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多效唑对水培风信子矮化作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验采用不同浓度多效唑(150mg/L、200mg/L、250mg/L)喷施水培风信子叶面。结果表明,150~250mg/L多效唑均可使水培风信子矮化,但影响开花的数目和花朵的可供观赏时间。其中200mg/L多效唑处理对水培风信子的综合效应最佳。  相似文献   

陈国建  柳爱民 《福建果树》1993,(2):51-52,58
义乌大枣在明溪县一般气候条件下,只要果园管理正常,四月就开始萌芽,五月进入枣头和树冠迅速生长长期。由于生长量大,树冠直立,不易矮化,这就给树冠修剪、果园管理和枣果采收带来许多不便。近几年常  相似文献   

多效唑在菊花矮化上的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多效唑对"山城之光"、"银背大红"、"莺黄"、"粉团"4个菊花品种进行矮化试验。结果表明:多效唑对4种菊花都有明显的矮化效果。"山城之光"处理后的植株高度和对照相比矮14~23cm,但是叶片皱缩。"银背大红"处理后的植株比对照矮25~49cm,但是植株并未着花。"莺黄"和"粉团"处理后的植株比对照矮14~15cm,叶片正常,花朵比对照稍有变小。  相似文献   

以盆景芭蕾苹果为试材,研究多效唑对芭蕾苹果矮化的影响。试验结果表明:多效唑土施500 mg·L-1,土施700 mg·L-1,叶面喷施500 mg·L-1,叶面喷施1 000 mg·L-1,土施500 mg·L-1+叶面喷施750 mg·L-1,均有抑制生长的作用,其中土施500 mg·L-1+叶面喷施750 mg·L-1效果最显著。  相似文献   

叶喷多效唑和矮壮素对琉璃苣的矮化效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在琉璃苣生育期内进行PP333、CCC叶面喷施处理,研究矮化剂对玻璃苣的矮化效果。结果表明:PP333和CCC可提高植物体内叶绿素含量,显著提高SOD、POD和IAA氧化酶活性,进而降低植株高度、延长花期、提高观赏价值,以喷施矮壮素400 mg/L 2次处理矮化效果最佳。  相似文献   

多效唑对辣椒幼苗的矮化效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以“热辣1号”辣椒为试验材料,研究了不同浓度多效唑处理对辣椒幼苗质量及生理特性的影响,以期为采用多效唑调控辣椒幼苗生长及培育壮苗提供科学依据.结果表明:100~350 mg/L 15%多效唑可湿性粉剂喷施叶片均能有效降低辣椒幼苗株高,增加茎粗,减小叶面积,提高根冠比,同时显著提高SOD、POD活性.200 mg/L 15%多效唑是最适宜的喷施浓度,能达到培育壮苗的目的.  相似文献   

莴苣上可以施用多效唑,但由于多效唑是一种植物生长调节剂,使用中应注意使用方法,尤其是使用浓度: 1.使用适期 莴苣5~6片叶时使用效果好,用后莴苣粗壮且增产。 2.使用浓度 10~20 mg/kg为宜,绝不能大于30 mg/kg,即在25 kg中加15 %多效唑1~2 g。 3、 使用间隔期 第1次使用后1周若莴苣心叶发黄,则可第2次使用,使用方法同前,若心叶已绿,则不能再次使用。莴苣能否施用多效唑?  相似文献   

以"金粉1号"粉蕉为试材,设置4个不同植株高度梯度处理,对其进行2次相等用量的多效唑树盘淋施,并对各处理植株新抽生叶片叶间距、株高、茎基围及产量性状指标进行测定与比较分析,以期筛选出多效唑矮化粉蕉的适宜施用时期。结果表明,多效唑处理对粉蕉产量性状无显著性影响,对粉蕉营养生长有显著抑制作用,植株叶间距明显缩短,株高降低,茎干比增加。其中T2(90 cm≤株高<120 cm)处理矮化效果最为理想,收获期株高359.4 cm,较对照显著降低20.9%,茎干比较对照显著增加5.7个百分点,果指长、果指周长、株产与对照相比稍有减小,差异不显著。  相似文献   

多效唑在紫叶小檗上的矮化效果及应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同浓度的多效唑对紫叶小檗的矮化效果及综合景观效应。结果表明:紫叶小檗的适宜浓度1 333~2 667 mg/L,用药量500 mL/m2,春季共3次喷施即可代替人工修剪,保持良好的景观效果,为大面积绿篱化学修剪提供依据。  相似文献   

采取田间对比试验,研究了截茎、多效唑淋根对粉蕉的矮化效果.结果表明:粉蕉生长至19片叶时在1.5m处截茎,1.5m高时用300倍多效唑水溶液淋根,均对粉蕉有很好的矮化效果.通过截茎、多效唑淋根,可实现京郊设施内矮化密植,促进京郊设施香蕉产业的发展,推动粉蕉矮化技术的推广应用.  相似文献   

桃豫农矮化砧木1号的矮化机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李靖  王政  方庆  李成斌 《果树学报》2007,24(5):589-594
以豫农矮化砧木1号(Prunus persica L.cv.dwarfing rootstock Yunong1)、毛桃(P.persica L.)、寿星桃(P.persi-ca L.var.densa Mak.)、毛樱桃(Cerasus tomentosa Thunb.)和豫甜桃为试材,研究了豫农矮化砧木1号的矮化机制。结果表明,豫农矮化砧木1号的木质部导管长度、长宽比、叶片和韧皮部POD酶活性均居毛桃与寿星桃之间;叶片内源激素中生长素(IAA)的含量、细胞分裂素类与生长素的比值(ZR/IAA)均与豫农矮化砧木1号的矮化性状呈显著相关性;蛋白质双向电泳图谱显示豫农矮化砧木1号第9、13处有特异蛋白,而毛桃和寿星桃均没有;第10处蛋白质丰度有差异,依次是寿星桃>矮化砧木>毛桃;解剖结构显示豫农矮化砧木1号为砧木的嫁接部位愈合良好,且愈合部位出现4处漩涡纹。POD酶活性、内源激素的含量、导管和嫁接部位解剖结构的差异均是影响豫农矮化砧木1号矮化的因子。  相似文献   

以在增殖培养基上生长3~4周的甜樱桃矮化砧木吉塞拉6号离体新梢为试材,研究20℃、25℃、30℃和35℃条件下暗培养后离体新梢的生根状况。结果表明,在黑暗诱导生根阶段,20℃效果最好;其次为25℃和30℃,35℃会抑制生根。30℃最有利于根的生长,25℃和35℃次之,20℃根的生长速度最慢。  相似文献   

苹果矮化砧木致矮机理的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯轶  许雪峰  张新忠  吴婷  王忆  韩振海 《园艺学报》2018,45(9):1633-1637
从解剖结构、光合作用和物质运输、激素代谢、遗传标记等4个方面对国内外在苹果矮化砧木致矮机制研究上的工作进行概括总结,并对近年来所取得的进展、尤其在分子层面对致矮性的解释进行简要评述,以期为苹果矮化砧木致矮机理的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   


Basipetal auxin transport in shoots obtained from dwarfing (M.9) and less-dwarfing (MM.Ill) apple rootstocks was compared by measuring the distribution of 14C-[carboxy]-labelled indole 3-acetic acid supplied to the ends of shoot segments. Auxin was transported at a greater velocity in MM.111 than in M.9 in both woody and non-woody segments, and was effectively blocked by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. The velocities of transport were approximately 8 mmh-1 in M.9,and 13 mmh-1 MM.111. There was relatively little transport in the acropetal direction, and there were no significant differences between the two rootstocks in total auxin uptake. Chromatographic analysis suggested that the metabolismof the auxin supplied followed similar patterns in both rootstocks. It is proposed that the slower auxin transport in M.9 results from a lower capacity for auxin efflux from transporting cells. A limiting auxin transport capacity could explain the reduced cambial activity and subsequent xylem formation in the dwarfing M.9 rootstock, and thus make an important contribution to the dwarfing effect.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of paclobutrazol on the water consumption, plant water relations, gas exchange and development of strawberry tree seedlings (Arbutus unedo L.), to evaluate water resource management. Seedlings (8 cm in height) were subjected to a single drench of 60 or 100 mg of paclobutrazol and pot-grown in a greenhouse for 4 months. Untreated plants acted as control. Paclobutrazol reduced the development and improved the water status of the seedlings. At the end of the experimental period, it was seen that the two doses studied had reduced the plant dry weight, plant height and foliar development compared with the untreated plants. Paclobutrazol significantly reduced water consumption by 10% (60 mg) and 20% (100 mg) compared with the control. Plants treated with 100 mg showed the highest leaf water potential values at predawn. Paclobutrazol-treated plants presented turgor potential at values midday higher than control. This retardant stimulated a more efficient stomatal regulation, permitted an improved water status; however, it altered photosynthesis, reducing the plant growth. The lowered water consumption in paclobutrazol-treated plants was the result of a combination of mechanisms which reduced water loss through transpiration.  相似文献   

不同生长抑制剂对盆栽百合的矮化效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳玉晶 《北方园艺》2012,(14):70-71
以亚洲百合小洋人、穿梭及亚洲×东方杂交种为试验材料,采用不同浓度CCC、PP333、三唑酮浸泡种球的方式,比较不同的生长抑制剂处理对百合的矮化效果。结果表明:PP333处理效果最好,三唑酮次之,CCC最不理想;采用300mg/L PP333浸球处理1h时,3个品种百合矮化效果最理想,观赏效果最佳。  相似文献   

采用L16(44)正交试验对梨矮化中间砧S5进行了离体增殖研究,结果表明,不同种类的培养基及不同配比的植物生长调节剂对试管苗增殖的效果不同.MS培养基较QL、AS、WPM培养基更有利于S5茎的增殖,中等浓度的细胞分裂素(BA)与较低浓度的生长素(IBA)、赤霉素(GA3)配合使用效果更理想.综合茎质量、茎数量以及茎长度等指标认为,MS 2.0mg/0L BA 0.1 mg/L IBA 1 mg/L(毫克/升)GA3是S5试管苗茎增殖的最佳培养基.  相似文献   

Phillyrea angustifolia is a native Mediterranean species, which has recently been considered suitable for landscaping purposes. We hypothesize that hardening plants in the nursery could increase their tolerance of drought after transplanting. The effects of paclobutrazol (PBZ) and different irrigation regimes applied to seedlings planted in 4.5-L plastic pots were investigated. PBZ was applied as a substrate drench at 0 mL L−1 (untreated control), 30 mL L−1 and 40 mL L−1 per plant and three drip irrigation treatments were used: I100, plants watered at water-holding capacity, I60, plants watered to 60% of I100, and I40, plants watered to 40% of I100. Plants were pot-grown in an unheated greenhouse near the Mediterranean coast of SE Spain. A reduction in plant height and stem diameter was observed one month after being drenched by PBZ. The irrigation regime significantly affected plant height after three months of cultivation and did not affect stem diameter during the nursery period. Significant interaction between the irrigation regime and PBZ dose was evident for plant height during the nursery period. I100 and untreated PBZ plants had the lowest stomata density. PBZ doses significantly reduced canopy weight and leaf area compared with the control. I60 plants showed the greatest leaf area and canopy dry weight, and the highest root length, dry weight, volume and number of forks. Both I60 and I40 treatments showed an equally high water use efficiency (WUE) (calculated as the total plant dry matter divided by the total amount of water supplied by the irrigation treatments). In general, PBZ induced a suite of morphological adaptations (increased root-to-shoot ratio and stomata density, decreased leaf area reduction, fine roots, etc.) that might allow the plants to tolerate drought after transplanting.  相似文献   

对黄茉莉的育苗技术与矮化盆栽技术进行了研究。结果表明:黄茉莉能够用压条繁殖及穴盘扦插繁殖育苗。压条繁殖成活率高,但繁殖系数小;而穴盘扦插育苗的繁殖系数大,根系发达,苗木健壮,成苗整齐,最好的育苗时期在4、5月。采用一年3次修剪的方法,能够很好地解决藤本黄茉莉盆栽矮化的问题。  相似文献   

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