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金沟岭林场云冷杉林空间分布格局及更新研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用距离方法(T-square)研究金沟岭林场主要森林类型云冷杉林的空间分布格局,经检验,2个云冷杉林分的林木空间分布格局分别为集聚分布和随机分布.其中2002年择伐的林分还没有得到恢复,因此呈集聚分布;而1988年择伐的林分已恢复了原始林的特征,其空间格局呈随机分布.由调查的更新数据可以清晰看出,研究林分更新状况很好.  相似文献   

用距离方法(T-square)研究金沟岭林场云冷杉过伐林的空间分布格局,经T形指数C和Z1值检验,2块云冷杉林分别为集聚分布和随机分布。其中52林班在2002年择伐,其林分状况还没有得到恢复,因此呈集聚分布;而65林班在1988年择伐,林分已逐步恢复了天然林的特征,其空间格局呈随机分布。由调查的更新数据还可以清晰看出,该林分更新状况良好。  相似文献   

萌生杉木林空间结构特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用结构参数角尺度、大小比数、混交度对浙江龙泉萌生杉木林的空间结构进行分析,结果表明:林分的平均角尺度为0.512,林分空间格局为随机分布;杉木树种分布格局为团状分布,木荷树种整体分布格局为随机分布,其它树种的整体分布格局为均匀分布;林分的平均混交度为0.438 4,在弱度混交和中度混交之间;林分中树种以胸径作为比较指标的林木个体的优势排列顺序为:苦槠、马尾松> 杉木> 樟树> 木荷> 枫香、红豆树> 拟赤杨> 榆树。根据萌生杉木林的结构特征提出经营对策, 通过合理择伐和补植乡土树种进行林分结构调整,提高林分质量,优化林分空间结构,以便更好地发挥其功能。  相似文献   

单层或复层林相的异龄林分,适于择伐主伐方式。从森林永续利用观点出发,择伐作业成败的标准应当是:在完成主伐任务的同时,使保留木仍保持异龄合理结构。这种基本结构是林分株数(空间)和径级(时间)的相关结构,是连续均匀的反抛物线分布,这是异龄林植物群落存在的基本形式。 目前,黑龙江省许多林场对天然异龄林的择伐方式极不一致,且又各不完善,尤其对择伐作业质量检验标准不统一。用林分结构分析法检验择伐作业质量较为可行。 一个可以永续择伐作业的异龄林分。应当至少包括由幼龄至老龄各龄组齐备的林木,以使择伐作业不间断,…  相似文献   

一个新的格局检验模型及在天然次生林生态采伐中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗传文  黄楠 《林业科学》2005,41(5):101-105
对植物空间格局提出独占圆的新概念,证明与独占圆有关的3个引理,从而提出均匀度指标,进一步推导均匀度的理论分布及格局类型检验方法。用高精度仪器测量林木空间位置分布,应用新的均匀度指标进行格局类型检验。新的均匀度指标计算方便,有更好的理论依据和直观性,特别适用于森林择伐对空间格局的控制。  相似文献   

天然落叶松种子林经营技术与结实关系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭庆兰  景化杰 《林业科技》1997,22(4):23-23,25
天然落叶松种子林经营技术与结实关系的探讨郭庆兰景化杰刘淑兰(黑龙江省五营林业局)在林业生产中,经营管理天然种子林,主要是以获得丰产优质的林木种子为目的。而在经营过程中,择伐是建立种子林的关键性措施之一。择伐的目的在于淘汰表现型低劣的树木,提高种子的遗...  相似文献   

依据天然次生林结构特点、生长与演替规律及天然林经营目标,选择影响控制择伐木最相关的4个独立定量指标:成熟度、林木类别、林隙等级和可及度作为林木的择伐几率指标;并利用层次分析法得到4个指标的权重;调查试验林分每株林木指标值,得到每株林木的择伐几率大小并按其大小排序,当林分蓄积或密度达到择伐要求时,在确定择伐强度后可依据择伐几率大小来控制择伐木,为天然次生林收获调整与经营利用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

采用样方法对戴云山罗浮栲林群落进行调查,分析了罗浮栲林群落主要树种空间分布格局。结果表明,罗浮栲林群落乔木层主要树种中,小径阶(胸径≤10cm)林木占总株数的56.9%,其中云山青冈、树参呈随机分布,其它主要树种均呈集群分布,与林分总体分布格局一致;中径阶(10cm胸径≤30cm)林木占总株数的35.7%,其聚集程度降低;大径阶(胸径30cm)林木占总株数的7.4%,除罗浮栲呈集群分布,其余树种趋于随机分布,其分布格局主要与物种生物学特性和种群间的竞争排斥有关,且与物种的生境有密切联系。灌木层主要树种均呈集群分布。  相似文献   

林分可通过主伐更新为同龄林或异龄林。同龄林就是所有林木的年龄都相当接近的林分,异龄林则由两个以上龄级的林木所组成。无论更新为那种林分,都要通过一定的采伐方式。皆伐、母树法和伞伐都可更新为同龄林。若要更新为异龄林,只有通过择伐。现在让我们看看这四种方式的优缺点。择伐是采伐成熟林木,通常是最老或最大的植株,单株采伐或小块采伐。采伐是不定期地、相当经常地进行,以保持林  相似文献   

小陇山锐齿栎天然林空间结构特征   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
研究小陇山3个类型锐齿栎天然林的直径分布和空间结构参数(混交度、角尺度和大小比数),分析其空间结构特征.结果表明:王安沟100多年未经人为干扰的锐齿栎天然林和响潭沟皆伐迹地上经近40年封山后自然恢复的次生林均表现为异龄林的直径分布特征,但从q值来看,王安沟锐齿栎天然林直径分布较响潭沟次生林更加合理,白营西沟择伐林的直径分布虽然表现为小径木占的比重比较大,但各径阶间的变幅平缓,有明显人为干扰的痕迹;王安沟锐齿栎天然林和白营西沟次生林林木个体分布角尺度均值分别为0.489和0.487,林分内林木整体分布格局属随机分布,响潭沟次生林林分角尺度均值为0.520,其林木水平分布格局表现出轻微的团状分布,群落还处于演替的早期阶段;3个林分中王安沟锐齿栎天然林的树种隔离程度最高,响潭沟次之,白营西沟最低,混交度分别为0.598,0.542和0.451;白桦、华山松在不同的林分中所处的地位不同,从王安沟锐齿栎天然林、响潭沟次生林到白营西沟择伐林表现出大小比数依次降低的趋势,而锐齿栎、漆树等树种则在3个林分中所处的地位一致;人为干扰对白营西沟次生林的结构特征有明显的影响.  相似文献   

浙江建德青冈常绿阔叶林种群结构和动态的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
青冈林是我国东部亚热带常绿阔叶林的最主要的类型之一。本文应用植物种群生态学的研究方法,对浙江建德山区青冈林中主要种群的大小结构和分布格局进行了研究,探讨了其动态过程及其机制。结果表明谝我青冈林中的优势种青冈,石栎的种群结构呈现不规则的倒J字型,为间歇型种群。  相似文献   

Complexity of uneven-aged forests results from the heterogeneity of their structure reflected among others by the spatial pattern of their components. Forest structure is usually modified by various processes operating at different scales and time. Structure and processes are not independent, and both are important drivers of forest dynamics. The impact of natural processes on forest structure manifested in the specific spatial pattern of trees can be quantified by point pattern analysis applied to long-term repeatedly measured stem-mapped plots. Such studies are relatively scarce in the literature although they provide better insight into the mechanisms affecting forest dynamics. Our study is focused on the spatiotemporal analysis of the structure of mixed uneven-aged Scots pine-dominated forest located at the Kampinoski National Park (Poland). Univariate analysis showed that the initial pattern of all live trees was initially random and it shifted toward more uniform with forest aging. Spatial patterns of individual tree species varied from that stated for all forest community. We observed changes in spatial pattern of Scots pine and common oak from random toward more clumped (pine) or uniform (oak) pattern. In case of black alder and common birch, the initial aggregated pattern was maintained over the examined 14-year period of the forest succession. Bivariate analysis showed that the most common interspecific association between pairs of tree species was spatial segregation (pine vs. alder, alder vs. birch and oak vs. birch) followed by spatial independence (pine vs. oak and oak vs. alder). The positive association was stated only for pine and birch and only for certain spatial scales (> 5 m). Simultaneously, at small distances they showed reciprocal repulsion. Changes in spatial relationships between tree species were negligible over 14-year period of forest succession. Our results confirmed the density-dependent mortality process in the uneven-aged Scots pine-dominated forest over 14-year period of forest development. Our study showed that spatial interactions between individuals along with species-specific ecological requirements should be incorporated into realistic models of forest development, helping to manage the forest ecosystems toward their greater structural complexity.  相似文献   

镶黄旗黄花山天然杜松林群落结构与种群分布格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟镶黄旗黄花山天然杜松林内,设置4个有代表性的标准样地,应用相邻格子法获得野外调查数据,分析天然杜松林群落结构及乔木层和灌木层优势种种群空间分布格局。结果表明:1)天然杜松林群落内,杜松地径较小,个体高峰值分布范围较为集中,径级结构变化明显;旱榆多以幼苗的形式存在,地径范围在2.5cm以下。群落存在明显的径阶缺陷,属于不稳定型。2)乔木层高度级较低,而灌木层高度级较好。3)乔木层杜松种群主要以聚集分布格局为主,伴有均匀分布格局,旱榆种群则为聚集分布格局;灌木层优势种群小叶鼠李和土庄绣线菊的空间分布格局都为聚集分布。群落处于不稳定的恢复发展阶段,人为和自然干扰以及种群生物学特性共同造成这种空间分布格局。  相似文献   

【目的】以云冷杉红松林(Spruce-fir-Korean pine forest)为研究对象,探究林隙干扰后优势种群之间的关系。【方法】基于凉水国家级自然保护区外业调查的基本数据,利用点格局分析方法对优势种群的空间格局进行分析,利用χ2检验和联结系数AC两种方法对优势种群的种间关联性进行分析。【结果】1)红松Pinus koraiensis在空间尺度为0~1.9 m时呈现随机分布,在≥1.9 m时为聚集分布。臭冷杉Abies nephrolepis、白桦Betula platyphylla和红皮云杉Picea koraiensis在所有尺度上均表现为聚集分布,紫椴Tilia amurensis在尺度为0~35 m时呈现聚集分布,在>35 m时为随机分布。2)红松与臭冷杉在所有尺度上均为聚集分布,红松与其他优势种群多为离散分布,红松与其他优势种群的种间关联性表现为无关。臭冷杉与白桦、紫椴在空间格局上主要为聚集分布,种间关联性为极显著负相关,表现为强烈的竞争关系。臭冷杉与红皮云杉在小尺度表现为离散分布,大尺度上为随机分布,种间关联性为不显著的正相关,说明其间的依赖性不强。白桦、红皮云杉和紫椴3种优势种群之间的空间格局主要为聚集分布,红皮云杉与白桦、紫椴与红皮云杉之间的种间关联性为显著负相关,白桦与紫椴之间为显著正相关。【结论】2个树种中优势度较高的树种的胸径决定了其空间格局的聚集程度以及种间关联性的显著程度,即平均胸径大的树种与其他树种表现为空间上离散,平均胸径小的树种之间表现为空间上聚集。  相似文献   

以缙云山自然保护区面积为0.36hm2样地的调查数据为基础,利用混交度、大小比数和角尺度3个空间结构参数,分析典型针阔混交林——马尾松阔叶树混交林的空间结构特征,结果表明:林分内乔木层共有11个种群,马尾松和阔叶树种的密度及断面积的优势均较明显,为典型的针阔混交林;林分平均混交度为0.817,单种聚集情况很少,林分混交程度高。林木的大小比数分布较均匀,林分稳定,个别伴生的阔叶树种四川杨桐、白毛新木姜子、细齿叶柃和虎皮楠表现为劣势,在林分中处于被压状态。林分的平均角尺度为0.485,空间分布格局为随机分布,且分布较均匀。  相似文献   

Interactions between forest canopy characteristics and plants in the forest understory are important determinants of forest community structure and dynamics. In the highlands of southwestern, China the dwarf bamboo Bashania fangiana Yi is an understory dominant beneath a mixed canopy of the evergreen Abies faxoniana (Rheder & Wilson) and the deciduous Betula utilis (D. Don). The goal of this study was to better understand the role of bamboo dominance, canopy characteristics, and periodic bamboo dieback on forest development. To achieve this goal, we measured tree seedling, tree saplings, and trees, forest canopy characteristics, and bamboo cover in permanent forest (n = 4) and gap plots (n = 31) in a mixed A. faxoniana and B. utilis forest in Sichuan, China. Dwarf bamboos died off in 1983 in the gap plots, and in three of the four forest plots. Forest development was assessed for the period 1984–1996. The seedling bank in forest and gap plots increased after bamboo die-off. A. faxoniana seedlings increased more than B. utilis in forest plots; the opposite pattern characterized gap plots. The proportion of seedlings on raised micro-sites on the forest floor also changed and new seedling were more abundant on the forest floor. By 1996, bamboo seedling cover and biomass had recovered to ca. 45% or their pre-flowering values. Rates of bamboo seedling recovery were faster beneath canopy gaps and deciduous trees than beneath forest or evergreen trees. Tree mortality exceeded recruitment in plots with dense bamboo; the opposite pattern was found in the plot with little bamboo. The mortality rate for B. utilis trees (2.4% year−1) was higher than that for A. faxoniana (0.8% year−1) and forests with dense bamboos became more open over the census period. Tree mortality was size-dependent and intermediate sized trees had the lowest rates of mortality. Stand basal area increased mainly due to greater basal area gain than loss for A. faxoniana. Interactions between tree species life history, canopy type, and bamboo life-cycles create heterogeneous conditions that influence tree and bamboo regeneration and contribute to the coexistence of A. faxoniana and B. utilis in old-growth forests in southwestern China.  相似文献   

Tree seedling recruitment was monitored after various types of logging in mixed conifer and deciduous forests of northern British Columbia, Canada. Predicting tree seedling recruitment after disturbance is fundamental to understanding forest dynamics and succession and is vital for forest management purposes. Seedling recruitment success in multi-species northern latitude forests varied as a function of mature tree canopy cover, gap size and position in a gap. Recruitment was abundant within canopy gaps across a wide range of gap sizes (20–5000 m2), but recruit numbers dropped off rapidly under the closed forest canopy and in the open conditions of clearcuts. Inside canopy gaps, recruitment was similar by gap position in small gaps (<300 m2) but, in these northern latitude forests, exhibited a trend of increasing density from the sunny north to shady south end of larger gaps. This was true for all tree species regardless of their shade tolerance ranking. There was no evidence of gap partitioning by any of the tree species during the regeneration phase suggesting that adaptation to the subtleties of gap size during early recruitment are not well developed in these tree species. Favorable locations for emergence and early establishment of germinants were less favorable for growth and survival of established seedlings, i.e. the regeneration niches in these forests were discordant. Tree abundance and species diversity appears to be controlled more by differentiation among growth and survival niches than by the regeneration niches. From the perspective of forest management, abundant natural regeneration of all the dominant tree species of these mixed-species forests can be obtained after partial cutting.  相似文献   

角尺度--一个描述林木个体分布格局的结构参数   总被引:82,自引:7,他引:82  
空间结构信息对异龄混交林经营特别重要.按森林资源清查和森林经理的观点,空间结构可从3个角度加以描述.对于描述种间混交和大小分化目前已有可使用的参数,这些参数用适当的花费就可以在地面调查中获得.但对于个体分布格局目前还没有如此有效的方法.本文提出的角尺度可明显地减少调查花费并使详细的结构分析和接近实际的重建林分空间结构成为现实.借助于它的均值(W)可以相对精确的确定出现实林分中林木的个体分布格局即规则、随机和团状分布.  相似文献   

The impact of human activities on size class distribution and spatial distribution of Vitellaria paradoxa (karité or shea butter tree) in the parklands of sub-Saharan Africa has not been reported in the literature. Two sites (Koumantou and Mperesso) in southern Mali and three treatments (cultivated field, fallow and forest) per site were involved in the present study. Results of a statistical test for random distribution showed that the spatial pattern of Vitellaria paradoxa became progressively aggregated from cultivated field to fallow and then to forest. A permanent aggregated pattern found at Koumantou was not found at Mperesso. A test of the independence of larger and smaller tree locations shows that size classes clump together at Koumantou but not at Mperesso. Results of the third test showed that in the cultivated field, auto-correlation was only observed at large scale. In the fallow the trend was towards negative correlation for both sites. In the forest, negative correlation was observed up to 20 m at Koumantou whereas at Mperesso, positive correlation was observed around 35 m and above 50 m. Site differences may be explained by the intensity of fruit production and recruitment, bound to rainfall and land use pressure. Greater regularity of the spatial pattern in cultivated field, then fallow, may be the result of human intervention.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Calculating aggregation index by the sample-plot data used to lead to computing error due to the existence of a boundary effect. Here, we suggest a method for adjusting boundary effect in the analysis of spatial patterns at different stages of development of the broad-leaved Korean pine forest. This method is good for the reasonable management and biological control of the forests. The total station was used to sample the relative coordinates data at four corners of the temporary sample plot and of each tree in the field. Based on the sampling data, a correct approach to the boundary effect on aggregation index was put forward to the spatial pattern analysis of the broad-leaved Korean pine forest in its different stages of development. The results showed that the forest trees grew in a clumped pattern in the stage dominated by the pioneer trees, and that the trees were distributed in a random pattern in the stage dominated by the companion trees or in the mature stage. The spatial pattern of the broad-leaved Korean pine forest changing from clumped to random distribution is influenced by biological characteristic, the adaptive strategy of tree species and the natural disturbance in its entire development. __________ Translated from Journal of Nanjing Forestry University, 2005, 29(3): 57–60 [译自: 南京林业大学学报, 2005, 29(3): 57–60]  相似文献   

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