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成都市三环路绿地景观以显蓉城秀色、续历史文脉、纳人文特色为设计主题,分析了城市道路绿地景观设计要点,提出道路绿地景观在注意环境景观功能之外,还应强调与周边环境、生态功能和交通安全功能的结合。  相似文献   

分析了城市道路绿地景观存在的意义及重要性,探讨了其设计内容,并阐述了昆明市东川区城市的道路绿地景观设计。  相似文献   

植物是景观设计的主要元素。根据植物造景的相关理论,对成都翡翠城小区进行实地考察和收集相关资料文献的基础上,对现代城市居住小区的各类绿地植物造景模式进行了研究和总结,包括中心区域绿地、宅旁区域绿地、组团区域绿地、道路绿地和其他空间绿地等景观空间进行了分析,研究这些不同类型景观空间的植物配置及造景模式,并对造景手法从生态效应、美学观赏、构筑空间、文化内涵等几个方面进行分析和总结,最后总结出成都市现代居住小区环境植物造景和植物配置的基本原则。  相似文献   

随着我国现代化进程的加快,经济、社会需求的不断发展,创新、绿色、环保的新型观念融入其中,对于现阶段我国的实际情况而言,大部分一线城市的土地资源已经趋于饱和状态,对于整个城市的道路绿地景观设计要在不破坏原有地上设施的基础之上,利用现代化技术有机地将绿地景观融入到整个城市的市政建设工程之中,其中最为主要的方式是通过LID,也就是低影响开发来完成,低影响开发(LID)就是通过创新思维模式,将绿地景观融入进整个城市的道路建设之中。目前,我国通过低影响开发(LID)来进行城市道路绿地景观设计最好的案例是深圳市所设计规划的景观方案。  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,人们对生活水平的要求不断提高,越来越多的人渴望在城市中拥有一片绿色的净土,城市街心绿地景观受到越来越多的关注。从城市街心道路景观设计和城市街心公园景观设计两方面出发,对城市街心绿地景观工程设计提出建议,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着社会经济水平的提高,传统的城市绿地景观设计模式已经不能满足于当代人们的需求,简单实用的功能主义不能激发人们内心深处的渴望,人们希望城市绿地景观能够传达出时代的主题,能处理好人与自然和谐相处的关系。文章从城市绿地景观设计出发,分析了城市绿地景观设计具体的模式及其特点。  相似文献   

道路绿地是城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,具有组织引导交通、改善局部环境、美化城市景观、提升城市形象的作用。道路绿地的空间形态要与道路的功能、性质相协调,辅助道路实现其规划意义。以鄂尔多斯市康巴什新区为例,以道路的功能分类为基础,通过对道路绿地结构及植物配置形式的调查,分析道路绿地空间的景观设计特点。  相似文献   

道路绿地景观规划设计应遵循人性化的设计理念,行人的视觉特性是道路绿地景观设计的基础。在绿地景观设计中,应充分考虑不同车速带来的不同视觉效果,根据不同的视觉效果对树体的种植间距、高度、群体组合尺度进行确定,使设计的艺术性建立在科学的基础上,使艺术得以完美体现,使道路绿地成为优美、亲切、宜人且富有活力的公共场所。  相似文献   

关晓伟 《现代园艺》2014,(13):82-83
以黑龙江绥化青冈工业园区路道路绿地植物配置为例,从北方道路树种应用、道路空间变化、季相变化、以人为本几个角度入手,进行植物景观设计,展示出青冈城镇风貌和地域特色,从而反映绿地规划对人居环境的关注,提升引入当地特色景观元素来综合构建小城镇街道绿地的思想。  相似文献   

选取了入口空间、组团绿地、宅旁绿地、活动空间、居住区道路5种具有代表特性的植物景观空间为调查对象,展开了植物景观设计分析。同时立足于现状研究结果,归纳了康桥蓝湾小区在植物景观设计所暴露出的不足,进而提出针对性的优化建议,以期能给南宁市及邻近区域城市在今后住宅区建设的植物景观设计方面带来一些参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Landscape preference is the focus of landscape research, in which the relationship between landscape elements and landscape preference is an important issue. Most previous studies have analysed correlation between the landscape preference scored by the public and scores on the quality of landscape elements by experts; some have compared the effects of individual landscape elements on landscape preference by photo simulation. In this study, landscape preference is regarded as the selection preference of landscape element combination. The conjoint analysis method is used to further explore the ranking and optimal combination of the significant degrees of impact of landscape elements on landscape preference when multiple landscape element combinations are used. The results show that the influence degrees of landscape elements on landscape preference in urban parks followed the order water, square, openness of the landscape, vegetation, road and seats. The optimal combination of landscape elements is the open landscape with flowing water, a shaded square, rich vegetation, a road and seats. This study demonstrates the advantages of the conjoint analysis method over the univariate method in controlling multiple variables, improving experimental efficiency and obtaining more meaningful results. A combination of urban park landscape elements based on landscape preference is helpful to inspire landscape architects to make choices among multiple landscape elements, provides evidence-based design methods for landscape design and offers basic parameters for the wide application of the parametric design or computational design of landscape architecture.  相似文献   

Negative impacts of road networks on wildlife are of global concern. While direct mortality of wildlife via roads has been well-documented, we know little about indirect effects of roads. Using a simulation model parameterized from empirical data, we explored how roads in proximity to maternity roosts influenced foraging activities of the endangered Indiana bat. First, we conducted manipulated landscape simulations to identify characteristics (such as traffic volume, foraging habitat availability, etc.) that influenced landscape permeability. We used a classification and regression tree procedure to assess which landscape and road-related variables, alone or in combination, influenced bat movement. We determined that roads did act as filters (>10 vehicles/5 min) or barriers (>200 vehicles/5 min) to movement. However, it is a combination of the proportion of foraging habitat accessible without crossing a road, and roost-to-road distance that dictated whether the barrier and filter effects of roads hindered the bats’ foraging abilities. We then simulated movement patterns and foraging success of Indiana bats at 32 existing maternity roosts to identify conditions under which colonies currently persist. We established a foraging success threshold, above which Indiana bats currently persist. The value represents the time virtual bats spend in foraging habitat during the simulation period. Finally, simulations from these landscapes around known maternity roosts demonstrate that the road network and landscape configuration are critical to foraging success. This modeling approach and threshold value are beneficial to road developers and represent an invaluable tool in the ecological design of transportation infrastructures.  相似文献   

以河北省保定市五四路为例,对城市道路景观的现状进行分析,并对改造的具体形式包括模纹、树种、颜色配置等景观设计进行研究,提出景观设计方案及建议,以期促进保定市道路绿化建设,改善人居环境。  相似文献   

Roads are conspicuous components of landscapes and play a substantial role in defining landscape pattern. Previous studies have demonstrated the link between roads and their effects on ecological processes and landscape patterns. Less understood is the placement of roads, and hence the patterns imposed by roads on the landscape in relation to factors describing land use, land cover, and environmental heterogeneity. Our hypothesis was that variation in road density and landscape patterns created by roads can be explained in relation to variables describing land use, land cover, and environmental factors. We examined both road density and landscape patterns created by roads in relation to suitability of soil substrate as road subgrade, land cover, lake area and perimeter, land ownership, and housing density across 19 predominantly forested counties in northern Wisconsin, USA. Generalized least squares regression models showed that housing density and soils with excellent suitability for road subgrade were positively related to road density while wetland area was negatively related. These relationships were consistent across models for different road types. Landscape indices showed greater fragmentation by roads in areas with higher housing density, and agriculture, grassland, and coniferous forest area, but less fragmentation with higher deciduous forest, mixed forest, wetland, and lake area. These relationships provide insight into the complex relationships among social, institutional, and environmental factors that influence where roads occur on the landscape. Our results are important for understanding the impacts of roads on ecosystems and planning for their protection in the face of continued development.  相似文献   

针对北川中学的特殊使用人群,北川中学的校园景观设计中成功引入了环境心理学理论。北川中学校园景观的可意象性设计体现在道路、边界、校园入口、节点和校园广场、庭院空间等物质元素上,其空间形式以开敞空间与半开敞空间的分布为主、私密空间为辅,在视觉效果上整体风格与周围环境风格相统一,同时分别用景观音响和芳香植物丰富景观的听觉和嗅觉体验。环境心理学理论在北川中学校园景观设计中得到了较好的应用,但要真正设计出符合人们心意的景观,景观设计师还任重道远。  相似文献   

Remotely sensed data and a Geographic Information System were used to compare the effects of clearcutting and road-building on the landscape pattern of the Bighorn National Forest, in north-central Wyoming. Landscape patterns were quantified for each of 12 watersheds on a series of four maps that differed only in the degree of clearcutting and road density. We analyzed several landscape pattern metrics for the landscape as a whole and for the lodgepole pine and spruce/fir cover classes across these maps, and determined the relative effects of clearcutting and road building on the pattern of each watershed. At both the landscape- and cover class-scales, clearcutting and road building resulted in increased fragmentation as represented by a distinct suite of landscape structural changes. Patch core area and mean patch size decreased, and edge density and patch density increased as a result of clearcuts and roads. Clearcuts and roads simplified patch shapes at the landscape scale, but increased the complexity of lodgepole pine patches. Roads appeared to be a more significant agent of change than clearcuts, and roads which were more evenly distributed across a watershed had a greater effect on landscape pattern than did those which were densely clustered. Examining individual watersheds allows for the comparison of fragmentation among watersheds, as well as across the landscape as a whole. Similar studies of landscape structure in other National Forests and on other public lands may help to identify and prevent further fragmentation of these areas.  相似文献   

地域性是城市景观设计所要考虑的基本出发点,从项目所在区域的自然环境和人文环境入手,梳理地域性城市道路景观设计的原则,并在项目中阐述城市地域特色景观元素在节点设计中的运用,为地域性城市道路特色景观设计提供一些借鉴性的思路。  相似文献   

铁路景观绿化设计探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关琳琳  段渊古 《北方园艺》2010,(17):121-124
以景观设计学为立足点,通过成都至都江堰段铁路景观绿化设计实例分析,在传统的道路绿化中注入景观、生态、环保、人文等全新的设计理念,使铁路工程与环境、景观、绿化紧密结合,填补了我国该领域的研究空白,对未来城际铁路景观绿化的建设起指导性作用。  相似文献   

良好的绿化美化环境和赏心悦目的道路景观,是城市道路不可或缺的功能之一,道路绿化就是实现这一功能的主要手段。文章通过对周口大道"简洁、明快、大方"的绿化规划设计,以突出周口大道绿化景观强劲的时代感,反映周口城市建设取得的丰硕成果。  相似文献   

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