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不同行道树降温增湿及滞尘效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以海南热带海洋学院(三亚校区)校园行道树优势树种高山榕、大叶相思、印度胶树、菩提树、非洲楝、火焰木、马占相思、香樟、鸭脚木、小叶榄仁、垂叶榕、隆缘桉为研究对象,比较了乔木绿化树种的降温增湿和滞尘能力。结果表明:在相同环境生长的种龄相当的树种,降温增湿效应不同,高山榕、大叶相思、印度胶树的降温增湿能力最好;降温增湿效应比较差的是隆缘桉、小叶榄仁和垂叶榕。不同树种的滞尘能力也有差异,其中滞尘能力较强的乔木树种是火焰木、菩提树、高山榕和印度胶树。该研究结果对校园绿化和城市行道树的规划选择都具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

为充分了解色叶树种的利用现状,实地调查深圳市莲花山公园的各个园林绿化片区,对园内应用的园林树种进行统计分析。结果表明:园内有色叶树种15科21属25种,其中春色叶树种7种、秋色叶树种10种、常色叶树种8种;色叶树种使用数量较多的有荔枝、钟花蒲桃和紫薇;莲花湖、椰风林、登山道、南门、绿榕路种植的色叶植物种类较多、规模较大;健康等级为Ⅰ级的色叶树种有18种,Ⅱ级有3种,Ⅲ级和Ⅴ级各有1种,Ⅳ级有2种。同时,对莲花山公园的色叶树种合理配置应用提出了指导性建议,也为岭南园林提出针对性绿化方案。  相似文献   

采用酒精-丙酮(1∶1)进行萃取,用分光光度法测定常见桑科榕属植物小叶榕、黄金榕和花叶榕的胡萝卜素、叶黄素和总类胡萝卜素的含量。结果表明,胡萝卜素含量为:小叶榕>黄金榕>花叶榕;叶黄素含量是:黄金榕>花叶榕>小叶榕;总类胡萝卜素含量为:小叶榕>花叶榕>黄金榕。可见,黄金榕叶黄素含量最高,小叶榕的最低,花叶榕的居中;而小叶榕的胡萝卜素含量最高,花叶榕的最低,黄金榕的居中。由于这3种植物各种色素的含量差异,使得这3种植物的叶片呈现出不同的颜色。  相似文献   

三种观赏植物水培营养液配方初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同配方的营养液对彩叶凤梨、小叶榕和天竺葵进行了水培试验.结果表明:3 种植物对不同配方营养液有不同的适应性,大量元素为11.5 mg/L(以下单位同)NH4 -N 140.2 NO3--N 93.0 P 312.0 P 80.0 Ca 18.3 Mg 45.0 S的营养液(pH 6.12,EC 为1.32 ms/cm)较适合彩叶凤梨和小叶榕的生长,而天竺葵在大量元素为21.0 NH4 -N 137.2NO3--N 44.5 P 265.2 K 92.0 Ca 36.0 Mg 48.0 S的营养液(pH5.60,EC 为 1.35 ms/cm)中生长最好.  相似文献   

以红叶小檗、水蜡、金叶女贞、连翘、北京丁香、小叶黄杨6种常见园林树种为试材,正常光照为对照,测定分析不同程度的遮荫方式对每种树种的苗高、新梢生长情况、叶绿素、叶片含水量、叶面积等生长生理指标的影响.结果表明:不同的园林树木在遮荫环境下生长和生理反应各不相同,其中在无遮荫条件下红叶小檗、小叶黄杨、北京丁香、金叶女贞的各项生长指标最高,水蜡在双层遮荫条件下生长指标最高,连翘的生长指标遮荫组和对照组无明显差异.遮荫条件对连翘、水蜡的生理指标无显著影响,红叶小檗、小叶黄杨、金叶女贞在遮荫条件下生理指标相比对照组较为显著,北京丁香的生理指标单层遮荫组相比对照组显著,双层遮荫组不显著.  相似文献   

以重庆道路绿地中普遍常见的香樟、小叶榕、天竺葵、黄葛树、构树5种树木为试材,利用LI-6400便携式光合测定系统测定了其在不同绿地类型的光合特性参数,并分析了其在水分利用率(WUE)、光能利用率(LUE)、CO2固定效率(CE)方面的能力,评价其改善环境的效益.结果表明:构树、小叶榕、香樟对改善道路绿地环境效益优于天竺桂和黄葛树.构树、小叶榕、香樟3种树木能更好地适应恶劣环境的道路绿地,并改善其环境.  相似文献   

榕管蓟马(Gynairothrips uzeli Zimmerman)是为害会理地区小叶榕生产的最主要害虫,具有繁殖量大、世代多,甚至出现世代重叠。通过观察本地小叶榕榕管蓟马种群消长规律及为害特点后,为制订合理有效的防治措施提供参考。  相似文献   

广东湛江市抗台风木本绿化树种选择与养护初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于历年台风对绿化树种的危害分析,抽样对湛江市"3纵5横"地区主要道路和绿地的木本树种进行调查,分析树种使用的密度与频度,得出湛江市可用的抗台风能力强的木本树种有小叶榄仁、垂叶榕和大叶相思等,同时提出增强现有绿化树种抗台风能力的养护优化措施,在一定程度上帮助解决湛江抗台护绿的问题。  相似文献   

柯家花园仿古石盆联系电话:唐女士15860750166红榕,小叶红皮榕,简称红皮榕或红榕,常具悬垂气根,树高达20m~30m,胸径达2m。奇特板根露出地表,宽达3m~4m,宛如栅栏。气生根细弱悬垂及地面,入土生根,形似支柱;树皮灰褐色,枝叶稠密,浓荫覆地,甚为壮观。红榕相对其它榕树品种更为耐寒,适应力更强,是优良的盆景树种。本期红榕作品是柯成昆先生几年前得来,高150cm,直径105cm,宽250cm,恢弘气度,蔚为壮观。  相似文献   

小叶榕种质资源综合指数定量评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集4个省(市)的26份种质,在田间进行完全随机种植试验,根据小叶榕特点选取相应关键指标,通过打分法进行综合评价。结果表明:不同种质的品质指数、速生性指数、综合指数有较大的差异,有6份种质综合指数超过了80分,性状表现优良;该研究建立了合理的小叶榕种质综合评价方法,可为乔木类中药优良种质评价提供参考。  相似文献   

利用林窗部分转换技术测定苹果树冠层结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常规直接测定果树冠层结构几乎是不可能的,目前主要用间接测定的方法。利用林窗部 分转换技术(GFTT)测定三种不同砧木(M9,MM106,Hashabi)金冠苹果园的冠层结构,结果表明,不同 砧木苹果树叶面积相差很大,但叶面积指数差异不大。用林窗部分转换技术测定的叶面积与用叶 面积积仪测定的结果差异少于1个叶面积指数,说明这一技术是可行的。此外,两个苹果园(M9, MM106砧木)用上述两种方法测出的叶面积指数均无差异,又说明林窗部分转换技术测定的叶面 积指数具有相对的准确性。  相似文献   

渭北3种不同类型苹果园冠层特征及光照特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
渭北果区正在推广的旨在提高果园通风透光条件的“大改形”技术已进行几年,为对其效果进行观察,应用WinsCanopy2004a冠层分析仪对陕西渭北3种不同类型苹果园冠层及光照的有关参数进行了测定。结果表明,3类果园的平均冠下总辐射偏大(透光率高),每666.7m2留枝量偏低,说明改形对改善树体的光照条件效果明显,但是改形偏重;中冠园果树的透光率最高,小冠园最低;大冠园果树的叶面积指数最大,当年生枝量与主枝数的比例最大。  相似文献   

The urban heat island effect (UHIE) has been documented in many temperate region cities. One cause of the UHIE is the replacement of green spaces with impervious materials as urbanization commences and the city builds up and fills in. During the summer, elevated urban temperatures result in increased electricity usage, higher pollution levels, and greater resident discomfort. Through evapotranspiration and the interception of solar radiation, increasing urban tree canopy cover can help mitigate the UHIE. While this is universally accepted, the exact statistical relationship between urban leaf area (as measured by leaf area index, LAI) and urban temperatures has not been extensively studied. In a case study conducted in urban/suburban Terre Haute, Indiana, USA, simple linear regression was employed to quantify the relationship between in situ ceptometer LAI measurements and surface kinetic temperatures (SKTs) measured using thermal satellite imagery acquired at 1100 local time. For the 143 sample sites located in the study area, LAI accounted for 62% of the variation in surface temperature. For every unit increase in LAI, surface temperature decreased by 1.2 °C.  相似文献   

栽植密度显著影响柑桔树冠内的光能分布和利用水平,制约树冠叶群的光合生产能力,从而进一步影响树体的生长发育状况,以及营养生长和生殖生长水平,最终表现出果实产量和品质的差异。枳砧温州蜜柑实行合理密植栽培的行距宜控制在3~4m,株距2m左右,当树冠内相对光照水平下降到40%时,必须加强整枝修剪或及时间移。  相似文献   

对不同月份叶面积指数时空分布及其对林冠截留、透流及干流的影响进行观测研究。结果表明:2~8月份叶面积指数一直在递增,9~1月份叶面积指数一直在递减,8月份叶面积指数达最大值7.5,2月份叶面积指数达最小值为3.1。各月林冠截留、干流与叶面积指数呈正相关性,透流与叶面积指数呈负相关性。当降雨量小时,随叶面积指数的递增则林冠截留、干流递增缓慢;当降雨量和降雨强度较大时,随叶面积指数的递增则林冠截留、干流递增加快。  相似文献   

Understanding how trees influence water movement in an urban landscape is important because in an ‘engineered xeriscape’ small changes in rainfall frequency or magnitude have significant implications to plant water availability and mortality at one extreme, and stormwater runoff and flooding at the other. This study relates direct measures of tree canopy interception and discusses their implication for catchment hydrology in different urban landscape contexts. We measured canopy throughfall and stemflow under two eucalypt tree species in an urban street setting over a continuous five month period. Eucalyptus nicholii has a dense canopy and rough bark, whereas Eucalyptus saligna has a less-dense canopy and smooth bark. E. nicholii, with the greater plant area index, intercepted more of the smaller rainfall events, such that 44% of annual rainfall was intercepted as compared to 29% for the less dense E. saligna canopy (2010). Stemflow was less in amount and frequency for the rough barked E. nicholii as compared to the smooth barked E. saligna. However, annual estimates of stemflow to the ground surface for even the smooth barked E. saligna would only offset approximately 10 mm of the 200 mm intercepted by its canopy (2010).Tree canopy and bark characteristics should be considered when planting in pervious green space, or impervious streetscapes, because of their profound impact upon tree and surrounding water availability, soil water recharge or runoff. This study provides an evidence base for tree canopy impacts upon urban catchment hydrology, and suggests that rainfall and runoff reductions of up to 20% are quite possible in impervious streetscapes. Street tree canopies can function as a cost-effective compliment to water sensitive urban design for stormwater reduction benefits.  相似文献   

果树光合作用数学模拟的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
以数学模拟为主线,系统综述了果树单叶光合模型、冠层结构模型、冠层辐射分布模型和冠层光合模型的研究进展;并对果树冠层光合作用有较大影响的因子如叶面积指数、太阳高度角、叶倾角分布、群集因子、消光系数、直接辐射和散射辐射等对冠层光合速率影响的数量关系进行了系统分析。研究表明对果树冠层光合影响最大的因子是太阳高度角和果树的冠层结构。能够模拟三维冠层光合作用,并且能够响应多种环境条件的动态模型是当今果树光合建模的发展方向。  相似文献   

叶面积指数测定方法综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶面积指数(LAI)被定义为单位地面面积上叶面面积总和,是极其重要的植被特征,是表征植被冠层结构最基本的参量之一,它控制着植被的许多生物、物理过程,如光合、呼吸、蒸腾、碳循环和降水截获等。因此如何有效的测定叶面积指数将是我们面临的重大课题。本文阐述了直接收获法、调落叶法等叶面积测定方法,同时也将例举这些叶面积测定方法已测定过的物种范围,并就这些方法中所存在的局限性进行说明。  相似文献   

应用WinsCanopy2005a植物冠层分析仪,研究5月上旬至8月下旬陕北坡地枣树叶面积指数(LAI)随时间的动态变化规律;比较不同林龄、不同坡向枣树LAI之间的差异性及LAI与冠层其他特征之间的相关性。结果表明,陕北坡地枣树LAI的季节动态变化规律明显,从5月上旬至8月下旬呈不断上升的S曲线,最大值出现在8月下旬,为2.18±0.1;不同林龄枣林LAI大小为:10 a5 a3 a,各林龄LAI之间差异达到极显著水平(P0.001);不同坡向枣林LAI两两之间也有显著差异(P0.05),其中阴坡与阳坡差异达到极显著水平(P0.001),阳坡枣树生长前期(开花期前)LAI较小,但是在整个生育期生长迅速,生长后期LAI明显大于其他坡向;LAI与林隙分数、冠层透光率、冠层下方总光合光量子通量密度均有很好的相关关系,相关系数均超过0.80。据此,林龄和坡向是影响枣树LAI的重要因子,在枣树的修剪和栽培时宜根据具体情况区别对待。  相似文献   

Individual Tree Inventory (ITI) is critical for urban planning, including urban heat mitigation. However, an ITI is usually incomplete and costly due to data collection challenges in the dynamic urban landscape. This research developed a methodical GeoAI framework to build a comprehensive ITI and quantify tree species cooling on rising urban heat.The object detection Faster R-CNN model with Inception ResNet V2 was implemented to detect individual trees canopy and seven tree species (Callery pear, Chinese elm, English elm, Mugga ironbark, Plane tree, Spotted gum and White cedar). The land surface temperature (LST) was derived from Landsat 8 surface reflectance imagery. Two models for ITI were further developed for spatial and statistical analysis. Firstly, an ‘Individual tree-based model’ stores the attributes of tree species and its vertical configuration obtained from LiDAR, along with its tree canopy area and surface temperature. Secondly, the ‘LST zone-based model’ stores tree canopy cover and building areas in each zone unit. Pearson correlation, global linear regression, and geographically weighted regression (GWR) were applied to establish the relationship between tree attributes, building areas (explanatory variables) with local temperature (dependent variable). Results showed that English elm has the highest cooling and least by Mugga ironbark in the study area. GWR results demonstrate that 94% of the LST was explained by tree height and tree canopy area. The LST zone-based model showed that 85% of the LST was explained by the percentage of tree species and buildings. Maps of the local R2 and coefficients of the independent variables provide spatially explicit information on the cooling of different tree species compared to building areas. The implemented GeoAI approach provides important insights to urban planners and government to monitor urban trees with the enhanced Individual Tree Inventory and strategies mitigation plan to reduce the impact of climate change and global warming.  相似文献   

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