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2种晚实核桃光合特性及产量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探讨2种晚实核桃(Juglans regia L.)光合特性及与产量之间的关系,为其丰产栽培提供理论依据。【方法】用便携式Li-6400光合仪和PAM-2100叶绿素荧光分析仪,以晚实核桃品种‘清香’‘晋龙1号’为试材,在自然条件下测定光合荧光参数及其产量变化。【结果】‘晋龙1号’和‘清香’净光合速率(Pn)日变化均为双峰曲线,在13:00出现显著的光合"午休"现象;光饱和点(LSP)分别为1 612.5、1 716.7μmol·m-2·s-1,光补偿点(LCP)分别为37.32、49.27μmol·m-2·s-1,表观量子效率(AQY)分别为0.031 8、0.037 6,最大净光合速率(Pmax)分别为11.40、18.68μmol·m-2·s-1。‘清香’具有较佳的光合能力。在13:00前后最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)、实际光化学效率(Yield)、光化学淬灭(q P)较低,非光化学淬灭(q N)较高,光合效率降低,光合系统受到一定程度的光抑制,但并无明显破坏。而‘清香’的Fv/Fm、q P、q N及Yield在全天几乎均高于‘晋龙1号’,表现出较好的光能转化效率和胁迫耐受性。2者在单株产量和平均公顷产量上也表现出极显著差异,‘清香’是‘晋龙1号’的1.77倍。【结论】2种晚实核桃中午Pn的下降由非气孔限制引起,光合能力与单株产量呈极显著正相关;其需要强光而对弱光响应不敏感的特性适宜稀植,从而提高核桃的产量。  相似文献   

<正>自从1989年国家林业局鉴定定名了16个早实核桃品种以来,在其后的10多年内,早实核桃的发展受到高度重视,我国果树工作者相继培育出了扎343、中林1号、中林3号、中林5号、西扶1号、辽核3号、香玲、薄壳香、京861、西林2号、元丰、陇薄香、鲁果3号等一大批进入结果期早的核桃品种,极大丰富了我国核桃品种资源,对我国核桃发展产生了深远的影响,促进了核桃生产的转型和跨越式发展。但是早实核桃和我国传统种植的晚实核桃有很多的不同点,特别  相似文献   

核桃早实性相关性状的SCAR标记   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用RAPD技术对新疆核桃早实特性的分子标记进行了研究。用180个10-mer随机引物分别扩增早实和晚实近等基因池DNA筛选出5个多态性引物,结果只有引物OPG15(5′-ACTGGGACTC-3′)扩增得到1条约710bp的早实核桃特异片段。对该片段进行克隆和序列分析,并根据序列分析结果将该RAPD标记转化为重复性和特异性更好的SCAR标记。研究设计出了1对早实核桃特异SCAR引物P1(5'-ACTGGGACTCCAATTGTATC-3')和P2(5'-ACTGGGACTCTCAACTAT-3'),用这对特异引物对14份材料进行PCR扩增,结果所有晚实核桃材料无任何扩增,但早实材料均扩增出了预期大小759bp的特异带。  相似文献   

核桃早实性状的RAPD分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
 用BSA (Bulked Segregant Analysis) 法获得了与核桃早实性状相关的RAPD 标记OPB208900。混合分离群体的混合样来自早实品种辽1 的自然授粉实生后代。用220 个随机引物扩增早实和晚实混合样, 只有引物OPB208 ( 5. GTCCACACGG 3. ) 在早实混合样及其个体上扩增出了约900 bp 的特异带OPB208900, 而在晚实混合样及其个体上无此特异带。用OPB208 为引物, 以19 个品种和3 个株系的DNA 为模板进行扩增,特异带OPB208900在17 个早实品种中的12 个个体上出现, 而5 个晚实品种( 系) 上均无此带。  相似文献   

核桃(Juglans regia L.)在中国栽培历史悠久,栽培范围广,是山区丘陵地带重要的经济林树。中国栽培的核桃品种可分为早实核桃和晚实核桃两类。晚实核桃结果期较晚,树体高大,管理不便,已逐渐减少栽培或改接。早实核桃具有树体相对较小、结果早、果实大、果壳薄、品质优、丰产性强的优点。在立地条件、修剪技术、水肥管理等条件较高时,苗木栽植第3年开始结果,盛果期可达每666.7 m2产量300 kg。  相似文献   

早实核桃栽培技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早实核桃是从新疆薄壳核桃中选育出的优良类型,深受广大种植者和消费者欢迎。近年来,我国北方地区新发展的核桃品种中,早实核桃占90%左右。但是,由于受传统晚实核桃栽培的影响,群众缺乏对早实核桃的认识,管理理念滞后,不重视栽培后的前期管理,栽培密度偏小,不重视整形修剪,采收偏早,严重影响了早实核桃的栽培效益。针对早实核桃栽培中普遍存在的问题,我们根据早实核桃生长结果的特点及其对外界环境条件的要求,总结出了早实核桃栽培技术要点,供生产上参考应用。  相似文献   

帕米尔高原非耕地设施延晚栽培葡萄的光响应特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究葡萄在帕米尔高原非耕地设施延晚栽培条件下的光合作用适应性,探讨光合作用光响应特征。【方法】在帕米尔高原戈壁温室延晚栽培条件下,以3 a生‘红地球’、‘克瑞森’、‘木纳格’、‘秋黑’和‘里扎马特’葡萄为试材,测定并研究了开花期葡萄叶片光合作用光响应情况,首次将弗伦德利希(Freundlich)模型引入光合作用研究。【结果】光照强度在95~543μmol·m-2·s-1时,各品种光能利用效率有所提高;‘克瑞森’、‘木纳格’的暗呼吸速率较高;‘红地球’净光合速率在光照强度大于光饱和点(2 287μmol·m-2·s-1)后开始缓慢下降。【结论】‘木纳格’光能利用率最高;‘克瑞森’和‘木纳格’光合产物的夜间消耗较大;‘红地球’存在光抑制现象,当光强超过其饱和点时,适当遮阴将有利于‘红地球’的光合作用。  相似文献   

涉县是河北省核桃主要产区之一,主要地方品种有大绵核桃、小绵核桃、薄壳核桃等。生产的核桃以壳薄、仁满、味道酥香而享誉国内外,这些品种均属晚实核桃类型,树体高大,进入结果期较晚。近年来,从辽宁、山东等省引进一批早实核桃良种,建立早期丰产密植园,对改善当地核桃品种构成  相似文献   

<正>自从1989年国家林业局鉴定命名了16个早实核桃品种以来,早实核桃因其结果早、丰产等特性,在生产中受到高度重视,种植面积不断扩大。早实核桃和我国传统种植的晚实核桃有很多的不同点:一是生长特性不同。早实核桃有较强的分枝能力,多为短枝型品种,树冠小,易成花,进入结果期早,丰产性强,易抽生二次枝和徒长枝,发育不充实,易遭受冻害,树形易紊乱,基部潜伏芽易抽发徒长枝,这类枝次年便能抽发结果枝,便于更新,树势极易衰弱。而晚实核桃分枝能力较弱,树  相似文献   

云新高原是以漾濞泡核桃Juglans sigillata Dode为母本,新疆核桃J.regiaL.早实丰产优株云林A7号为父本杂交育成的南方早实早熟核桃新品种,在昆明7月25日开始成熟;具有早实、早熟、丰产、品质好、矮化和抗寒等特点。1选育经过云南是我国核桃起源地之一,分布广泛,种质资源丰富,栽培历史悠久。但云南核桃以晚实品种为主,结实晚,成熟晚,效益慢,种壳欠美观,市场竞争力不强。针对此问题,我院在“七五”、“八五”、“九五”期间,进行了核桃早实、早熟新品种的选育研究。云新高原母本为我国南方核桃良种云南漾濞泡核桃,父本为新疆核桃早实丰产优…  相似文献   


The pattern of leaf composition was investigated in three litchi orchards (cvs Bengal and Tai So) in subtropical Australia (Lat 27°S). Leaves were sampled from fruiting and non-fruiting branches from flowering to fruit harvest. The response to fruiting varied with the nutrient and the orchard. The major effect of fruiting was to reduce leaf K in two of the orchards. Leaf N, P, Zn and Na were lower in fruiting branches in a third of the orchards, while leaf Ca, Mg, Mn and B levels were higher. The levels of these nutrients in the other two orchards, and those of Cu and Fe, were not significantly affected by fruiting status. Strong seasonal effects from flowering to harvest on the leaf contents of most nutrients followed the typical pattern as leaves aged. Most nutrients were more stable during flowering to just after fruit set. The levels of most nutrients were similar in both leaf and fruit. The major exceptions were K which was about twice as high in the fruit and B which was five times higher in the leaves. The uptake of all nutrients continued throughout fruit growth in proportion to the accumulation of fruit dry weight and reached a maximum rate during the final period of aril (flesh) development. The relative order for final content in the fruit was: K>N>P>Mg>Ca>Na>Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn>B. The choice of branch type and time of sampling would influence the diagnosis for N, K, Ca, Mg and Fe at these sites. It is recommended that leaves for diagnostic purposes in litchi be collected from fruiting branches two to six weeks after fruit set.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初期,永安市从赣州地区引进纽荷尔脐橙苗时混入部分奈维林娜种苗,在同等条件下栽培,单株3年平均结果149个,单果重330.1g,株产49.1kg。果实长卵形,色泽橙红,汁胞细嫩,汁液丰富,果皮厚0.57cm,可食率67.8%,可溶性固形物含量10.7%,表现丰产稳产、品质优良,被永安市列为扩大脐橙种植的优选品种。为了掌握该品种在当地的栽培技术,对其结果习性进行了观察。  相似文献   

This work studied the growth of Berberis buxifolia fruits and some of their chemical attributes during the fruiting period and different growing seasons (2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007) from November (14 days from full flower phase) till March (126 days from full flower phase) for plants growing in a natural environment near Ushuaia city (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). B. buxifolia fruit growth and composition presented significant changes during the fruiting period and the studied growing seasons. Fresh and dry weight of B. buxifolia fruits exhibited a typical double sigmoid curve. The first period of rapid growth was from full flower phase till 42–56 days after, while the second phase of rapid growth began around the 56–70 days from full flower and ended approximately 4 months later. On a dry weight basis the maximum fruit biomass (119.5 mg) was reached 112 days after full flower while maximum fresh weight fruit biomass (424.3 mg) occurred by day 84. Evolution of fruit growth was related with the compositional changes evaluated. By day 126 from full flower, soluble solids (24.9°Brix) and anthocyanin concentration (761.3 mg/100 g fruit fresh weight) were at their maximum values, while at this time the total titratable acidity was at a minimum value (2.56%). The results obtained not only contributes to the knowledge of the quantitative content of anthocyanin, a metabolite with nutraceutical value but, gives some tools for the definition of the optimal harvest time of B. buxifolia fruits, what it is important for fruit destination.  相似文献   

草莓微繁殖苗移栽后开花结果的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以草莓品种丰香、吐德拉、全明星、北辉为试材,研究了移栽时期、生根方式对草莓微繁殖苗移栽后开花结果的影响。草莓微繁殖苗在春季移栽时期对开花结果习性具有重要影响,2月份移栽,4个品种都开花结果,成熟期比露地栽培草莓大约晚20d,全明星、吐德拉和丰香3个品种的产量与普通苗露地栽培的产量相近;3月份移栽,虽然有开花结果,但并无经济学产量;4月份移栽,4个品种均未开花。不同品种的微繁殖苗在开花株率、单株产量等指标上差异显著,其中全明星微繁殖苗的开花结果能力最强,2月份移栽的微繁殖苗的开花株率达89.3%,单株产量达98.2g。在花序数上,培养基中不含植物生长调节剂处理显著高于附加植物生长调节剂的处理。  相似文献   

早实核桃新品种云新云林的选育   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
云新云林是我们用漾濞泡核桃(Juglans sigillata)作母本、新疆核桃(J.regia)优良单株云林A7作父本杂交育成的早实早熟核桃新品种。果实扁圆球形,平均单果重9.6g,单个果仁重5.32g,果仁浅黄色,易取仁,果仁饱满,品质优良;出仁率54.79%,脂肪和蛋白质含量高;苗木栽后第2年开始结果,在昆明8月10日果实开始成熟。2004年12月通过云南省林木良种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

In spite of the importance of the peduncle and pedicel in supporting and connecting flowers and fruits to the mother plant, these structures are little known in the olive, and more detailed information can be instrumental in studies of fruit development, ripening and abscission. The structure of pedicel and peduncle was studied at flowering and at fruit maturation for the Spanish olive cultivar “Picual”. Both organs have a stem-like structure. At flowering the pedicel is less developed as the transport requirements to individual flowers are minimal compared to that of the complete inflorescence, and the structure has high chances of being shed in the heavy flower abscission in this species. The peduncle is thicker, due to a ridged cortex, and has larger xylem vessel size. By fruit maturation in November, the overall diameter of both pedicel and peduncle increases, due to both conducting tissues and support tissues: in the pedicel the xylem increases 6-fold, in the peduncle 3-fold, while the phloem undergoes smaller increases. An important developmental feature of pedicel and peduncle is the increase in their capacity to mechanically support the growing fruit. To this end both organs, in addition to the increased thickness of the conducting tissues, produce a lignified sclerenchyma ring. Unlike the stem, however, which produces numerous sclereids, the sclerenchymatous ring only consists of fibres, which offer greater flexibility and make the structure less prone to breaking.  相似文献   

王宣英 《广西园艺》2007,18(3):14-16
夏季(5~7月)是金柑开花结果的主要季节,也是决定金柑园全年产量丰欠和产品品质优劣的重要时期。掌握这一时期金柑开花坐果规律,采取针对性的技术措施,对于提高当年金柑园的经济效益有举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

不同配方施肥对果梅生长结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在保持N、P、K比例不变的情况下,研究不同肥料组合对果梅生长结果的影响。试验结果表明:在N、P2O5、K2O配比1:0.4:0.6,有效氮、磷、钾年施用量1.38kg/株的基础上添加硼砂和石灰有利于提高果梅的坐果率和产量,比对照分别提高9.9%和14.16%。  相似文献   

不同树形对毛叶枣结果的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毛叶枣树形试验表明,纺锤形与开心形相比,具有产量高、果实品质好,节省架材等优点。纺锤形果实产量比开心形高,枝叶重量比开心形低。2次结果试验表明,纺锤形果实采收后,留中央领导干和大枝基枝回缩修剪,结合盛花期环剥,能在10月和1月收2次果,产量显著高于收1次果。  相似文献   

We compared hydraulic traits of 18 tropical/subtropical fruit-producing species plants and a further 18 from temperate zone. Plants were classified into four categories by height: tall tree (>10 m), small tree (4–9 m), shrub (1–4 m) and vine. We measured ratios [(cross-section area of xylem)/(cross-section area of twig)], and the diameters and numbers of xylem vessels in microscopic images. We calculated the water flow index (WFI: Σr4 S−1 × xylem ratio, where, r is the vessel radius, and S is the xylem cross-section area) according to Hagen–Poiseuille's law. Vine had thick vessels and remarkably higher WFI than free-standing trees in both temperate and tropical fruit species. Vessel diameter increased as trees being taller in both in latitudinal groups. Xylem vessel number decreased with height in temperate fruit trees but not in tropical species. WFI increased with tree height of both latitudinal groups. There were no significant effects of latitude on WFI.  相似文献   

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