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以福建将乐国有林场为例,采用主成分分析法建立森林结构与功能的耦合关系模型,对将乐国有林场森林多功能经营状况进行评价。结果表明:多功能等级为优、良、中、差和极差的小班所占比例分别为4.32%、20.02%、60.73%、8.79%和6.14%。将乐国有林场急需制定森林多功能经营方案,通过合理的经营措施提高森林质量,更好地发挥森林的多种功能,以满足当地经济社会对森林多功能需求。研究结果旨在为南方集体林区森林多功能经营提供理论和技术支撑。  相似文献   

森林是孕育生命最原始基础,在其满足人们日益增长的物质文化需求的同时又发挥多重效益与功能。阐述森林在自然演替与人为活动目的下的可持续经营过程,发展和经营中必然产生的重复规律,提出森林的多功能经营模式,以更好发挥森林的生态、经济、社会和文化等多种功能以作参考。  相似文献   

森林功能理论最早应用于19世纪初的德国森林科学中,其理论演变在德国的林业发展中具有重要地位。文中从森林功能的初认识阶段、再认识阶段、多功能理论阶段及多功能林业的应用阶段对德国森林功能理论演变进行了研究,并从创新林业经营管理理念、加大公共财政扶持力度、促进科技支撑林业发展、创新林业管理机制体制和开展全民森林教育等方面探讨了其对林业的5点主要启示,对于我国多功能林业建设具有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

林业分类经营是在一定的经济条件下,根据社会对林业的需求而产生的一种林业经营体制和发展模式,它按照对森林多功能主导利用的不同和森林发挥功能所产出“产品”属性的不同,相应的把森林划分为公益林和商品林,林业上的“分类经营”的实践,在森林生态系统自然保护区建立后慢慢的发展了起来。随着社会对森林的认识由单一为主转向多元兼顾,由木材需求为主转入生态为主其他功能协同发展,林业面临的一个重大课题就是如何通过合理有效的经营管理来满足人类对森林的需求,发挥森林的多个功能,使森林功能的总体效益趋于最大化。经过长期的森林经营实…  相似文献   

多功能林业就是在区分不同区域森林的主导功能和一般功能的基础上,依据社会经济和自然条件正确选择功能利用,并在不危及其他生态系统的条件下,合理保护、不断提升和持续利用客观存在的林木和林地的生态、经济、社会和文化等所有功能,最大限度地持久发挥林业对整个经济社会发展的支持作用。这种淡化分林种经营的多功能林业的经营思想,可以弥补当前城郊造林绿化中用地、资金、效益等方面的不足。  相似文献   

根据清镇市的林业需求分析结果,对水源涵养(P_1)、森林旅游(P_2)、水土保持(P_3)、生物多样性保护(P_4)、木材需求(P_5)、调节小气候(P_6)、改善空气质量(P_7)等常绿阔叶林的主要森林功能,利用层次分析法,以经济效益、社会效益和生态效益为评价指标,定量计算各功能类型的综合效益,进行主导功能优选。结果表明,各功能类型的综合效益为:P_3(0.1955)P_2(0.1727)P_1(0.1517)P_4(0.1356)P_6(0.1154)P_7(0.1148)P_5(0.1146),在7种主要的功能类型中以P3即水土保持功能类型的综合效益最佳。因此,清镇市的常绿阔叶林应该以发挥森林的水土保持功能为主,辅以其他功能类型的经营管理模式。研究结果可为区域常绿阔叶林的森林多功能经营提供参考。  相似文献   

景观生态林建设中的森林功能与森林文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市森林、生态旅游区(森林公园)、村屯、通道绿化,具有多目标需求的特点,要从自然科学、社会经济和文化等多层面出发,建设与区域功能需求相匹配的景观生态林。景观生态林建设要把生态功能放在第一位,同时注重个性化功能需求,并赋予特定的森林文化内涵,表现出进步的、可持续的文明发展观。  相似文献   

我国城市森林建设的发展与驱动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国城市森林建设的兴起与发展情况,分析指出我国城市森林建设驱动的源动力为城市多样性需求和城市森林的多功能的耦合,提出我国城市森林建设遵循“需求—功能—驱动”的规律,主要形成了生态主导驱动型、经济主导驱动型和社会文化主导驱动型三种城市森林建设驱动模式.  相似文献   

随着我国森林经营逐步进入多功能森林经营阶段,多功能森林经营方案的编制任务日渐紧迫,多功能森林经营方案编制技术作为多功能森林经营方案制定的基础和关键,目前尚未形成一套完整的体系。本研究从多功能森林经营方案编制技术体系入手,研究多功能可持续森林经营方案编制的理论和关键技术,包括多功能森林经营区划、森林作业法设计、可持续采伐量计算、多功能森林经营的投入产出等关键技术。将"功能区划-作业法设计–效益分析评价"这个支撑森林经营方案的底层结构和算法模式串联起来,提出与经营目标和作业方法一致的结构化整体进程模型,并集成到软件系统中,形成多功能森林经营方案辅助设计系统。提出了多功能森林经营方案编制关键技术,梳理了技术体系,完成了辅助设计系统。研究的结果为多功能森林经营方案编制提供了技术规范及辅助工具,是多功能森林经营方案编制技术集成的有益尝试。同时对支持森林生态系统可持续经营管理、推进森林经营方案的编制和实施、确保编制成果的科学性和实用性都有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国多功能林业思想的历史演进   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
充分开发利用林业的多种功能已成为中国林业的一项紧迫任务, 研究和借鉴历史上已有的多功能林业思想有着重要意义。文中从历史角度对多功能林业思想进行了初步总结。结果表明, 从先秦时期开始, 人们就已经认识到森林具有多种功能, 但直到明代尚没有形成系统的论述; 清代俞森是比较早地系统论述林业具有多种效益的学者; 1947年, 郝景盛发表《森林万能论》, 标志着中国多功能林业理论正式诞生; 20世纪末出现的现代林业理论, 在突出强调森林生态效益的同时, 要求高效发挥森林的多重功能和价值; 2010年, 《中国多功能林业发展道路》著作出版, 使该理论进一步完善。  相似文献   

树种选择与配置对森林生态系统服务的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
我国森林面积和蓄积量连续增长,但造林树种单一、林分幼龄化、径级持续偏小、单位面积蓄积量低。在气候变化挑战及全球经济一体化大背景下,如何发挥森林在木材生产、生物多样性保护、固碳、涵养水源及社会文化等方面的多重服务功能以满足经济社会发展对森林的多元化需求,是我国现代林业建设的当务之急。文中通过梳理国内外相关文献,分析不同树种与配置模式和不同森林经营选择对森林生态系统服务的影响,以及对森林生态系统服务影响的模拟预测方法与工具,进而总结当前研究与实践的总体趋势,以期为我国树种选择及其优化配置、增强森林生态系统服务功能提供决策参考。  相似文献   

The Japanese forest zoning process used to be simpler when society treated wood production as the primary objective rather than the current system that requires zoning for a variety of uses. Although we support the recent change in zoning process, we identify two potential problems. One is that land is zoned by means of forest site quality that is evaluated based on natural conditions without paying much attention to social factors. The second problem is that they attempt to determine the primary management objective of a forest block simply by comparing the results of a site quality assessment, which is often very difficult. To alleviate these problems we propose a methodology that incorporates social factors into a zoning process. We used a set of social factors to revise the site quality assessment (SQA) for some forest functions. Then, we proposed a method that integrated SQA scores and weighted values that were obtained through public involvement. As a case study in which we examined the effectiveness of the methodology, we selected two regions; Rokko, which is close to large cities, and Shiso, where forestry is one of the major industries. We divided these regions into a grid of about one thousand units and classified the forest functions into eight categories. First, we compared SQA scores that had been evaluated based on the natural conditions with those that were adjusted according to social factors. Then, employing the revised SQA scores and social evaluation (SE) for each function, we determined the number of units on the grid to which each function was assigned as the primary management objective. We found that incorporating social factors yielded significant differences in the site quality assessment as well as the determination of the number of grid-units for some functions, suggesting that this method may be used to alleviate existing problems with the current zoning process.  相似文献   

The study presents four ways to formulate a landscape level forest planning model for group planning using a heuristic optimization method called ‘HERO’. The HERO method is composed of two primary steps: first, forest management goals are defined; then a management plan is sought to fulfill the defined goals. The planning models consider the landscape (whole area) and forest holdings as separate hierarchical levels. Within the planning models, each participant's forest management goals are defined using additive priority functions consisting of weighted sub-utility and/or achievement functions. Maximizing the achievement function minimizes the deviation from the target value for the corresponding goal variable. (i) The integrated top-down model uses achievement functions on the landscape level and sub-utility functions on the individual holding level; while (ii) the integrated bottom-up model uses achievement functions on the holding level and sub-utility functions on the landscape level. (iii) The integrated utility maximization model consists of weighted sub-utility functions on both the landscape and the individual holding levels and (iv) the integrated regret minimization model uses achievement functions on both levels. The use of different priority models was illustrated in a case study, which consisted of four neighboring private land holdings. In general, the priority models worked in a logical way. Large deviations from the targets could be prevented by using achievement functions in the overall priority models. On the other hand, the differences between the models were not very large, and the results of only one case cannot be generalized. It seems that all the alternative priority models might have use in different planning situations. However, interactive use of the models should be preferred.  相似文献   

森林经营综合效益评价方法与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
加强森林经营和提高森林质量是我国林业现代化过程的重要内容和环节。不同经营模式对森林多功能影响及经济效益评价已经成为森林经营领域关注的热点之一。文中对森林经营综合效益评价的理论和方法进行评析, 综述近几十年来国内外森林经营的木材生产和碳储存效益评价, 重点介绍不同时期研究评价内容的变化; 在此基础上, 总结我国森林效益评价存在的不足, 指出今后研究的重点和发展趋势, 为推进我国森林经营朝着技术上可行、生态上友好、经济上可接受的可持续方向发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Small-scale forestry builds upon interactions among local stakeholders. Forest management entails multiple social situations such as consultations or cooperative engagements between owners and forest professionals. Successful social endeavours rest on positive social capital as operationalised via trust. Based on qualitative in-depth interviews with forest owners, managers and other forestry stakeholders, this study explores how trust influences the social relationships in a local context of Southern Swedish forestry. Most strikingly, the analysis reveals large differences in owners' trust towards two major actors: the Swedish Forest Agency (SFA) and the forest owner association (FOA) Södra. Permanence of personnel, a client-based approach, and personal features of SFA's local forest officer lead to strong local anchoring and high trust towards SFA. Södra proved to be a trustful partner in the aftermath of calamities; however its industrial priorities seem to erode owners' trust. The empirical findings of this study demonstrate the importance of recognising personal relationships and the catalysing role of bonding social capital in order to understand the local forest management situations. Our results are useful for forestry organisations and policy-makers willing to comprehend the local context and implement best practices in small-scale forestry.  相似文献   

Social networks play an important role in the communication of information among forest owners and how owners process that information in making land management decisions. This article examines variations in the social network characteristics of family forest owners using survey data and interviews with 42 owners in south-central Indiana. We examine how network structure and content vary by harvesting activity, information sources, ownership attributes, sociodemographic characteristics, and location. Quantitative measures of network size and diversity, along with a qualitative understanding of network content and function are discussed and compared for active and passive forest managers. We find that active managers (people who had a recent timber harvest) had at least twice as many social ties related to forest management compared to passive managers, particularly after accounting for parcel ownership size, forest area, and total landholding size. Learning and service were the main functions of these networks, with learning being the most frequently cited reason for talking to others regardless of the management profile of forest owners. The study contributes to a growing interest in mixed-methods approaches to network studies and research on social networks in private forestry.  相似文献   

国家相关管理部门联合提出按照“环境优良、服务优质、管理完善、特色鲜明、效益明显”的要求建设一批国家森林康养基地。以浙江千岛湖龙川湾为例,分析其森林资源、地理区位、产业链、发展规模、社会合作、管理保障、三大效益等方面建设森林康养基地的优势,整合提升游憩观赏、研学文化、垂钓休闲、扶犁耕地、康养保健、疗养康复、健身拓展区域空间布局与发展举措,从康养体验、休闲体验、运动健身等方面增强千岛湖龙川湾森林康养基地功能,推进森林康养产业发展。  相似文献   

美国森林服务管理经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
森林服务管理是融合了生态效益、社会效益、经济效益的管理科学。目标是环境可持续发展、创造社会生产力和服务公众利益,以满足现在和未来人类对环境的需求。美国林务局作为美国森林服务管理的责任机构,其管理水平一直处于世界领先地位。文中从美国林务局历史演变、机构设置、管理模式、服务领域和战略规划等方面对美国森林服务管理模式进行概括和梳理;分析其管理模式的优越性和先进性;提出对完善我国森林服务管理的启示:加大科技投入,健全政策法规,发挥森林多功能效益。  相似文献   

我国国有林区具有"小社会"的特征,林区内外部的各种因素共同作用,使得国有林区的功能定位和林区管理体制、运行机制、经济结构、人口结构、社会组织结构正在发生深刻的变化,标志着国有林区处在社会转型之中。国有林区社会转型具有整体性、系统性、复杂性、长期性的特点,不仅事关国有林区改革发展,而且事关国家生态安全和可持续发展的大局,因此对国有林区社会转型要加强引导、给予扶持、确保有序、系统应对,特别要改变原来行政命令为主、以权代法的管理模式,强化法律在国有林区社会转型中的引导和规范作用,其中要特别重视健全和完善国有林管理的相关法律法规。  相似文献   

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