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基于发展果品业的影响之下,苹果业也变成了农村经济的一个支柱性产业。为此,阐述了苹果果树的栽培技术措施以及苹果果树栽培技术的优化对策。  相似文献   

风翔村果农收入倍增如今,在陕西省凤翔农村活跃着这样一批农民,他们抛弃了传统的种植模式,在政府的帮助下,学习西安果友协会推广的果园管理新技术,不仅收入翻倍增长,而且逐渐变成了有文化、懂技术、会经营的新型农民。  相似文献   

农村实行家庭承包生产责任制后,化肥保管已由少数保管员集体保管很快转入了家庭个人保管,变成了家家有化肥库,户户有保管员。实践证明,要想把化肥保管好,一定要注意“九防”。一、防止露天堆放。贮存化肥绝对不要露  相似文献   

当前,随着化学肥料的大量使用,许多农户只晓得尿素、碳铵等化学肥料的保管和使用,而忽视农村中最大肥源—农家肥的积肥、造肥工作,致使大量农家肥养分损失严重。现实生活中,有些农户的牲畜棚破旧漏雨,圈坑渗水漏肥,有些农民朋友将出栏粪往院内一堆就万事大吉,任其风吹、日晒、雨淋,这样粪尿中的氮素变成气体挥发了,  相似文献   

<正>22年前,父母供他上完学,让他离开农门成为一个城里人,他却用22年时间,把自己又变成了一个农民。他就是山西中农乐农业科技公司董事长、中国农村致富带头人——杨良杰。杨良杰的每一个头衔都很响亮,但最让他自豪的头衔却是"果农的贴心人"。在毕业的第三个十年,  相似文献   

袁玥 《现代园艺》2021,(6):137-138
近年来,我国农村经济水平有了大幅度提高,人们生活质量有了显著改善,但也使原本具有地方特色及文化特色的村镇逐渐变成楼房样式统一的小城镇。这种建筑风格的改变及景观的模仿,让其地域文化特色不复存在,同时,也让其失去了乡土气息及乡土情怀。对此,深入分析新农村景观营造中乡土元素的应用,希望对乡村文化的保存与传承有所帮助。  相似文献   

我市果树生产历史悠久,条件得天独厚。现在,全市共有各种果树3.33万hm2,1800万株,年产水果近30万t,收入达4亿多元。果业已成为全市农村经济的重要支柱。然而,去年秋天苹果价格急剧下跌,“小国光”大量滞销,“摇钱树”变成了“要钱树”。对此,许多...  相似文献   

金波 《北方果树》2010,(3):40-41
<正>晚霜危害在我国北方果树产区时有发生,严重的造成大幅度减产甚至绝收。晚霜对果树的芽、花、幼叶、幼果都能造成危害。芽受晚霜危害,颜色变成褐色或黑色,鳞片松散,不能萌发;花受晚霜危害,首先冻死雌蕊,其次冻死雄蕊乃至整个花器,雌雄蕊冻死的症状是先变黄,再变成褐色和黑色,严重时花簇变成黑色,不  相似文献   

正家庭种植月季,一般都作盆栽观赏或地栽美化庭院,其实您完全可以换个思路,将常见的盆栽变成盆景的形式,以提高其观赏性。那么,怎么才能将盆栽月季变成盆景呢?下面就以《追梦》为例,看看如何一步步把不起眼的盆栽月季变成造型优美、富有诗情画意的盆景吧!  相似文献   

人们对周围不能解释的事物往往感到新奇,孑孓变成蚊子、小毛虫变成蝴蝶、土中的虫子爬到地上蜕壳变为蝉等等。这些不能解释的事例越来越多,加上自古以来善于幻想的人就很多。用现代的话来说,就是飞碟的世界了。在欧州,也有龟爪变成蜘蛛的说法;在中国  相似文献   

AIM: To study cellular and molecular mechanism involved in increasing susceptibility of infection in psychological stress persons. METHODS: Comparative studies were performed with double staining and flow cytometry analysis on immunophenotyping and in vitro expression of early activating surface molecule CD69 in response to mitogens on T cells from peripheral blood of 20 healthy college student volunteers before and after psychological stress. A series of term final examinations was defined as psychological stress. RESULTS: Immunophenotyping analysis showed no statistically significant difference in the percentage of CD2, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, CD20, CD16 and CD56 positive lymphocyte populations before and after psychological stress. There was a statistically significant decrease in the in vitro expression of CD69 in response to polyclonal stimulators on the T cells from persons after psychological stress than those before psychological stress. The percentage of CD69 expression (CD69+CD3+/CD3+%) in response to PHA and PDB in the whole blood culture for 72 hours decreased respectively from 28.1±4.1 and 80.7±6.8 on the T cells obtained before psychological stress to 17.6±3.8 and 65.8±7.9 on those obtained after psychological stress, while there was no statistically significant difference between the CD69 expression rates without stimulators on the T cells obtained before and after psychological stress. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of psychological stress to immune system is not on the level of changing proportions of the sub-populations within peripheral blood lymphocytes. Psychological stress can decrease the activating response of T cells in healthy persons, which may be responsible for the increase of susceptibility to infection in the psychological stress persons.  相似文献   

以航头镇6#地块为例,探讨经济适用房景观设计原则,以及在投资有限的情况下如何利用有限资金投入达到景观效益的最优化,如何为中低收入者提供功能完善、生态宜居、环境优美的经济适用住宅。  相似文献   

Land use and cover change (LUCC) is among the most important factors affecting ecosystem services. This study examines the influence of LUCC on recreation and ecotourism opportunities over three decades in southern Chile. An in-depth analysis of the transition matrix was conducted based on Landsat images from 1976, 1985, 1999 and 2007. Main LUCC trajectories were linked to two ecosystem service indicators: (i) Recreation and ecotourism potential, measured in a 0–100 point scale; and (ii) Recreation and ecotourism opportunities, measured in visitors/ha. A total of 900 trajectories occurred in the landscape between 1976 and 2007. The most important trajectories in terms of area, were the recent degradation of old-growth to secondary forest between 1999 and 2007 (23,290 ha; 13.5 % of landscape), and the early clearing of shrublands for agriculture and pasture land between 1976 and 1985 (7,187 ha, 4.2 % of landscape). In turn, the single most influential trajectory on the magnitude of the indicators was early and permanent degradation of old-growth forest to secondary forest. As a result of these landscape changes, recreation and ecotourism opportunities for the entire landscape were reduced from 65,050 persons in 1976 to 25,038 persons in 1985, further declining to 22,346 and 21,608 persons in 1999 and 2007, respectively. This decrease resulted from changes in specific attributes (i.e. emblematic flora and fauna and forest structure) that were affected by forest degradation and fragmentation. These results highlight the substantial impact of LUCC on recreation opportunity decline, which mirrors biodiversity losses in the study area.  相似文献   

大杯蕈高产栽培及加工利用技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大杯蕈属中偏高温型食用菌,福建省夏天可以出菇,丰富了食用菌生产的淡李市场、本文对其生物学特性、周年高产栽培以及产品保鲜加工等技术进行阐述。为菇农栽培生产大杯蕈提供指导依据。  相似文献   

CHEN Shi-min  GE Fei 《园艺学报》2003,19(4):567-571
Trauma is the No.1 cause of death in persons under the age of 45 and the No.3 cause of all deaths. Many trauma patients die of multiple organ failure (MOF), induced by systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). This paper reviews the relations of traumatic shock with systemic inflammation.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the pathological changes, adverse remodeling and related protein expression of omental arteriole in hypertensive patients. METHODS: Twelve non-hypertensive persons and 12 hypertensive patients were selected, and the hemorheology and morphological changes of their omental arterioles were detected. The protein expression of Bcl-2, Bax, c-Myc, c-Fos, MMP-9 and TIMP-2 in the arterioles of omental tissues was determined by the method of immunohistochemistry. The changes of collagen content in omental arterioles were observed by Masson staining. RESULTS: Compared with the non-hypertensive persons, the hemorheological abnormalities, increased omental arteriole collagen deposition, widened mid layer thickness/lumenal diameter ratio and enhanced protein expression of Bcl-2, Bax, c-Myc, c-Fos, MMP-9 and TIMP-2 were observed in hypertensive patients. CONCLUSION: The pathological damage and adverse remodeling exist in omental arterioles of hypertensive patients. The mechanism may be related with the hymodynamic of hypertension, hemorheological abnormalities, imbalanced expression of Bcl-2, Bax, MMP-9 and TIMP-2, and concerned with the over-expression of c-Myc and c-Fos in the arteriolar wall.  相似文献   

刘保平 《蔬菜》2018,(12):30-32
为改善大棚蔬菜土壤,通过定点、定人、挂牌管理,实施以秸秆还田、秸秆生物反应堆、种植绿肥、增施农家肥等为主的生物工程,与采取保护性的耕作方式相结合,历经3年时间,使菜园地土壤得到改良与恢复,病虫害得到控制,蔬菜产量和质量得到全面提升。  相似文献   

袁傲冰  熊劲彬 《北方园艺》2010,(22):113-114
总结了景观工程实施过程中的各个环节,如放线与地形、主景树的把关、细节与留白等,以期能在今后的项目景观建设中更精准的体现前期设计效果和意图。  相似文献   

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