绿化当中,乔木作为园林当中的一类骨干树种,对于城市园林绿化的建设有着重要的作用。因此在园林绿化施工当中需要重视乔木的栽植与养护管理工作,由此能够充分发挥乔木在街道绿化当中的有效作用。本文对园林绿化施工当中的乔木栽植的相关内容和乔木的养护管理技术进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

城市绿地土壤质量评价指标研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市绿地具有改善城市生态环境和美化城市景观、改善城市空气质量、调节小气候、降低城市灾害发生等多种生态功能。文章对城市绿地的概念、分类、功能,城市绿地土壤质量评价指标,如城市绿地土壤质量的理化性状、微生物学特性研究进行综述。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between soil sealing and landscape conservation in four Mediterranean regions (Athens, Barcelona, Lisbon, Rome) characterized by different patterns of urban expansion. Per-capita sealed land, a landscape conservation index and selected territorial variables were considered into a multivariate exploratory framework aimed at assessing the correlation between land-use efficiency (based on the degree of soil sealing per-capita) and the quality of suburban landscape. A population density gradient with intensity of sealed land decreasing with the distance from the central city was observed in compact urban regions such as Athens and Barcelona. A mixed urban gradient was observed in Rome and Lisbon. In all the considered cities the spatial distribution of per-capita sealed land was not correlated with the urban gradient indicating that land consumption follows place-specific patterns irrespective of landscape quality. These findings suggest that urban containment and landscape conservation are policy targets requiring environmental measures irrespective of the prevailing morphology of the urban region (compact vs dispersed). In this context, green infrastructure planning is a promising tool for landscape conservation and the containment of soil sealing within fragile and dynamic contexts such as the wildland-urban interface.  相似文献   

Hong Kong has developed an ultra-dense urban form dominated by buildings and roads with inadequate urban greenspace (UGS). Analyzing the fundamental constraints to UGS provision offers hints for improvements which are relevant to other compact cities. Twenty-five current issues regarding institutional and spatial limitations were evaluated with reference to three themes: open-space planning standards, urban-design guidelines and urban-greening governance. They were studied by interpreting relevant parts of government documents spanning the 1980s to 2015, map analysis, and field assessments. UGS standards of selected cities, and extensive research findings and practices reported in the literature specific to the respective constraints, have been enlisted for comparison and as the basis for formulating recommendations to improve delivery quantity and quality. The low local supply at merely 2.84 m2/person is tied down by outdated planning standards and policies which have remained unchanged for eight decades. UGS planning, design and management could be enhanced based on urban ecology and landscape ecology principles and best international practices, with suitable adjustments catering to local circumstances and the inordinately tight urban fabric. The package of suggested solutions in relation to the 25 institutional and spatial constraints could be considered for applications in other cities with compact precincts or undergoing densification to forestall problems and resolve difficulties.  相似文献   

桂靖 《花卉》2022,(2):81-82
为解决人们生活条件差的问题,不断提高城市居民生活水平,改善城市环境、提高城市质量。本文将城市景观园林绿化施工设计和养护技术要素为例,对园林绿化进行研究,提出对应的解决措施,以期为相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

Previous studies have mainly focused on the independent role of landscape characteristics or preference on psychological restoration respectively. However, few studies have explored the complex relationships between restorative effects, landscape characteristics, preference and place bonding factors, particularly in urban parks. The development of new data environment and technique methods enables such a synthesis of innovative approach to reveal the influences of urban park characteristics and various psychological factors on collegers’ perceived restoration. A typical urban park in Wuhan, China, was selected for pilot study, in which 1560 crowdsourced images were collected using the Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS) tool. With the help of Deep Learning techniques, landscape characteristics were combined with perceptual factors for the Partial Least Squares (PLS) based statistical analysis. It was found that some landscape properties, such as vegetation and water, presented indirect impacts in activating restoration via psychological mediators. The mediating effect of sense of place and the moderating effects of landscape characteristics on the preference-restoration nexus were revealed. These findings shed new light on the complex process in environmental restoration in which psychological and physical factors are intertwined. At the end, theoretical and managerial implications were proposed for the improvement of landscape planning in restoration studies.  相似文献   

As urban green spaces are important for residential satisfaction, human preferences are a key criterion in their design. However, preferences may vary between landscape planners and residents, which may result in differences between residents’ demands and the actual design. With urban derelict land becoming an important part of the urban green infrastructure, information about the perception and acceptance by residents compared to formal urban parks is important for their planning and design. It was thus examined how different types of urban green spaces are perceived by landscape planners and residents. Criteria for the classification of green spaces used by both participant groups were compared, as were the criteria that influenced preference.Participants sorted and rated photographs of parks and urban derelict land in two different tasks. Hierarchical cluster analyses and multidimensional scaling analyses were used to characterize the participants’ perceptual space. By conducting multiple regression analyses the resulting perceptual dimensions were related to preference.The identified perceptual criteria used to distinguish green spaces were degree of canopy closure, artificiality vs. naturalness, prospect, physical accessibility, and beauty. For residents, the degree of canopy closure was the most important criterion for classification; for landscape planners, it was artificiality. Preferences varied between groups: whereas landscape planners preferred rather natural areas with low accessibility and high species richness, the residents showed a greater preference for formal parks.As a practical implication, the study suggests that residents generally accept urban derelict land as recreational areas if a minimum of maintenance and accessibility is provided. When designing green spaces, landscape planners may consider these differences in their preferences compared to residents.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,对居住环境的要求也越来越高。加快城市绿化建设,改善城市的生态环境,成为了现代城市建设的新要求。主要介绍了城市园林绿化的含义和意义,以及就现在城市园林绿化建设存在的问题,提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

从空气负离子浓度谈现代城镇建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对宁波市溪口镇雪山景区与镇区的空气负离子浓度比较,提出了在城镇建设过程中,应该提高其单位面积上的绿量,适当增加活水景观,人工创造负离子源,认真考虑单位面积的绿量,改善环境质量,促进现代城镇生态建设.  相似文献   

Mapping urban vegetation is a prerequisite to accurately understanding landscape patterns and ecological services provided by urban vegetation. However, the uncertainties in fine-scale vegetation biodiversity mapping still exist in capturing vegetation functional types efficiently at fine scale. To facilitate the application of fine-scale vegetation spatial configuration used for urban landscape planning and ecosystem service valuation, we present an approach integrating object-based classification with vegetation phenology for fine-scale vegetation functional type mapping in compact city of Beijing, China. The phenological information derived from two WorldView-2 imagery scenes, acquired on 14 September 2012 and 26 November 2012, was used to aid in the classification of tree functional types and grass. Then we further compared the approach to that of using only one WorldView imagery. We found WorldView-2 imagery can be successfully applied to map functional types of urban vegetation with its high spatial resolution and relatively high spectral resolution. The application of the vegetation phenology into classification greatly improved the overall accuracy of classification from 82.3% to 91.1%. In particular, the accuracies of vegetation types was improved by from 10% to 13.26%. The approach integrating vegetation phenology with high-resolution remote sensed images provides an efficient tool to incorporate multi-temporal data into fine-scale urban classification.  相似文献   

Most landscape definitions in the western world are based on soil, climatic, or physiographic features and do not integrate humans as an integral part of the landscape. We present an approach where landscape types have been delineated in southern Québec, Canada based on current land use where anthropogenic and agricultural activities are concentrated as a practical application of the holistic approach in landscape definition. Landsat-TM satellite images were classified and the 27 habitat classes were regrouped into 5 general land cover classes (cash crop, dairy farming, forest, anthropogenic, wetlands) and overlaid onto soil landscape polygons to characterize natural boundary units. Cluster analyses were used to aggregate these polygons into seven agricultural types of land scape forming a gradient from urban and high-intensity cash crop farming activities to landscapes dominated by a mosaic of agriculture and forested areas. Multivariate analyses of raw data and of socio-economic and farming practices variables were used to describe the defined types of landscape and these were projected over three established land classification systems of southern Québec (Canadian ecoregions, North American Bird Conservation Initiative regions and Corn Heat Unit regions) to compare their similarity in terms of land cover and for planning of future ecological studies. Because agricultural landscapes are highly dynamic, they are bound to undergo changes in the near future. Our landscape delineation may serve as an experimental setup where land scape dynamics and wildlife populations and community structures could be monitored. Because the information we used to delineate and characterize agricultural landscape types is readily available in other countries, our approach could easily be adapted to similar data sources under and a wide variety of landscape types. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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