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北京八达岭国家森林公园森林健康评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以森林资源二类调查数据为评价依据,构建八达岭国家森林公园森林健康评价指标体系,运用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,并采用模糊综合评判法对森林健康等级进行评价。结果表明:从评价指标权重来看,树种组成、群落层次结构、林分蓄积量、郁闭度、腐殖质厚度等5个指标对八达岭国家森林资源质量影响较大,5个指标权重之和占总权重的80.8%;北京八达岭国家森林健康等级为中等,属于亚健康状态。亟需采取措施提高园区森林的生物多样性和群落层次结构稳定性,使森林向健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

袁野  刘兆刚  董灵波 《森林工程》2015,(2):14-18,26
以塔河林业局天然落叶松林为研究对象,为提高天然落叶松林的健康程度和森林的生态功能,结合当地实际经营情况因地制宜建立了基于基础指标和经营指标的森林健康经营评价体系,系统分为五大要素:系统活力、组织结构、系统稳定性、森林效能和林地环境,并筛选出影响该地区森林健康的14个主要因子:树高、胸径、冠幅、更新、林分密度、生物多样性、灌木盖度、草本盖度、枯梢程度、近自然度、郁闭度、蓄积量、土壤厚度和腐殖质厚度,采用AHP法确定各指标的权重。对随机抽取的未经营天然落叶松林进行综合评价,结果显示75%的样地处于亚健康状态,系统活力与稳定性是决定森林健康程度的关键。针对影响力较大的因子如林分密度、群落层次结构、年龄结构、枯落物和生物多样性等进行分析,提出五种经营调整技术。  相似文献   

天然混交林最优林分状态的π值法则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】提出一个全新的林分状态合理性评价方法,为森林经营决策奠定科学基础。【方法】依据多指标综合评价原则,提出基于单位圆的林分状态评价方法,并利用该方法对我国天然锐齿栎混交林和红松阔叶林进行林分状态分析。【结果】现实林分状态优良程度取决于林分状态指标所构成的闭合图形面积大小,该面积与最优林分状态值(期望值)之比即是对现实林分状态最为恰当的度量。而最优林分状态值(期望值)恒等于单位圆面积π,此即为最优林分状态的π值法则。与常用的多指标体系比较分析的专业图表雷达图的本质区别在于,本文所提出的单位圆方法能够直接给出最优林分状态期望值。研究给出现实林分状态的计算公式并划定5个等级区间,指出林分状态可从林分空间结构(林分垂直结构和林分水平结构)、林分年龄结构、林分组成(树种多样性和树种组成)、林分密度、林分长势、顶级树种(组)或目的树种竞争、林分更新、林木健康8方面加以描述,这8方面能够表征林分主要的自然属性,且对应的每个指标值都是可操作的并能够及时收集到准确的数据。为凸显指标的先进性和实用性,文中提到的多数指标均采用最新研究成果并给出可选的测度方法。林分状态指标的归一化处理是林分状态评价的关键,应用本文提出的方法对我国天然红松阔叶林和锐齿栎混交林的林分状态进行分析发现,评价结果直观可靠,符合现实林分的客观实际。【结论】本文提出的基于单位圆的林分状态评价方法,特别是其中最优林分状态的π值法则,可为森林经营决策奠定科学基础,也可为不同地区不同类型森林健康质量评价提供分析工具。  相似文献   

北京西山地区黄栌人工林健康经营效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对北京西山地区黄栌人工林的现状,提出了内容包括林分密度调整、补植更新苗木与草本植物、林内卫生清理、土壤改良等的黄栌人工林健康经营方案.方案实施后,通过对实施健康经营方案的样地及对照样地的平均胸径、郁闭度、乔木层密度、幼苗更新密度、物种多样性、群落层次结构、病虫危害比率、火险等级、土壤有机质含量9个评价指标的对比监测,从生产力、群落结构、抵抗力(干扰)、土壤状况4个方面评价了林分健康水平的变化.同时对林内小气候和空气负氧离子浓度进行了对比监测,作为健康评价的辅助指标.监测结果显示,实施森林健康经营技术措施的黄栌人工林的健康水平得到了明显改善.  相似文献   

森林病虫害经济损失评估的一种新方法——曲线法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林病虫害通过危害林木的根、干、枝、叶等组织,使林分蓄积量或生物量遭受损失,从而影响森林生态系统服务功能作用的发挥。本文采用林木生长曲线法估算不同林龄林分蓄积量,通过森林生物量转换因子连续函数法(BEF)实现林分蓄积量与生物量的转换。编制了我国主要森林病虫害危害程度分级表、林分蓄积量年生长损失率表和主要林木生物量转换因子基本常数表,并以马尾松为例拟合出林分蓄积量单木生长曲线。确定了我国森林单位重量生物量生态效益值(K)为1476.2元/t。应用林木生长曲线法和生物量转换因子连续函数法评估森林病虫害经济损失适用性强,准确度高,更能反映我国森林病虫害危害程度的实际状况。  相似文献   

贡嘎山冷杉林土壤CO_2释放的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用贡嘎山冷杉林1998年和1999年土壤CO_2通量对生物地球化学循环模型Forest-DNDC进行校准和验证,通过调整温度和湿度对土壤根呼吸影响的计算公式和对模型参数的本土化,提高了模拟值与真实值之间的吻合程度,尤其是提高了冬季土壤CO_2释放模拟的准确性.校准后使土壤CO_2日释放量模拟结果的平均误差((-e))和相对平均误差((-e)')分别下降了3.81 kg/hm~2和13.49%,绝对平均误差(M)和相对绝对平均误差(M')也同时降低;模型效率的Nash-Sutcliffe系数(Me)和冷模拟(利用默认参数)相比,也由0.651提高到0.683.模型验证结果表明,冷杉林土壤CO_2释放通量模拟值大体上能够与实际观测值的季节变化和日变化保持一致,在释放的量上也与实际观测值相当.  相似文献   

美国的森林植被模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从1973年以来, 森林植被模型在美国就被作为森林生长模拟模型来使用, 广泛用于评价林分目前的生长状况和预测不同经营管理措施下林分未来的动态变化。其能够模拟各种不同的森林类型和林分结构, 包括同龄林、异龄林、纯林和混交林, 以及单层混交林和复层混交林等。同时, 森林植被模型能够模拟大多数主要森林树种、森林类型和林分条件在不同森林培育措施(包括疏伐、施肥等)下的变化状况。森林植被模拟体系还能够评价和预测病虫害和火灾等干扰因子对林分状况的影响。目前这个模型已经成为一个高度综合的分析工具体系。  相似文献   

河北省小五台山森林生态系统健康评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用复合功能结构指标法从森林生产力、森林结构、森林服务功能以及受干扰程度4个方面建立小五台山森林健康评价体系共21个指标,结合当地森林生态系统状况,实地调查河北省小五台山森林小班状况,获取各项指标数据,并在林分尺度上进行健康评价并分为4个等级。评价结果显示小五台山自然保护区森林整体呈健康状态,健康和较健康的林地占整个林地面积的80%,亚健康和不健康的林地占20%;其健康状况与其生产力指标和结构指标密切相关。  相似文献   

文章对广州市城市森林健康进行评价,在全面踏查基础上,选取样地89块,记录样地信息及其中的乔木和灌木生长情况。将广州城市森林分为行道绿化、森林公园、街心绿地和城市公园4种类型;在林分尺度上,以VOR模型为基础建立评价指标体系,运用专家咨询法、层次分析法确定指标权重,运用综合指标评价法计算广州城市森林健康评价值。结果表明,所有样地综合指数平均值为0.6535(!=0.0091),属于健康等级。其中良好健康样地占22.5%,健康66.3%,亚健康11.2%,说明广州市城市森林总体健康,少数为亚健康;影响城市森林健康的原因主要包括林分结构简单、病虫危害、人为因素3方面。  相似文献   

森林更新是森林生态系统自我修复的重要手段,也是维持森林群落动态变化的基础。以大兴安岭中部地区主要森林类型为研究对象,基于2017—2019年的116块样地数据,从林分结构、林分因子、土壤理化性质、林下植被特征和干扰等5个方面选取影响森林更新能力的19项指标,运用层次分析法和熵权法相结合的方法得到指标权重,建立了森林更新影响因子综合评价体系,采用线性函数综合评价法得到了森林影响因子的综合评价值,对该地区不同森林类型的更新优劣进行了判断。结果显示:综合评价值可以很好地判断森林更新的优劣,不同林型下综合评价值对森林更新优劣的判断准确率均在90%以上;从总体上看,落叶松林Larix gmelinii的更新情况相对优于针阔混交林和白桦林Betula platyphylla。研究提出了基于森林更新影响因子评价体系构建的一种更新优劣判断方法。  相似文献   

Contour hedgerows of multipurpose tree species in the sloping tea lands of Sri Lanka are expected to reduce soil erosion and also add significant amounts of plant nutrients to the soil via periodic prunings. The objective of this experiment was to characterize the biomass decomposition pattern and quantify the amount of nutrients added through prunings of six tree species (Calliandra calothyrsus, Senna spectabilis, Euphatorium innulifolium, Flemingia congesta, Gliricidia sepium and Tithonia diversifolia) currently being used in hedgerows associated with tea. Withered leaf and stem prunings (50 g) were enclosed in 2-mm litter bags, placed at 5-cm depth and retrieved after one, three, six, nine and 12 weeks. Loss of initial dry weight, N, P and K was measured. Single exponential decay function adequately described both dry weight and nutrient loss. Tree species differed significantly in their rate of breakdown with decomposition constants (k) varying from 0.0299 to 0.2006 week−1 for leaves and from 0.0225 to 0.0633 week−1 for stems. Gliricidia showed the highest k for leaves with the rest in the following descending order: Senna > TithoniaEuphatorium > Calliandra > Flemingia. A similar pattern was observed for loss of all nutrients with Calliandra and Flemingia always having lower k values than the rest. Although N immobilization was not observed, immobilization of P and K was observed during the first week of incubation in some species, particularly in stem prunings. Annual biomass of prunings differed significantly between tree species in the following descending order: Calliandra > Senna > Flemingia > Tithonia > Gliricidia > Euphatorium. Calliandra added the greatest amount of nutrients annually to the soil with Euphatorium adding the least. Calliandra prunings provided the annual total K requirement and 49% of the N requirement of mature tea. However, none of the species provided more than 5% of the P requirement. It is concluded that among the tree species tested, Calliandra and Flemingia are the most suitable for contour hedgerows in tea plantations of this agroclimatic region because of their higher soil nutrient enrichment capacity and slower decomposition rates which would minimize leaching losses. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The effects of seed weight and seed type on seedling growth of Pinus sylvestris (L.) were studied by seeding individually weighed orchard and stand seed in different mixtures under harsh (direct seeding in field) and optimal (seeding in nursery) conditions. In the nursery experiment an increase in the seed weight from 3 to 7 mg increased the seedling height by 10-27% and total weight by 27-113%, and decreased the height/diameter ratio by 5-6% after 2 yrs. With elimination of seed weight effects, orchard seedlings were 2% taller than stand seedlings in year 2. Without elimination of seed weight effects, orchard seedlings were 7-13% taller. In the field experiment an increase in the seed weight from 3 to 7 mg increased seedling height by 18-65%, stem volume by 81-274% and the number of top-buds by 23-34% in year 5. After elimination of seed weight effects, orchard seedlings were 7-13% taller than stand seedlings and without elimination of seed weight effects 20-21% taller after 5 yrs. Even after elimination of both seed weight and genetic effects orchard seedlings were 3-9% larger than stand seedlings in the field experiment. In conclusion, the influence of seed weight and seed type on growth traits and slenderness is highly significant and the influence seems to be greater in harsh conditions.  相似文献   


Wood in general and wooden studs in particular are often distorted owing to uneven shrinkage during the drying process in the sawmill. Twist is often the most detrimental of all types of distortion, and it is caused by spiral grain in combination with variations in moisture content. For sawmills, the objective is to produce dried, straight boards, and one method of dealing with boards with excessive spiral grain is to sort them out and then dry them in a pretwisted position to obtain straight boards after drying. A model using the finite element (FE) method for the simulation of drying twist distortions was first calibrated against laboratory experiments in which boards were dried with and without restraints and pretwists. After the calibration, the FE results were compared with industrial test results for boards that were dried without restraints or with restraints with zero pretwist, i.e. straight restraints. The FE model used an elastic–ideally plastic material model to obtain permanent deformations. The calibration was to set the yield stresses so that there was a good match between FE results and results from the laboratory experiments. The comparison between the industrial test results and the FE results showed that the FE model is capable of realistic simulations of drying boards with and without restraints and presumably also pretwists.  相似文献   

Baobab leaves form an important part of the local diet in Sahel countries and elsewhere in Africa. Existing leaf nutritional data and agroforestry performance information are based solely on Adansonia digitata L., the baobab of continental Africa. The introduction potential of Adansonia species from the center of diversity in Madagascar and from Australia remains untapped. To assess this potential, the mineral contents and B1 and B2 vitamin levels of dried baobab leaves were determined for five-year old trees of A. digitata, A. gibbosa (A. Cunn.) Guymer ex D. Baum, A. rubrostipa Jum. & H. Perrier (syn. A. fony Baill.), A. perrieri Capuron and A. za Baill. grown in an introduction trial in Mali. Nutritional data were evaluated against survival and vigor to identify promising germplasm. Leaf vitamin and crude protein contents were highest in the Madagascar species, especially A. rubrostipa (B1 88 mg 100 g−1, B2 187 mg 100 g−1, protein 20.7% dry weight). However, the local species far outperformed the introductions in survival, tree height, basal diameter and resistance to termites. We suggest grafting as a way of harnessing the vigor of well-adapted local baobab varieties to the superior nutritional profiles of A. rubrostipa and others. Cross-species grafting tests in Adansonia were successful, thus creating new agroforestry possibilities with different scion/rootstock combinations.  相似文献   

Streams and drains in blanket-peatland forest in western Ireland were sampled weekly over 5 years, 1996–2000, using continuous, depth-proportional passive sampling. Analysis was for pH, alkalinity by Gran titration, anions by IC, metals by ICP, aluminium speciation by loaded-resin exchange, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by absorbance at 320 nm.

Effects of felling are identified graphically from two forest drains whose catchments (both about 1 ha) were clearfelled, and partial clearfelling of one larger catchment (somewhat over 1 km2), in summer 1999. Calcium concentrations and alkalinity were increased in the drain- and streamwater from the felled areas. The pH was increased in drains, while in the larger stream, pH range decreased while the mean increased. Phosphorus increased markedly with clearfell, in the absence of recent fertilising, and also increased with fertilising; these results are reported in an accompanying paper. Ammonium-nitrogen concentrations were increased in the two drains with felling, and temporarily decreased in the larger stream. Nitrate increased in some cases. Potassium and manganese concentrations also increased. Concentrations of DOC and organic monomeric aluminium increased gradually, subject to a continuing strong annual cycle. There were no clearfelling effects on concentrations of solphate, suspended solids or inorganic monomeric aluminium. In the two drains (fully clearfelled), concentrations of sodium, chloride and magnesium, and conductivity, were all reduced after felling. Fertilising effects other than for phosphorus were indistinct.

Effects of the combined clearfell–reforestation treatment were testable statistically, using randomised intervention analysis, between two larger streams (1 km2) as a treatment–control comparison. There were statistically significant positive responses in streamwater concentrations of nitrate, potassium, calcium, DOC and aluminium fractions. The implications for management practice depend on whether the loss of nutrients is sustainable for future crop productivity, and whether critical limits and loads of receiving ecosystems are exceeded.  相似文献   


Survival, root egress and height growth of 13-month-old actively growing Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) container seedlings exposed to preplanting drying treatments (0, 4, and 8 days) and postplanting drought periods (1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks) were studied in the field between 5 July and 18 August 1999. The mortality of seedlings increased and the height growth and root egress decreased throughout the postplanting drought period. Postplanting performance was also affected by preplanting drying treatments. The results indicate that no risk of excessive mortality and growth restrictions occurs when actively growing seedlings are planted in summer, provided that seedlings are well watered before planting and the drought period does not exceed 3 weeks.  相似文献   

The objective of this case study was to test the effectiveness of biocontrol for the rehabilitation of abandoned, diseased (moniliasis, witches' broom and black pod) cocoa and to develop testable hypotheses regarding the effect of shade and biocontrol timing. Three trial fields differed in their shade regimes. Biocontrol was administered starting either at flowering or pod filling. Disease incidence and yield were compared with cultural control alone. Biocontrol reduced moniliasis from 49% to 25%, independent of the shading regime and application time. Witches' broom was most severe without shade and unaffected by biocontrol. No significant effects on black pod were observed. Although biocontrol increased percentage healthy fruit independent of shading and timing, only the shaded plot with biocontrol from flowering onwards responded with increased yield. Our hypothesis is: 'In the rehabilitation of abandoned cacao, only fields under sustainable shade management and early onset of biocontrol can realise their production potential.' This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The use of a molecular assay for quantifying conidia of Ophiognomonia clavigignenti‐juglandacearum, the fungal pathogen responsible of butternut canker, was investigated. Purified DNA from conidia collected on glass fibre filters of a passive rain collectors was quantified using a TaqMan real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay. The qPCR assay could specifically discriminate the target species from all other North American known species of Ophiognomonia, and it was sensitive enough to repeatedly detect one conidium. A linear relationship between numbers of conidia and qPCR Ct values was determined, and used to assess the sporulation of the pathogen under trees that were released to promote their vigour. In total, 977 samples of field‐captured conidia from 49 trees, at two locations, and from two successive growing seasons were analysed. No significant difference of sporulation was observed under control and release treatments. However, our results demonstrated that qPCR assay was reliable for detecting and quantifying O. clavigignenti‐juglandacearum from environmental samples, which will be useful to assess further control methods for this disease.  相似文献   

Three trials investigating the potential of alley cropping to improve the traditional systems of cultivation, chitemene and fundikila, in the Northern Province of Zambia are described. Flemingia congesta, Tephrosia vogelii, and Sesbania sesban, were grown in association with finger millet, groundnut, cowpea, and maize in various traditional cropping sequences. The indigenous species Tephrosia vogelii and Sesbania sesban were not able to withstand repeated pruning and the long following dry season, and were replaced with Calliandra calothyrsus, and Cassia spectabilis.Over a four year period, there was no benefit by alley cropping with any of the tree species on crop yields, and yields in alley crop treatments even dropped significantly below the control treatments in the fourth year, casting doubt on the potential of alley cropping for sustainable production. There was also no consistent effect on soil chemical characteristics in any of the trials. It was suggested that this lack of beneficial response to alley cropping was due to low tree biomass production low quality of prunings, and an inappropriate cropping sequence. There was no evidence that alley cropping contributed to enhanced nutrient recycling, despite substantial localised pools of soil nutrients, particularly in the chitemene, with which recycling could potentially occur.  相似文献   

The present research dealt with the toxicity of GCSC-BtA (Germany–China Scientific Cooperation-Bacillus thuringiensis-Abamectin), a new type biocide developed by conjugating a toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) with Abamectin from Streptomyces avermitilis, on arthropod pests under different temperature conditions. The results showed that GCSC-BtA possessed higher toxicity than B.t. crystal, Abamectin or Cypermethrin, with pest mortalities of 97.9, 93.7, 96.4, 82.3 and 96.7% for Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisd.) (Acari, Tetranychidae), Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thys., Thripidae), Aphis fabae Scopoli (Hom., Aphididae), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae) and Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimić (Lep., Gracillariidae), respectively. Toxicities of GCSC-BtA to T. cinnabarinus and P. xylostella decreased significantly at the older developmental stage with an exception that egg stage had the highest tolerance, in which LC50s of GCSC-BtA were 0.0001, 0.0019 and 0.0708 mg/ml for nymph, adult and egg of T. cinnabarinus, and that 0.0399, 0.2035 and 0.9033 mg/ml for the 2nd instar larvae, 4th instar larvae and egg of P. xylostella, respectively. Also, the biocide was more effective to the lower stage of A. fabae than the higher one with LC50s of 0.0023, 0.0086 and 0.0171 mg/ml against 1st instar nymph, 3rd instar nymph and adult, respectively. In general, toxicity of the new type of biocide was positively related to temperature against all the tested pests, except against T. cinnabarinus, where it was almost similar at the three temperature conditions. GCSC-BtA displayed significantly lower toxicities at 15/20°C than 20/25°C or 25/30°C against F. occidentalis, A. fabae, P. xylostella and C. ohridella. However, no significant difference was found in the toxicities against F. occidentalis, A. fabae and C. ohridella above 20°C, whereas toxicity against P. xylostella increased as temperature raised. Therefore, to achieve higher efficacy in the field, application rate and time should be devised according to these factors.  相似文献   

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