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Key message

Water availability and soil pH seem to be major constraints for enzyme activities in calcareous soils under Pinus halepensis and acidic soils under Pinus sylvestris plantations respectively. Proposals for improving enzyme activities may include the promotion of broadleaf species to increase soil pH and the modulation of stand density or the implementation of soil preparation techniques to facilitate water infiltration.


Soil enzymes play a key role in nutrient turnover in forest ecosystems, as they are responsible for the transformation of organic matter into available nutrients for plants. Enzyme activities are commonly influenced by temperature, humidity, nutrient availability, pH, and organic matter content.


To assess the differences between enzyme activities in calcareous soils below Pinus halepensis and acidic soils below Pinus sylvestris plantations in Spain and to trace those differences back to edapho-climatic parameters to answer the questions: Which environmental factors drive enzyme activities in these soils? How can forest management improve them?


The differences in climatic, soil physical, chemical, and biochemical parameters and the correlations between these parameters and enzyme activities in soils were assessed.


Low pH and high level of phenols in acidic soils under Pinus sylvestris and water deficit in calcareous soils under Pinus halepensis plantations appeared to be the most limiting factors for enzyme activities.


Options such as the promotion of native broadleaf species in the Pinus sylvestris stands and the modulation of Pinus halepensis stand density or the implementation of soil preparation techniques may improve enzyme activities and, therefore, nutrient availability.


Key message

A multiphasic response to water deficit was found in Scots pine primary and secondary metabolism. First, an increase of terpenoids coincided with the stomatal closure. Second, an accumulation of proline, ABA, and shikimic acid was detected when photosynthesis was negligible.


Drought-induced mortality is characterized by a major needle yellowing followed by severe defoliation and whole branch death. Before these external visual symptoms of drought stress take place, different alterations occur in plant metabolism.


This study aims to detect changes in primary and secondary metabolism of Pinus sylvestris L. in response to a decrease in soil water availability.


We analyzed needle water potential, photosynthetic characteristics, and concentrations of proline, terpenoids, shikimic acid, total polyphenols, and abscisic acid (ABA) in P. sylvestris through a 55-day soil water deficit period.


Concentrations of most metabolites varied with the decrease in soil water availability, but changes in different compounds were triggered at different times, highlighting a multiphasic response. Increases in monoterpene and sesquiterpenoid content at moderate water deficit coincided with stomatal closure which preceded the accumulation of proline, ABA, and shikimic acid under severe water deficit when net photosynthesis was negligible.


This work confirms that most of the secondary metabolites under investigation in Pinus sylvestris did not increase until a moderate to severe water deficit was experienced, when photosynthesis was limited by stomatal closure.


Key message

Seedling ontogeny exerted a greater influence on physiological activity of Quercus rubra seedlings than genetics; thus, it may be more important to use an appropriate growth index to account for seedling ontogeny in experiments than to control for genetic variation.


Members of the genus Quercus exhibit semi-determinate growth, resulting in complex and developmentally variable endogenous physiological patterns. The Quercus morphological index (QMI; Hanson et al. Tree Physiol. 2:273-281, 1986) was developed as a tool to relate physiological patterns to morphologically identifiable ontological stages, thereby allowing for treatment or measurement of seedlings at uniform ontological stages rather than strictly by chronology.


Although clear physiological patterns relative to seedling ontogeny have been observed using the QMI in pre-transplant half-sibling seedlings, we sought to determine whether physiological patterns remain consistent across genotypes within a species.


We examined net photosynthesis, transpiration, leaf chlorophyll concentrations, and chlorophyll fluorescence (F v /F m ) throughout the first flush after transplant for northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings from three half-sibling families.


Neither net photosynthesis nor transpiration rates varied by family, whereas leaf chlorophyll concentrations and F v /F m differed significantly. Despite family differences for magnitudes of some parameters, no interactions between QMI growth stage and family were observed, and patterns of all parameters relative to growth stage were consistent across families. Net photosynthetic rates, transpiration rates, and F v /F m increased during the flush, while leaf chlorophyll concentration decreased, suggesting that chlorophyll synthesis is not a limiting factor during leaf maturation in this species.


Findings indicate that QMI-based physiological patterns may be at least regionally applicable within a given Quercus species.


Key message

Geometric morphometric analyses (GMMs) of the leaf shape can distinguish two congeneric oak species Quercus dentata Thunberg and Quercus aliena Blume in sympatric areas.


High genetic and morphological variation in different Quercus species hinder efforts to distinguish them. In China, Q. dentata and Q. aliena are generally sympatrically distributed in warm temperate forests, and share some leaf morphological characteristics.


The aim of this study was to use the morphometric methods to discriminate these sympatric Chinese oaks preliminarily identified from molecular markers.


Three hundred sixty-seven trees of seven sympatric Q. dentata and Q. aliena populations were genetically assigned to one of the two species or hybrids using Bayesian clustering analysis based on nSSR. This grouping served as a priori classification of the trees. Shapes of 1835 leaves from the 367 trees were analyzed in terms of 13 characters (landmarks) by GMMs. Correlations between environmental and leaf morphology parameters were studied using linear regression analyses.


The two species were efficiently discriminated by the leaf morphology analyses (96.9 and 95.9% of sampled Q. aliena trees and Q. dentata trees were correctly identified), while putative hybrids between the two species were found to be morphologically intermediate. Moreover, we demonstrated that the leaf morphological variations of Q. aliena, Q. dentata, and their putative hybrids are correlated with environmental factors, possibly because the variation of leaf morphology is part of the response to different habitats and environmental disturbances.


GMMs were able to correctly classify individuals from the two species preliminary identified as Q. dentata or Q. aliena by nSSR. The high degree of classification accuracy provided by this approach may be exploited to discriminate other problematic species and highlight its utility in plant ecology and evolution studies.


Key message

Acacia melanoxylon produces abundant seeds leading to large seed banks in the soil. These seeds display a large viability and their germination is stimulated by heat. To control the populations, it is necessary to remove adults and young individuals, and to prevent seedling establishment after fire occupying the space with rapid growth and high competitive native species.


Acacia melanoxylon displays a widespread distribution in South West Europe, and an improved knowledge of its reproductive characteristics is required in order to control its expansion.


This experiment was designed to provide useful indicators for an efficient management of A. melanoxylon populations based on its biological cycle in relation to fire.


We explored the reproductive biology of A. melanoxylon, from seed dissemination—–quantifying seed rain over a year, their germination with and without fire—the seedling and sapling banks and the structure of the adult population. We analysed the effects of fire, seed maturation and scarification on the viability of seeds and the stimulation of seed germination in the aerial seed bank and in the different strata of the soil seed bank.


Our results indicate that A. melanoxylon produced millions of seeds per ha and per year, half of which germinated and the other half went to the soil seed bank, maintaining the viability many years. The germination was the most critical step in the population dynamics of this species, and fire stimulates germination up to 90%.


A. melanoxylon adults and seedlings removal, followed by colonization of rapid growth and high competitive native species that cover the ground very quickly would be a good control action.


Key message

Radial growth of silver and red maples was investigated across three forests in northwest Ohio following the outbreak of the invasive emerald ash borer. The growth response of maples was driven by an advancement in canopy class and disturbance severity.


Forest disturbances resulting in species-specific diffuse mortality cause shifts in aboveground and belowground competition. This competition may differentially affect non-impacted trees, depending on crown class, disturbance severity, and species-specific responses.


The purpose of this study is to elucidate the primary drivers of silver and red maple (Acer saccharinum and A. rubrum) growth following emerald ash borer (EAB, Agrilus planipennis)-induced ash tree (Fraxinus spp.) mortality in riparian forests of northwest Ohio.


Using dendroecological approaches, we analyzed the pattern of radial growth in red and silver maples in conjunction with the EAB outbreak.


This study revealed growth rates of maples increased 72% following EAB arrival and trees advancing in crown class grew 41% faster than those not advancing. The growth response varied by initial crown class, with trees in the intermediate class responding most dramatically. Furthermore, the positive correlation between relative basal area of ash and the radial growth response of maples indicates the important role of disturbance severity in post-disturbance dynamics.


These findings suggest that, although advancement in crown class may allow predictions of “winners” in forest succession post-disturbance, even trees not changing crown class benefit from decreased competition. Results from this study provide a detailed account of radial growth responses in maples following EAB-induced ash mortality and lend insight into the future canopy composition of ash-dominated riparian forests.


Key message

Pronounced clonal variation and moderate to high broad-sense heritability estimates of susceptibility to Neonectria neomacrospora were found in Abies nordmanniana in three sites. Significant genotype by environment (G × E) interaction was detected across sites.


Nordmann fir, a widely used Christmas tree species in Europe, has, since 2011, been increasingly damaged by a canker disease caused by Neonectria neomacrospora.


The objective was to study the genetic variation and genotype by environment interaction in the susceptibility of Nordmann fir to N. neomacrospora.


Damage caused by N. neomacrospora was evaluated using a visual scale in three Nordmann fir clonal seed orchards in Denmark, partly containing the same clones.


Damage due to N. neomacrospora was substantial at all three sites, and no clone was completely resistant to N. neomacrospora, but a large genetic variation in the susceptibility was detected among clones. Estimates of single-site individual broad-sense heritability for susceptibility varied between 0.38 and 0.47. The average type-B genetic correlation for damage score across sites was 0.34.


Genetic variation was very pronounced, and significant G × E interactions were detected for susceptibility. Further investigations of narrow-sense heritability, expression of the trait in younger material, and identification of the cause of G × E for N. neomacrospora susceptibility in Nordmann fir across different sites are recommended.


Key message

Pinus radiata trees showed significantly reduced basal area increments and increased latewood/earlywood ratios, when their stem was charred by surface fires even if no needle damage occurred. An interaction of fire damage and precipitation on growth was observed.


Heat from forest fires is able to penetrate beyond the bark layer and damage or completely kill a tree’s cambium. Short-term growth reductions following surface fires have been reported for some species. However, most studies have in common that they describe a compound effect of stem and foliage damage.


This study investigated the impact of surface fires on the radial growth of Pinus radiata, where only the stem of trees was charred, while no needle damage was recorded.


Tree ring measurements were performed on cores obtained at breast height. Analysis of variance and tests, based on annual basal area increment values were calculated to quantify pre- and post-fire growth differences of tree ring width and latewood/earlywood ratios.


The analysis revealed significant growth reductions following a surface fire on P. radiata in the year on which the fire occurred as well as in the following year. As a consequence of the fire, basal area increment and latewood/earlywood ratios were significantly reduced. An interaction of fire damage and precipitation on growth was observed.


The obtained results show how fires without crown damage can affect growth and tree ring structure of P. radiata trees and indicate that stem char could be associated with a significant decrease in ring width and latewood/earlywood ratio.


Key message

Mature Caragana stenophylla shrubs facilitated intraspecific sapling establishment by two mechanisms: microhabitat amelioration and protection against herbivory. Facilitation was mediated by climate, grazing, and sapling age.


Pre-existing shrubs could facilitate sapling establishment of woody plants; however, how these facilitation vary across abiotic and biotic stress gradients and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.


The aim of this study is understanding the facilitation of shrub on sapling establishment and how the two underlying mechanisms, microhabitat amelioration and protection against herbivory, vary across climatic aridity gradients, grazing gradients, and sapling age.


We conducted field sowing experiments to examine the facilitation of mature Caragana stenophylla Pojark on intraspecific sapling establishment.


Facilitation of C. stenophylla on sapling survival increased as drought stress, grazing intensity, and sapling age increased. Microhabitat amelioration increased as drought stress and sapling age increased. Similarly, protection against herbivory increased as drought stress, grazing intensity, and sapling age increased. Relative importance of microhabitat amelioration increased as drought stress increased, and relative importance of protection against herbivory increased as grazing intensity and sapling age increased.


Facilitation of shrub on sapling establishment involves both microhabitat amelioration and protection against herbivory. Facilitation, the two mechanisms, and relative importance between the two mechanisms would all be affected by climatic aridity, grazing intensity, and sapling age. Shrub establishment has a positive feedback effect.


Key message

Multiple lines of evidence suggest acoustic wave velocity (AWV) would provide a rapid and efficient method to indirectly select for superior pulp yield in Eucalyptus globulus breeding programs.


Eucalyptus globulus is one of the most widely planted hardwood species in temperate regions of the world and is primarily grown for pulpwood.


To determine if acoustic wave velocity (AWV) can be used to indirectly select for kraft pulp yield in E. globulus.


Genetic group effects, additive and non-additive variance components, and genetic correlations were estimated for AWV and pulpwood traits, including Kraft pulp yield. In a separate trial, the relative position of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for these traits was compared.


Estimated narrow-sense heritabilities for AWV and pulp yield were both 0.26, and these traits were strongly genetically correlated (0.84). Furthermore, co-located QTL for these traits were identified. Further evidence that AWV could be used to indirectly select for pulp yield was provided by the ranking of genetic groups—Otways and King Island had the highest AWV and pulp yield and Strzelecki and Tasmania the lowest. There was no evidence of dominance variation in wood property traits.


Together, these findings suggest that AWV could be used as a selection criterion for kraft pulp yield in E. globulus breeding programs.


Key message

Selection of the best salt-tolerant combination of Casuarina sp. and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is one of the key criteria for successful setup of saline land rehabilitation program.


Land salinization is a serious problem worldwide that mainly leads to soil degradation and reduces crop productivity. These degraded areas could be rehabilitated by planting salt-tolerant species like Casuarina glauca Sieb. and Casuarina equisetifolia L. These are pioneer plants, able to form symbiotic associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF), and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.


The aim of this study was to select the highest salt-tolerant combination of Casuarina/AMF that can be used for the rehabilitation of lands degraded by salinity.


C. equisetifolia and C. glauca were grown in sandy sterile soil in the greenhouse and inoculated separately with Rhizophagus fasciculatus (Thaxt.) C. Walker & A. Schüßler, Rhizophagus aggregatus (N.C. Schenck & G.S. Sm.) C. Walker, and Rhizophagus intraradices (N.C. Schenck & G.S. Sm.) C. Walker & A. Schüßler. After confirming the establishment of a symbiosis, the plants were watered with gradually increasing concentrations of saline solution. After harvest, size and biomass of the seedlings, root colonization by AMF, and AMF metabolic activities were evaluated.


A larger growth was obtained in the two species when the individuals were inoculated with R. fasciculatus. Root colonization rates did not differ among fungal species, but fungal metabolic activities were higher in mycorrhizal roots of C. glauca plants inoculated with R. fasciculatus.


Among the three mycorrhizal fungi, R. fasciculatus was more efficient in association with Casuarinaceae species under salt stress. Our results suggest that selection of appropriate fungal strains is crucial to improve plant performance in saline soils.


Key message

In Abies alba Mill. stands and mixed stands of A. alba and Picea abies L. (H. Karst), microsites neighbouring the trunks of adult trees were more conducive to A. alba regeneration. Although at the stand level, the effect of Fagus sylvatica L. was positive; the local effect of the adult F. sylvatica neighbourhood was insignificant. Hence, forming mixed stands with a fine-grained mosaic of admixed species might better facilitate natural regeneration of A. alba than monospecific stands.


The establishment of natural regeneration in Abies alba Mill. stands is a slow, spatially heterogeneous and stochastic process. Recent studies based on inventory data indicate that A. alba more readily regenerates in mixed stands than in monospecific stands.


The objective was to examine how this positive association evidenced at the stand level operates on the scale of microsites with contrasting local species composition and stand density.


In 8 monospecific and 22 mixed stands with Fagus sylvatica L. or Picea abies L. (H. Karst), microsites with a contrasting density of A. alba seedlings were selected and compared in terms of local species composition, stand density, canopy characteristics and topsoil properties.


In A. alba stands, seedling density was positively associated with the proximity of adult trees. In mixed stands of A. alba and P. abies, adult trees of both species exerted a positive effect on A. alba regeneration, but the P. abies neighbourhood influenced regeneration occurrence more strongly than the A. abies neighbourhood. In mixtures with F. sylvatica, however, the effect of local stand density and local species composition was not evidenced at all.


Although at the stand level, P. abies and F. sylvatica exert a positive effect on A. alba regeneration, on the microsite scale, their influences differ. In stands with a dominance of A. alba, the hampered seedling establishment in gaps may be considered an inhibitive effect that facilitates the emergence of other species.


? Context

Physiological ecologists have been fascinated by height- or position-linked differences of leaf morphology within tall trees >25 m, but the exact cause is still debated, i.e., is it due to light or height-induced water stress?

? Aims

The aim of this study was to demonstrate that relatively small trees (<15 m) have leaf morphologies that vary with height and that such variation depends on site-moisture variability.

? Methods

Leaves were collected from Robinia pseudoacacia trees at two sites in China with contrasting moisture variability to gather baseline data on leaf morphology parameters.

? Results

Most measured parameters changed regularly with height. Water potential linearly decreased with height. Leaf area and stomata area decreased with height, while leaf mass per area, carbon isotope composition (δ 13C), and stomata density increased with height. Mesophyll and epidermal cell width decreased with height, while leaf thickness and palisade cell length increased with height. All the morphology parameters between two sites were also significantly different.

? Conclusions

Based on the field results, it is concluded that minor variations in water potential at the time of leaf growth influence leaf morphology at both site-level and height-level. Controlled environment experiments will be conducted to confirm this conclusion.


Key message

The suite of traits expressed as seedlings by coastal and mountain longleaf pine and south Florida slash pine suggest they can survive fire in the seedling stage. In contrast, loblolly pine and typical slash pine tolerate fire when mature but do not exhibit traits that allow them to survive fire when young, representing a different strategy for survival in frequently burned communities.


Fire is an important driver in the distribution and abundance of southern US pine species, and seedling fire tolerance often determines individual survival under frequent fire regimes.


We investigated seedling growth, biomass allocation, needle distribution, bark thickness, and total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) storage in taproots and related them to the expression of fire-tolerance for five species or types, including loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), two longleaf pine (P. palustris Mill.) types representing two distinct ecological communities (coastal and mountain) and two slash pine (P. elliottii Englem.) varieties.


We analyzed the relationship of seedling growth, biomass characteristics, and total non-structural carbohydrate storage between species by using analysis of variance.


Both coastal and mountain longleaf pines had thick bark, long, densely arranged needles, and a grass-stage. South Florida slash pine shared the same suite of traits but, contrary to previous reports, displayed reduced height growth rather than a grass-stage. In contrast, loblolly pine and typical slash pine had faster height growth, more branching, lower needle density, and thinner bark. Both longleaf pines and south Florida slash pine also had higher TNC storage in taproots than either loblolly or typical slash pines.


The relative strength of expression of these fire-adaptation traits among the five species types generally matches the fire-return intervals associated with each species’ habitat, suggesting the importance of fire regimes in determining the distribution and abundance of the studied species.


Key message

A generalized algebraic difference approach (GADA) developed in this study improved the estimation of aboveground biomass dynamics of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook and Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott forests. This could significantly improve the fieldwork efficiency for dynamic biomass estimation without repeated measurements.


The estimation of biomass growth dynamics and stocks is a fundamental requirement for evaluating both the capability and potential of forest carbon sequestration. However, the biomass dynamics of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Castanopsis sclerophylla using the generalized algebraic difference approach (GADA) model has not been made to date.


This study aimed to quantify aboveground biomass (AGB, including stem, branch and leaf biomass) dynamics and AGB increment in C. lanceolata and C. sclerophylla forests by combining a GADA for diameter prediction with allometric biomass models.


A total of 12 plots for a C. lanceolata plantation and 11 plots for a C. sclerophylla forest were selected randomly from a 100 m × 100 m systematic grid placed over the study area. GADA model was developed based on tree ring data for each stand.


GADA models performed well for diameter prediction and successfully predicted AGB dynamics for both stands. The mean AGB of the C. lanceolata stand ranged from 69.4 ± 7.7 Mg ha?1 in 2010 to 102.5 ± 11.4 Mg ha?1 in 2013, compared to 136.9 ± 7.0 Mg ha?1 in 2010 to 154.8 ± 8.0 Mg ha?1 in 2013 for C. sclerophylla. The stem was the main component of AGB stocks and production. Significantly higher production efficiency (stem production/leaf area index) and AGB increment was observed for C. lancolata compared to C. sclerophylla.


Dynamic GADA models could overcome the limitations posed by within-stand competition and limited biometric data, can be applied to study AGB dynamics and AGB increment, and contribute to improving our understanding of net primary production and carbon sequestration dynamics in forest ecosystems.


Key message

The vertical transport of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an important determinant of carbon distribution across a soil profile. The transport of DOC down a soil profile can be largely influenced by incoming DOC and soil organic carbon (SOC) levels, which insulate DOC from adsorption processes regulated by soil texture and Fe/Al mineralogy.


Uncertainties about how soil properties affect DOC transport through the soil profile require study because soils can differ strongly with respect to texture or Fe/Al mineralogy and yet retain similar quantities of DOC.


This study aimed to assess the role of incoming DOC and native SOC in regulating DOC migration in soils and investigate the contribution of DOC movement to SOC allocation.


We leached a standard DOC solution extracted from Castanopsis carlesii litter through two distinct soil types, using two leaching strategies: single leaching and sequential leaching. The two soil types under a natural Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata forest and a natural Castanopsis fargesii Franch. forest, respectively, differ strongly with respect to soil texture, Fe/Al oxide abundances, and SOC nature.


With single leaching, where each of six soil layers making up an entire 0–100-cm soil depth profile received single doses of standard DOC solution, deeper soil layers retained more DOC than upper soil layers, with native SOC largely masking the effects of soil texture and Fe/Al mineralogy on DOC migration. Following sequential leaching, where a sixfold larger amount of standard DOC solution sequentially percolated through the six soil layers, the upper soil layers generally retained more DOC than deeper layers. Nevertheless, in sequential leaching, desorption-induced transfer of carbon from upper soil layers to deeper soil layers resulted in greater total carbon retention than in single leaching.


Forest subsoils (40–100 cm) are well below C saturation, but DOC vertical movement from top soils only transfers limited organic carbon to them. However, DOC vertical movement may greatly alter SOC allocation along the top soil profile (0–40 cm), with part of outer sphere native SOC displaced by incoming DOC and migrating downwards, which is a natural way to preserve SOC.


Key message

Apical dominance ratio (ADR), reported as a suitable indicator for the growth and development of Abies alba , is concurrently determined by morphological and functional plant traits. Structural equation modeling (SEM) proved here to be an effective multivariate technique to represent the contribution of different variables in explaining ADR variability.


During the natural recruitment of understory tree saplings, the light environment and competition among individuals may change drastically as well as their growth patterns. To cope with this, saplings have a remarkable ability to accordingly modify their physiology and morphology. Therefore, understanding the ecological significance of plant structural patterns requires an integrated view of morphological, architectural, and physiological attributes of plants.


Here, we applied a SEM approach to understand the mechanisms influencing the ADR, recently reported as suitable indicator of the growth conditions favoring silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) natural regeneration in Mediterranean areas.


A series of plant traits (e.g., root-collar diameter, leaf mass per area, and isotope composition) were combined into two main latent variables, namely Morphology and Physiology, to account for their relative contribution in explaining the ADR variability.

? Results

Our results underline the importance of variables accounting for the photosynthetic capacity and leaf economics in determining ADR; among them, leaf mass per area (LMA) emerged as an important driving variable.

? Conclusion

SEM proved to be an effective multivariate technique to represent the coordination of different morphological and functional variables in explaining ADR variability in silver fir.


Key message

Quercus robur seedling mass was affected more by planting density than by taproot pruning. Root pruning enhanced stem biomass at the expense of roots in later growth stages. Alteration of biomass allocation due to nursery practices may result in greater susceptibility to injury and death of the seedlings under unfavorable environmental conditions.


Plants adjust their growth and modulate the resource allocation in response to applied treatments and environmental conditions.


The aim was to examine how taproot pruning in seedlings grown at different densities affected long-term growth of Quercus robur.


Seedlings, sown as acorns at two planting densities, with or without pruned roots were harvested in the second, fourth, and fifth years of growth. The effect of root pruning on biomass allocation was determined by measuring leaf, stem, and root mass fractions; carbohydrate concentrations in the roots; and C/N ratios. Specific leaf area and root length were also determined to assess morphological adaptations to growth conditions.


Total seedling mass was affected more by planting density than by taproot pruning. After 4 years of growth, root mass fractions were lower and stem mass fractions were greater in seedlings planted at a higher density. Five-year old root-pruned seedlings also had a lower root mass fraction and higher stem mass fractions than unpruned seedlings. Specific root length was not affected by root pruning or planting density.


Decrease of relative root biomass with simultaneous increase of stem biomass may be a long-term consequence of taproot pruning of Q. robur, and the effects may manifest years after the seedling stage.


Key message

The high flammability of some companion species in Quercus suber forests, estimated in laboratory tests, could potentially generate an increase in fire vulnerability and in fire risk.


Recurrent wildfire is one of the main causes of forest degradation, especially in the Mediterranean region. Increased fire frequency and severity due to global change could reduce the natural resilience of cork oak to wildfire in the future. Hence, it is important to evaluate the flammability of companion species in cork oak forests in the particularly dry bioclimatic conditions of North Africa.


This study aimed to assess and compare flammability parameters at laboratory scale among ten companion frequent species in cork oak forests.


Fuel samples were collected in a cork oak (Quercus suber L) forest in the southern part of the mountains of Tlemcen (Western Algeria). A series of flammability tests were carried out using a Mass Loss Calorimeter device (FTT ®). A cluster analysis to classify flammability of the selected species was conducted using the K-means algorithm.


The results revealed differences in the four flammability parameters (ignitability, sustainability, combustibility and consumability), in both fresh and dried fine fuel samples from Quercus suber, Pinus halepensis, Quercus ilex, Quercus faginea, Erica arborea, Arbutus unedo, Pistacia lentiscus, Calicotome spinosa, Juniperus oxycedrus and Tetraclinis articulata. Application of the K-means clustering algorithm showed that C. spinosa, T. articulata, J. oxycedrus and P. halepensis are highly flammable because of their high combustibility and sustainability.


The findings identify species that could potentially increase the vulnerability of cork oak forests to forest fires.


Key message

The radial wood growth curves of Cinnamomum kanehirae Hayata (an endangered species of subtropical Taiwan) exhibit an S shape. The dominant trees displayed a larger radial growth than the codominant trees, and their growth was more sensitive to air temperature.


Knowledge of wood radial growth is important for evaluating the factors that limit tree growth performance. The relevant experiments have mostly been conducted in cold and temperate ecosystems, but rarely in subtropical ecosystems.


In this study, we aimed to construct a unified radial growth model for Cinnamomum kanehirae Hayata and to identify its sensitivity to temperature.


The wood radial increments were quantified for 3 years by either pinning or microcoring. The radial wood growth curves were modelled integratively by semiparametric regression and individually by curve fitting. The effects of tree social class, interannual and environmental factors on radial growth were analysed quantitatively.


A unified S-shaped growth model for C. kanehirae was successfully constructed. By including the social class effect, the model was significantly improved. The maximum radial increment (A) was significantly correlated with the maximum growth rate (μ); both A and μ were significantly higher in dominant than in codominant trees. The time-varying radial growth rate was more sensitive to air temperature in dominant than in codominant trees.


Semiparametric models revealed an S-shaped growth curve of C. kanehirae and confirmed the higher temperature sensitivity of dominant trees compared to codominant trees in humid subtropical areas.

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