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The purpose of this study was to analyze the physiological and morphological response of carnation plants to different levels of irrigation and to evaluate regulated deficit irrigation as a possible technique for saving water through the application of controlled drought stress. Carnations, Dianthus caryophyllus L. cultivar, were pot-grown in an unheated greenhouse and submitted to two experiments. In the first experiment, the plants were exposed to three irrigation treatments: (control); 70% of the control (moderate deficit irrigation, MDI) and 35% of the control (severe deficit irrigation, SDI). In the second experiment, the plants were submitted to a control treatment, deficit irrigation (DI, 50% of the control) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI). After 15 weeks, MDI plants showed a slightly reduced total dry weight, plant height and leaf area, while SDI had clearly reduced all the plant size parameters. RDI plants had similar leaf area and total dry weight to the control treatment during the blooming phase. MDI did not affect the number of flowers and no great differences in the colour parameters were observed. RDI plants had higher flower dry weight, while plant quality was affected by the SDI (lower number of shoots and flowers, lower relative chlorophyll content). Leaf osmotic potential decreased with deficit irrigation, but more markedly in SDI, which induced higher values of leaf pressure. Stomatal conductance (gs) decreased in drought conditions more than the photosynthetic rate (Pn). Osmotic adjustment of 0.3 MPa accompanied by decreases in elasticity in response to drought resulted in turgor less at lower leaf water potentials and prevented turgor loss during drought periods.  相似文献   

The effects of different irrigation regimes on yield and quality of green beans (Phaselous vulgaris L.) irrigated with a drip irrigation system under field conditions in the Mediterranean region of Turkey were evaluated along two years. Irrigation regimes consisted of four irrigation intervals based on four levels of cumulative pan evaporation (Epan) values (I1: 15; I2: 30; I3: 45 and I4: 60 mm); irrigations occurred on the respective treatments when Epan reached target values, and three plant–pan coefficients as for irrigation levels (Kcp1 = 0.50, Kcp2 = 0.75 and Kcp3 = 1.00). Irrigation intervals varied from 2 to 4 days in I1, 5 to 7 days in I2, 8 to 10 days in I3 and 10 to 12 days in I4 treatments in 2004 and 2005 growing seasons Both irrigation levels and intervals significantly affected the green bean yields. Maximum and minimum yields were obtained from the I1Kcp3 and I4Kcp1 treatments as 24,320 and 14,200 kg ha−1 in the first, and 23,850 and 13,210 kg ha−1 in the second experimental year, respectively. As the Kcp value decreased the total yields in each irrigation interval also decreased. However, with the longer irrigation interval (I4), lower yields were obtained with all Kcp coefficients. Seasonal water use (ET) values in the treatments varied from 276 mm in I4Kcp1 to 400 mm in I1Kcp3 in the first experimental year, and from 365 mm in I4Kcp1 to 472 mm in I1Kcp3 in the second experimental year. Significant linear relations were found between green bean yield and seasonal ET for each experimental year. Irrigation intervals resulted in similar water use in the treatments with the same Kcp value. Water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) values were significantly influenced by the irrigation intervals and plant–pan coefficients. WUE ranged from 4.33 kg m−3 in I4Kcp3 to 6.08 kg m−3 in I1Kcp3 in 2004, and varied from 3.62 kg m−3 in I4Kcp1 to 5.43 kg m−3 in I2Kcp2 in the 2005 growing season. Maximum IWUE was observed in I2Kcp1 (6.16 kg m−3), and minimum IWUE was in I4Kcp3 treatment (3.83 kg m−3) in the experimental years. Both irrigation levels and irrigation frequencies had significantly different effects on quality parameters such as fresh bean length, width, number of seed per pod and 100 fresh bean weights. In conclusion, I1Kcp3 irrigation regime is recommended for field grown green beans under the Mediterranean conditions in order to attain higher yields with improved quality.  相似文献   

温室小型西瓜光合生产与干物质积累模拟模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在借鉴国内外温室蔬菜作物光合生产和干物质积累模拟模型的基础上,根据温室小型西瓜的试验数据,确 定有关模型参数,建立了温室小型西瓜光合生产和干物质积累模拟模型,模型包括叶面积指数动态模型、光合生产 动态模型和干物质积累动态模型。模型利用有效积温对叶面积指数LOGISTIC方程建立叶面积指数动态模型,同时 光合作用模型还引用简便有效的高斯积分法计算冠层每日的总同化量,既考虑了光合有效辐射的日变化规律,又考 虑了太阳高度角的变化对冠层反射率的影响;此外,模型还考虑了温度对呼吸作用的影响,确定了温室小型西瓜的 碳水化合物转化成干物质的系数CF。通过不同品种、不同播期下的干物质积累动态的模型检验,表明模型有较强的 精确性、机理性和实用性。  相似文献   

大棚蔬菜连作年限对土壤主要理化性状的影响   总被引:93,自引:3,他引:90  
采用面上调查和定点观测相结合的方法,分别对哈尔滨郊区不同连作(轮作)年限的大棚土壤的主要养分含量状况、酶活性、水稳性团粒分级及盐积状况进行研究分析。结果表明,随着连作年限的增加,土壤主要养分含量有增加的趋势,土壤脲酶活性、中性磷酸酶、酸性磷酸酶活性也有增加的趋势;2~0.25mm水稳性团粒增加,土壤物理结构性能有所改善;土壤化学性状变劣,出现了盐类积累。  相似文献   

In dryland areas, secondarily treated municipal wastewater could be used in extensive green roof systems. In this study, the effects of water and salt stress on a crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant, Sedum kamtschaticum Fischer, was evaluated under intermittent saline irrigation. The salinity of irrigation water varied from 6.0 to 18.0 dS m?1. A reduction in soil water content and an increase in soil water electrical conductivity (EC) were observed during the irrigation interval (5–17 d) as a result of evapotranspiration (ET). The effect of soil water potential (SWP) on reduction of the ET ratio (ETr) was successfully described with an equation that could be applicable to a wide range of soil salinities and water contents, to estimate ET. In this study, the stress factor was defined as the integration of solute potential, and matric potential less soil water content for optimum growth (less than ?0.1 MPa) with elapsed time. The stress factor rapidly reduced total ET in CAM plants but effectively increased water-use efficiency (WUE). Thus, by using CAM plants for green roofs under intermittent saline irrigation, the need for irrigation water is reduced without a considerable loss of plant biomass.  相似文献   

以北京地区秋季主栽品种‘特大早春红玉’为对照,引进北京市农业技术推广站培育的7个‘早春红玉’类型品种(‘北农’系列1-7),通过品比试验筛选出优良品种。结果表明,‘北农-2’和‘北农-3’平均单果重均大于1.6 kg,坐果率大于90%,果实发育期小于30 d,平均含糖量大于11.5%,非常适宜北京地区秋大棚设施条件下种植。  相似文献   

Seedless watermelon can be a profitable crop in humid regions such as the Delmarva Peninsula in the Mid-Atlantic region of the USA. Production using drip irrigation under plastic mulch is increasingly common but, although this is potentially an efficient production system, it is also complex in terms of irrigation scheduling. Experiments were conducted in 2004, 2005 and 2006 in Georgetown, Delaware to measure the effect of irrigation rate on yield of seedless watermelon grown with drip irrigation under plastic mulch. Relative irrigation rates were used to provide water amounts that ranged from low to high. The irrigation rates in all years included 50%, 100% and 150% of nominal crop water use, with additional rates of 0% and 250% in 2005 and 2006. Data from a nearby weather station were used to estimate reference evapotranspiration. Volumetric soil water content in the 50%, 100% and 150% treatments was measured in the center of each mulched bed using multi-sensor capacitance probes with sensors at depths of 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm and 70 cm. Yield of seedless melons per unit area of land ranged from about 55–95 tonnes/ha, depending on the year and the irrigation rate, but within each year the yield differences due to the irrigation rate were not significant (p = 0.10) despite the large range in rate. Differences in quality, as measured by sugar content and the incidence of hollow heart, was also not significant. This lack of response to irrigation may be due to the ability of the root system to use infiltrated rainwater from outside the mulched bed. Growers in the region tend to apply more water than may be required as a form of risk avoidance. This study indicates that irrigation amounts could likely be reduced without having an adverse effect on yield.  相似文献   


An experiment on Regulated Deficit Irrigation (RDI) was performed during 1995 and 1996 in a ten year old, drip-irrigated `Clementina de Nules' mandarin orchard in Moncada, Spain. Treatments consisted of a control, where irrigation was applied without restriction during the whole year at 125% ETlys and RDI treatments where irrigation was reduced to 25% or to 50% of crop evapotranspiration measured by a weighing lysimeter (ETlys) during one of the following periods: I) flowering and fruit set (spring, 20 March to 3 July in 1995, and 1 April to 1 July in 1996); II) initial fruit enlargement phase (summer, 4 July to 7 August in 1995, and 2 to 28 July in 1996), and III) final fruit growth and maturation phases (end of summer–autumn, 8 August in 1995, and 29 July in 1996 to harvest). An additional treatment, denominated 50%–Year, was irrigated at 50% ETlys during the whole year. The effects of the treatments on yield and fruit quality in relation to tree water status (pre-dawn (ca) and midday (cmd) leaf water potential, and their time integral) show large differences in sensitivity to water stress according to phenological stage. The critical periods were the flowering and fruit set phases. The main treatment effects during each period were: In spring, a decline in ca and cmd with respect to the control of only 0.1 to 0.2 MPa reduced yield by 62% and 28%, respectively for the 25% and 50% levels, due to an increased ``June drop'' and consequent fewer fruit harvested per tree. Final fruit size and quality were similar to those of the control. In summer, RDI treatments allowed water savings between 7 and 14% without affecting yield or fruit quality, providing that a threshold value of ca–1.3 MPa is not surpassed. In autumn, for the 25% and 50% levels there was a 25 to 11% reduction of fruit size, respectively, with some external peel disorders (creasing) which reduced fruit quality, even at the lower water stress levels reached in the 50% treatment during this period (ca 20.64 MPa and 20.83 MPa in 1995 and 1996, respectively). In treatment 50%–Year, where water application was 44% of that in the control, minimum ca values were around 20.6 MPa and 20.8 MPa in 1995 and 1996, respectively. Tree growth was reduced in both seasons and average yield decreased by 17%. Yield loss was due to smaller, not fewer fruit. This treatment increased TSS and acids in the juice, without affecting the maturity index or creasing. However, in the current market situation, this irrigation strategy could be recommended only as a long-term one in cases of very high water prices.  相似文献   

Gas-exchange, water relations, vegetative growth and berry sugar concentration of the Kékfrankos grapevine were studied at two growing sites in Eger Wine district, Hungary (Eger-K?lyuktet? – non-stressed, flat vineyard and Eger-Nagyeged hill – water stressed, steep slope vineyard). At the hilly site predawn water potentials and stomatal conductance indicated mild to moderate water stress. As a result, stomatal regulation caused restricted carbon assimilation per unit leaf area. Interestingly, comparing the two sites, lower assimilation rate was accompanied by higher fruit sugar concentration. Water deficit also reduced the yield and the relative proportion of larger berries within bunches. However, in each berry weight category (I: <1 g, II: 1.01–1.25 g, III: 1.26–1.5 g, IV: 1.51–1.75 g, V: 1.76–2 g, VI: >2.01 g) there was a higher sugar concentration at the water stressed vineyard irrespective of berry size. Therefore, berry size was not the only factor that could influence berry sugar concentration. Water deficit also resulted in decreased leaf area per shoot and thus, modification in canopy architecture. Although, there was a higher leaf area for 1 kg fruit at the flat vineyard compared to the hilly site, differences in “sink-source” relations and light interception of the canopy between the sites resulted in different yield sugar concentration.  相似文献   

重水分胁迫下苹果树茎、叶水势的变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对田间生长的3年生苹果树(红富士/M26/八棱海棠)在土壤干旱和湿润条件下的茎及叶片水势、气孔导度和净光合的日变化进行了测定。茎水势的测定采用外围新梢的直接取样测定法,以便同剪口处叶片的水势进行比较。测定结果表明,干旱土壤条件下的叶片水势稍低于土壤湿润的树,一般仅相差0.3MPa。而二个处理之间午间茎水势的差别则高达1~1.2MPa,表现出该指标对土壤干旱十分敏感。干旱条件下叶片气孔导度和净光合与土壤湿润的树也有明显差异。研究还发现,在水分严重亏缺条件下存在茎水势低于叶水势及一定压力下枝条木质部漏气现象。对这些现象的发生条件和可能原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

膜下滴灌量对甜瓜产量和品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
开展不同滴灌量对甜瓜品质影响的研究,对于新疆等西北干旱地区生产优质甜瓜、节约水资源具有重要意义。膜下不同滴灌处理对甜瓜品质的影响研究结果表明:在新疆的气候条件下,田间持水量70%-80%的处理,甜瓜品质表现较好,8601和新密19可溶性固形物含量达到13.69%和16.75%,维生素C含量分别达到8.05、12.55mg/kg,小区产量也分别高于其他处理。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare two water-saving practices, deficit irrigation (DI) and partial rootzone drying (PRD), and examine how they affected soil water distribution, water use, growth and yield of greenhouse grown hot pepper compared to commercial irrigation (CI). Control (CI) in which irrigation water was applied to both sides of the system when soil water content was lower by 80% of field capacity; deficit irrigation (DI50, DI75) in which 50% and 75% irrigation water of CI supplied to both sides of the root system; 1PRD with half of the root system exposed to soil drying and other half kept well-watered with 50% irrigation water of CI, and 2PRD with 50% irrigation water of CI supplied, half to fixed side of the root system. The results showed mean soil volumetric water content of DI75, DI50, 1PRD and 2PRD were lower by 21.06%, 28.32%, 24.48% and 34.76%, respectively than that of CI after starting the experiment. Water consumption showed some significant effect of irrigation treatments during the growing period of drought stress application, and therefore decreased in DI75, DI50, 1PRD and 2PRD to a level around 75% and 50% of CI. All the DI and PRD treatments resulted in a reduction of total dry mass of 7.29–44.10%, shoot biomass of 24.97–47.72% compared to CI, but an increase in the root–shoot ratio of 12.50–35.42% compared to the control and with significant differences between 2PRD, 1PRD, DI50 and CI. The yield of 1PRD was significantly reduced by 23.98% compared to CI (19,566 kg hm−2) over a period of 109 days after transplanting. However, the 1PRD treatment had 17.21% and 24.54% additional yield over the DI50 and 2PRD treatments and had 52.05% higher irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) than CI treatment. At harvest, although there was a significant difference recorded as single fruit weight and single fruit volume were reduced under the DI and PRD treatments, total soluble solids concentration of fruit harvested under the water-deficit treatments were higher compared to CI. Stomatal conductance measured in fresh leaf was the lowest under 1PRD treatment relative to CI and other treatments. The low stomatal conductance of fresh-leaf issue observed in the work supported the root signaling mechanism reported earlier in plants having undergone partial root drying cycles.  相似文献   

Response to a limited water supply was determined for 3 horticultural crops, pepper, melon (cantaloup) and tomato, in the Nebhana Valley, Tunisia. Varying fractions of potential evapotranspiration (PET), as calculated by Penman, were used to define 4 irrigation treatments which were replicated 4 times. The study was conducted on a shallow sandy loam soil in the lower Nebhana Valley, near Monastir. For each of the crops the following production parameters were evaluated: marketable yield; average fruit weight; number of fruits per unit land area. For socio-political reasons, the cost price of the irrigation water to the farmers in the Nebhana Valley is of negligible importance, and thus the economic threshold could be drawn from the relationship between yield and total available water. The marketable yield for pepper, melon and tomato crops was not significantly affected by rationing the seasonal water application volumes to 57, 47 and 67%, respectively, of the calculated PET. To increase the water-use efficiency for the crops studied, limited irrigation is advisable.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to test the effects of vineyard soil management practices combined with deficit irrigation strategies on the performance of the grapevine (Vitisvinifera L.) red variety Tempranillo. Two soil management practices (soil tillage – ST and permanent resident vegetation – RV) were combined with three deficit irrigation treatments (regulated deficit irrigation – RDI, partial rootzone drying – PRD and conventional sustained deficit irrigation – DI) during two growing cycles. Compared to ST, RV reduced soil water content during spring, inducing a significant reduction in vine vegetative growth, yield and must titratable acidity. The effects of irrigation treatments were not much pronounced. Only in the second season RDI showed a significant reduction on vine vegetative growth, yield and must titratable acidity as compared to PRD and DI whose results were similar to one another.  相似文献   

有机肥替代对设施番茄产量、品质与土壤性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索适合设施番茄的有机肥替代最佳方案,通过田间试验,分析不同处理对设施番茄产量、品质及土壤性质的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,单施有机肥产量仅提升了3.5%,但品质提升显著;单施化肥产量显著高于对照和纯有机肥处理,但品质无显著变化;化肥用量相同、有机肥用量不高于75 t·hm-2时,产量增长有限,用量达120 t·hm-2时,产量较对照提升了28.4%;有机肥用量相同条件下减施化肥,产量先升后降。试验后土壤无机氮含量下降,对照和纯有机肥处理无机氮含量明显低于其他处理,施化肥处理间差异不明显。可见,化肥提升产量效果优于有机肥,有机肥改善品质效果优于化肥,85%优化化肥(N-P2O5-K2O:459-191.25-510 kg·hm-2)配施75 t·hm-2有机肥各指标均较理想,是适宜设施番茄栽培的施肥量。  相似文献   

Studying crop energy partitioning and evapotranspiration for different irrigation methods is important in optimizing efficient water-saving irrigation, developing suitable irrigation scheduling and improving crop water use efficiency. Two experiments were conducted to compare the energy partitioning and evapotranspiration of hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) between furrow and drip irrigation methods under two adjacent solar greenhouses in northwest China. Results indicate that irrigation method affected the energy partitioning and evapotranspiration of hot pepper plants and these results were corroborated in a greenhouse study. Compared to drip irrigation, furrow irrigation increased daytime average net radiation (Rn), latent (λET) and sensible (H) heat fluxes by 12–29, 37–53 and 9–23%, respectively, but decreased soil heat flux (G) by 7–19%. Furrow irrigation also resulted in higher λET/Rn and lower H/Rn and G/Rn and increased total evapotranspiration by 55.5% and produced a higher crop coefficient. Total evapotranspiration was 562.3 and 361.6 mm over whole growth stage for furrow and drip irrigation methods, respectively. And drip irrigation increased the total yield and water use efficiency by 18.2 and 80.4%, respectively, before late fruit bearing and harvesting stage. In conclusion, drip irrigation is an effective and water-saving irrigation method in hot pepper production to be used in greenhouse.  相似文献   

以黔椒4号辣椒为试材,利用张力计控制辣椒灌溉时期与灌溉量,分别研究膜下滴灌、穴灌和漫灌3种灌溉方式对塑料大棚辣椒生长、产量和水分生产效率的影响。结果表明,膜下滴灌全生育期耗水量最少,辣椒产量和水分生产效率最高,水分生产效率较穴灌、漫灌分别提高1.96 kg/m3和5.82 kg/m3。综合耗水量、产量等因素,膜下滴灌是大棚辣椒生产适宜的灌溉方式。  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out in a young high-density olive grove (556 plants ha−1Olea europaea L., cv Coratina) located in Southern Italy to evaluate the effect of different soil water availability on the vegetative and productive performances of olive trees also looking into the quality of the resulting oils. Trials were carried out over a 3-year period on trees subjected to irrigation and grown under rainfed conditions. Vegetative tree response, as shoot elongation and trunk diameter, was evaluated. Yield per plant, fruit characteristics, oil quality indices (free fatty acid content, peroxide value, UV adsorption at 232 and 270 nm, total phenols, α-tocopherol content) were determined for both irrigated and non-irrigated treatments in the ‘on’ years 1997 and 1999 (6th and 8th year after planting, respectively).  相似文献   

Greenhouse-grown hot pepper was used to investigate the effect of Time-Space deficit irrigation (TSDI), a newly developing irrigation technique based on regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial rootzone drying (PRD), by measuring plant growth, yield and irrigation water use efficiency. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations of three factors, organized following an orthogonal L9 (3)4 test design with four growing stages. Three irrigation strategies (conventional furrow irrigation with full-water when soil water content was lower by 80% of field capacity (F), conventional furrow irrigation with 50% of full-water (D) and alternate furrow irrigation with 50% of full-water (P)) as the main plot factor were applied to select the optimum irrigation parameter at different stages of crop development, the treatment in which irrigation water was applied to both sides of root system when soil water content was lower by 80% of field capacity during all stages was considered as control (FFFF). Water consumption showed some significant effect of irrigation treatment during the growing period of different drought stress patterns application, and therefore decreased in these treatments to a level around 54.68–70.33% of FFFF. Total dry mass was reduced by 1.17–38.66% in TSDI treatments compared to FFFF. However, the root–shoot ratio of FFFF was lower than other treatments and the differences from FFFF and other TSDI treatments were statistically significant. The highest total fresh fruit yield (19.57 T ha−1) was obtained in the FFFF treatment. All deficit irrigations increased the water use efficiency of hot pepper from a minimum of 1.33% to a maximum of 54.49%. At harvest, although there was difference recorded as single fruit weight and single fruit volume were reduced under the TSDI treatments, total soluble solids concentration of fruit harvested under the water-deficit treatments were higher compared to FFFF.  相似文献   

Tannins and anthocyanins impart important sensory attributes and potential health benefits in wine. The effect of water deficits (WDs) on fruit growth, anthocyanins, and skin tannins was investigated in field grown Vitis vinifera L. ‘Merlot’ berries across four seasons (2004, 2005, 2007, and 2008) by imposing deficits from the onset of ripening until maturity. WD reduced berry weight and increased the concentration of anthocyanins all four seasons, and increased the concentration of tannins three of four seasons. Under WD, anthocyanin concentration at harvest (mg/g of berry fresh weight) was 53.0–61.6% greater than in Controls (C), and anthocyanin content (mg/berry) was 28.7–35.3% greater than in C. By contrast, WD increased tannin concentration (mg/g of berry fresh weight) at harvest by 12.6–36.9% compared to C in 2004, 2005, and 2008, and did not influence the concentration in 2007. Tannin content (mg/berry) at harvest was unaffected except in 2004 when it was 25.7% greater than in C. Thus, water deficits consistently increased anthocyanin concentration by increasing content per berry and reducing fruit growth, but increased tannin concentration less and only by reducing fruit growth, except in one year where the tannin content was increased. These results demonstrate that management of vine water deficit during ripening is a much more effective tool to increase anthocyanins than tannins in Merlot grapes.  相似文献   

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