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介绍了透光抚育对不同立地(不同坡位)上的栽针保阔红松林群落的公顷蓄积和生产力的影响,研究分析如何通过不同强度透光抚育提高栽针保阔红松林群落生产力。  相似文献   

毛竹林生态系统能量动态规律的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文根据在建瓯设置的40块毛竹林标准地的能量测定资料,首次动用分室论对毛竹林生态系统能量动态进行研究,建立了毛竹林生态系统能量动态分室模型,并在此基础上进行能量动态变化规律的模拟,结果表明:平衡时各分室能量分别为:地上部分91077.43、凋落物2337.84、地下活鞭根9419.87、地下死鞭根2005.05、林分总能量104840.19(单位:kJ/m^2),从而为提示毛竹林毛竹生态系统的潜力  相似文献   

从汪清林业局大荒沟林场、大柞树林场等11个林场的森林资源二类调查数据中选取优势树种为蒙古栎、阔叶混交林及针阔混交林的小班。以海拔、土层厚度、坡位、坡向、腐殖质层厚度、坡度6个立地因子以及年平均气温、月平均气温差等19个气候因子为输入变量,以树种年平均蓄积生长量为输出变量,应用随机森林回归算法分别建立蒙古栎、阔叶混交林及针阔混交林的立地质量评价模型,对不同立地条件下的造林地进行生产潜力预测。同时,分析了各环境因子对树种生长的影响权重。结果表明:1)所建立的3种回归模型的RMSE的值分别为:0.22、0.54、0.52,R^2值分别为:0.79、0.79、0.72,模型的拟合效果较为理想。2)研究区域内,对蒙古栎生长影响较大的因子依次为月平均气温差、温度季节性变化、坡度、年降水量、年平均气温差;对针阔混交林生长影响较大的因子依次为:坡度、腐殖质层厚度、月平均气温差、最湿季度降水量、最暖季度降水量;对阔叶混交林生长影响较大的因子依次为:坡度、坡位、坡向、温度季节性变化、最干旱季平均气温。3)通过对比同一立地3种类型的生产力,针阔混交林、阔叶混交林的年平均蓄积生长量均高于蒙古栎纯林,针阔混交林略高于阔叶混交林。4)因此,应客观考虑环境因子对于林木的影响程度,使其生长环境条件尽可能地处于最佳组合状态。  相似文献   

城市与城市森林   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
作者通过大量的实测数据比较了城市环境与森林环境在生态效益方面的显著差异,进而告诉读者营造城市森林和创建森林城市的必要性。    相似文献   

张彦东 《林业研究》1994,5(2):46-53
Energycirculatingbetweenliveandenvironmentsystemsformesanenergyflowofaecosystem.Itissignificanttocorrectlyrecognizethepatternofenergyflowinaecosystemfordeterminingthemeasurementofforestmanagement.Thepaperstudiedenergydistributionandtranslationpattern.whichcanprovideatheoreticalbasisforreasonablymanagingkoreanpineplantations.MethodofRescarchThestandinvestigatedisapurekoreanpineplant-ationthatwasplantedinl96l,withspacingofl.Oxl'5m;itwasthinnedfor4timesafterreachingclosureandnowhasadansityofl52…  相似文献   

苏北海堤防护林主要造林树种林分生物量与生产力的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对海堤防护林水杉、刺槐和柳杉林分生物量进行测定,建立了林木干、皮、枝、叶、根及全树生物量相对生长模型。据此模型和每木检尺数据估算,柳杉、刺槐和水杉林分乔木层的现存生物量分别为110.87、89.51和72.18t/hm^2,年均净生长量分别烽4.81t/hm^2。刺槐、水杉干材最大,占林分总生物量66 ̄62%,柳杉干材仅占47.6%,而枝叶约占30%。  相似文献   

提出了设施林业的概念,并介绍了设施林业的特点、优势、发展现状和发展中尚待解决的主要问题.指出我国设施林业与发达国家设施林业技术相比还存在较大差距,但发展潜力巨大.当前还需要进一步加强对我国设施林业产业化开发与推广应用的研究.  相似文献   

汪东  周博 《林业工程学报》2020,5(1):114-121
在森林消防以水灭火装备领域,传统离心式消防泵输水距离近、扬程低,而基于三角转子发动机设计的容积泵较少,国内外在相关容积泵的研究上也很匮乏。容积式泵作为新的结构形式泵,具有体积小、输送距离远、扬程高等特点。对基于三角转子发动机进行设计的森林消防泵进行了内部流场仿真分析。建立该消防泵的三维模型,运用UDF编程实现该消防泵三维动网格仿真,选取双方程模型RNG k-ε湍流模型。进水口设为标准大气压,进水口边界条件设置为press-inlet,出水口边界条件设为press-outlet,并在该泵流场内部设置相关参数监测点、监测面,对该森林消防泵进行内部流场模拟,分析其内部流动特性。研究了森林消防泵在进出口管径相同的情况下,不同转速对该森林消防泵内部流场的影响,以及对泵的流速、流量、扬程等性能参数的影响,分别对不同转速下泵的压力场、速度场进行分析可知,在出入口管径不变的工况下,随着转速的提高,泵的出口压力、出口流量均有明显提升。在整个吸水排水过程中,进水排水流畅无滞留现象,泵的工作状态良好。选取流量和扬程作为评价泵性能优劣的指标,并对相关参数进行数值分析可知,提高转速可以提高泵的流量和扬程。当转速为5000 r/min时,最大出口流量为0.0127 m^3/s,最大出口扬程可达494.65 m。本研究成果对变容式多腔森林消防泵的设计具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

The practice of harvesting forest residues is rapidly increasing due to rising demand for renewable energy. However, major concerns have been raised about the sustainability of this practice and its net impact on productivity, in particular through negative effects on the growth of subsequent tree crops. We measured height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree spacing density on 23-year-old second rotation stands of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), following whole tree harvesting (WTH—of all above ground biomass, by cable crane) or conventional stem-only harvesting (CH) of the first rotation crop. Overall, WTH reduced tree DBH by 10.3% (p = 0.017), with weaker evidence that it may have reduced height (by 8.2%, p = 0.164) and stand basal area (by 15.3%, p = 0.101). However, treatment effects differed greatly between individual blocks and, analysed separately by block, significant differences (WTH plot trees smaller than CH plot trees) were most notable in the two more exposed south-facing blocks (where, in both cases, p < 0.01 for height and p < 0.05 for basal area). Variation in productivity between the experimental plots cannot simply be attributed to preharvesting site environment – no correlation was found between first rotation and second rotation productivity – nor was treatment effect explained by differences in tree spacing density. Treatment effects can be attributed to the removal of three to four times larger quantities of N, P and K in the tree biomass by WTH than by CH of the first rotation crop, combined with greater competition with tree natural regeneration and other vegetation in WTH plots during the early stages of the second rotation. Soil moisture was higher in WTH plots but there was no evidence that WTH increased soil acidity or aluminium mobility nor that it decreased soil organic matter. The results also highlight the complexities of predicting the effect of harvesting treatment on future productivity, even within single-age, single-species forests. The study demonstrates the risk that WTH can reduce second rotation productivity of conifer forests in acidic upland sites, and that this practice will only be sustainable with appropriate interventions to overcome shortage of nutrients and high levels of vegetation competition.  相似文献   

在地理信息系统和遥感技术支持下,利用改进的CASA模型,并结合Landsat TM遥感影像、气象数据和林班数据,估算出瓦屋山林场2008—2009年的植被净初级生产力(PNPP),并通过实测植被生物量和生产力的关系,验证CASA模型在研究地区估算结果。结果表明:CASA模型估测植被PNPP与实测结果有较好的一致性,能够适用于瓦屋山林场植被净生产力估算;CASA模型估算结果主要植被类型年均PNPP区别明显,从高到低依次是:中国山杨、麻栎、板栗、马尾松、湿地松、灌木、杉木和池杉;瓦屋山林场植被PNPP季节变化显著,夏季贡献率最大,其次是春季和秋季,冬季最少,主要由于不同季节环境因素不同,其中又以太阳辐射最为重要。  相似文献   

Studies examining the interacting effects of ungulate herbivore pressure and site productivity on vegetation are mostly on grassland-grazing systems and have shown conflicting patterns. Here we examine the effects of deer density (>30 years differences in density between two landowners), site productivity (site index, SI) and stand age on subcanopy vegetation characteristics in 60 closed canopy, clear-cut origin Populus tremuloides dominated stands, Michigan, USA. Stand age effects were included because age varied among stands and can affect subcanopy vegetation patterns. Compared with fewer deer, stands with more deer had greater total forest floor vegetation mass, and its major components bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), sedge (mostly Carex pensylvanica) and trees/shrubs <0.25 m tall, but lower forb mass and lower forest floor vegetation species richness and diversity. Deer density and SI had strong interacting effects on total forest floor mass, forb mass, and species richness. Forb mass increased with SI, but only in stands with fewer deer, whilst total vegetation mass was greater in stands with more deer at lower SI and declined with SI more sharply than for stands with fewer deer. Species richness increased with SI but more so at lower than higher deer density. Deer density and age had interacting effects on mass of trees/shrubs <0.25 m tall and sedge. Compared with fewer deer, stands with more deer had greater sedge and tree/shrub mass, and sedge mass decreased and tree/shrub mass increased more sharply with age. In lower deer stands there was a dense subcanopy tree and shrub strata within and beyond the reach of deer 0.9-10 m tall whereas in higher deer stands this vegetation layer was nearly absent. We conclude that higher deer browse pressure in early successional Populus stands (1) strongly limits the recruitment of woody stems to larger (>0.9 m tall) size classes, which could affect long-term successional trajectories, and (2) diminishes forb density and species richness, especially at higher site productivity, but increases total forest floor vegetation mass (mostly bracken fern and sedge), especially at lower site productivity. Given associations of bracken fern and sedge with poorer and/or more open sites and assuming high palatability of forbs, this pattern may result from the combination of selective herbivory and higher light availability caused by limited recruitment of trees and shrubs to taller strata.  相似文献   

国外森林生态系统管理模式的经验与启示   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了美国、加拿大和德国3个国家森林生态系统管理模式的基本情况及其相应的社会、经济和文化发展背景, 分析比较了它们的基本特征, 并在此基础上讨论对我国开展森林生态系统管理的几点启示。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to document the effects of canopy change on radiation and energy balances in a deciduous broad-leaved forest. Global solar radiation was highly variable with a maximum close to 28.7 MJ m−2 day−1 and a minimum of about 0.7 MJ m−2 day−1. The high daily variation of net radiation was the result of the frequency and duration of rainfall. The mean annual albedo in this study site was 0.126. Seasonal variation of albedo was characterized by steadily decreasing values with leaf-fall, but at the time when new leaves sprouted the trend did turn upwards. The mean annual radiation efficiency at this study site was 0.564, and the seasonal variation of the radiation efficiency was dependent upon the net long-wave radiation rather than albedo. This study also illustrated the seasonal variation of the proportion of the actual evaporation to the equilibrium evaporation as a means for estimating the latent heat flux from forest using the equilibrium evaporation model. Seasonal variation of the proportion of the actual evaporation to the equilibrium evaporation reflected the physiological and productive activities of trees. Latent heat flux dominated the energy balance and, in particular, reached about 96% of net radiation in July.  相似文献   

From 2002 to 2003, based on the investigation of sample plots and stem analysis of remained plantation communities in the areas of returning farmland to forest in the 1980s in Datong County, Qinghai Province, this paper studies tree productivity and moisture potential productivity of six types of plantations on the land of returning farmland to forest, such as green poplar (Populus cathayana Rehd.) and shrub mixed forest, Asia white birch (Betula platyphylla) and China spruce (Picea asperata) mixed forest, Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii) pure forest, China spruce pure forest and Asia white birch pure forest and so on. The results show that: in sub-humid region of Loess Plateau, 3 000 trees per hm2 is a proper standard of planting density. Under current condition, the productivity index of green poplar and shrub mixed forest, Asia white birch pure forest, China spruce pure forest, and Asia white birch and China spruce mixed forest with the density of 2 100–3 333 trees per hm2 can serve as potential productivity standard of actual biomass of arbor established forest. In sub-humid area, Thornthwaite Model is adopted to estimate plant climate potential productivity, which is about 8 462 kg&#8226;hm–2&#8226;a–1. The actual potential water productive efficiency of Purplecone spruce (Picea purpurea) and Asia white birch pure established forest are 17.22 and 22.14 kg&#8226;mm–1&#8226;hm–2&#8226;a–1 respectively, and that of green poplar and shrub mixed established forest, and Asia white birch and China spruce mixed established forest are 21.14 and 19.09 kg&#8226;mm–1&#8226;hm–2&#8226;a–1 respectively. The potential productivity of green poplar and shrub mixed forest, Asia white birch and China spruce mixed forest, China spruce pure forest and Asia white birch pure forest which have grown into forest with the density of 3 000 trees per hm2 have attained or been close to that of local climax community, which is local maximum tree productivity at present. These types of forestation models are the developing direction of the returning farmland to forest project.  相似文献   

概括论述了黑龙江省森工国有林区森林公园建设现状,对黑龙江省森工国有林区森林景观资源进行分类归纳,通过对现有森工国有林区森林景观资源进行定性评价,进而提出森工国有林区森林公园前景展望。  相似文献   

应用动态模型评价森林健康状况,预测树木或林分的生长与收获,以及在不同立地条件下采用某些特定的营林技术措施后林分的动态变化,一直是森林健康评价及管理的核心问题.当前在美国应用的两个森林动态评价及决策模型SIMPPLLE和MAGIS主要是用来评价当前林分状况、模拟林分发展以及预测不同经营管理方式下林分未来的动态变化状况,通过分析不同决策下森林植被的收获状况,选择最优化的管理措施以及实施措施的时间及地点制定最优化决策.针对现阶段中国森林健康评价中,以建立评价指标体系进行静态评价、缺乏空间信息数据和森林健康经营动态变化规律模型等问题,提出今后应针对中国实际情况开展切合实际的研究,开发出以促进森林健康经营为目的的动态预测模型和决策模型,提高森林健康的预测能力,完善森林健康经营综合评价技术体系.  相似文献   


Wood supply, the link between roundwood removals and forest resources, is an important component of forest sector models. This paper develops a model of international wood supply within the structure of the spatial equilibrium Global Forest Products Model. The wood supply model determines, for each country, the annual forest harvest, the annual change of forest stock and the annual change of forest area. The results suggest that global forest area would decline by 477 million ha between 1999 and 2030, with the largest decline in Asia and Africa. However, global forest stock would increase by 25 billion?m3, with the largest increase in Europe, and North and Central America. Higher global harvests and lower prices were predicted than those predicted in the past with exogenous timber supply assumptions.  相似文献   

城市森林建设融资模式研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文章从优化城市森林建设融资模式的必要性出发,构建了TOBT模式,并论述了其内涵、具体操作流程、组织架构、制度安排及效益分析,可为城市森林建设融资提供决策参考。    相似文献   

影响森林资源环境人口承载能力因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
森林承载能力是关系到人口、森林资源、生态环境和社会经济协调发展的关键,也是一个涉及多学科知识的复杂问题。本文从森林产出、市场、需求、林区人口的平均收入和政策环境等方面入手,系统的分析了影响森林承载能力的各主要因素。为今后开展森林资源环境人口承载能力的深入研究和科学地制定林业发展战略提供了必要的基础理论资料和决策依据。  相似文献   

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