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李绍华  余克顺 《果树科学》1999,16(3):163-170
对盆栽葡萄(VittisviniferaL.)苹果(MaluspumilaMill.)、山楂(CrataeguspinnatifdaBunge)和枣(ZiziphusjujubaMill.)4种果树在不同水分营养状况下茎干微变化过程中的日最大收缩量(MDS)、日净增长量(DG),当日完全复原所需时间(RT)等3个重要指标进行研究,结果表明:3个指标都比叶片日出前水势对土壤水分营养状况的反应灵敏得多  相似文献   

水分胁迫条件下几种果树茎干直径微变化规律的研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
对盆栽葡萄、苹果、山楂和枣等4种果树水分腔迫条件下茎干直径微变化动态进行研究,结果表明:随着土壤相对含水量的降低,葡萄和苹果的茎干日最大收缩量减少,体内的贮藏水分利用量减少,属于贮藏水分经济利用型果树,  相似文献   

水分胁迫条件下几种果树茎干直径微变化规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对盆栽葡葡(Vitis vinifera L.)、苹果(Malus pumila Mill)、山植(Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge)和枣(Ziziphusjujuba Mill.)等4种果树水分胁迫条件下茎千直径微变化动态进行研究,结果表明:随着土壤相对含水量的降低,葡萄和苹果的茎于日最大收缩量减小,体内的贮藏水分利用量减少,属于贮藏水分经济利用型果树,而山楂和枣树的茎干日最大收缩量增大,体内贮藏水分利用量增加,属于贮藏水分高消费型果树。在于旱周期中,两种类型果树树体日蒸腾量的变化动态存在差异:贮藏水分经济利用型果树日蒸腾量随土壤相对含水量的降低呈持续下降的趋势,而贮藏水分高消费型果树仅在土壤相对含水量降低到某一临界值以下时,日蒸腾量才开始急剧减小。叶片气孔调节对土壤和植物体水分状况反应的差别是植物体贮藏水分利用方式产生差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

阜新市果树生产现状及发展战略霍庆贞(辽宁省阜新市果树技术指导站1.果树生产发展现状阜新果树栽培历史较久,资源丰富。主要树种有苹果、梨、山楂、葡萄。其次有枣、杏、桃、李等10余种。据1995年末统计,全市果树栽培面积已达39.59万亩,水果产量达500...  相似文献   

刘新华 《落叶果树》1997,29(2):36-36
盐碱地栽植果树时的防盐措施刘新华(山东省聊城地区农科所252058)盐碱地栽培果树,是充分利用盐碱地、发展高效农业的有效途径之一。树种中以枣、梨、葡萄等抗盐碱能力强,苹果、桃、杏等果树抗盐碱能力差。梨树耐瘠薄、喜轻质土壤、经济价值高,以杜梨为砧木的鸭...  相似文献   

果树栽培生理讲座西南农业大学(重庆630716)李道高第五讲果树对水分的利用1水分的生理功能1.1水分是果树树体的主要成分果树营养器官(根、枝、叶)中的含水量在60%以上,苹果、桃、柑桔等“水果”中的含水量达到80%~90%,作为“干果”的鲜枣果实的...  相似文献   

黎彦 《果农之友》2002,(2):34-34
叶螨又名红蜘蛛,属蛛形纲,蜱螨目,叶螨科。叶螨以成虫、幼虫和若虫刺吸叶片上的汁液,造成叶片失绿、焦枯,甚至脱落。为害落叶果树的叶螨,主要有几下几种。一、种类与为害寄主(一)山楂叶螨:为害苹果、梨、山楂、桃、李、杏、樱桃等果树。(二)苹果全爪螨(苹果叶螨):主要为害苹果,也可为害梨、桃、李、杏等果树。(三)苜蓿苔螨:为害苹果、梨等。(四)二斑叶螨:俗称白蜘蛛,食性较杂,为害苹果、梨、桃等果树,也可为害花卉、蔬菜、作物、杂草等。(五)、葡萄缺须螨:为害葡萄。二、形态特征(一)山楂叶螨成虫雌成虫体长0…  相似文献   

基于茎直径微变化的梨枣灌溉指标的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 研究了4年生酸枣砧梨枣(Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)植株主干茎直径微变化指标对土壤水势(SWP)变化的响应规律,以及与气象要素的关系。结果表明:土壤水势降低引起茎直径日最大收缩量(MDS)增大,日生长量(DG)、生长速率(TGR)和日最大值(MXTD)降低。在水分亏缺发展阶段和水分亏缺维持阶段,MDS和TGR的噪声信号(变异系数)较小,信号强度与噪声信号的比值较大,表明其对土壤水势变化反映敏感。此外,MDS、TGR与潜在蒸散量(ET0)、正午水汽压亏缺(VPDmd)等气象因子的相关性显著,均能反映大气的干旱程度,因此TGR和MDS可作为梨枣水分亏缺的诊断指标。  相似文献   

“七五”期间我省果树生产有很大发展,5年增加570万亩(其中苹果增加350万亩,山楂增加近100万亩),由于准备不足,发展过快,目前已出现不少问题,如山楂、葡萄出现过剩,苹果、葡萄品种杂乱,部分幼树侵占农田导致弃管等等。因此亟需按果树生产规律进行调整。为此,本刊特发表陆秋农同志的文章,供各地调整时参考,对于尚拟发展果树的地区,也有一定借鉴之处。如有不同意见,欢迎来稿争鸣。  相似文献   

为了寻找诊断温室作物水分状况的可靠的茎变化指标,对春季温室条件下茄子不同生育期、不同土壤含水量茎变化关键指标进行了研究。结果表明,各生育期低水分处理的茎直径(MDS)日最大收缩量基本上大于高水分处理的MDS,但它们的变化趋势基本一致,  相似文献   

We tested the effect of extended drying of half the root system on fruit yield and fruit Ca concentration, an indirect measure of fruit quality, in avocado (Persea americana Mill. cv Hass). In a field experiment on a sandy soil, withholding irrigation and plastic sheeting was used to dry the root-zone beneath the whole canopy (DD) or half the canopy (WD), compared with well-watered trees (WW). The irrigation water contained added nutrients and was slightly saline. Yield, shoot growth, leaf conductance, leaf and fruit water status and mineral concentrations of leaves and fruit were studied. The responses of treated trees were assessed in the following season during which normal irrigation practices were restored. With respect to yield, the WD treatment behaved the same as the DD treatment. It reduced yield by more than half and proportionately more than the reduction in water supply thus reducing irrigation efficiency. Re-watering did not restore yield of WD or DD-trees in the next season. The WD and DD treatments had no effect on the concentration of Ca in the fruit mesocarp and so are unlikely to affect fruit quality. The main impact of reduced water supply on the trees was fruit abscission and this was linked to dry soil around the roots rather than the water status of the leaves or fruits. We conclude that extended drying of half of the root-zone in one season reduced irrigation efficiency for two seasons by promoting the abscission of developing fruit to the same extent as occurred when the whole root system was exposed to extended drying.  相似文献   


The relationship between maximum daily shrinkage in trunks (MDS), daily trunk growth (DTG), predawn water potential (Ψpd) and midday stem water potential (Ψstem) were studied in an irrigation experiment in peach trees. Control trees were irrigated to replace evapotranspiration, with trees receiving regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) watered at 35% of this rate during Stage II of fruit development and after harvest. The RDI trees were watered as controls during Stage III of fruit development. Minimum (Ψpd and Ψstem fell to –0.6.MPa and –1.2 MPa, respectively in RDI plots compared with –0.2 and –0.6 MPa in the controls. Trunk growth was less in the RDI plots than in the controls during drought. In contrast, MDS was higher when deficit irrigation was applied in the RDI trees. When site differences were considered the correlation between (Ψpd and accumulated trunk growth over an ample period was loose, while maximum daily shrinkage and midday stem water potential remarkably improved such a correlation. However, pooling all available data, the correlation between Ψstem and MDS was very poor (R2=0.44) and it substantially improved only when using data from specific phenological periods (i.e. R2=0.75). A seasonal drift in MDS values was observed and it was related to the seasonal changes in trunk growth rates, (i.e. highest shrinkage was found when growth rates were lowest). We concluded that phenology in combination with drought reduce the reliability of the water status information obtained from MDS.  相似文献   

After measuring maximum daily stem shrinkage (MDS) of irrigated apple tree using dendrometer during the year 2007–2010 in arid region of northwest China, we analyzed the respective relationships between MDS and single plant physiological index and environmental factors to investigate whether MDS can indicate the water status of apple tree and to establish empirical multiple regression equation among MDS and environmental factors. Results show that MDS increased at the beginning and then decreased gradually during whole growing stage. The close relationships between MDS and stem water potential, predawn water potential, stomatal conductance were found, showing that MDS can indicate the water status of mature apple tree. The relationships between MDS and single meteorological variable were significant at the other growth stages except at the bud development and flowering stage, because the canopy structure was not developed, and the order of determination coefficient (r2) over the whole growing stage was maximum vapour pressure deficit > maximum air temperature > net radiation. There were also significant correlations between MDS and soil volumetric water content and reference crop evapotranspiration over the whole growing stage. However, the determination coefficient among MDS and meteorological variables and soil volumetric water content at 0–120 cm depth was higher than those between MDS and single variable. Thus the multiple regression equation among MDS and meteorological variables and soil volumetric water content at 0–120 cm depth can be used to estimate MDS under fully irrigated apple orchard.  相似文献   

Six irrigation treatments were applied to an apple orchard. The treatments consisted of replenishing the soil water deficit at the 0-60 and 0-120 cm layers according to predetermined available water content. The seasonal patterns of trunk and fruit growth and of fruit drop were studied. It was found that the final volume of fruit was linearly related to the number of days to which the trees were subjected to above and below 30% available water in the 0-60 cm layer. Fruit firmness and soluble solids content were reduced by frequent irrigation. These reductions were found to be due both to a direct effect and to an indirect effect through the increase in fruit size due to frequent irrigation.  相似文献   

极抗枣疯病枣新品种‘星光’   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 ‘星光’是从骏枣变异单株中系统选育出的高抗枣疯病新品种。在太行山枣疯病重发区, 将其高接到病树上能正常生长结果。‘星光’果实大(22.9 g) , 制干率高(56.4% ) , 既可直接作为抗病品种进行栽培, 也可用于染病植株和感病品种的高接改造。  相似文献   

1989~1991年对10年生国光和金冠苹果品种用多孔陶土管进行渗灌试验。结果表明:能节水和防涝,可增加土壤孔隙度和提高土壤养分含量,增加吸收根数量并促进树体的生长发育;座果率和单株(或单位面积)产量均比漫灌(对照)区高,果品质量有了明显的改善。  相似文献   

Continuous recordings of diameter variations using LVDT gauges were made on potted or field grown apple and peach-trees to seek a reliable indicator of water stress. The first and general indication of water stress was the decrease and stoppage of daily growth in stem diameter. When water was sufficiently available in the soil, maximum daily shrinkage was a versatile indicator of transpiration stream intensity. When water availability in the soil strongly decreased two kinds of specific daily shrinkage patterns appeared: a) ‘peach-tree’ pattern, whose maximum daily shrinkage markedly increased as water stress became more severe, and b) ‘apple-tree’ pattern, where maximum daily shrinkage under severe water stress was smaller than its well watered value. Parameters for irrigation automation designs are proposed by processing both daily growth data and daily shrinkage data.  相似文献   

【目的】准确界定苹果树在各个生育期的需水量及需水特征的季节性变化是指导果园节水灌溉的重要依据。【方法】利用热扩散树干液流测定技术,连续2年监测了旱作果园苹果树(盛果期)的树干液流速率,计算了单株的耗水强度,并与同步观测的叶面积指数、物候特征进行关联分析。【结果】2017、2018年苹果树年耗水量分别为295.5 mm、215.3 mm,分别占同期降水量的88%和58%。在整个年生育周期中,果实膨大期耗水量最多,占果树整个生育期耗水总量的51%(2017年)和41%(2018年),其次依次为果实成熟期、幼果形成期、花期、萌芽期、落叶期和休眠期,不同生育期果树的耗水量与同期降水量具有相似的季节变化趋势。在萌芽期,果树耗水强度快速上升,到果实膨大期时最高可达2.17 mm·d^-1;之后逐渐下降,在落叶期时耗水强度最高值为1.19 mm·d^-1;休眠期树液仍有流动,此阶段的耗水量占年蒸腾总量的5%,日蒸腾强度最高为0.53 mm·d^-1。冠层叶面积指数(LAI)的季节变化表现为从4月初展叶开始快速增加,到5月上旬达到3.2,日增速平均为0.07;之后LAI基本维持不变,日增速仅为前期的1%,最高值为3.4。在11月中旬左右遇到大风天气后快速落叶,LAI在数天内降至零。【结论】苹果树在不同生育期的需水特征有明显的差异,且与叶面积指数的季节变化并不完全同步,需结合不同生育期的水分需求特征开展合理的灌溉、控水等管理措施。  相似文献   

王晓玲  刘宏权  申连英  毛永民 《园艺学报》2016,43(Z2):2713-2714
‘紫圆’枣是从河北省广宗县‘园铃枣’实生后代中选育出的新品种。果实个大,近圆或扁圆形,果皮紫红色。平均单果质量23.4 g,果实可食率96.0%,制干率62.7%,干枣含糖量77.6%。在河北枣区成熟期9月下旬,果实发育期105 d。极抗裂果,无缩果病,丰产性强,为优良的制干品种。  相似文献   

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